
function ConvertFrom-Color {
    param ([ValidateScript({ if ($($_ -in $Script:RGBColors.Keys -or $_ -match "^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6})$" -or $_ -eq "") -eq $false) { throw "The Input value is not a valid colorname nor an valid color hex code." } else { $true } })]
        [alias('Colors')][string[]] $Color,
        [switch] $AsDecimal,
        [switch] $AsDrawingColor)
    $Colors = foreach ($C in $Color) {
        $Value = $Script:RGBColors."$C"
        if ($C -match "^#([A-Fa-f0-9]{6})$") {
        if ($null -eq $Value) { continue }
        $HexValue = Convert-Color -RGB $Value
        Write-Verbose "Convert-FromColor - Color Name: $C Value: $Value HexValue: $HexValue"
        if ($AsDecimal) { [Convert]::ToInt64($HexValue, 16) } elseif ($AsDrawingColor) { [System.Drawing.Color]::FromArgb("#$($HexValue)") } else { "#$($HexValue)" }
function ConvertFrom-OperationType {
    param ([string] $OperationType)
    $Known = @{'%%14674' = 'Value Added'
        '%%14675'        = 'Value Deleted'
        '%%14676'        = 'Unknown'
    foreach ($id in $OperationType) { if ($name = $Known[$id]) { return $name } }
    return $OperationType
function Convert-UAC {
        Converts values from Events into proper format
        Converts values from Events into proper format
        Parameter description
        Convert-UAC -UAC '%%1793'
        Convert-UAC -UAC '1793'
        Convert-UAC -UAC '1793', '1794'
        Convert-UAC -UAC '121793'
        Convert-UAC -UAC 'C:\Onet33'
        Output: Same input as output
        Convert-UAC -UAC '121793' -OutputPerLine
        Output: One entry per line
    General notes

    param([string[]] $UAC,
        [string] $Separator)
    $Output = foreach ($String in $UAC) {
        $NumberAsString = $String.Replace('%', '') -as [int]
        if ($null -eq $NumberAsString) { return $UAC }
        $PropertyFlags = @("SCRIPT",
        1..($PropertyFlags.Length) | Where-Object { $NumberAsString -bAnd [math]::Pow(2, $_) } | ForEach-Object { $PropertyFlags[$_] }
    if ($Separator -eq '') { $Output } else { $Output -join $Separator }
function Find-DatesCurrentDayMinusDayX {
    $DateTodayStart = (Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0).AddDays(- $Days)
    $DateTodayEnd = (Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0).AddDays(1).AddDays(- $Days).AddMilliseconds(-1)
    $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateTodayStart
        DateTo                   = $DateTodayEnd
    return $DateParameters
function Find-DatesCurrentDayMinuxDaysX {
    $DateTodayStart = (Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0).AddDays(- $Days)
    $DateTodayEnd = (Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0).AddDays(1).AddMilliseconds(-1)
    $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateTodayStart
        DateTo                   = $DateTodayEnd
    return $DateParameters
function Find-DatesCurrentHour {
    $DateTodayStart = (Get-Date -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0)
    $DateTodayEnd = $DateTodayStart.AddHours(1)
    $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateTodayStart
        DateTo                   = $DateTodayEnd
    return $DateParameters
function Find-DatesDayPrevious {
    $DateToday = (Get-Date).Date
    $DateYesterday = $DateToday.AddDays(-1)
    $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateYesterday
        DateTo                   = $dateToday
    return $DateParameters
function Find-DatesDayToday {
    $DateToday = (Get-Date).Date
    $DateTodayEnd = $DateToday.AddDays(1).AddSeconds(-1)
    $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateToday
        DateTo                   = $DateTodayEnd
    return $DateParameters
function Find-DatesMonthCurrent {
    $DateMonthFirstDay = (Get-Date -Day 1).Date
    $DateMonthLastDay = Get-Date $DateMonthFirstDay.AddMonths(1).AddSeconds(-1)
    $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateMonthFirstDay
        DateTo                   = $DateMonthLastDay
    return $DateParameters
function Find-DatesMonthPast {
    param([bool] $Force)
    $DateToday = (Get-Date).Date
    $DateMonthFirstDay = (Get-Date -Day 1).Date
    $DateMonthPreviousFirstDay = $DateMonthFirstDay.AddMonths(-1)
    if ($Force -eq $true -or $DateToday -eq $DateMonthFirstDay) {
        $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateMonthPreviousFirstDay
            DateTo                   = $DateMonthFirstDay
        return $DateParameters
    } else { return $null }
function Find-DatesPastHour {
    $DateTodayEnd = Get-Date -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0
    $DateTodayStart = $DateTodayEnd.AddHours(-1)
    $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateTodayStart
        DateTo                   = $DateTodayEnd
    return $DateParameters
function Find-DatesPastWeek {
    $DateTodayStart = Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0
    if ($DateTodayStart.DayOfWeek -ne $DayName) { return $null }
    $DateTodayEnd = (Get-Date -Hour 0 -Minute 0 -Second 0 -Millisecond 0).AddDays(-7)
    $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $DateTodayEnd
        DateTo                   = $DateTodayStart
    return $DateParameters
function Find-DatesQuarterCurrent {
    param([bool] $Force)
    $Today = (Get-Date)
    $Quarter = [Math]::Ceiling($Today.Month / 3)
    $LastDay = [DateTime]::DaysInMonth([Int]$Today.Year.ToString(), [Int]($Quarter * 3))
    $StartDate = (Get-Date -Year $Today.Year -Month ($Quarter * 3 - 2) -Day 1).Date
    $EndDate = (Get-Date -Year $Today.Year -Month ($Quarter * 3) -Day $LastDay).Date.AddDays(1).AddTicks(-1)
    $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $StartDate
        DateTo                   = $EndDate
    return $DateParameters
function Find-DatesQuarterLast {
    param([bool] $Force)
    $Today = (Get-Date).AddDays(-90)
    $Yesterday = ((Get-Date).AddDays(-1))
    $Quarter = [Math]::Ceiling($Today.Month / 3)
    $LastDay = [DateTime]::DaysInMonth([Int]$Today.Year.ToString(), [Int]($Quarter * 3))
    $StartDate = (Get-Date -Year $Today.Year -Month ($Quarter * 3 - 2) -Day 1).Date
    $EndDate = (Get-Date -Year $Today.Year -Month ($Quarter * 3) -Day $LastDay).Date.AddDays(1).AddTicks(-1)
    if ($Force -eq $true -or $Yesterday.Date -eq $EndDate.Date) {
        $DateParameters = @{DateFrom = $StartDate
            DateTo                   = $EndDate
        return $DateParameters
    } else { return $null }
function Format-AddSpaceToSentence {
    Short description
    Long description
    Parameter description
    $test = @(
    Format-AddSpaceToSentence -Text $Test
    $Test | Format-AddSpaceToSentence -ToLowerCase
    General notes

    param([Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ValueFromPipeline = $true, Position = 0)][string[]] $Text,
        [switch] $ToLowerCase)
    Begin {}
    Process {
        $Value = foreach ($T in $Text) { ($T -creplace '([A-Z\W_]|\d+)(?<![a-z])', ' $&').trim() }
        if ($ToLowerCase) { $Value.ToLower() } else { $Value }
    End {}
function Format-FirstXChars {
    Short description
    Long description
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER NumberChars
    Parameter description
    Format-FirstChars -Text "VERBOSE: Loading module from path 'C:\Users\pklys\.vscode\extensions\ms-vs" -NumberChars 15
    General notes

    param([string] $Text,
        [int] $NumberChars)
    return ($Text.ToCharArray() | Select-Object -First $NumberChars) -join ''
function Get-FilesInFolder {
    param([string] $Folder,
        [string] $Extension = '*.evtx')
    $Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $Folder -Filter $Extension -Recurse
    $ReturnFiles = foreach ($File in $Files) { $File.FullName }
    return $ReturnFiles
function Get-Logger {
    Returns an instance of the logger object.
    Long description
    .PARAMETER LogPath
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER LogsDir
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER Filename
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER ShowTime
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER TimeFormat
    Parameter description
    # with full log name
    $Logger = Get-Logger -ShowTime -LogPath 'C:\temp\test.log'
    $Logger.AddErrorRecord("test error")
    $Logger.AddInfoRecord("test info")
    $Logger.AddSuccessRecord("test success")
    $Logger.AddRecord("test record")
    # with directory name and auto-generated log name
    $Logger = Get-Logger -ShowTime -LogsDir 'C:\temp'
    $Logger.AddErrorRecord("test error")
    # with directory name and logo name defined separately
    $Logger = Get-Logger -ShowTime -Directory 'C:\temp' -Filename 'test.log'
    $Logger.AddErrorRecord("test error")
    # without logfile, only console output
    $Logger = Get-Logger -ShowTime
    $Logger.AddErrorRecord("test error")
    General notes

    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = "All")]
    param ([Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Logpath')][string] $LogPath,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Complexpath')][string] $LogsDir,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $false, ParameterSetName = 'Complexpath')][string] $Filename,
        [switch] $ShowTime,
        [string] $TimeFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')
    if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Complexpath') {
        if (-not $Filename) {
            $CallerName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension((Split-Path $MyInvocation.PSCommandPath -Leaf))
            $Filename = "$([DateTime]::Now.ToString($TimeFormat) -replace('[^.\-\w]', '_'))_$CallerName.log"
        $LogPath = Join-Path $LogsDir $Filename
    if ($LogPath) {
        $LogsDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($LogPath)
        New-Item $LogsDir -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null
        New-Item $LogPath -ItemType File -Force | Out-Null
    $Logger = [PSCustomObject]@{LogPath = $LogPath
        ShowTime                        = $ShowTime
        TimeFormat                      = $TimeFormat
    Add-Member -InputObject $Logger -MemberType ScriptMethod AddErrorRecord -Value { param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        if (-not $this.LogPath) { Write-Color -Text "[Error] ", $String -Color Red, White -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } else { Write-Color -Text "[Error] ", $String -Color Red, White -LogFile:$this.LogPath -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } }
    Add-Member -InputObject $Logger -MemberType ScriptMethod AddInfoRecord -Value { param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        if (-not $this.LogPath) { Write-Color -Text "[Info] ", $String -Color Yellow, White -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } else { Write-Color -Text "[Info] ", $String -Color Yellow, White -LogFile:$this.LogPath -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } }
    Add-Member -InputObject $Logger -MemberType ScriptMethod AddWarningRecord -Value { param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        if (-not $this.LogPath) { Write-Color -Text "[Warning] ", $String -Color Magenta, White -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } else { Write-Color -Text "[Warning] ", $String -Color Magenta, White -LogFile:$this.LogPath -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } }
    Add-Member -InputObject $Logger -MemberType ScriptMethod AddRecord -Value { param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        if (-not $this.LogPath) { Write-Color -Text " $String" -Color White -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } else { Write-Color -Text " $String" -Color White -LogFile:$this.LogPath -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } }
    Add-Member -InputObject $Logger -MemberType ScriptMethod AddSuccessRecord -Value { param([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        if (-not $this.LogPath) { Write-Color -Text "[Success] ", $String -Color Green, White -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } else { Write-Color -Text "[Success] ", $String -Color Green, White -LogFile:$this.LogPath -ShowTime:$this.ShowTime -TimeFormat $this:TimeFormat } }
    return $Logger
function Get-WinADForestControllers {
    Long description
    .PARAMETER TestAvailability
    Parameter description
    Get-WinADForestControllers -TestAvailability | Format-Table
    Get-WinADDomainControllers | Format-Table *
    Domain HostName Forest IPV4Address IsGlobalCatalog IsReadOnly SchemaMaster DomainNamingMasterMaster PDCEmulator RIDMaster InfrastructureMaster Comment
    ------ -------- ------ ----------- --------------- ---------- ------------ ------------------------ ----------- --------- -------------------- ------- True False True True True True True True False False False False False False False False False False False Unable to contact the server. This may be becau...
