$PSWinUtil = $PSScriptRoot $PSWinUtilRegConfDir = $PSWinUtil | Join-Path -ChildPath "resources/registry" $PSWinUtilFunctionDir = $PSWinUtil | Join-Path -ChildPath "functions" # Private functions function Test-WUAdmin { ( [Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]:: GetCurrent() ).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltInRole]::Administrator) } function Get-WURegistryHash { $registryFileName = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value.MyCommand.Name -creplace '.+-(WU)?', '' return . (Join-Path $PSWinUtilRegConfDir $registryFileName) } function Set-WURegistryFromHash { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 0, ParameterSetName = 'LiteralPath', ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [hashtable] $RegistryHash, [string[]] $Scope, [string] $DataKey ) $dataTypeParamNames = @{ REG_SZ = 'String' REG_BINARY = 'Binary' REG_DWORD = 'DWord' REG_QWORD = 'QWord' REG_MULTI_SZ = 'Strings' } foreach ($hashKey in $RegistryHash.keys) { $hash = $RegistryHash.$hashKey if (!$Scope) { [string[]]$Scope = $hash.keys } foreach ($aScope in $Scope) { if ($DataKey -and $hash.$aScope.Data.GetType().Name -eq 'Hashtable') { $data = $hash.$aScope.Data.$dataKey } else { $data = $hash.$aScope.Data } $keyPath = ConvertTo-WUFullPath -Keyname $hash.$aScope.Keyname $valuename = $hash.$aScope.Valuename $dataType = $hash.$aScope.Type $registryCmdParam = @{} $registryCmdParam.Add('Path', $keyPath) $registryCmdParam.Add('Name', $valuename) $registryCmdParam.Add($dataTypeParamNames.$dataType, $data) if ($psCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Path: $keyPath Valuename: $valuename Value: $data", 'Set to registry')) { Set-CRegistryKeyValue @registryCmdParam } } } } # Public functions $functionScripts = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $PSWinUtilFunctionDir -Recurse -File foreach ($aFunctionScript in $functionScripts) { . $aFunctionScript.FullName Set-Alias -Name $aFunctionScript.BaseName -Value ($aFunctionScript.BaseName -replace '-', '-WU') } # Resolve dependencies $scoopBuckets = @{ 'extras' = '' 'yuusakuri' = '' } $scoopDepends = @( @{ CmdName = 'aria2c.exe' AppName = 'main/aria2' } @{ CmdName = 'ffprobe.exe' AppName = 'main/ffmpeg' } @{ CmdName = 'Set-CRegistryKeyValue' AppName = 'yuusakuri/carbon' } ) | Where-Object { !(Get-Command -Name $_.CmdName -ErrorAction Ignore) } $chocoDepends = @( @{ CmdName = 'es.exe' AppName = 'Everything' } ) | Where-Object { !(Get-Command -Name $_.CmdName -ErrorAction Ignore) } $installWuAppArgs = @{ Optimize = @() Force = $true } if ($chocoDepends) { $installWuAppArgs += @{ ChocolateyPackage = $chocoDepends.AppName } $installWuAppArgs.Optimize += 'Chocolatey' } if ($scoopDepends) { $installWuAppArgs += @{ ScoopBucket = $scoopBuckets ScoopApp = $scoopDepends.AppName } $installWuAppArgs.Optimize += 'Scoop' } if ($chocoDepends -or $scoopDepends) { Install-WUApp @installWuAppArgs } # Pass the path to the required executable. Add-WUPathEnvironmentVariable -LiteralPath (Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath "$PSWinUtil\tools" -Directory).FullName -Scope Process # Load assembly Add-WUAngleSharp |