.VERSION 1.0.14 .GUID acb8f443-01c8-40b3-9369-c5e6e28548d1 .AUTHOR .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT GPL-3.0 .TAGS PSEdition_Core PSEdition_Desktop windows winget batch upgrade wizard update all queue .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES - bug fixed "Parameter set cannot be resolved" - passed path is now tested if file location is really a path and if it exist - Aoption Soption and Coption are now unified under the -option <char> .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .SYNOPSIS PowerShell script that allow you to manage the upgrade process with winget. .DESCRIPTION PowerShell script that allow you to manage the upgrade process with winget. It adds a few more options than 'winget upgrade --all': - create a file with the packages you would like to omit - add or remove packages from the blacklist file directly from the script - automatically omit packages with "unknown" installed version, or when the formats of the installed version and the available version formatest does not match - it tries to guess the correct installed version by reading the pattern from the available version - manually edit the upgrade queue - quick mode (it's similar to 'winget upgrade --all' but with a blacklist applied) - wingetParam <string> option with custom parameters to pass to winget. '-h' is set by default - blacklistPath <Path> option with custom blacklist file location. Default is "~\toSkip.txt". File doesn't need to be created beforehand - you can preselect one of the options available from the menu by adding the option parameter with A, C or S argument Known issue with Windows Powershell ver. <= 5.1 (desktop): Due to the ascii encoding, packages with longer names than 30 chars may corrupt the 'winget upgrade' result, i.e. info about the long name package and the packages listed after it. Please use this script with PowerShell ver. > 5.1 (core) if you can or avoid installing long name packages with winget. .NOTES This is my first powershell script for educational purposes. .EXAMPLE PS> .PSWizget.ps1 .INPUTS None. You cannot pipe objects to PSWizget.ps1. .OUTPUTS None. PSWizget.ps1 does not generate any output. .LINK Project page .FUNCTIONALITY winget batch upgrade wizard update all queue .PARAMETER quick The Script won't ask for any unessentialy input. It will exclude packages blacklisted or with an unrecognized version and then the update will start. .PARAMETER blacklistPath Custom blacklist file location. Default is "~\toSkip.txt". It doesn't need to be created beforehand. .PARAMETER wingetParam custom parameters to pass to winget. '-h' is set by default. .PARAMETER option Start with the pre-selected option: C custom queue creation. A package addition. S package omission. #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'set0')] param ( [string]$blacklistPath = "~\toSkip.txt", [string]$wingetParam = "-h", [ Parameter(ParameterSetName="set1") ] [switch]$quick, [ Parameter(ParameterSetName="set2") ] [ ValidateSet( 'a', 's', 'c' ) ] [string]$option ) #region FUNCTIONS #region UNIVERSAL FUNCTIONS function Write-Separator { <# .DESCRIPTION Write-Host a colored line made of multipled string. .PARAMETER type The string to be multiplied. .PARAMETER number Line length. .PARAMETER color Line color. .PARAMETER allowMultiLines Don't trim line to the window size #> param ( [string]$type = '-', [int]$number = $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width, [string]$color = 'Green', [switch]$allowMultiLines ) $line = '' for ( $i = 0; $i -lt $number; $i ++ ) { $line = $line + $type } if ( !$allowMultiLines -and $line -gt $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width) { $line = $line.Substring(0,$host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width) } Write-Host $line -ForegroundColor $color } function Get-Answer { <# .SYNOPSIS Wait for user input for specified amount of time. .DESCRIPTION Wait for user input for specified amount of time. The delay is an integer and amounts to 0.1s. By default it's 50, so ~5s. It only takes one key ready. After the delay, function returns False. .EXAMPLE Get-Answer -Delay 100 wait 10 seconds for user input, return single key object or false if no input has been entered .PARAMETER Delay Waiting time for the function to return False expressed in 0.1s. .NOTES Code by Every Villain Is