
# File found in: $env:ChocolateyInstall/extensions/chocolatey-font-helpers/Install-ChocolateyFont.ps1

   Installs a font or set of fonts.
   This function copies fonts to the system Fonts folder, adds the font registry
   keys and installs the font resources.
   It only works with FNT, FON, OTF, TTC, TTF fonts.
   By default, it accepts only a single font file path, but the -multiple
   switch allows it to accept either a folder path or a list of font
   path names where it will attempt to install all of them.
   Installs a single font
      PS C:\> Install-ChocolateyFont "FilePath\FontName.ext"
   Installs all fonts in a folder
      PS C:\> Install-ChocolateyFont "FullFolderPath" -multi
   Installs all fonts contained in a list of file paths
      PS C:\> Install-ChocolateyFont $ListOfFontFilePaths -multi
   A string font or folder path or an array of strings of paths to font files.
   Default: "0" for success, "1" for failure
   With -multiple switch: The number of fonts successfully installed.
   Aliased as Add-Font.

function Install-ChocolateyFont { 
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string[]]$Paths,
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)][switch]$Multiple = $false
   # Establish some basic starting points
   $SuccessList = @()
   $FontsFolder = (New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application).namespace(0x14).self.path
   $fontRegistryPath = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts'
   $FontFileTypes = @{
      '.fon' = ''
      '.fnt' = ''
      '.ttf' = ' (TrueType)'
      '.ttc' = ' (TrueType)'
      '.otf' = ' (OpenType)'
   try { $LoadedType = [FontResource.AddRemoveFonts].ispublic } catch { $LoadedType = $false }
   if (-not $LoadedType) {

   if (-not $Multiple) {
      If ($Paths.count -gt 1) {
         Throw "The '-multiple' switch must be used to install more than a single font."
      elseif (Test-Path $Paths -PathType Container) {
         Throw "The '-multiple' switch must be used to install all fonts in a folder."
      elseif ($Paths -match '\*') {
         Throw "The '-multiple' switch must be used to install more than a single font."
      $FilePaths = $Paths
   else {
      $FilePaths = @()
      Foreach ($Item in $Paths) {
         if (($Item -match '\*') -or (Test-Path $Item -PathType Container)) {
            $FilePaths += Get-ChildItem "$Item" -Include ('*.fon', '*.otf', '*.ttc', '*.ttf') -Recurse | 
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName
         else { $FilePaths += $Item }

   Write-Verbose "Files requested for installation: $($FilePaths.count)"

   foreach ($Path in $FilePaths) {
      # Skip non-supported file types
      If (-not $FontFileTypes.ContainsKey(".$($path.split('.')[-1])")) { 
         Write-Warning "'$Path' is not a file of type $($FontFileTypes.keys -join ', ')."
      # Skip non-existant files
      If (-not (Test-Path $Path)) {
         Write-Warning "File Path '$Path' does not exist!"
      $File = Get-Item $Path
      $FolderObj = (New-Object -ComObject shell.application).namespace($File.directoryname)
      $FileObj = $FolderObj.Items().Item($File.Name)
      $FontName = $FolderObj.GetDetailsOf($FileObj, 21)

      try {
         $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
         Copy-Item $File.FullName -destination $FontsFolder -Force

         $fontFinalPath = Join-Path $FontsFolder $File.Name
         $retVal = [FontResource.AddRemoveFonts]::AddFont($fontFinalPath)

         if ($retVal -eq 0) {
            Throw "Font resource, '$($File.FullName)', installation failed"
         else {
            Write-Verbose "Font resource, '$($File.FullName)', installed successfully"
            $SuccessList += $File.Name
            Set-ItemProperty -Path "$($fontRegistryPath)" -Name "$FontName$($FontFileTypes.item($File.Extension))" -Value "$($File.Name)" -Type STRING -Force
      catch {
         Write-Warning "An error occured installing '$($File.FullName)'"
         Write-Warning "Exception: $($_.Exception.Message)"
         if ($error -ne $null -and $error[0] -ne $null) {
            Write-Warning "$($error[0].ToString())"
         else {
            Write-Warning "$($_.ToString())"

   If ($Multiple) {
      Return $SuccessList.count
   elseif ($SuccessList.count) {
      Return 0
   else {
      Return 1

Set-Alias Add-Font Install-ChocolateyFont