
Function Get-VitalStatistics {










    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'All') {
        $ComponentStoreAnalysis = $true
        $ComputerInfo = $true
        $CrashDumps = $true
        $DevicesWithBadStatus = $true
        $EnvironmentVariables = $true
        $InstalledFeatures = $true
        $InstalledPrograms = $true
        $VolumeSummary = $true
        $WindowsUpdates = $true

    if ($ComponentStoreAnalysis) {
        if (!(Test-IsAdministrator)) {
            throw 'You must have administrator privileges to analyse the component store.'

    $VitalStatistics = [PSCustomObject]@{
        ComponentStoreAnalysis = $null
        ComputerInfo = $null
        CrashDumps = $null
        DevicesWithBadStatus = $null
        EnvironmentVariables = $null
        InstalledFeatures = $null
        InstalledPrograms = $null
        VolumeSummary = $null
        WindowsUpdates = $null

    if ($ComputerInfo) {
        Write-Verbose -Message 'Retrieving computer info ...'
        $VitalStatistics.ComputerInfo = Get-ComputerInfo

    if ($DevicesWithBadStatus) {
        Write-Verbose -Message 'Retrieving problematic devices ...'
        $VitalStatistics.DevicesWithBadStatus = Get-PnpDevice | Where-Object { $_.Status -ne 'OK' }

    if ($VolumeSummary) {
        Write-Verbose -Message 'Retrieving volume summary ...'
        $VitalStatistics.VolumeSummary = Get-Volume | Where-Object { $_.DriveType -eq 'Fixed' }
    if ($CrashDumps) {
        [PSCustomObject]$CrashDumps = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Kernel = $null
            Services = $null

        Write-Verbose -Message 'Retrieving kernel crash dumps ...'
        $CrashDumps.Kernel = Get-KernelCrashDumps

        Write-Verbose -Message 'Retrieving service crash dumps ...'
        $CrashDumps.Services = Get-ServiceCrashDumps

        $VitalStatistics.CrashDumps = $CrashDumps

    if ($ComponentStoreAnalysis) {
        $VitalStatistics.ComponentStoreAnalysis = Invoke-DISM -Operation AnalyzeComponentStore
    if ($InstalledFeatures) {
        if (!(Get-Module -Name ServerManager -ListAvailable)) {
            Write-Warning -Message 'Unable to retrieve installed features as ServerManager module not found.'
        } else {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Retrieving installed features ...'
            $VitalStatistics.InstalledFeatures = Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object { $_.Installed }

    if ($InstalledPrograms) {
        Write-Verbose -Message 'Retrieving installed programs ...'
        $VitalStatistics.InstalledPrograms = Get-InstalledPrograms

    if ($EnvironmentVariables) {
        [PSCustomObject]$EnvironmentVariables = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Machine = $null
            User = $null

        Write-Verbose -Message 'Retrieving system environment variables ...'
        $EnvironmentVariables.Machine = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables([EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)

        Write-Verbose -Message 'Retrieving user environment variables ...'
        $EnvironmentVariables.User = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables([EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User)

        $VitalStatistics.EnvironmentVariables = $EnvironmentVariables

    if ($WindowsUpdates) {
        if (!(Get-Module -Name PSWindowsUpdate -ListAvailable)) {
            Write-Warning -Message 'Unable to retrieve available updates as PSWindowsUpdate module not found.'
        } else {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Retrieving available Windows updates ...'
            $VitalStatistics.WindowsUpdates = Get-WUList

    return $VitalStatistics

Function Invoke-VitalChecks {





    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'All') {
        $ComponentStoreScan = $true
        $FileSystemScans = $true
        $SystemFileChecker = $true

    if (!(Test-IsAdministrator)) {
        throw 'The checks this function performs require administrator privileges.'