Lemons #> param( [ Parameter() ] [int]$Delay = 50 ) $counter = 0 $host.UI.RawUI.FlushInputBuffer() while( $counter++ -lt $Delay ) { if ( $Host.UI.RawUI.KeyAvailable ) { $key = $host.UI.RawUI.ReadKey("NoEcho,IncludeKeyUp") break } else{ Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100 $key = $false } } return ( $key ) } function Get-IntAnswer { <# .SYNOPSIS Get selected numbers from the options presented to the user. User input must be integers separated by spaces. .DESCRIPTION Get selected numbers from the options presented to the user. User input must be integers separated by spaces, any other input will be rejected by function. .PARAMETER options an array of item names from which the user can choose #> param ( [ Parameter(Mandatory) ] [ string[] ]$options ) $i = 0 foreach ( $item in $options ) { $i ++ Write-Host "[ $($i) ] $($item)" } Write-Separator -number 55 $hostSelection = Read-Host @" Select the package indexes to which you want to apply the changes (eg. 1 4). Press [ Q ] to return to the menu "@ do { $hostArray = $hostSelection.Split(" ") $wrongInput = $false if ( !$hostArray -or $hostArray -eq 'q') { break } try { $hostArray = foreach ( $i in $hostArray ) { [Convert]::ToInt32($i) } } catch { $wrongInput = $true } if ( $wrongInput -eq $false ) { $wrongInput = $hostArray.Where({ $_ -le 0 -or $_ -gt $options.Count}, 'SkipUntil', 1) $wrongInput = [boolean]$wrongInput } if ( $wrongInput -eq $true ) { $hostSelection = Read-Host "Don't be silly! Only mentioned numbers separated $( )by a space! Please select" } } while ( $wrongInput -eq $true ) return $hostArray } function Write-PackagesStatus { <# .SYNOPSIS Show packages from array and message about their status .DESCRIPTION Show the status of packages, that means an array to which the package has been moved by Split-Result function. It's displayed as follows: "Package/s <array> is/are <message>" or "<message>" if list is empty. .EXAMPLE Write-PackagesStatus -namesArray @(Package1, Package2) -secondHalf "fantastic!" "Packages Package1, Package2 are fantastic!" .PARAMETER namesArray Array with list of packages names of the same status. .PARAMETER secondHalf The string displayed after the package list. It's a status description. .PARAMETER emptyMessage The string displayed if the package array is empty #> param( [ Parameter(Mandatory) ] [ AllowNull() ] [string[]]$namesArray, [ Parameter(Mandatory) ] [string]$secondHalf, [ Parameter() ] [string]$emptyMessage = "" ) if ( $namesArray.Count -eq 1 ) { Write-Host "The package " -NoNewline Write-Host $namesArray[0] -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline Write-Host " is $($secondHalf)" } elseif ( $namesArray.Count -ne 0) { Write-Host "Packages " -NoNewline for ( $i=0; $i -lt $namesArray.count; $i++){ Write-Host $namesArray[$i] -ForegroundColor Yellow -NoNewline if ( $i -ne $namesArray.count-1 ) {Write-Host ', ' -NoNewline} } Write-Host " are $($secondHalf)" } elseif ( $emptyMessage -ne "" ) { Write-Host $emptyMessage -ForegroundColor Yellow } } #endregion UNIVERSAL FUNCTIONS #region FUNCTIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE SCRIPT function Split-Result { <# .SYNOPSIS Split the 'winget upgrade' result into three arrays: okList, noList, unknownVer .DESCRIPTION Split the 'winget upgrade' result into three groups: skippable (noList), unrecognizable (unknownList) and upgradeable (okList) ones. Also tries to correctly recognize packages with an incorrect format of the installed version. These objects must be defined in the script before calling this function: $upgradeList collection, with Package object with Name, ID, Version, AvailableVersion $blacklistPath with location to the blacklist file #> $Script:upgradeList | ForEach-Object -Begin { $okList = @() $noList = @() $unknownVer = @() $toSkip = Get-Content $Script:blacklistPath } -Process { if ($toSkip -contains $_.Id) { $noList += $_ } elseif ($_.Version -contains "Unknown") { $unknownVer += $_ } elseif ([Math]::Abs($_.Version.Length - $_.AvailableVersion.Length) -gt 1){ if (($_.Version.Length - $_.AvailableVersion.Length -gt 0) -and !$quick) { $versionPattern = $_.AvailableVersion -replace "[a-z]",'[a-z]' $versionPattern = $versionPattern -replace "[0-9]",'[0-9]' $versionPattern = $versionPattern -replace "\.",'\.' $_.Version -match "(?