    General notes

    param([string[]] $Domain,
        [switch] $TestAvailability,
        [switch] $SkipEmpty)
    try {
        $Forest = Get-ADForest
        if (-not $Domain) { $Domain = $Forest.Domains }
    } catch {
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
        Write-Warning "Get-WinADForestControllers - Couldn't use Get-ADForest feature. Error: $ErrorMessage"
    $Servers = foreach ($D in $Domain) {
        try {
            $LocalServer = Get-ADDomainController -Discover -DomainName $D -ErrorAction Stop -Writable
            $DC = Get-ADDomainController -Server $LocalServer.HostName[0] -Filter * -ErrorAction Stop
            foreach ($S in $DC) {
                $Server = [ordered] @{Domain = $D
                    HostName                 = $S.HostName
                    Name                     = $S.Name
                    Forest                   = $Forest.RootDomain
                    IPV4Address              = $S.IPV4Address
                    IPV6Address              = $S.IPV6Address
                    IsGlobalCatalog          = $S.IsGlobalCatalog
                    IsReadOnly               = $S.IsReadOnly
                    Site                     = $S.Site
                    SchemaMaster             = ($S.OperationMasterRoles -contains 'SchemaMaster')
                    DomainNamingMaster       = ($S.OperationMasterRoles -contains 'DomainNamingMaster')
                    PDCEmulator              = ($S.OperationMasterRoles -contains 'PDCEmulator')
                    RIDMaster                = ($S.OperationMasterRoles -contains 'RIDMaster')
                    InfrastructureMaster     = ($S.OperationMasterRoles -contains 'InfrastructureMaster')
                    LdapPort                 = $S.LdapPort
                    SslPort                  = $S.SslPort
                    Pingable                 = $null
                    Comment                  = ''
                if ($TestAvailability) { $Server['Pingable'] = foreach ($_ in $Server.IPV4Address) { Test-Connection -Count 1 -Server $_ -Quiet -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } }
                [PSCustomObject] $Server
        } catch {
            [PSCustomObject]@{Domain     = $D
                HostName                 = ''
                Name                     = ''
                Forest                   = $Forest.RootDomain
                IPV4Address              = ''
                IPV6Address              = ''
                IsGlobalCatalog          = ''
                IsReadOnly               = ''
                Site                     = ''
                SchemaMaster             = $false
                DomainNamingMasterMaster = $false
                PDCEmulator              = $false
                RIDMaster                = $false
                InfrastructureMaster     = $false
                LdapPort                 = ''
                SslPort                  = ''
                Pingable                 = $null
                Comment                  = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
    if ($SkipEmpty) { return $Servers | Where-Object { $_.HostName -ne '' } }
    return $Servers
function Get-WinADForestDetails {
    param([alias('ForestName')][string] $Forest,
        [string[]] $ExcludeDomains,
        [string[]] $ExcludeDomainControllers,
        [alias('Domain', 'Domains')][string[]] $IncludeDomains,
        [alias('DomainControllers', 'ComputerName')][string[]] $IncludeDomainControllers,
        [switch] $SkipRODC,
        [string] $Filter = '*',
        [switch] $TestAvailability,
        [ValidateSet('All', 'Ping', 'WinRM', 'PortOpen', 'Ping+WinRM', 'Ping+PortOpen', 'WinRM+PortOpen')] $Test = 'All',
        [int[]] $Ports = 135,
        [int] $PortsTimeout = 100,
        [int] $PingCount = 1,
        [switch] $Extended,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $ExtendedForestInformation)
    if ($Global:ProgressPreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue') {
        $TemporaryProgress = $Global:ProgressPreference
        $Global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    if (-not $ExtendedForestInformation) {
        $Findings = [ordered] @{}
        try { if ($Forest) { $ForestInformation = Get-ADForest -ErrorAction Stop -Identity $Forest } else { $ForestInformation = Get-ADForest -ErrorAction Stop } } catch {
            Write-Warning "Get-WinADForestDetails - Error discovering DC for Forest - $($_.Exception.Message)"
        if (-not $ForestInformation) { return }
        $Findings['Forest'] = $ForestInformation
        $Findings['ForestDomainControllers'] = @()
        $Findings['QueryServers'] = @{}
        $Findings['DomainDomainControllers'] = @{}
        [Array] $Findings['Domains'] = foreach ($Domain in $ForestInformation.Domains) {
            if ($IncludeDomains) {
                if ($Domain -in $IncludeDomains) { $Domain.ToLower() }
            if ($Domain -notin $ExcludeDomains) { $Domain.ToLower() }
        [Array] $DomainsActive = foreach ($Domain in $Findings['Forest'].Domains) {
            try {
                $DC = Get-ADDomainController -DomainName $Domain -Discover -ErrorAction Stop
                $OrderedDC = [ordered] @{Domain = $DC.Domain
                    Forest                      = $DC.Forest
                    HostName                    = [Array] $DC.HostName
                    IPv4Address                 = $DC.IPv4Address
                    IPv6Address                 = $DC.IPv6Address
                    Name                        = $DC.Name
                    Site                        = $DC.Site
            } catch {
                Write-Warning "Get-WinADForestDetails - Error discovering DC for domain $Domain - $($_.Exception.Message)"
            if ($Domain -eq $Findings['Forest']['Name']) { $Findings['QueryServers']['Forest'] = $OrderedDC }
            $Findings['QueryServers']["$Domain"] = $OrderedDC
        [Array] $Findings['Domains'] = foreach ($Domain in $Findings['Domains']) {
            if ($Domain -notin $DomainsActive) {
                Write-Warning "Get-WinADForestDetails - Domain $Domain doesn't seem to be active (no DCs). Skipping."
        [Array] $Findings['ForestDomainControllers'] = foreach ($Domain in $Findings.Domains) {
            $QueryServer = $Findings['QueryServers'][$Domain]['HostName'][0]
            [Array] $AllDC = try {
                try { $DomainControllers = Get-ADDomainController -Filter $Filter -Server $QueryServer -ErrorAction Stop } catch {
                    Write-Warning "Get-WinADForestDetails - Error listing DCs for domain $Domain - $($_.Exception.Message)"
                foreach ($S in $DomainControllers) {
                    if ($IncludeDomainControllers.Count -gt 0) { If (-not $IncludeDomainControllers[0].Contains('.')) { if ($S.Name -notin $IncludeDomainControllers) { continue } } else { if ($S.HostName -notin $IncludeDomainControllers) { continue } } }
                    if ($ExcludeDomainControllers.Count -gt 0) { If (-not $ExcludeDomainControllers[0].Contains('.')) { if ($S.Name -in $ExcludeDomainControllers) { continue } } else { if ($S.HostName -in $ExcludeDomainControllers) { continue } } }
                    $Server = [ordered] @{Domain = $Domain
                        HostName                 = $S.HostName
                        Name                     = $S.Name
                        Forest                   = $ForestInformation.RootDomain
                        Site                     = $S.Site
                        IPV4Address              = $S.IPV4Address
                        IPV6Address              = $S.IPV6Address
                        IsGlobalCatalog          = $S.IsGlobalCatalog
                        IsReadOnly               = $S.IsReadOnly
                        IsSchemaMaster           = ($S.OperationMasterRoles -contains 'SchemaMaster')
                        IsDomainNamingMaster     = ($S.OperationMasterRoles -contains 'DomainNamingMaster')
                        IsPDC                    = ($S.OperationMasterRoles -contains 'PDCEmulator')
                        IsRIDMaster              = ($S.OperationMasterRoles -contains 'RIDMaster')
                        IsInfrastructureMaster   = ($S.OperationMasterRoles -contains 'InfrastructureMaster')
                        OperatingSystem          = $S.OperatingSystem
                        OperatingSystemVersion   = $S.OperatingSystemVersion
                        OperatingSystemLong      = ConvertTo-OperatingSystem -OperatingSystem $S.OperatingSystem -OperatingSystemVersion $S.OperatingSystemVersion
                        LdapPort                 = $S.LdapPort
                        SslPort                  = $S.SslPort
                        DistinguishedName        = $S.ComputerObjectDN
                        Pingable                 = $null
                        WinRM                    = $null
                        PortOpen                 = $null
                        Comment                  = ''
                    if ($TestAvailability) {
                        if ($Test -eq 'All' -or $Test -like 'Ping*') { $Server.Pingable = Test-Connection -ComputerName $Server.IPV4Address -Quiet -Count $PingCount }
                        if ($Test -eq 'All' -or $Test -like '*WinRM*') { $Server.WinRM = (Test-WinRM -ComputerName $Server.HostName).Status }
                        if ($Test -eq 'All' -or '*PortOpen*') { $Server.PortOpen = (Test-ComputerPort -Server $Server.HostName -PortTCP $Ports -Timeout $PortsTimeout).Status }
                    [PSCustomObject] $Server
            } catch {
                [PSCustomObject]@{Domain     = $Domain
                    HostName                 = ''
                    Name                     = ''
                    Forest                   = $ForestInformation.RootDomain
                    IPV4Address              = ''
                    IPV6Address              = ''
                    IsGlobalCatalog          = ''
                    IsReadOnly               = ''
                    Site                     = ''
                    SchemaMaster             = $false
                    DomainNamingMasterMaster = $false
                    PDCEmulator              = $false
                    RIDMaster                = $false
                    InfrastructureMaster     = $false
                    LdapPort                 = ''
                    SslPort                  = ''
                    DistinguishedName        = ''
                    Pingable                 = $null
                    WinRM                    = $null
                    PortOpen                 = $null
                    Comment                  = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
            if ($SkipRODC) { [Array] $Findings['DomainDomainControllers'][$Domain] = $AllDC | Where-Object { $_.IsReadOnly -eq $false } } else { [Array] $Findings['DomainDomainControllers'][$Domain] = $AllDC }
            [Array] $Findings['DomainDomainControllers'][$Domain]
        if ($Extended) {
            $Findings['DomainsExtended'] = @{}
            $Findings['DomainsExtendedNetBIOS'] = @{}
            foreach ($DomainEx in $Findings['Domains']) {
                try {
                    $Findings['DomainsExtended'][$DomainEx] = Get-ADDomain -Server $Findings['QueryServers'][$DomainEx].HostName[0] | ForEach-Object { [ordered] @{AllowedDNSSuffixes = $_.AllowedDNSSuffixes | ForEach-Object -Process { $_ }
                            ChildDomains                                                                                                                                              = $_.ChildDomains | ForEach-Object -Process { $_ }
                            ComputersContainer                                                                                                                                        = $_.ComputersContainer