    $VitalChecks = [PSCustomObject]@{
        ComponentStoreScan = $null
        FileSystemScans = $null
        SystemFileChecker = $null

    if ($FileSystemScans) {
        if ($VerifyOnly) {
            $VitalChecks.FileSystemScans = Invoke-CHKDSK -VerifyOnly
        } else {
            $VitalChecks.FileSystemScans = Invoke-CHKDSK
    if ($SystemFileChecker) {
        if ($VerifyOnly) {
            $VitalChecks.SystemFileChecker = Invoke-SFC -VerifyOnly
        } else {
            $VitalChecks.SystemFileChecker = Invoke-SFC

    if ($ComponentStoreScan) {
        if ($VerifyOnly) {
            $VitalChecks.ComponentStoreScan = Invoke-DISM -Operation ScanHealth
        } else {
            $VitalChecks.ComponentStoreScan = Invoke-DISM -Operation RestoreHealth

    return $VitalChecks

Function Invoke-VitalMaintenance {






    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'All') {
        $ComponentStoreCleanup = $true
        $EmptyRecycleBin = $true
        $PowerShellHelp = $true
        $SysinternalsSuite = $true
        $WindowsUpdates = $true

    if (!(Test-IsAdministrator)) {
        throw 'The updates this function performs require administrator privileges.'

    $VitalMaintenance = [PSCustomObject]@{
        ComponentStoreCleanup = $null
        EmptyRecycleBin = $null
        PowerShellHelp = $null
        SysinternalsSuite = $null
        WindowsUpdates = $null

    if ($EmptyRecycleBin) {
        Write-Verbose -Message 'Emptying Recycle Bin ...'
        try {
            Clear-RecycleBin -Force
            $VitalMaintenance.EmptyRecycleBin = $true
        } catch [System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception] {
            # Sometimes clearing the Recycle Bin can fail with an exception that seems to indicate
            # the Recycle Bin folder doesn't exist. If that happens, we only get a generic E_FAIL
            # exception, so checking the actual exception message seems to be the best method.
            if ($_.Exception.Message -eq 'The system cannot find the path specified') {
                $VitalMaintenance.EmptyRecycleBin = $true
            } else {
                $VitalMaintenance.EmptyRecycleBin = $_.Exception.Message

    if ($PowerShellHelp) {
        Write-Verbose -Message 'Updating PowerShell help ...'
        try {
            Update-Help -Force
            $VitalMaintenance.PowerShellHelp = $true
        } catch [System.Exception] {
            # Almost certainly due to failing to update the Help data for one or more modules, most
            # likely because the respective module manifests don't define the HelpInfoUri key.
            $VitalMaintenance.PowerShellHelp = $_.Exception.Message

    if ($SysinternalsSuite) {
        $VitalMaintenance.SysinternalsSuite = Update-Sysinternals

    if ($WindowsUpdates) {
        if (!(Get-Module -Name PSWindowsUpdate -ListAvailable)) {
            Write-Warning -Message 'Unable to install missing updates as PSWindowsUpdate module not found.'
        } else {
            Write-Verbose -Message 'Installing missing Windows updates ...'
            $VitalMaintenance.WindowsUpdates = Get-WUInstall -AcceptAll -IgnoreReboot

    if ($ComponentStoreCleanup) {
        $VitalMaintenance.ComponentStoreCleanup = Invoke-DISM -Operation StartComponentCleanup

    return $VitalMaintenance

Function Get-InstalledPrograms {

    $NativeRegPath = '\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall'
    $Wow6432RegPath = '\Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall'