<Version>$($versionPattern))" | Out-Null $hostResponse = Read-Host "Is version '$($Matches.Version)' the correct version$( ) of $($_.Name) installed? Available version is '$( $_.AvailableVersion)'. [ Y ] for Yes, anything else to skip$( ) this package" if ( $hostResponse -like "y" ) { $_.Version = $Matches.Version $versionsCoparison = @($_.Version, $_.AvailableVersion) | Sort-Object -Descending if ( $_.Version -eq $_.AvailableVersion -or ` $versionsCoparison[0] -eq $_.Version) { Write-Host "There is no need to update $($_.Name). Omitting the package." } else { $okList += $_ } } else { $unknownVer += $_ } } else { Write-Host "Installed ($($_.Version)) and available version ($( $_.AvailableVersion)) formats for package $( $_.Name) are different." $unknownList += $_ } } else { $okList += $_ } } -End { return $okList, $noList, $unknownVer } } function Show-Result { <# .DESCRIPTION It uses the Write-PackagesStatus function to return all the messages needed in this script at once. #> Write-PackagesStatus -namesArray $unknownVer.Name -secondHalf $Script:unknownVerMessage Write-PackagesStatus -namesArray $noList.Name -secondHalf $Script:noListMessage Write-PackagesStatus -namesArray $okList.Name -secondHalf $Script:okListMessage ` -emptyMessage $Script:emptyListMessage } function Show-UI { <# .SYNOPSIS It shows the user all the available options that he can choose to manipulate the blacklist file or the update queue. .DESCRIPTION It shows the user all the available options that he can choose to manipulate the blacklist file or the update queue. Options available: - Add the package Id to the blacklist file - Remove package Id from the blacklist - Add the excluded packages to the update queue - Only this time, skip the package in the queue - Create a new custom upgrade queue The function determines which packages are relevant to which option and shows them to the user as an indexed list. The user select packages by entering their indexes separated by spaces. The function has all the mechanisms needed for manipulation. .PARAMETER okList an object with packages to be updated .PARAMETER noList an object with blacklisted packages to be omitted .PARAMETER unknownVer an object with packages to be omitted due to unrecognized version info .EXAMPLE Show-UI -okList $okList -noList $noList -unknownVer $unknownVer <Table with upgradable packages> --- Packages A, B are recognized incorrectly (installed version info). Package C is listed in the blacklist file. Package D id going to be updated. --- <a list with options indexed with single letters> [A] Option A --- Wait 10 sec or press anything else to continue <User input - only one char read> A <indexed list of packages relevant to selected option> [1] Package B [2] Package D Select the package indexes to which you want to apply the changes (eg. 1 4): <User input - integers seperated by spaces> 1 2 <Packages B and D are manipulated as indicated by the option> <Clear-Host and run function again> <User unput Enter> <Function ends> #> param ( [ Parameter(Mandatory) ]$okList, [ Parameter(Mandatory) ]$noList, [ Parameter(Mandatory) ]$unknownVer ) Clear-Host $Script:upgradeList | Format-Table Write-Separator -type "‾" Show-Result Write-Separator Write-Host @" [ B ] Add the package Id to the blacklist file [ W ] Remove package Id from the blacklist [ A ] Add the excluded packages to the update queue [ S ] Only this time, skip the package in the queue [ C ] Create a new custom upgrade queue "@ Write-Separator -number 55 Write-Host "Wait 10 sec or press anything else to continue" Write-Separator -number 55 $hostResponse = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.Host.KeyInfo if ( $option -eq 'a' ) { Write-Host "Do you want to add one of these packages to the update queue?" $hostResponse.Character = "a" $option = $false } elseif ( $option -eq 'c' ) { Write-Host "Please define the update queue:" $hostResponse.Character = "c" $option = $false } elseif ( $option -eq 's' ) { Write-Host "Do you want to omit any of these packages?" $hostResponse.Character = "s" $option = $false } else { $hostResponse = Get-Answer -Delay 100 } $optionsList = @() switch ( $hostResponse.Character ) { 'b' { $optionsList = $Script:upgradeList | Where-Object {$_ -NotIn $noList} if ( !