                            DeletedObjectsContainer                                                                                                                                   = $_.DeletedObjectsContainer
                            DistinguishedName                                                                                                                                         = $_.DistinguishedName
                            DNSRoot                                                                                                                                                   = $_.DNSRoot
                            DomainControllersContainer                                                                                                                                = $_.DomainControllersContainer
                            DomainMode                                                                                                                                                = $_.DomainMode
                            DomainSID                                                                                                                                                 = $_.DomainSID.Value
                            ForeignSecurityPrincipalsContainer                                                                                                                        = $_.ForeignSecurityPrincipalsContainer
                            Forest                                                                                                                                                    = $_.Forest
                            InfrastructureMaster                                                                                                                                      = $_.InfrastructureMaster
                            LastLogonReplicationInterval                                                                                                                              = $_.LastLogonReplicationInterval
                            LinkedGroupPolicyObjects                                                                                                                                  = $_.LinkedGroupPolicyObjects | ForEach-Object -Process { $_ }
                            LostAndFoundContainer                                                                                                                                     = $_.LostAndFoundContainer
                            ManagedBy                                                                                                                                                 = $_.ManagedBy
                            Name                                                                                                                                                      = $_.Name
                            NetBIOSName                                                                                                                                               = $_.NetBIOSName
                            ObjectClass                                                                                                                                               = $_.ObjectClass
                            ObjectGUID                                                                                                                                                = $_.ObjectGUID
                            ParentDomain                                                                                                                                              = $_.ParentDomain
                            PDCEmulator                                                                                                                                               = $_.PDCEmulator
                            PublicKeyRequiredPasswordRolling                                                                                                                          = $_.PublicKeyRequiredPasswordRolling | ForEach-Object -Process { $_ }
                            QuotasContainer                                                                                                                                           = $_.QuotasContainer
                            ReadOnlyReplicaDirectoryServers                                                                                                                           = $_.ReadOnlyReplicaDirectoryServers | ForEach-Object -Process { $_ }
                            ReplicaDirectoryServers                                                                                                                                   = $_.ReplicaDirectoryServers | ForEach-Object -Process { $_ }
                            RIDMaster                                                                                                                                                 = $_.RIDMaster
                            SubordinateReferences                                                                                                                                     = $_.SubordinateReferences | ForEach-Object -Process { $_ }
                            SystemsContainer                                                                                                                                          = $_.SystemsContainer
                            UsersContainer                                                                                                                                            = $_.UsersContainer
                        } }
                    $NetBios = $Findings['DomainsExtended'][$DomainEx]['NetBIOSName']
                    $Findings['DomainsExtendedNetBIOS'][$NetBios] = $Findings['DomainsExtended'][$DomainEx]
                } catch {
                    Write-Warning "Get-WinADForestDetails - Error gathering Domain Information for domain $DomainEx - $($_.Exception.Message)"
        if ($TemporaryProgress) { $Global:ProgressPreference = $TemporaryProgress }
    } else {
        $Findings = Copy-DictionaryManual -Dictionary $ExtendedForestInformation
        [Array] $Findings['Domains'] = foreach ($_ in $Findings.Domains) {
            if ($IncludeDomains) {
                if ($_ -in $IncludeDomains) { $_.ToLower() }
            if ($_ -notin $ExcludeDomains) { $_.ToLower() }
        foreach ($_ in [string[]] $Findings.DomainDomainControllers.Keys) { if ($_ -notin $Findings.Domains) { $Findings.DomainDomainControllers.Remove($_) } }
        foreach ($_ in [string[]] $Findings.DomainsExtended.Keys) {
            if ($_ -notin $Findings.Domains) {
                $NetBiosName = $Findings.DomainsExtended.$_.'NetBIOSName'
                if ($NetBiosName) { $Findings.DomainsExtendedNetBIOS.Remove($NetBiosName) }
        [Array] $Findings['ForestDomainControllers'] = foreach ($Domain in $Findings.Domains) {
            [Array] $AllDC = foreach ($S in $Findings.DomainDomainControllers["$Domain"]) {
                if ($IncludeDomainControllers.Count -gt 0) { If (-not $IncludeDomainControllers[0].Contains('.')) { if ($S.Name -notin $IncludeDomainControllers) { continue } } else { if ($S.HostName -notin $IncludeDomainControllers) { continue } } }
                if ($ExcludeDomainControllers.Count -gt 0) { If (-not $ExcludeDomainControllers[0].Contains('.')) { if ($S.Name -in $ExcludeDomainControllers) { continue } } else { if ($S.HostName -in $ExcludeDomainControllers) { continue } } }
            if ($SkipRODC) { [Array] $Findings['DomainDomainControllers'][$Domain] = $AllDC | Where-Object { $_.IsReadOnly -eq $false } } else { [Array] $Findings['DomainDomainControllers'][$Domain] = $AllDC }
            [Array] $Findings['DomainDomainControllers'][$Domain]
function Remove-DuplicateObjects {
    Short description
    Long description
    .PARAMETER Object
    Parameter description
    .PARAMETER Property
    Parameter description
    $Array = @()
    $Array += [PSCustomObject] @{ 'Name' = 'Test'; 'Val1' = 'Testor2'; 'Val2' = 'Testor2'}
    $Array += [PSCustomObject] @{ 'Name' = 'Test'; 'Val1' = 'Testor2'; 'Val2' = 'Testor2'}
    $Array += [PSCustomObject] @{ 'Name' = 'Test1'; 'Val1' = 'Testor2'; 'Val2' = 'Testor2'}
    $Array += [PSCustomObject] @{ 'Name' = 'Test1'; 'Val1' = 'Testor2'; 'Val2' = 'Testor2'}
    Write-Color 'Before' -Color Red
    $Array | Format-Table -A
    Write-Color 'After' -Color Green
    $Array = $Array | Sort-Object -Unique -Property 'Name', 'Val1','Val2'
    $Array | Format-Table -AutoSize
    General notes

    param([System.Collections.IList] $Object,
        [string[]] $Property)
    if ($Object.Count -eq 0) { return $Object } else { return $Object | Sort-Object -Property $Property -Unique }
function Remove-WhiteSpace {
    param([string] $Text)
    $Text = $Text -replace '(^\s+|\s+$)', '' -replace '\s+', ' '
    return $Text
function Save-XML {
    param ([string] $FilePath,
        [System.Xml.XmlNode] $xml)
    $utf8WithoutBom = New-Object System.Text.UTF8Encoding($false)
    $writer = New-Object System.IO.StreamWriter($FilePath, $false, $utf8WithoutBom)
function Send-Email {
    [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $true)]
    param ([alias('EmailParameters')][System.Collections.IDictionary] $Email,
        [string] $Body,
        [string[]] $Attachment,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $InlineAttachments,
        [string] $Subject,
        [string[]] $To,
        [PSCustomObject] $Logger)
    try {
        if ($Email.EmailTo) {
            $EmailParameters = $Email.Clone()
            $EmailParameters.EmailEncoding = $EmailParameters.EmailEncoding -replace "-", ''
            $EmailParameters.EmailEncodingSubject = $EmailParameters.EmailEncodingSubject -replace "-", ''
            $EmailParameters.EmailEncodingBody = $EmailParameters.EmailEncodingSubject -replace "-", ''
            $EmailParameters.EmailEncodingAlternateView = $EmailParameters.EmailEncodingAlternateView -replace "-", ''
        } else {
            $EmailParameters = @{EmailFrom  = $Email.From
                EmailTo                     = $Email.To
                EmailCC                     = $Email.CC
                EmailBCC                    = $Email.BCC
                EmailReplyTo                = $Email.ReplyTo
                EmailServer                 = $Email.Server
                EmailServerPassword         = $Email.Password
                EmailServerPasswordAsSecure = $Email.PasswordAsSecure
                EmailServerPasswordFromFile = $Email.PasswordFromFile
                EmailServerPort             = $Email.Port
                EmailServerLogin            = $Email.Login
                EmailServerEnableSSL        = $Email.EnableSsl
                EmailEncoding               = $Email.Encoding -replace "-", ''
                EmailEncodingSubject        = $Email.EncodingSubject -replace "-", ''
                EmailEncodingBody           = $Email.EncodingBody -replace "-", ''
                EmailEncodingAlternateView  = $Email.EncodingAlternateView -replace "-", ''
                EmailSubject                = $Email.Subject
                EmailPriority               = $Email.Priority
                EmailDeliveryNotifications  = $Email.DeliveryNotifications
                EmailUseDefaultCredentials  = $Email.UseDefaultCredentials
    } catch {
        return @{Status = $False
            Error       = $($_.Exception.Message)
            SentTo      = ''
    $SmtpClient = [System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient]::new()
    if ($EmailParameters.EmailServer) { $SmtpClient.Host = $EmailParameters.EmailServer } else {
        return @{Status = $False
            Error       = "Email Server Host is not set."
            SentTo      = ''
    if ($EmailParameters.EmailServerPort) { $SmtpClient.Port = $EmailParameters.EmailServerPort } else {
        return @{Status = $False
            Error       = "Email Server Port is not set."
