function Find-WUPath { <# .SYNOPSIS Search for paths in all locations. .DESCRIPTION Search the path everywhere using command path or es.exe. .OUTPUTS System.String. Returns the path found by searching. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Find-WUPath 'powershell.exe' In this example, Finds and returns the path where the leaf contains powershell.exe. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Find-WUPath 'powershell.exe' -Strict In this example, Finds and returns the path where the leaf exactly matches powershell.exe. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Find-WUPath 'PowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe' -Strict In this example, Searches for and returns a path whose leaf exactly matches powershell.exe and whose parent path contains PowerShell\v1.0. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Find-WUPath 'powershell.exe' -Strict -Exclude 'Windows' This example searches for a path whose path does not match'Windows' and whose filename is powershell.exe. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> Find-WUPath 'powershell.exe' -Program In this example, powershell.exe is searched for in the order of command, start menu shortcut file link destination, es.exe, and the path containing powershell.exe in the leaf is returned. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Specify the character string contained in the leaf of the path to be searched. In addition, the strings contained in its parent directory can be specified before the leaf, separated by / or \. However, if -Strict is specified, the path with exact leaf matches will be searched. Also, wildcards are not supported. [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]] $Name, # Specifies the regular expression for the path to exclude. It is case sensitive. Paths that match the following strings are excluded, regardless of the value specified for this parameter. # 'C:\\Windows\\SysWOW64' # 'SxS\\' # 'AppData\\Local\\Microsoft\\Windows\\FileHistory' # 'C:\\Windows\\Prefetch' # 'AppData\\Roaming\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Recent' # 'scoop\\apps\\.+\\_.+\.old\\' [string[]] $Exclude, # Search for a path that has an exact leaf match. [switch] $Strict, # Searches the command from the leaf of the path specified by -Name and returns the path if found. If not found, searches all locations by using es.exe. [switch] $Program ) begin { Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' $isCompleated = { param ( [string[]] $AddPath ) if (!$AddPath) { return $false } $resultPaths.AddRange($AddPath) $resultItems = Get-Item -LiteralPath $resultPaths -ErrorAction Ignore if ($Exclude) { foreach ($aExclude in $Exclude) { $resultItems = $resultItems | Where-Object { !($_.FullName -cmatch $aExclude) } } } $resultItems = $patterns | ForEach-Object { $pattern = $_ $completedItem = $resultItems | Where-Object { if (!$pattern.Parent) { return $true } return Select-String -InputObject (Split-Path $_ -Parent) -SimpleMatch $pattern.Parent } | Where-Object { if ($Strict) { return $_.Name -eq $pattern.Leaf } return Select-String -InputObject $_.Name -SimpleMatch $pattern.Leaf } if ($completedItem) { $completedItem $completedLeaves.add($pattern.Leaf) | Out-Null } } $resultPaths.Clear() if (!$resultItems) { return $false } $resultPaths.AddRange(@(Convert-Path -LiteralPath $resultItems.FullName | Select-Object -Unique)) # Narrow down $leaves to incomplete ones $leaves = $leaves | Where-Object { $completedLeaves -notcontains $_ } $completedLeaves.Clear() return !$leaves } $names = @() } process { foreach ($aName in $Name) { # Unified path separator to backslash (\) $names += $aName -replace '/', '\' } } end { $patterns = $names | ForEach-Object { @{ Leaf = Split-Path $_ -Leaf Parent = Split-Path $_ -Parent } } $leaves = $patterns.Leaf $resultPaths = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $completedLeaves = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList $Exclude += @( [regex]::Escape("C:\Windows\SysWOW64") [regex]::Escape("SxS\") [regex]::Escape("AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\FileHistory") [regex]::Escape("C:\Windows\Prefetch") [regex]::Escape("AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent") "scoop\\apps\\.+\\_.+\.old\\" ) if ($env:ChocolateyInstall) { $Exclude += [regex]::Escape("$env:ChocolateyInstall\bin") } if ($Program) { # Search by command $cmdPaths = Get-Command $leaves -ErrorAction Ignore | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Path if ($cmdPaths) { $cmdResultPaths = @() [string[]]$scoopShimPaths = $cmdPaths | Where-Object { (Split-Path $_ -Parent) -like '*scoop\shims' -and (Split-Path $_ -Leaf) -match '\.exe$' } $GeneralCmdPaths = $cmdPaths | Where-Object { $scoopShimPaths -notcontains $_ } $cmdResultPaths += $GeneralCmdPaths if ($scoopShimPaths) { if ((Get-Command -Name scoop -ErrorAction Ignore)) { $scoopCmdPaths = Split-Path $scoopShimPaths -Leaf | ForEach-Object { scoop which ($_ -replace '\.exe$', '') } $cmdResultPaths += $scoopCmdPaths } else { $cmdResultPaths += $scoopShimPaths } } if ((& $isCompleated -AddPath $cmdResultPaths)) { return $resultPaths } } # Search by shortcut $lnkDirs = @( "$env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu" "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu" ) $lnkResultPaths = Get-WULnkTarget -LiteralPath (Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $lnkDirs -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.Extension -eq '.lnk' } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName) -WarningAction Ignore if ((& $isCompleated -AddPath $lnkResultPaths)) { return $resultPaths } } # Search by es.exe if ((Get-Command -Name 'es.exe' -ErrorAction Ignore)) { $esResultPaths = $leaves | ForEach-Object { es.exe $_ } if ((& $isCompleated -AddPath $esResultPaths)) { return $resultPaths } } else { Write-Warning "Cannot find command 'es.exe'." } return $resultPaths } } |