$optionsList ) { Write-Host "There are no packages that could be added to the blacklist file." ` -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { $hostArray = Get-IntAnswer -options $optionsList.Name if ( $hostArray -notin @('q', $false ) ) { foreach ( $k in $hostArray ) { Add-Content -Path $Script:blacklistPath -Value $optionsList[$k - 1].Id $toSkip, $noList = @(), @() $toSkip = Get-Content $Script:blacklistPath foreach ($package in $Script:upgradeList) { if ($toSkip -contains $package.Id) { $noList += $package } } $okList = $oklist | Where-Object {$_ -notIn @($optionsList[$k - 1])} if ( $null -eq $okList) { $okList = @() } Write-Host "Added $($optionsList[$k - 1].Name) to the blacklist file." ` -ForegroundColor Yellow } } } } 'w' { $optionsList = $noList if ( !$optionsList ) { Write-Host "For now, the blacklist file is empty" -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { $hostArray = Get-IntAnswer -options $optionsList.Name if ( $hostArray -notin @('q', $false ) ) { foreach ( $k in $hostArray ) { Set-Content -Path $Script:blacklistPath -Value (get-content ` -Path $Script:blacklistPath | Select-String ` -SimpleMatch $optionsList[$k - 1].Id -NotMatch) $noList = $nolist | Where-Object {$_ -notIn @($optionsList[$k - 1])} if ( $null -eq $noList) { $noList = @() } if ( $optionsList[$k - 1].Version -ne 'Unknown' ){ $okList += @($optionsList[$k - 1]) } Write-Host "Removed $($optionsList[$k - 1].Name) from the blacklist file." ` -ForegroundColor Yellow } } } } 'a' { $optionsList = $unknownVer + $noList if ( !$optionsList ) { Write-Host "There are no excluded packages" -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { $hostArray = Get-IntAnswer -options $optionsList.Name if ( $hostArray -notin @('q', $false ) ) { foreach ( $k in $hostArray ) { $okList += @($optionsList[$k - 1]) Write-Host "Added $($optionsList[$k - 1].Name) to this upgrade queue." ` -ForegroundColor Yellow } } } } 's' { $optionsList = $okList if ( !$optionsList ) { Write-Host "There are no upgradeable packages" -ForegroundColor Yellow } else { $hostArray = Get-IntAnswer -options $optionsList.Name if ( $hostArray -notin @('q', $false ) ) { foreach ( $k in $hostArray ) { $okList = $oklist | Where-Object {$_ -notin @($optionsList[$k - 1])} if ( $null -eq $okList) { $okList = @() } Write-Host "Removed $($optionsList[$k - 1].Name) from this upgrade queue." ` -ForegroundColor Yellow } } } } 'c' { $optionsList = $Script:upgradeList $hostArray = Get-IntAnswer -options $optionsList.Name if ( $hostArray -ne 'q' ) { $okList = @() if ($hostArray -eq $false) { foreach ($k in $hostArray) { $okList += $optionsList[$k - 1] } } $Script:okListS = $okList break } } { $_ -in 'b', 'w', 'a', 's', 'c'} { if ( $hostArray -notin @('q', $false ) ) { Get-Answer -Delay 20 | Out-Null } $Script:okListS = $okList Show-UI -okList $okList -noList $noList -unknownVer $unknownVer } } } #endregion FUNCTIONS SPECIFIED FOR THE SCRIPT #endregion FUNCTIONS #region STARTUP # window configuration $host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width = 120; $host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width = 120 $oldTitle = $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle; $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = 'PS Wizget' # winget test $wingetExist = test-path -path "HKCU:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\winget.exe" if ( !$wingetExist ) { Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow "First please install winget from msstore" return } # encoding test if( $OutputEncoding.WindowsCodePage -ne 1200 ) { Write-Host "Your Powershell encoding is not utf8. Packages with longer names than 30 chars $( )may corrupt the 'winget upgrade' result." -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "Powershell encoding : ", $OutputEncoding.HeaderName } # create and read blacklist file if ( $blacklistPath -match '\\' ){ $fileName = $blacklistPath -replace '^.+\\', "" } elseif ( $blacklistPath -match '/' ){ $fileName = $blacklistPath -replace '^.+/', "" } else { Write-Host 'Passed location does not exist!' -ForegroundColor Red return } if ( $null -ne $fileName ) { $folderPath = $blacklistPath.TrimEnd($fileName) if ( !(Test-Path -Path $folderPath) ) { Write-Host 'Passed location does not exist!' -ForegroundColor Red return } } if ( $blacklistPath[-1] -in @("\","/")) { $blacklistPath = $blacklistPath + "blacklist.txt" } if ( !