            SentTo      = ''
    if ($EmailParameters.EmailServerLogin) {
        $Credentials = Request-Credentials -UserName $EmailParameters.EmailServerLogin -Password $EmailParameters.EmailServerPassword -AsSecure:$EmailParameters.EmailServerPasswordAsSecure -FromFile:$EmailParameters.EmailServerPasswordFromFile -NetworkCredentials
        $SmtpClient.Credentials = $Credentials
    if ($EmailParameters.EmailServerEnableSSL) { $SmtpClient.EnableSsl = $EmailParameters.EmailServerEnableSSL }
    $MailMessage = [System.Net.Mail.MailMessage]::new()
    $MailMessage.From = $EmailParameters.EmailFrom
    if ($To) { foreach ($T in $To) { $MailMessage.To.add($($T)) } } else { if ($EmailParameters.Emailto) { foreach ($To in $EmailParameters.Emailto) { $MailMessage.To.add($($To)) } } }
    if ($EmailParameters.EmailCC) { foreach ($CC in $EmailParameters.EmailCC) { $MailMessage.CC.add($($CC)) } }
    if ($EmailParameters.EmailBCC) { foreach ($BCC in $EmailParameters.EmailBCC) { $MailMessage.BCC.add($($BCC)) } }
    if ($EmailParameters.EmailReplyTo) { $MailMessage.ReplyTo = $EmailParameters.EmailReplyTo }
    $MailMessage.IsBodyHtml = $true
    if ($Subject -eq '') { $MailMessage.Subject = $EmailParameters.EmailSubject } else { $MailMessage.Subject = $Subject }
    $MailMessage.Priority = [System.Net.Mail.MailPriority]::$($EmailParameters.EmailPriority)
    if ($EmailParameters.EmailEncodingSubject) { $MailMessage.SubjectEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::$($EmailParameters.EmailEncodingSubject) } elseif ($EmailParameters.EmailEncoding) { $MailMessage.SubjectEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::$($EmailParameters.EmailEncoding) }
    if ($EmailParameters.EmailEncodingBody) { $MailMessage.BodyEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::$($EmailParameters.EmailEncodingBody) } elseif ($EmailParameters.EmailEncoding) { $MailMessage.BodyEncoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::$($EmailParameters.EmailEncoding) }
    if ($EmailParameters.EmailUseDefaultCredentials) { $SmtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = $EmailParameters.EmailUseDefaultCredentials }
    if ($EmailParameters.EmailDeliveryNotifications) { $MailMessage.DeliveryNotificationOptions = $EmailParameters.EmailDeliveryNotifications }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('InlineAttachments')) {
        if ($EmailParameters.EmailEncodingAlternateView) { $BodyPart = [Net.Mail.AlternateView]::CreateAlternateViewFromString($Body, [System.Text.Encoding]::$($EmailParameters.EmailEncodingAlternateView) , 'text/html') } else { $BodyPart = [Net.Mail.AlternateView]::CreateAlternateViewFromString($Body, [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8, 'text/html') }
        foreach ($Entry in $InlineAttachments.GetEnumerator()) {
            try {
                $FilePath = $Entry.Value
                Write-Verbose $FilePath
                if ($Entry.Value.StartsWith('http', [System.StringComparison]::CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)) {
                    $FileName = $Entry.Value.Substring($Entry.Value.LastIndexOf("/") + 1)
                    $FilePath = Join-Path $env:temp $FileName
                    Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Entry.Value -OutFile $FilePath
                $ContentType = Get-MimeType -FileName $FilePath
                $InAttachment = [Net.Mail.LinkedResource]::new($FilePath, $ContentType)
                $InAttachment.ContentId = $Entry.Key
            } catch {
                $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
                Write-Error "Error inlining attachments: $ErrorMessage"
    } else { $MailMessage.Body = $Body }
    if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Attachment')) {
        foreach ($Attach in $Attachment) {
            if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $Attach) {
                try {
                    $File = [Net.Mail.Attachment]::new($Attach)
                } catch {
                    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
                    if ($Logger) { $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Error attaching file $Attach`: $ErrorMessage") } else { Write-Error "Error attaching file $Attach`: $ErrorMessage" }
    try {
        $MailSentTo = "$($MailMessage.To) $($MailMessage.CC) $($MailMessage.BCC)".Trim()
        if ($pscmdlet.ShouldProcess("$MailSentTo", "Send-Email")) {
            return [PSCustomObject] @{Status = $True
                Error                        = ""
                SentTo                       = $MailSentTo
        } else {
            return [PSCustomObject] @{Status = $False
                Error                        = 'Email not sent (WhatIf)'
                SentTo                       = $MailSentTo
    } catch {
        return [PSCustomObject] @{Status = $False
            Error                        = $($_.Exception.Message)
            SentTo                       = ""
function Send-SqlInsert {
    param([Array] $Object,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $SqlSettings)
    if ($SqlSettings.SqlTableTranspose) { $Object = Format-TransposeTable -Object $Object }
    $SqlTable = Get-SqlQueryColumnInformation -SqlServer $SqlSettings.SqlServer -SqlDatabase $SqlSettings.SqlDatabase -Table $SqlSettings.SqlTable
    $PropertiesFromAllObject = Get-ObjectPropertiesAdvanced -Object $Object -AddProperties 'AddedWhen', 'AddedWho'
    $PropertiesFromTable = $SqlTable.Column_name
    if ($null -eq $SqlTable) {
        if ($SqlSettings.SqlTableCreate) {
            Write-Verbose "Send-SqlInsert - SqlTable doesn't exists, table creation is allowed, mapping will be done either on properties from object or from TableMapping defined in config"
            $TableMapping = New-SqlTableMapping -SqlTableMapping $SqlSettings.SqlTableMapping -Object $Object -Properties $PropertiesFromAllObject
            $CreateTableSQL = New-SqlQueryCreateTable -SqlSettings $SqlSettings -TableMapping $TableMapping
        } else {
            Write-Verbose "Send-SqlInsert - SqlTable doesn't exists, no table creation is allowed. Terminating"
            return "Error occured: SQL Table doesn't exists. SqlTableCreate option is disabled"
    } else {
        if ($SqlSettings.SqlTableAlterIfNeeded) {
            if ($SqlSettings.SqlTableMapping) {
                Write-Verbose "Send-SqlInsert - Sql Table exists, Alter is allowed, but SqlTableMapping is already defined"
                $TableMapping = New-SqlTableMapping -SqlTableMapping $SqlSettings.SqlTableMapping -Object $Object -Properties $PropertiesFromAllObject
            } else {
                Write-Verbose "Send-SqlInsert - Sql Table exists, Alter is allowed, and SqlTableMapping is not defined"
                $TableMapping = New-SqlTableMapping -SqlTableMapping $SqlSettings.SqlTableMapping -Object $Object -Properties $PropertiesFromAllObject
                $AlterTableSQL = New-SqlQueryAlterTable -SqlSettings $SqlSettings -TableMapping $TableMapping -ExistingColumns $SqlTable.Column_name
        } else {
            if ($SqlSettings.SqlTableMapping) {
                Write-Verbose "Send-SqlInsert - Sql Table exists, Alter is not allowed, SqlTableMaping is already defined"
                $TableMapping = New-SqlTableMapping -SqlTableMapping $SqlSettings.SqlTableMapping -Object $Object -Properties $PropertiesFromAllObject
            } else {
                Write-Verbose "Send-SqlInsert - Sql Table exists, Alter is not allowed, SqlTableMaping is not defined, using SqlTable Columns"
                $TableMapping = New-SqlTableMapping -SqlTableMapping $SqlSettings.SqlTableMapping -Object $Object -Properties $PropertiesFromTable -BasedOnSqlTable
    $Queries = @(if ($CreateTableSQL) { foreach ($Sql in $CreateTableSQL) { $Sql } }
        if ($AlterTableSQL) { foreach ($Sql in $AlterTableSQL) { $Sql } }
        $SqlQueries = New-SqlQuery -Object $Object -SqlSettings $SqlSettings -TableMapping $TableMapping
        foreach ($Sql in $SqlQueries) { $Sql })
    $ReturnData = foreach ($Query in $Queries) {
        try {
            if ($Query) {
                Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance "$($SqlSettings.SqlServer)" -Database "$($SqlSettings.SqlDatabase)" -Query $Query -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
            "Error occured (Send-SqlInsert): $ErrorMessage"
    return $ReturnData
function Set-EmailBody {
    param([Object] $TableData,
        [alias('TableWelcomeMessage')][string] $TableMessageWelcome,
        [string] $TableMessageNoData = 'No changes happened during that period.')
    $Body = "<p><i><u>$TableMessageWelcome</u></i></p>"
    if ($($TableData | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) { $Body += $TableData | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment | Out-String } else { $Body += "<p><i>$TableMessageNoData</i></p>" }
    return $body
function Set-EmailBodyPreparedTable {
    param($TableData, $TableWelcomeMessage)
    $body = "<p><i><u>$TableWelcomeMessage</u></i></p>"
    $body += $TableData
    return $body
function Set-EmailFormatting {
    param ($Template,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $FormattingParameters,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $ConfigurationParameters,
        [PSCustomObject] $Logger,
        [switch] $SkipNewLines,
        [string[]] $AddAfterOpening,
        [string[]] $AddBeforeClosing,
        [string] $Image)
    if ($ConfigurationParameters) { $WriteParameters = $ConfigurationParameters.DisplayConsole } else { $WriteParameters = @{ShowTime = $true; LogFile = ""; TimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" } }
    if ($Image) { $Template = $Template -replace '<<Image>>', $Image }
    $Body = "<body>"
    if ($AddAfterOpening) { $Body += $AddAfterOpening }
    if (-not $SkipNewLines) {
        $Template = $Template.Split("`n")
        if ($Logger) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Preparing template - adding HTML <BR> tags...") } else { Write-Color @WriteParameters -Text "[i] Preparing template ", "adding", " HTML ", "<BR>", " tags." -Color White, Yellow, White, Yellow }
        foreach ($t in $Template) { $Body += "$t<br>" }
    } else { $Body += $Template }
    foreach ($style in $FormattingParameters.Styles.GetEnumerator()) {
        foreach ($value in $style.Value) {
            if ($value -eq "") { continue }
            if ($Logger) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Preparing template - adding HTML $($style.Name) tag for $value.") } else { Write-Color @WriteParameters -Text "[i] Preparing template ", "adding", " HTML ", "$($style.Name)", " tag for ", "$value", ' tags...' -Color White, Yellow, White, Yellow, White, Yellow }
            $Body = $Body.Replace($value, "<$($style.Name)>$value</$($style.Name)>")
    foreach ($color in $FormattingParameters.Colors.GetEnumerator()) {
        foreach ($value in $color.Value) {
            if ($value -eq "") { continue }
            if ($Logger) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Preparing template - adding HTML $($color.Name) tag for $value.") } else { Write-Color @WriteParameters -Text "[i] Preparing template ", "adding", " HTML ", "$($color.Name)", " tag for ", "$value", ' tags...' -Color White, Yellow, White, Yellow, White, Yellow }
            $Body = $Body.Replace($value, "<span style=color:$($color.Name)>$value</span>")
    foreach ($links in $FormattingParameters.Links.GetEnumerator()) {
        foreach ($link in $links.Value) {
            if ($link.Link -like "*@*") {
                if ($Logger) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Preparing template - adding EMAIL Links for $($links.Key).") } else { Write-Color @WriteParameters -Text "[i] Preparing template ", "adding", " EMAIL ", "Links for", " $($links.Key)..." -Color White, Yellow, White, White, Yellow, White }
                $Body = $Body -replace "<<$($links.Key)>>", "<span style=color:$($link.Color)><a href='mailto:$($link.Link)?subject=$($Link.Subject)'>$($Link.Text)</a></span>"
            } else {
                if ($Logger) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("[i] Preparing template - adding HTML Links for $($links.Key)") } else { Write-Color @WriteParameters -Text "[i] Preparing template ", "adding", " HTML ", "Links for", " $($links.Key)..." -Color White, Yellow, White, White, Yellow, White }
                $Body = $Body -replace "<<$($links.Key)>>", "<span style=color:$($link.Color)><a href='$($link.Link)'>$($Link.Text)</a></span>"
    if ($AddAfterOpening) { $Body += $AddBeforeClosing }
    $Body += '</body>'
