

PSWinUtil is a PowerShell module for Windows users. Dependencies are automatically installed by Scoop and Chocolatey and NuGet. It contains the following functions.

- Set Windows by rewriting the registry
- Add environment variables from PowerShell script file or object.
- Add the specified paths to the path environment variable.
- Determines if the path propert
PSWinUtil is a PowerShell module for Windows users. Dependencies are automatically installed by Scoop and Chocolatey and NuGet. It contains the following functions.

- Set Windows by rewriting the registry
- Add environment variables from PowerShell script file or object.
- Add the specified paths to the path environment variable.
- Determines if the path properties match. This function is useful for testing if the specified path is a file system and if the extensions match.
- Search for file or folder paths in rapidly by using Everything. Useful for finding executable files.
- Get whether the computer is Desktop, Tablet, or Server from ChassisTypes.
- Get information about installed NuGet packages in the NuGet packages installation directory.
- Get link targets of shortcut (.lnk) files.
- Get properties about media files such as video files, audio files, and image files.
- Load assemblies from NuGet packages, including its dependencies. It is possible to automatically install the required packages.
- Change the display settings.
- Create SSH key using ssh-keygen.
- Test if a version is in the allowed range.
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Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name PSWinUtil

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name PSWinUtil

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More




Package Details


  • yuusakuri




Add-WUEnvironmentVariableFromFile Add-WUPathEnvironmentVariable Assert-WUPathProperty Assert-WUPSScript Convert-WUString ConvertTo-WUFullPath ConvertTo-WUNuspec Edit-WUSshKey Find-WUPath Get-WUChassisType Get-WUInstalledNuGetPackage Get-WULnkTarget Get-WUMediaProperty Get-WUMonitor Get-WURandomString Get-WUUriWithoutQuery Import-WUNuGetPackageAssembly Install-WUApp Invoke-WUDownload Join-WUUri New-WUSshKey Remove-WUPathEnvironmentVariable Set-WUMonitor Start-WUDevcontainer Start-WUScriptAsAdmin Test-WUPathProperty Test-WUPSScript Test-WUVersion Disable-WUAdvertisingId Disable-WUAppLaunchTracking Disable-WUAppSuggestions Disable-WUCortana Disable-WUDarkMode Disable-WUEdgeFirstRunExperience Disable-WUFileHistory Disable-WUGameDvr Disable-WULockScreen Disable-WULockWorkstation Disable-WULongPaths Disable-WUNewsAndInterestsOnTaskbar Disable-WURequireSignInOnWakeup Disable-WUSaveZoneInformation Disable-WUSmartScreen Disable-WUSystemSounds Disable-WUUac Disable-WUWebSearchInStartMenu Disable-WUWebsiteAccessToLanguageList Disable-WUWindowsHello Disable-WUWindowsMediaPlayerFirstUseDialogBoxes Disable-WUWindowsSecurityAllNotifications Disable-WUWindowsSecurityNonCriticalNotifications Disable-WUWindowsUpdateAutoRestart Disable-WUWindowsUpdateNotifications Disable-WUWindowsUpdateTrayIcon Enable-WUAdvertisingId Enable-WUAppLaunchTracking Enable-WUAppSuggestions Enable-WUCortana Enable-WUDarkMode Enable-WUEdgeFirstRunExperience Enable-WUFileHistory Enable-WUGameDvr Enable-WULockScreen Enable-WULockWorkstation Enable-WULongPaths Enable-WUNewsAndInterestsOnTaskbar Enable-WURequireSignInOnWakeup Enable-WUSaveZoneInformation Enable-WUSmartScreen Enable-WUSystemSounds Enable-WUUac Enable-WUWebSearchInStartMenu Enable-WUWebsiteAccessToLanguageList Enable-WUWindowsHello Enable-WUWindowsMediaPlayerFirstUseDialogBoxes Enable-WUWindowsSecurityAllNotifications Enable-WUWindowsSecurityNonCriticalNotifications Enable-WUWindowsUpdateAutoRestart Enable-WUWindowsUpdateNotifications Enable-WUWindowsUpdateTrayIcon Register-WUStartup Set-WUCapsLockToControl Set-WUDesktopIconSize Set-WUPS1Action Set-WUScalingBehavior Set-WUSearchBoxTaskbarMode Set-WUWindowsAutoLogin


This module has no dependencies.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
1.6.9 (current version) 14,026 7/30/2021
1.5.8 114 6/20/2021
1.2.31 89 11/21/2020
1.2.28 19 11/18/2020
1.2.18 32 11/14/2020
1.2.2 18 11/1/2020
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