(Test-Path -Path $blacklistPath) ) { New-Item -Path $blacklistPath -ItemType file Write-Host Write-Host "A blacklist file has been created in " -NoNewline Write-Host $(Resolve-Path -path $blacklistPath) -ForegroundColor Yellow Read-Host "Add the IDs of packages with a different format for 'version' and $( )'available version' to this file" } Write-Host 'Please wait...' # internet connection test Write-Host -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Yellow "`rTesting connection... " if ( !( Test-Connection -Count 3 -Quiet ) ) { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "`rNo internet connection. " Return } #endregion STARTUP Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "`rConnected. Fetching from 'winget upgrade'..." #region FETCHING UPGRADEABLE PACKAGES # FROM WINGET TO COLLECTION OF OBJECT #It's not mine code in this region. I found it on stackoverflow some time ago but can't find it now. #Temporory no author, no link class Software { [string]$Name [string]$Id [string]$Version [string]$AvailableVersion } $upgradeResult = winget upgrade | Out-String # my fix to this code $upgradeResult = $upgradeResult -replace 'ÔÇŽ', ' ' $lines = $upgradeResult.Split([Environment]::NewLine) # Find the line that starts with Name, it contains the header $fl = 0 while (-not $lines[$fl].StartsWith("Name")) { $fl++ } # Line $i has the header, we can find char where we find ID and Version $idStart = $lines[$fl].IndexOf("Id") $versionStart = $lines[$fl].IndexOf("Version") $availableStart = $lines[$fl].IndexOf("Available") $sourceStart = $lines[$fl].IndexOf("Source") # Now cycle in real package and split accordingly $upgradeList = @() for ($i = $fl + 1; $i -le $lines.Length; $i++) { $line = $lines[$i] if ($line.Length -gt ($availableStart + 1) -and -not $line.StartsWith('-')) { $name = $line.Substring(0, $idStart).TrimEnd() $id = $line.Substring($idStart, $versionStart - $idStart).TrimEnd() $version = $line.Substring($versionStart, $availableStart - $versionStart).TrimEnd() $available = $line.Substring($availableStart, $sourceStart - $availableStart).TrimEnd() $software = [Software]::new() $software.Name = $name $software.Id = $id $software.Version = $version $software.AvailableVersion = $available $upgradeList += $software } } #endregion FETCHING UPGRADEABLE PACKAGES #region POSTPROCESSING WINGET UPGRAGE RESULT $upgradeList = $upgradeList | Sort-Object -Property Id -Unique If ( !$upgradeList ) { Read-Host "There are no packages to upgrade. Press Enter to close this window" return } $maxLength = 20 foreach ( $package in $upgradeList) { if ( $package.Name.Length -gt $maxLength -and $package.Name.Length -le $package.ID.Length) { $package.Name = $package.Name.Substring(0,$maxLength-3) + '...' } elseif ( $package.Name.Length -gt $maxLength -and $package.Name.Length -gt $package.ID.Length) { $package.Name = $package.Name.Substring(0,$package.ID.Length-3) + '...' } } #endregion POSTPROCESSING WINGET UPGRAGE RESULT #region PREPARING MESSAGES ABOUT PACKAGES STATUSES $unknownVerMessage = "recognized incorrectly (installed version info)." $noListMessage = "listed in the blacklist file." $okListMessage = "going to be updated." $emptyListMessage = "There are no packages to upgrade." #endregion PREPARING MESSAGES ABOUT PACKAGES STATUSES #region UI <# $dummySoftware = [Software]::new() $dummySoftware.Name = '' $dummySoftware.Id = '' $dummySoftware.Version = '' $dummySoftware.AvailableVersion = '' $okListS += $dummySoftware $noListS += $dummySoftware $unknownVerS += $dummySoftware #> $okListS, $noListS, $unknownVerS = Split-Result if ( !$quick ) { Show-UI -okList $okListS -noList $noListS -unknownVer $unknownVerS } #endregion UI #region UPGRADE A BATCH OF PACKAGES Write-PackagesStatus -namesArray $okListS.Name -secondHalf $okListMessage -emptyMessage $emptyListMessage if ( $oklistS.Count -gt 0) { Write-Host $abort = Read-Host '[ Enter ] to continue, [ Q ] to abort' if ( $abort -ne 'q') { foreach ($package in $okListS) { $winget = "winget upgrade" + " " + $package.Id + " " + $wingetParam $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "PS Wizget: Updating " + $package.Name Write-Separator -number 55 Write-Host "Updating the $($package.Name) application." -ForegroundColor Yellow & Invoke-Expression $winget } Write-Separator -number 55 Write-Host "All updates completed" -ForegroundColor Yellow } } $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $oldTitle #endregion UPGRADE A BATCH OF PACKAGES |