    if ($ConfigurationParameters) { if ($ConfigurationParameters.DisplayTemplateHTML -eq $true) { Get-HTML($Body) } }
    return $Body
function Set-EmailHead {
    param([System.Collections.IDictionary] $FormattingOptions)
    $head = @"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" name="viewport">
<meta name="description" content="Password Expiration Email">
    BODY {
        background-color: white;
        font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontFamily);
        font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontSize);
    TABLE {
        border-width: 1px;
        border-style: solid;
        border-color: black;
        border-collapse: collapse;
        font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontTableDataFamily);
        font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontTableDataSize);
    TH {
        border-width: 1px;
        padding: 3px;
        border-style: solid;
        border-color: black;
        background-color: #00297A;
        color: white;
        font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontTableHeadingFamily);
        font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontTableHeadingSize);
    TR {
        font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontTableDataFamily);
        font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontTableDataSize);
    UL {
        font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontFamily);
        font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontSize);
    LI {
        font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontFamily);
        font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontSize);
    TD {
        border-width: 1px;
        padding-right: 2px;
        padding-left: 2px;
        padding-top: 0px;
        padding-bottom: 0px;
        border-style: solid;
        border-color: black;
        background-color: white;
        font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontTableDataFamily);
        font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontTableDataSize);
    H2 {
        font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontHeadingFamily);
        font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontHeadingSize);
    P {
        font-family: $($FormattingOptions.FontFamily);
        font-size: $($FormattingOptions.FontSize);

    return $Head
function Set-EmailReportBranding {
    param([alias('FormattingOptions')] $FormattingParameters)
    if ($FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Link) { $Report = "<a style=`"text-decoration:none`" href=`"$($FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Link)`" class=`"clink logo-container`">" } else { $Report = '' }
    if ($FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Inline) { $Report += "<img width=<fix> height=<fix> src=`"cid:logo`" border=`"0`" class=`"company-logo`" alt=`"company-logo`"></a>" } else { $Report += "<img width=<fix> height=<fix> src=`"$($FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Logo)`" border=`"0`" class=`"company-logo`" alt=`"company-logo`"></a>" }
    if ($FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Width -ne "") { $Report = $Report -replace "width=<fix>", "width=$($FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Width)" } else { $Report = $Report -replace "width=<fix>", "" }
    if ($FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Height -ne "") { $Report = $Report -replace "height=<fix>", "height=$($FormattingParameters.CompanyBranding.Height)" } else { $Report = $Report -replace "height=<fix>", "" }
    return $Report
function Set-EmailWordReplacements {
    param($Body, $Replace, $ReplaceWith, [switch] $RegEx)
    if ($RegEx) { $Body = $Body -Replace $Replace, $ReplaceWith } else { $Body = $Body.Replace($Replace, $ReplaceWith) }
    return $Body
function Set-XML {
    param ([string] $FilePath,
        [string] $Node,
        [string] $Value)
    [xml]$xmlDocument = Get-Content -Path $FilePath -Encoding UTF8
    $XmlElement = $xmlDocument
    foreach ($Path in $Paths) { $XmlElement = $XmlElement.$Path }
    $XmlElement.$Node = $Value
function Split-Array {
        Split an array
        Version : July 2, 2017 - implemented suggestions from ShadowSHarmon for performance
        .PARAMETER inArray
        A one dimensional array you want to split
        This splits array into multiple arrays of 3
        Example below wil return 1,2,3 + 4,5,6 + 7,8,9
        Split-array -inArray @(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -parts 3
        This splits array into 3 parts regardless of amount of elements
        Split-array -inArray @(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -size 3
        # Link:

    param([Object] $inArray,
    if ($inArray.Count -eq 1) { return $inArray }
    if ($parts) { $PartSize = [Math]::Ceiling($inArray.count / $parts) }
    if ($size) {
        $PartSize = $size
        $parts = [Math]::Ceiling($inArray.count / $size)
    $outArray = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[psobject]'
    for ($i = 1; $i -le $parts; $i++) {
        $start = (($i - 1) * $PartSize)
        $end = (($i) * $PartSize) - 1
        if ($end -ge $inArray.count) { $end = $inArray.count - 1 }
    return , $outArray
function Start-MyProgram {
    param ([string] $Program,
        [string[]] $CmdArgList,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $LoggerParameters)
    $Output = (cmd /c $Program $CmdArgList '2>&1')
    if (-not $LoggerParameters) { if ($Output) { return $Output } } else {
        $Logger = Get-Logger @LoggerParameters
        if ($null -ne $Output) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Running program $Program with output: $Output") } else { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Running program $Program $CmdArgList") }
function Start-TimeLog {
function Stop-TimeLog {
    param ([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)][System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch] $Time,
        [ValidateSet('OneLiner', 'Array')][string] $Option = 'OneLiner',
        [switch] $Continue)
    Begin {}
    Process { if ($Option -eq 'Array') { $TimeToExecute = "$($Time.Elapsed.Days) days", "$($Time.Elapsed.Hours) hours", "$($Time.Elapsed.Minutes) minutes", "$($Time.Elapsed.Seconds) seconds", "$($Time.Elapsed.Milliseconds) milliseconds" } else { $TimeToExecute = "$($Time.Elapsed.Days) days, $($Time.Elapsed.Hours) hours, $($Time.Elapsed.Minutes) minutes, $($Time.Elapsed.Seconds) seconds, $($Time.Elapsed.Milliseconds) milliseconds" } }
    End {
        if (-not $Continue) { $Time.Stop() }
        return $TimeToExecute
function Write-Color {
        Write-Color is a wrapper around Write-Host.
        It provides:
        - Easy manipulation of colors,
        - Logging output to file (log)
        - Nice formatting options out of the box.
        Author: przemyslaw.klys at
        Project website:
        Project support:
        Original idea: Josh (
    Write-Color -Text "Red ", "Green ", "Yellow " -Color Red,Green,Yellow
    Write-Color -Text "This is text in Green ",
                    "followed by red ",
                    "and then we have Magenta... ",
                    "isn't it fun? ",
                    "Here goes DarkCyan" -Color Green,Red,Magenta,White,DarkCyan
    Write-Color -Text "This is text in Green ",
                    "followed by red ",
                    "and then we have Magenta... ",
                    "isn't it fun? ",
                    "Here goes DarkCyan" -Color Green,Red,Magenta,White,DarkCyan -StartTab 3 -LinesBefore 1 -LinesAfter 1
    Write-Color "1. ", "Option 1" -Color Yellow, Green
    Write-Color "2. ", "Option 2" -Color Yellow, Green
    Write-Color "3. ", "Option 3" -Color Yellow, Green
    Write-Color "4. ", "Option 4" -Color Yellow, Green
    Write-Color "9. ", "Press 9 to exit" -Color Yellow, Gray -LinesBefore 1
    Write-Color -LinesBefore 2 -Text "This little ","message is ", "written to log ", "file as well." `
                -Color Yellow, White, Green, Red, Red -LogFile "C:\testing.txt" -TimeFormat "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
    Write-Color -Text "This can get ","handy if ", "want to display things, and log actions to file ", "at the same time." `
                -Color Yellow, White, Green, Red, Red -LogFile "C:\testing.txt"
    # Added in 0.5
    Write-Color -T "My text", " is ", "all colorful" -C Yellow, Red, Green -B Green, Green, Yellow
    wc -t "my text" -c yellow -b green
    wc -text "my text" -c red
        Additional Notes:
        - TimeFormat

    param ([alias ('T')] [String[]]$Text,
        [alias ('C', 'ForegroundColor', 'FGC')] [ConsoleColor[]]$Color = [ConsoleColor]::White,
        [alias ('B', 'BGC')] [ConsoleColor[]]$BackGroundColor = $null,
        [alias ('Indent')][int] $StartTab = 0,
        [int] $LinesBefore = 0,
        [int] $LinesAfter = 0,
        [int] $StartSpaces = 0,
        [alias ('L')] [string] $LogFile = '',
        [Alias('DateFormat', 'TimeFormat')][string] $DateTimeFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss',
        [alias ('LogTimeStamp')][bool] $LogTime = $true,
        [int] $LogRetry = 2,
        [ValidateSet('unknown', 'string', 'unicode', 'bigendianunicode', 'utf8', 'utf7', 'utf32', 'ascii', 'default', 'oem')][string]$Encoding = 'Unicode',
        [switch] $ShowTime,
        [switch] $NoNewLine)
    $DefaultColor = $Color[0]
    if ($null -ne $BackGroundColor -and $BackGroundColor.Count -ne $Color.Count) {
        Write-Error "Colors, BackGroundColors parameters count doesn't match. Terminated."
    if ($LinesBefore -ne 0) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $LinesBefore; $i++) { Write-Host -Object "`n" -NoNewline } }
    if ($StartTab -ne 0) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $StartTab; $i++) { Write-Host -Object "`t" -NoNewline } }
    if ($StartSpaces -ne 0) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $StartSpaces; $i++) { Write-Host -Object ' ' -NoNewline } }
    if ($ShowTime) { Write-Host -Object "[$([datetime]::Now.ToString($DateTimeFormat))] " -NoNewline }
    if ($Text.Count -ne 0) {
        if ($Color.Count -ge $Text.Count) { if ($null -eq $BackGroundColor) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Text.Length; $i++) { Write-Host -Object $Text[$i] -ForegroundColor $Color[$i] -NoNewline } } else { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Text.Length; $i++) { Write-Host -Object $Text[$i] -ForegroundColor $Color[$i] -BackgroundColor $BackGroundColor[$i] -NoNewline } } } else {
            if ($null -eq $BackGroundColor) {
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Color.Length; $i++) { Write-Host -Object $Text[$i] -ForegroundColor $Color[$i] -NoNewline }
                for ($i = $Color.Length; $i -lt $Text.Length; $i++) { Write-Host -Object $Text[$i] -ForegroundColor $DefaultColor -NoNewline }
            } else {
                for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Color.Length; $i++) { Write-Host -Object $Text[$i] -ForegroundColor $Color[$i] -BackgroundColor $BackGroundColor[$i] -NoNewline }
                for ($i = $Color.Length; $i -lt $Text.Length; $i++) { Write-Host -Object $Text[$i] -ForegroundColor $DefaultColor -BackgroundColor $BackGroundColor[0] -NoNewline }
    if ($NoNewLine -eq $true) { Write-Host -NoNewline } else { Write-Host }
    if ($LinesAfter -ne 0) { for ($i = 0; $i -lt $LinesAfter; $i++) { Write-Host -Object "`n" -NoNewline } }
    if ($Text.Count -and $LogFile) {
        $TextToFile = ""
        for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Text.Length; $i++) { $TextToFile += $Text[$i] }
        $Saved = $false
        $Retry = 0
        Do {
            try {
                if ($LogTime) { "[$([datetime]::Now.ToString($DateTimeFormat))] $TextToFile" | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -Encoding $Encoding -Append -ErrorAction Stop -WhatIf:$false } else { "$TextToFile" | Out-File -FilePath $LogFile -Encoding $Encoding -Append -ErrorAction Stop -WhatIf:$false }
                $Saved = $true
            } catch { if ($Saved -eq $false -and $Retry -eq $LogRetry) { $PSCmdlet.WriteError($_) } else { Write-Warning "Write-Color - Couldn't write to log file $($_.Exception.Message). Retrying... ($Retry/$LogRetry)" } }
        } Until ($Saved -eq $true -or $Retry -ge $LogRetry)
function Convert-Color {
    This color converter gives you the hexadecimal values of your RGB colors and vice versa (RGB to HEX)
    This color converter gives you the hexadecimal values of your RGB colors and vice versa (RGB to HEX). Use it to convert your colors and prepare your graphics and HTML web pages.