    $InstalledPrograms = @(
        # Native applications installed system wide
        if (Test-Path -Path "HKLM:$NativeRegPath") { Get-ChildItem -Path "HKLM:$NativeRegPath" }
        # Native applications installed under the current user
        if (Test-Path -Path "HKCU:$NativeRegPath") { Get-ChildItem -Path "HKCU:$NativeRegPath" }
        # 32-bit applications installed system wide on 64-bit Windows
        if (Test-Path -Path "HKLM:$Wow6432RegPath") { Get-ChildItem -Path "HKLM:$Wow6432RegPath" }
        # 32-bit applications installed under the current user on 64-bit Windows
        if (Test-Path -Path "HKCU:$Wow6432RegPath") { Get-ChildItem -Path "HKCU:$Wow6432RegPath" }
    ) | # Get the properties of each uninstall key
    ForEach-Object { Get-ItemProperty -Path $_.PSPath } |
    # Filter out all the uninteresting entries
    Where-Object { $_.DisplayName -and
        !$_.SystemComponent -and
        !$_.ReleaseType -and
        !$_.ParentKeyName -and
    ($_.UninstallString -or $_.NoRemove) }

    return $InstalledPrograms

Function Get-KernelCrashDumps {

    $KernelCrashDumps = [PSCustomObject]@{
        MemoryDump = $null
        Minidumps = $null

    $CrashControlRegPath = 'HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl'

    if (!(Test-Path -Path $CrashControlRegPath -PathType Container)) {
        Write-Warning -Message "The CrashControl key doesn't exist in the Registry so we're guessing dump locations."
    } else {
        $CrashControl = Get-ItemProperty -Path $CrashControlRegPath

        if ($CrashControl.DumpFile) {
            $DumpFile = $CrashControl.DumpFile
        } else {
            $DumpFile = "$env:windir\MEMORY.DMP"
            Write-Warning -Message "The DumpFile value doesn't exist in CrashControl so we're guessing the location."

        if ($CrashControl.MinidumpDir) {
            $MinidumpDir = $CrashControl.MinidumpDir
        } else {
            $MinidumpDir = "$env:windir\Minidump"
            Write-Warning -Message "The MinidumpDir value doesn't exist in CrashControl so we're guessing the location."

    if (Test-Path -Path $DumpFile -PathType Leaf) {
        $KernelCrashDumps.MemoryDump = Get-Item -Path $DumpFile

    if (Test-Path -Path $MinidumpDir -PathType Container) {
        $KernelCrashDumps.Minidumps = Get-Item -Path "$MinidumpDir\*"

    return $KernelCrashDumps

Function Get-ServiceCrashDumps {

    $ServiceCrashDumps = [PSCustomObject]@{
        LocalSystem = $null
        LocalService = $null
        NetworkService = $null

    $LocalSystemCrashDumpsPath = "$env:windir\System32\Config\SystemProfile\AppData\Local\CrashDumps"
    $LocalServiceCrashDumpsPath = "$env:windir\ServiceProfiles\LocalService\AppData\Local\CrashDumps"
    $NetworkServiceCrashDumpsPath = "$env:windir\ServiceProfiles\NetworkService\AppData\Local\CrashDumps"

    if (Test-Path -Path $LocalSystemCrashDumpsPath -PathType Container) {
        $ServiceCrashDumps.LocalSystem = Get-Item -Path "$LocalSystemCrashDumpsPath\*"
    } else {
        Write-Verbose -Message "The crash dumps path doesn't exist for the LocalSystem account."

    if (Test-Path -Path $LocalServiceCrashDumpsPath -PathType Container) {
        $ServiceCrashDumps.LocalService = Get-Item -Path "$LocalServiceCrashDumpsPath\*"
    } else {
        Write-Verbose -Message "The crash dumps path doesn't exist for the LocalService account."

    if (Test-Path -Path $NetworkServiceCrashDumpsPath -PathType Container) {
        $ServiceCrashDumps.NetworkService = Get-Item -Path "$NetworkServiceCrashDumpsPath\*"
    } else {
        Write-Verbose -Message "The crash dumps path doesn't exist for the NetworkService account."

