function Convert-WUString { <# .SYNOPSIS Convert strings for a specific purpose. .DESCRIPTION Convert strings for a specific purpose. .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Convert-WUString -String ('{0}{1}' -f [char]0xFF11, [char]0xFF12) -Type FullWidthNumberToHalfWidthNumber 12 .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Convert-WUString -String ('{0}{1}' -f [char]0xFF21, [char]0xFF41) -Type FullWidthAlphabetToHalfWidthAlphabet Aa .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Convert-WUString -String 'apple_orange-CHERRY melon' -Type FullWidthNumberToHalfWidthNumber AppleOrangeCHERRYMelon .EXAMPLE PS C:\>Convert-WUString -String ('a`$a{0}{1}{2}"' -f [char]0x201C, [char]0x201D, [char]0x201E) -Type EscapeForPowerShellDoubleQuotation #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( # Specifies the strings to convert. [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string[]] $String, # If FullWidthNumberToHalfWidthNumber is specified, convert full width number to half width number. # If FullWidthAlphabetToHalfWidthAlphabet is specified, convert full width alphabet to half width alphabet. # If PascalCase is specified, converts the beginning of each string separated by spaces, underscores, or hyphens to uppercase, and removes spaces, underscores, and hyphens. # If EscapeForPowerShellDoubleQuotation is specified, escape Quotation mark (U+0022), Dollar sign (U+0024), Grave accent (U+0060), Left double quotation mark (U+201C), Right double quotation mark (U+201D), Double low-9 quotation mark (U+201E) for PowerShell doubleQuotation. [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('FullWidthNumberToHalfWidthNumber', 'FullWidthAlphabetToHalfWidthAlphabet', 'PascalCase', 'EscapeForPowerShellDoubleQuotation')] [string] $Type ) begin { Set-StrictMode -Version 'Latest' } process { foreach ($aString in $String) { switch ($Type) { 'FullWidthNumberToHalfWidthNumber' { $aString ` -creplace [char]0xFF10, "0" ` -creplace [char]0xFF11, "1" ` -creplace [char]0xFF12, "2" ` -creplace [char]0xFF13, "3" ` -creplace [char]0xFF14, "4" ` -creplace [char]0xFF15, "5" ` -creplace [char]0xFF16, "6" ` -creplace [char]0xFF17, "7" ` -creplace [char]0xFF18, "8" ` -creplace [char]0xFF19, "9" break } 'FullWidthAlphabetToHalfWidthAlphabet' { $aString ` -creplace [char]0xFF21, "A" ` -creplace [char]0xFF22, "B" ` -creplace [char]0xFF23, "C" ` -creplace [char]0xFF24, "D" ` -creplace [char]0xFF25, "E" ` -creplace [char]0xFF26, "F" ` -creplace [char]0xFF27, "G" ` -creplace [char]0xFF28, "H" ` -creplace [char]0xFF29, "I" ` -creplace [char]0xFF2A, "J" ` -creplace [char]0xFF2B, "K" ` -creplace [char]0xFF2C, "L" ` -creplace [char]0xFF2D, "M" ` -creplace [char]0xFF2E, "N" ` -creplace [char]0xFF2F, "O" ` -creplace [char]0xFF30, "P" ` -creplace [char]0xFF31, "Q" ` -creplace [char]0xFF32, "R" ` -creplace [char]0xFF33, "S" ` -creplace [char]0xFF34, "T" ` -creplace [char]0xFF35, "U" ` -creplace [char]0xFF36, "V" ` -creplace [char]0xFF37, "W" ` -creplace [char]0xFF38, "X" ` -creplace [char]0xFF39, "Y" ` -creplace [char]0xFF3A, "Z" ` -creplace [char]0xFF41, "a" ` -creplace [char]0xFF42, "b" ` -creplace [char]0xFF43, "c" ` -creplace [char]0xFF44, "d" ` -creplace [char]0xFF45, "e" ` -creplace [char]0xFF46, "f" ` -creplace [char]0xFF47, "g" ` -creplace [char]0xFF48, "h" ` -creplace [char]0xFF49, "i" ` -creplace [char]0xFF4A, "j" ` -creplace [char]0xFF4B, "k" ` -creplace [char]0xFF4C, "l" ` -creplace [char]0xFF4D, "m" ` -creplace [char]0xFF4E, "n" ` -creplace [char]0xFF4F, "o" ` -creplace [char]0xFF50, "p" ` -creplace [char]0xFF51, "q" ` -creplace [char]0xFF52, "r" ` -creplace [char]0xFF53, "s" ` -creplace [char]0xFF54, "t" ` -creplace [char]0xFF55, "u" ` -creplace [char]0xFF56, "v" ` -creplace [char]0xFF57, "w" ` -creplace [char]0xFF58, "x" ` -creplace [char]0xFF59, "y" ` -creplace [char]0xFF5A, "z" break } 'PascalCase' { $words = $aString -split ("`n|`r`n|\W|_|-") $aNewString = '' foreach ($word in $words) { if ($word -eq '') { continue } $newWord = '{0}{1}' -f $word.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper(), $word.Remove(0, 1) $aNewString = '{0}{1}' -f $aNewString, $newWord } $aNewString break } 'EscapeForPowerShellDoubleQuotation' { $aString ` -creplace '"', '""' ` -creplace '`', '``' ` -creplace '\$', '`$' ` -creplace [char]0x201C, ('`{0}' -f [char]0x201C) ` -creplace [char]0x201D, ('`{0}' -f [char]0x201D) ` -creplace [char]0x201E, ('`{0}' -f [char]0x201E) break } } } } } |