    .Parameter RBG
    Enter the Red Green Blue value comma separated. Red: 51 Green: 51 Blue: 204 for example needs to be entered as 51,51,204
    .Parameter HEX
    Enter the Hex value to be converted. Do not use the '#' symbol. (Ex: 3333CC converts to Red: 51 Green: 51 Blue: 204)
    .\convert-color -hex FFFFFF
    Converts hex value FFFFFF to RGB
    .\convert-color -RGB 123,200,255
    Converts Red = 123 Green = 200 Blue = 255 to Hex value

    param([Parameter(ParameterSetName = "RGB", Position = 0)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '^([01]?[0-9]?[0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])$' })]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = "HEX", Position = 0)]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -match '[A-Fa-f0-9]{6}' })]
    switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
        "RGB" {
            if ($null -eq $RGB[2]) { Write-Error "Value missing. Please enter all three values seperated by comma." }
            $red = [convert]::Tostring($RGB[0], 16)
            $green = [convert]::Tostring($RGB[1], 16)
            $blue = [convert]::Tostring($RGB[2], 16)
            if ($red.Length -eq 1) { $red = '0' + $red }
            if ($green.Length -eq 1) { $green = '0' + $green }
            if ($blue.Length -eq 1) { $blue = '0' + $blue }
            Write-Output $red$green$blue
        "HEX" {
            $red = $HEX.Remove(2, 4)
            $Green = $HEX.Remove(4, 2)
            $Green = $Green.remove(0, 2)
            $Blue = $hex.Remove(0, 4)
            $Red = [convert]::ToInt32($red, 16)
            $Green = [convert]::ToInt32($green, 16)
            $Blue = [convert]::ToInt32($blue, 16)
            Write-Output $red, $Green, $blue
function ConvertTo-OperatingSystem {
    Allows easy conversion of OperatingSystem, Operating System Version to proper Windows 10 naming based on WMI or AD
    Allows easy conversion of OperatingSystem, Operating System Version to proper Windows 10 naming based on WMI or AD
    .PARAMETER OperatingSystem
    Operating System as returned by Active Directory
    .PARAMETER OperatingSystemVersion
    Operating System Version as returned by Active Directory
    $Computers = Get-ADComputer -Filter * -Properties OperatingSystem, OperatingSystemVersion | ForEach-Object {
        $OPS = ConvertTo-OperatingSystem -OperatingSystem $_.OperatingSystem -OperatingSystemVersion $_.OperatingSystemVersion
        Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name 'OperatingSystemTranslated' -Value $OPS -InputObject $_ -Force
    $Computers | Select-Object DNS*, Name, SamAccountName, Enabled, OperatingSystem*, DistinguishedName | Format-Table
    $Registry = Get-PSRegistry -ComputerName 'AD1' -RegistryPath 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion'
    ConvertTo-OperatingSystem -OperatingSystem $Registry.ProductName -OperatingSystemVersion $Registry.CurrentBuildNumber
    General notes

    param([string] $OperatingSystem,
        [string] $OperatingSystemVersion)
    if ($OperatingSystem -like 'Windows 10*' -or $OperatingSystem -like 'Windows 11*') {
        $Systems = @{'10.0 (22000)' = 'Windows 11 21H2'
            '10.0 (19043)'          = 'Windows 10 21H1'
            '10.0 (19042)'          = 'Windows 10 20H2'
            '10.0 (19041)'          = 'Windows 10 2004'
            '10.0 (18898)'          = 'Windows 10 Insider Preview'
            '10.0 (18363)'          = "Windows 10 1909"
            '10.0 (18362)'          = "Windows 10 1903"
            '10.0 (17763)'          = "Windows 10 1809"
            '10.0 (17134)'          = "Windows 10 1803"
            '10.0 (16299)'          = "Windows 10 1709"
            '10.0 (15063)'          = "Windows 10 1703"
            '10.0 (14393)'          = "Windows 10 1607"
            '10.0 (10586)'          = "Windows 10 1511"
            '10.0 (10240)'          = "Windows 10 1507"
            '10.0.22000'            = 'Windows 11 21H2'
            '10.0.19043'            = 'Windows 10 21H1'
            '10.0.19042'            = 'Windows 10 20H2'
            '10.0.19041'            = 'Windows 10 2004'
            '10.0.18898'            = 'Windows 10 Insider Preview'
            '10.0.18363'            = "Windows 10 1909"
            '10.0.18362'            = "Windows 10 1903"
            '10.0.17763'            = "Windows 10 1809"
            '10.0.17134'            = "Windows 10 1803"
            '10.0.16299'            = "Windows 10 1709"
            '10.0.15063'            = "Windows 10 1703"
            '10.0.14393'            = "Windows 10 1607"
            '10.0.10586'            = "Windows 10 1511"
            '10.0.10240'            = "Windows 10 1507"
            '22000'                 = 'Windows 11 21H2'
            '19043'                 = 'Windows 10 21H1'
            '19042'                 = 'Windows 10 20H2'
            '19041'                 = 'Windows 10 2004'
            '18898'                 = 'Windows 10 Insider Preview'
            '18363'                 = "Windows 10 1909"
            '18362'                 = "Windows 10 1903"
            '17763'                 = "Windows 10 1809"
            '17134'                 = "Windows 10 1803"
            '16299'                 = "Windows 10 1709"
            '15063'                 = "Windows 10 1703"
            '14393'                 = "Windows 10 1607"
            '10586'                 = "Windows 10 1511"
            '10240'                 = "Windows 10 1507"
        $System = $Systems[$OperatingSystemVersion]
        if (-not $System) { $System = $OperatingSystem }
    } elseif ($OperatingSystem -like 'Windows Server*') {
        $Systems = @{'10.0 (20348)' = 'Windows Server 2022'
            '10.0 (19042)'          = 'Windows Server 2019 20H2'
            '10.0 (19041)'          = 'Windows Server 2019 2004'
            '10.0 (18363)'          = 'Windows Server 2019 1909'
            '10.0 (18362)'          = "Windows Server 2019 1903"
            '10.0 (17763)'          = "Windows Server 2019 1809"
            '10.0 (17134)'          = "Windows Server 2016 1803"
            '10.0 (14393)'          = "Windows Server 2016 1607"
            '6.3 (9600)'            = 'Windows Server 2012 R2'
            '6.1 (7601)'            = 'Windows Server 2008 R2'
            '5.2 (3790)'            = 'Windows Server 2003'
            '10.0.20348'            = 'Windows Server 2022'
            '10.0.19042'            = 'Windows Server 2019 20H2'
            '10.0.19041'            = 'Windows Server 2019 2004'
            '10.0.18363'            = 'Windows Server 2019 1909'
            '10.0.18362'            = "Windows Server 2019 1903"
            '10.0.17763'            = "Windows Server 2019 1809"
            '10.0.17134'            = "Windows Server 2016 1803"
            '10.0.14393'            = "Windows Server 2016 1607"
            '6.3.9600'              = 'Windows Server 2012 R2'
            '6.1.7601'              = 'Windows Server 2008 R2'
            '5.2.3790'              = 'Windows Server 2003'
            '20348'                 = 'Windows Server 2022'
            '19042'                 = 'Windows Server 2019 20H2'
            '19041'                 = 'Windows Server 2019 2004'
            '18363'                 = 'Windows Server 2019 1909'
            '18362'                 = "Windows Server 2019 1903"
            '17763'                 = "Windows Server 2019 1809"
            '17134'                 = "Windows Server 2016 1803"
            '14393'                 = "Windows Server 2016 1607"
            '9600'                  = 'Windows Server 2012 R2'
            '7601'                  = 'Windows Server 2008 R2'
            '3790'                  = 'Windows Server 2003'
        $System = $Systems[$OperatingSystemVersion]
        if (-not $System) { $System = $OperatingSystem }
    } else { $System = $OperatingSystem }
    if ($System) { $System } else { 'Unknown' }
function Copy-DictionaryManual {
    param([System.Collections.IDictionary] $Dictionary)
    $clone = @{}
    foreach ($Key in $Dictionary.Keys) {
        $value = $Dictionary.$Key
        $clonedValue = switch ($Dictionary.$Key) {
            { $null -eq $_ } {
            { $_ -is [System.Collections.IDictionary] } {
                Copy-DictionaryManual -Dictionary $_
            { $type = $_.GetType()
                $type.IsPrimitive -or $type.IsValueType -or $_ -is [string] } {
            default { $_ | Select-Object -Property * }
        if ($value -is [System.Collections.IList]) { $clone[$Key] = @($clonedValue) } else { $clone[$Key] = $clonedValue }
function Format-TransposeTable {
    param ([Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)][System.Collections.ICollection] $Object,
        [ValidateSet("ASC", "DESC", "NONE")][String] $Sort = 'NONE')
    process {
        foreach ($myObject in $Object) {
            if ($myObject -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) { if ($Sort -eq 'ASC') { [PSCustomObject] $myObject.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending:$false } elseif ($Sort -eq 'DESC') { [PSCustomObject] $myObject.GetEnumerator() | Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending:$true } else { [PSCustomObject] $myObject } } else {
                $Output = [ordered] @{}
                if ($Sort -eq 'ASC') { $myObject.PSObject.Properties | Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending:$false | ForEach-Object { $Output["$($_.Name)"] = $_.Value } } elseif ($Sort -eq 'DESC') { $myObject.PSObject.Properties | Sort-Object -Property Name -Descending:$true | ForEach-Object { $Output["$($_.Name)"] = $_.Value } } else { $myObject.PSObject.Properties | ForEach-Object { $Output["$($_.Name)"] = $_.Value } }
function Get-HTML {
    param ($text)
    $text = $text.Split("`r")
    foreach ($t in $text) { Write-Host $t }
function Get-MimeType {
    param ([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [string] $FileName)
    $MimeMappings = @{'.jpeg' = 'image/jpeg'
        '.jpg'                = 'image/jpeg'
        '.png'                = 'image/png'
    $Extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($FileName)
    $ContentType = $MimeMappings[ $Extension ]
    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ContentType)) { return New-Object System.Net.Mime.ContentType } else { return New-Object System.Net.Mime.ContentType($ContentType) }
function Get-ObjectPropertiesAdvanced {
    param ([object] $Object,
        [string[]] $AddProperties,
        [switch] $Sort)
    $Data = @{}
    $Properties = New-ArrayList
    $HighestCount = 0
    foreach ($O in $Object) {
        $ObjectProperties = $O.PSObject.Properties.Name
        $Count = $ObjectProperties.Count
        if ($Count -gt $HighestCount) {
            $Data.HighestCount = $Count
            $Data.HighestObject = $O
            $HighestCount = $Count
        foreach ($Property in $ObjectProperties) { Add-ToArrayAdvanced -List $Properties -Element $Property -SkipNull -RequireUnique }
    foreach ($Property in $AddProperties) { Add-ToArrayAdvanced -List $Properties -Element $Property -SkipNull -RequireUnique }
    $Data.Properties = if ($Sort) { $Properties | Sort-Object } else { $Properties }
    return $Data
function Get-SqlQueryColumnInformation {
    param ([string] $SqlServer,
        [string] $SqlDatabase,
        [string] $Table)
    $Table = $Table.Replace("dbo.", '').Replace('[', '').Replace(']', '')
    $SqlDatabase = $SqlDatabase.Replace('[', '').Replace(']', '')
    $SqlDatabase = "[$SqlDatabase]"
    $SqlReturn = @(try { Invoke-DbaQuery -ErrorAction Stop -SqlInstance $SqlServer -Query $Query } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
            "Error occured (Get-SqlQueryColumnInformation): $ErrorMessage"
    return $SQLReturn
function New-SqlQuery {
    param ([Object] $SqlSettings,
        [Object] $Object,
        [Object] $TableMapping)
    $ArraySQLQueries = New-ArrayList
    if ($null -ne $Object) {
        foreach ($O in $Object) {
            $ArrayMain = New-ArrayList
            $ArrayKeys = New-ArrayList
            $ArrayValues = New-ArrayList
            if (-not $O.AddedWhen) { Add-Member -InputObject $O -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AddedWhen" -Value (Get-Date) -Force }
            if (-not $O.AddedWho) { Add-Member -InputObject $O -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AddedWho" -Value ($Env:USERNAME) -Force }
            $DuplicateString = [System.Text.StringBuilder]::new()