    return $ServiceCrashDumps

Function Invoke-CHKDSK {

    # We could use the Repair-Volume cmdlet instead, but it's just a very thin wrapper around CHKDSK anyway...
    $SupportedFileSystems = @('FAT', 'FAT16', 'FAT32', 'NTFS', 'NTFS4', 'NTFS5')
    $Volumes = Get-Volume | Where-Object { $_.DriveType -eq 'Fixed' -and $_.FileSystem -in $SupportedFileSystems }

    [PSCustomObject[]]$ChkDskResults = $null
    foreach ($Volume in $Volumes) {
        $ChkDskResult = [PSCustomObject]@{
            Output = $null
            ExitCode = $null

        $VolumePath = $Volume.Path.TrimEnd('\')
        if ($VerifyOnly) {
            Write-Verbose -Message "[CHKDSK] Running verify-only scan on $VolumePath ..."
            $ChkDskResult.Output += & "$env:windir\System32\chkdsk.exe" "$VolumePath"
        } else {
            Write-Verbose -Message "[CHKDSK] Running scan on $VolumePath ..."
            $ChkDskResult.Output += & "$env:windir\System32\chkdsk.exe" "$VolumePath" /scan
        $ChkDskResult.ExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE

        switch ($LASTEXITCODE) {
            0       { continue }
            2       { Write-Warning -Message "[CHKDSK]: Volume requires cleanup: $VolumePath" }
            3       { Write-Warning -Message "[CHKDSK] Volume contains errors: $VolumePath" }
            default { Write-Error -Message "[CHKDSK] Unexpected exit code '$LASTEXITCODE' while scanning volume: $VolumePath" }

        $ChkDskResults += $ChkDskResult

    return $ChkDskResults

Function Invoke-DISM {
        [ValidateSet('AnalyzeComponentStore', 'RestoreHealth', 'ScanHealth', 'StartComponentCleanup')]

    $DismResults = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Output = $null
        ExitCode = $null

    Write-Verbose -Message "[DISM] Running $Operation operation ..."
    $DismResults.Output = & "$env:windir\System32\dism.exe" /Online /Cleanup-Image /$Operation
    $DismResults.ExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE

    switch ($LASTEXITCODE) {
        0       { continue }
        default { Write-Error -Message "[DISM] Returned non-zero exit code performing $Operation operation: $LASTEXITCODE" }

    return $DismResults

Function Invoke-SFC {

    $SfcResults = [PSCustomObject]@{
        Output = $null
        ExitCode = $null

    if ($VerifyOnly) {
        Write-Verbose -Message '[SFC] Running verify-only scan ...'
        $SfcResults.Output = & "$env:windir\System32\sfc.exe" /VERIFYONLY
    } else {
        Write-Verbose -Message '[SFC] Running scan ...'
        $SfcResults.Output = & "$env:windir\System32\sfc.exe" /SCANNOW
    $SfcResults.ExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE

    switch ($LASTEXITCODE) {
        0       { continue }
        default { Write-Error -Message "[SFC] Returned non-zero exit code: $LASTEXITCODE" }

    return $SfcResults

Function Test-IsAdministrator {

    $User = [Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal][Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()
    if ($User.IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole] 'Administrator')) {
        return $true
    return $false

Function Update-Sysinternals {

    $SuiteUrl = ''
    $ZipPath  = "$env:TEMP\"
    $DestPath = "${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}\Sysinternals"

    Write-Verbose -Message '[Sysinternals] Retrieving latest version ...'
    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $SuiteUrl -OutFile $ZipPath

    Write-Verbose -Message '[Sysinternals] Decompressing archive ...'
    Remove-Item -Path "$DestPath\*" -Recurse
    Expand-Archive -Path $ZipPath -DestinationPath $DestPath
    Remove-Item -Path $ZipPath

    $Version = (Get-ChildItem -Path $DestPath | Sort-Object -Property LastWriteTime | Select-Object -Last 1).LastWriteTime.ToString('yyyyMMdd')
    Write-Verbose -Message "[Sysinternals] Installed version $Version."

    return $Version