            foreach ($E in $O.PSObject.Properties) {
                $FieldName = $E.Name
                $FieldValue = $E.Value
                foreach ($MapKey in $TableMapping.Keys) {
                    if ($FieldName -eq $MapKey) {
                        $MapValue = $TableMapping.$MapKey
                        $MapValueSplit = $MapValue -Split ','
                        if ($FieldValue -is [DateTime]) { $FieldValue = Get-Date $FieldValue -Format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" }
                        if ($FieldValue -like "*'*") { $FieldValue = $FieldValue -Replace "'", "''" }
                        Add-ToArray -List $ArrayKeys -Element "[$($MapValueSplit[0])]"
                        if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($FieldValue)) { Add-ToArray -List $ArrayValues -Element "NULL" } else {
                            foreach ($ColumnName in $SqlSettings.SqlCheckBeforeInsert) {
                                $DuplicateColumn = $ColumnName.Replace("[", '').Replace("]", '')
                                if ($MapValueSplit[0] -eq $DuplicateColumn) {
                                    if ($DuplicateString.Length -ne 0) { $null = $DuplicateString.Append(" AND ") }
                                    $null = $DuplicateString.Append("[$DuplicateColumn] = '$FieldValue'")
                            Add-ToArray -List $ArrayValues -Element "'$FieldValue'"
            if ($ArrayKeys) {
                if ($null -ne $SqlSettings.SqlCheckBeforeInsert -and $DuplicateString.Length -gt 0) {
                    Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "IF NOT EXISTS ("
                    Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "SELECT 1 FROM "
                    Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "$($SqlSettings.SqlTable) "
                    Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "WHERE $($DuplicateString.ToString())"
                    Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ")"
                Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "BEGIN"
                Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "INSERT INTO $($SqlSettings.SqlTable) ("
                Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ($ArrayKeys -join ',')
                Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ') VALUES ('
                Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ($ArrayValues -join ',')
                Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ')'
                Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "END"
                Add-ToArray -List $ArraySQLQueries -Element ([string] ($ArrayMain) -replace "`n", "" -replace "`r", "")
    return $ArraySQLQueries
function New-SqlQueryAlterTable {
    param ([Object]$SqlSettings,
        [string[]] $ExistingColumns)
    $ArraySQLQueries = New-ArrayList
    $ArrayMain = New-ArrayList
    $ArrayKeys = New-ArrayList
    foreach ($MapKey in $TableMapping.Keys) {
        $MapValue = $TableMapping.$MapKey
        $Field = $MapValue -Split ','
        if ($ExistingColumns -notcontains $MapKey -and $ExistingColumns -notcontains $Field[0]) { if ($Field.Count -eq 1) { Add-ToArray -List $ArrayKeys -Element "[$($Field[0])] [nvarchar](max) NULL" } elseif ($Field.Count -eq 2) { Add-ToArray -List $ArrayKeys -Element "[$($Field[0])] $($Field[1]) NULL" } elseif ($Field.Count -eq 3) { Add-ToArray -List $ArrayKeys -Element "[$($Field[0])] $($Field[1]) $($Field[2])" } }
    if ($ArrayKeys) {
        Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "ALTER TABLE $($SqlSettings.SqlTable) ADD"
        Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ($ArrayKeys -join ',')
        Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ';'
        Add-ToArray -List $ArraySQLQueries -Element ([string] ($ArrayMain) -replace "`n", "" -replace "`r", "")
    return $ArraySQLQueries
function New-SqlQueryCreateTable {
    param ([Object]$SqlSettings,
    $ArraySQLQueries = New-ArrayList
    $ArrayMain = New-ArrayList
    $ArrayKeys = New-ArrayList
    foreach ($MapKey in $TableMapping.Keys) {
        $MapValue = $TableMapping.$MapKey
        $Field = $MapValue -Split ','
        if ($Field.Count -eq 1) { Add-ToArray -List $ArrayKeys -Element "[$($Field[0])] [nvarchar](max) NULL" } elseif ($Field.Count -eq 2) { Add-ToArray -List $ArrayKeys -Element "[$($Field[0])] $($Field[1]) NULL" } elseif ($Field.Count -eq 3) { Add-ToArray -List $ArrayKeys -Element "[$($Field[0])] $($Field[1]) $($Field[2])" }
    if ($ArrayKeys) {
        Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "CREATE TABLE $($SqlSettings.SqlTable) ("
        Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element "ID int IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,"
        Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ($ArrayKeys -join ',')
        Add-ToArray -List $ArrayMain -Element ')'
        Add-ToArray -List $ArraySQLQueries -Element ([string] ($ArrayMain) -replace "`n", "" -replace "`r", "")
    return $ArraySQLQueries
function New-SqlTableMapping {
    param([Object] $SqlTableMapping,
        [Object] $Object,
        [switch] $BasedOnSqlTable)
    if ($SqlTableMapping) { $TableMapping = $SqlTableMapping } else {
        $TableMapping = @{}
        if ($BasedOnSqlTable) {
            foreach ($Property in $Properties) {
                $FieldName = $Property
                $FieldNameSql = $Property
                $TableMapping.$FieldName = $FieldNameSQL
        } else {
            foreach ($O in $Properties.HighestObject) {
                foreach ($Property in $Properties.Properties) {
                    $FieldName = $Property
                    $FieldValue = $O.$Property
                    $FieldNameSQL = $FieldName.Replace(' ', '')
                    if ($FieldValue -is [DateTime]) { $TableMapping.$FieldName = "$FieldNameSQL,[datetime],null" } elseif ($FieldValue -is [int] -or $FieldValue -is [Int64]) { $TableMapping.$FieldName = "$FieldNameSQL,[bigint]" } elseif ($FieldValue -is [bool]) { $TableMapping.$FieldName = "$FieldNameSQL,[bit]" } else { $TableMapping.$FieldName = "$FieldNameSQL" }
    return $TableMapping
function Request-Credentials {
    param([string] $UserName,
        [string] $Password,
        [switch] $AsSecure,
        [switch] $FromFile,
        [switch] $Output,
        [switch] $NetworkCredentials,
        [string] $Service)
    if ($FromFile) {
        if (($Password -ne '') -and (Test-Path $Password)) {
            Write-Verbose "Request-Credentials - Reading password from file $Password"
            $Password = Get-Content -Path $Password
        } else {
            if ($Output) { return @{Status = $false; Output = $Service; Extended = 'File with password unreadable.' } } else {
                Write-Warning "Request-Credentials - Secure password from file couldn't be read. File not readable. Terminating."
    if ($AsSecure) {
        try { $NewPassword = $Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -ErrorAction Stop } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
            if ($ErrorMessage -like '*Key not valid for use in specified state*') {
                if ($Output) { return @{Status = $false; Output = $Service; Extended = "Couldn't use credentials provided. Most likely using credentials from other user/session/computer." } } else {
                    Write-Warning -Message "Request-Credentials - Couldn't use credentials provided. Most likely using credentials from other user/session/computer."
            } else {
                if ($Output) { return @{Status = $false; Output = $Service; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } else {
                    Write-Warning -Message "Request-Credentials - $ErrorMessage"
    } else { $NewPassword = $Password }
    if ($UserName -and $NewPassword) {
        if ($AsSecure) { $Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($Username, $NewPassword) } else {
            Try { $SecurePassword = $Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force -ErrorAction Stop } catch {
                $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
                if ($ErrorMessage -like '*Key not valid for use in specified state*') {
                    if ($Output) { return @{Status = $false; Output = $Service; Extended = "Couldn't use credentials provided. Most likely using credentials from other user/session/computer." } } else {
                        Write-Warning -Message "Request-Credentials - Couldn't use credentials provided. Most likely using credentials from other user/session/computer."
                } else {
                    if ($Output) { return @{Status = $false; Output = $Service; Extended = $ErrorMessage } } else {
                        Write-Warning -Message "Request-Credentials - $ErrorMessage"
            $Credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($Username, $SecurePassword)
    } else {
        if ($Output) { return @{Status = $false; Output = $Service; Extended = 'Username or/and Password is empty' } } else {
            Write-Warning -Message 'Request-Credentials - UserName or Password are empty.'
    if ($NetworkCredentials) { return $Credentials.GetNetworkCredential() } else { return $Credentials }
function Test-ComputerPort {
    param ([alias('Server')][string[]] $ComputerName,
        [int[]] $PortTCP,
        [int[]] $PortUDP,
        [int]$Timeout = 5000)
    begin {
        if ($Global:ProgressPreference -ne 'SilentlyContinue') {
            $TemporaryProgress = $Global:ProgressPreference
            $Global:ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    process {
        foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
            foreach ($P in $PortTCP) {
                $Output = [ordered] @{'ComputerName' = $Computer
                    'Port'                           = $P
                    'Protocol'                       = 'TCP'
                    'Status'                         = $null
                    'Summary'                        = $null
                    'Response'                       = $null
                $TcpClient = Test-NetConnection -ComputerName $Computer -Port $P -InformationLevel Detailed -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
                if ($TcpClient.TcpTestSucceeded) {
                    $Output['Status'] = $TcpClient.TcpTestSucceeded
                    $Output['Summary'] = "TCP $P Successful"
                } else {
                    $Output['Status'] = $false
                    $Output['Summary'] = "TCP $P Failed"
                    $Output['Response'] = $Warnings
            foreach ($P in $PortUDP) {
                $Output = [ordered] @{'ComputerName' = $Computer
                    'Port'                           = $P
                    'Protocol'                       = 'UDP'
                    'Status'                         = $null
                    'Summary'                        = $null
                $UdpClient = [System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient]::new($Computer, $P)
                $UdpClient.Client.ReceiveTimeout = $Timeout
                $Encoding = [System.Text.ASCIIEncoding]::new()
                $byte = $Encoding.GetBytes("Evotec")
                [void]$UdpClient.Send($byte, $byte.length)
                $RemoteEndpoint = [System.Net.IPEndPoint]::new([System.Net.IPAddress]::Any, 0)
                try {
                    $Bytes = $UdpClient.Receive([ref]$RemoteEndpoint)
                    [string]$Data = $Encoding.GetString($Bytes)
                    If ($Data) {
                        $Output['Status'] = $true
                        $Output['Summary'] = "UDP $P Successful"
                        $Output['Response'] = $Data
                } catch {
                    $Output['Status'] = $false
                    $Output['Summary'] = "UDP $P Failed"
                    $Output['Response'] = $_.Exception.Message
    end { if ($TemporaryProgress) { $Global:ProgressPreference = $TemporaryProgress } }
function Test-WinRM {
    param ([alias('Server')][string[]] $ComputerName)
    $Output = foreach ($Computer in $ComputerName) {
        $Test = [PSCustomObject] @{Output = $null
            Status                        = $null
            ComputerName                  = $Computer
        try {
            $Test.Output = Test-WSMan -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction Stop
            $Test.Status = $true
        } catch { $Test.Status = $false }
function Add-ToArray {
    param([System.Collections.ArrayList] $List,
        [Object] $Element)
    [void] $List.Add($Element)
function Add-ToArrayAdvanced {
    param([System.Collections.ArrayList] $List,
        [Object] $Element,
        [switch] $SkipNull,
        [switch] $RequireUnique,
        [switch] $FullComparison,
        [switch] $Merge)
    if ($SkipNull -and $null -eq $Element) { return }
    if ($RequireUnique) {
        if ($FullComparison) {
            foreach ($ListElement in $List) {
                if ($ListElement -eq $Element) {
                    $TypeLeft = Get-ObjectType -Object $ListElement
                    $TypeRight = Get-ObjectType -Object $Element
                    if ($TypeLeft.ObjectTypeName -eq $TypeRight.ObjectTypeName) { return }
        } else { if ($List -contains $Element) { return } }
    if ($Merge) { [void] $List.AddRange($Element) } else { [void] $List.Add($Element) }
function New-ArrayList {
    $List = [System.Collections.ArrayList]::new()
    return , $List
function Get-ObjectType {
    param([Object] $Object,
        [string] $ObjectName = 'Random Object Name',
        [switch] $VerboseOnly)
    $ReturnData = [ordered] @{}
    $ReturnData.ObjectName = $ObjectName
    if ($Object -ne $null) {
        try {
            $TypeInformation = $Object.GetType()
            $ReturnData.ObjectTypeName = $TypeInformation.Name
            $ReturnData.ObjectTypeBaseName = $TypeInformation.BaseType
            $ReturnData.SystemType = $TypeInformation.UnderlyingSystemType
        } catch {
            $ReturnData.ObjectTypeName = ''
            $ReturnData.ObjectTypeBaseName = ''
            $ReturnData.SystemType = ''
        try {
            $TypeInformationInsider = $Object[0].GetType()
            $ReturnData.ObjectTypeInsiderName = $TypeInformationInsider.Name
            $ReturnData.ObjectTypeInsiderBaseName = $TypeInformationInsider.BaseType
            $ReturnData.SystemTypeInsider = $TypeInformationInsider.UnderlyingSystemType
        } catch {
            $ReturnData.ObjectTypeInsiderName = ''
            $ReturnData.ObjectTypeInsiderBaseName = ''
            $ReturnData.SystemTypeInsider = ''
    } else {
        $ReturnData.ObjectTypeName = ''
        $ReturnData.ObjectTypeBaseName = ''
        $ReturnData.SystemType = ''
        $ReturnData.ObjectTypeInsiderName = ''
        $ReturnData.ObjectTypeInsiderBaseName = ''
        $ReturnData.SystemTypeInsider = ''
    Write-Verbose "Get-ObjectType - ObjectTypeName: $($ReturnData.ObjectTypeName)"
    Write-Verbose "Get-ObjectType - ObjectTypeBaseName: $($ReturnData.ObjectTypeBaseName)"
    Write-Verbose "Get-ObjectType - SystemType: $($ReturnData.SystemType)"
    Write-Verbose "Get-ObjectType - ObjectTypeInsiderName: $($ReturnData.ObjectTypeInsiderName)"
    Write-Verbose "Get-ObjectType - ObjectTypeInsiderBaseName: $($ReturnData.ObjectTypeInsiderBaseName)"
    Write-Verbose "Get-ObjectType - SystemTypeInsider: $($ReturnData.SystemTypeInsider)"
    if ($VerboseOnly) { return } else { return Format-TransposeTable -Object $ReturnData }
$LdapBindingsDetails = @{Enabled = $false
    Events                       = @{Enabled = $true
        Events                               = 2889
        LogName                              = 'Directory Service'
        IgnoreWords                          = @{}
        Fields                               = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
            'Action'                            = 'Action'
            'Date'                              = 'When'
            'NoNameA0'                          = 'Ip/Port'
            'NoNameA1'                          = 'Account Name'
            'NoNameA2'                          = 'Bind Type'
            'LevelDisplayName'                  = 'Level'
            'TaskDisplayName'                   = 'Task'
            'ID'                                = 'Event ID'
            'RecordID'                          = 'Record ID'
            'GatheredFrom'                      = 'Gathered From'
            'GatheredLogName'                   = 'Gathered LogName'
        Overwrite                            = [ordered] @{"Bind Type#1" = "Bind Type", 0, "Unsigned"
            "Bind Type#2"                          = "Bind Type", 1, "Simple"
        SortBy                               = 'When'
$LdapBindingsSummary = @{Enabled = $false
    Events                       = @{Enabled = $true
        Events                               = 2887
        LogName                              = 'Directory Service'
        IgnoreWords                          = @{}
        Fields                               = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
            'NoNameA0'                          = 'Number of simple binds performed without SSL/TLS'
            'NoNameA1'                          = 'Number of Negotiate/Kerberos/NTLM/Digest binds performed without signing'
            'Date'                              = 'When'
            'LevelDisplayName'                  = 'Level'
            'TaskDisplayName'                   = 'Task'
            'ID'                                = 'Event ID'
            'RecordID'                          = 'Record ID'
            'GatheredFrom'                      = 'Gathered From'
            'GatheredLogName'                   = 'Gathered LogName'
        SortBy                               = 'When'
function Find-EventsTo {
    param ([Array] $Events,
        [alias('IgnoreWords', 'PriorityWords')][System.Collections.IDictionary] $DataSet,
        [switch] $Ignore,
        [switch] $Prioritize)
    if ($DataSet.Count -eq 0) { return $Events }
    $EventsToReturn = foreach ($Event in $Events) {
        $Found = $false
        foreach ($Set in $DataSet.GetEnumerator()) {
            if ($Set.Value -ne '') {
                foreach ($Value in $Set.Value) {
                    $ColumnName = $Set.Name
                    if ($Event.$ColumnName -like $Value) { $Found = $true }
        if ($Ignore) { if (-not $Found) { $Event } }
        if ($Prioritize) { if ($Found) { $Event } }
    return $EventsToReturn
function Get-EventsOutput {
    param([System.Collections.IDictionary] $Definitions,
        [Array] $AllEvents,
        [switch] $Quiet)
    $Results = @{}
    foreach ($Report in $Definitions.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notcontains 'Enabled' }) {
        if ($Definitions.$Report.Enabled) {
            if (-not $Quiet) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Running $Report") }
            $TimeExecution = Start-TimeLog
            $Results.$Report = foreach ($SubReport in $Definitions.$Report.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notcontains 'Enabled', 'SqlExport' }) {
                if ($Definitions.$Report.$SubReport.Enabled) {
                    if (-not $Quiet) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Running $Report with subsection $SubReport") }
                    [string] $EventsType = $Definitions.$Report.$SubReport.LogName
                    [Array] $EventsNeeded = $Definitions.$Report.$SubReport.Events
                    [Array] $EventsFound = Get-EventsTranslation -Events $AllEvents -EventsDefinition $Definitions.$Report.$SubReport -EventIDs $EventsNeeded -EventsType $EventsType
                    if (-not $Quiet) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Ending $Report with subsection $SubReport events found $($EventsFound.Count)") }
            $ElapsedTimeReport = Stop-TimeLog -Time $TimeExecution -Option OneLiner
            if (-not $Quiet) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Ending $Report - Time to run $ElapsedTimeReport") }
    return $Results
function Get-EventsTranslation {
    param([Array] $Events,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $EventsDefinition,
        [Array] $EventIDs,
        [string] $EventsType)
    if ($EventsDefinition.Filter.Count -gt 0) {
        foreach ($Entry in $EventsDefinition.Filter.Keys) {
            $EveryFilter = $EventsDefinition.Filter[$Entry]
            $StrippedFilter = $Entry -replace '#[0-9]{1,2}', ''
            [Array] $Splitter = $StrippedFilter.Split('#')
            if ($Splitter.Count -gt 1) {
                $PropertyName = $Splitter[0]
                $Operator = $Splitter[1]
            } else {
                $PropertyName = $StrippedFilter
                $Operator = 'eq'
            $Events = foreach ($V in $EveryFilter) { foreach ($_ in $Events) { if ($Operator -eq 'eq') { if ($_.$PropertyName -eq $V) { $_ } } elseif ($Operator -eq 'like') { if ($_.$PropertyName -like $V) { $_ } } elseif ($Operator -eq 'ne') { if ($_.$PropertyName -ne $V) { $_ } } elseif ($Operator -eq 'gt') { if ($_.$PropertyName -gt $V) { $_ } } elseif ($Operator -eq 'lt') { if ($_.$PropertyName -lt $V) { $_ } } } }
    if ($EventsDefinition.FilterOr.Count -gt 0) {
        $Events = foreach ($_ in $Events) {
            foreach ($Entry in $EventsDefinition.FilterOr.Keys) {
                $StrippedFilter = $Entry -replace '#[0-9]{1,2}', ''
                [Array] $Splitter = $StrippedFilter.Split('#')
                if ($Splitter.Count -gt 1) {
                    $PropertyName = $Splitter[0]
                    $Operator = $Splitter[1]
                } else {
                    $PropertyName = $StrippedFilter
                    $Operator = 'eq'
                $Value = $EventsDefinition.FilterOr[$Entry]
                foreach ($V in $Value) { if ($Operator -eq 'eq') { if ($_.$PropertyName -eq $V) { $_ } } elseif ($Operator -eq 'like') { if ($_.$PropertyName -like $V) { $_ } } elseif ($Operator -eq 'ne') { if ($_.$PropertyName -ne $V) { $_ } } elseif ($Operator -eq 'gt') { if ($_.$PropertyName -gt $V) { $_ } } elseif ($Operator -eq 'lt') { if ($_.$PropertyName -lt $V) { $_ } } }
    $MyValue = foreach ($Event in $Events) {
        if (($Event.LogName -eq $EventsType) -and ($Event.ID -in $EventIDs)) {} else { continue }
        $HashTable = [ordered] @{}
        foreach ($EventProperty in $Event.PSObject.Properties) {
            if ($null -ne $EventsDefinition.Ignore) { if ($EventsDefinition.Ignore.Contains($EventProperty.Name)) { if ($EventProperty.Value -like $EventsDefinition.Ignore[$EventProperty.Name]) { continue } } }
            if ($null -ne $EventsDefinition.Functions) {
                if ($EventsDefinition.Functions.Contains($EventProperty.Name)) {
                    if ($EventsDefinition.Functions[$EventProperty.Name] -contains 'Remove-WhiteSpace') { $EventProperty.Value = Remove-WhiteSpace -Text $EventProperty.Value }
                    if ($EventsDefinition.Functions[$EventProperty.Name] -contains 'Split-OnSpace') { $EventProperty.Value = $EventProperty.Value -Split ' ' }
                    if ($EventsDefinition.Functions[$EventProperty.Name] -contains 'Convert-UAC') { $EventProperty.Value = Convert-UAC -UAC $EventProperty.Value -Separator ', ' }
                    if ($EventsDefinition.Functions[$EventProperty.Name] -contains 'ConvertFrom-OperationType') { $EventProperty.Value = ConvertFrom-OperationType -OperationType $EventProperty.Value }
                    if ($EventsDefinition.Functions[$EventProperty.Name] -contains 'Clean-IpAddress') { $EventProperty.Value = if ($EventProperty.Value -match "::1") { 'localhost' } else { $EventProperty.Value } }
            if ($null -ne $EventsDefinition.Fields -and $EventsDefinition.Fields.Contains($EventProperty.Name)) { $HashTable[$EventsDefinition.Fields[$EventProperty.Name]] = $EventProperty.Value } else { $HashTable[$EventProperty.Name] = $EventProperty.Value }
        if ($null -ne $EventsDefinition.Overwrite) {
            foreach ($Entry in $EventsDefinition.Overwrite.Keys) {
                [Array] $OverwriteObject = $EventsDefinition.Overwrite.$Entry
                $StrippedFilter = $Entry -replace '#[0-9]{1,2}', ''
                [Array] $Splitter = $StrippedFilter.Split('#')
                if ($Splitter.Count -gt 1) {
                    $PropertyName = $Splitter[0]
                    $Operator = $Splitter[1]
                } else {
                    $PropertyName = $StrippedFilter
                    $Operator = 'eq'
                if ($OverwriteObject.Count -eq 3) { if ($Operator -eq 'eq') { if ($HashTable[($OverwriteObject[0])] -eq $OverwriteObject[1]) { $HashTable[$PropertyName] = $OverwriteObject[2] } } elseif ($Operator -eq 'ne') {} elseif ($Operator -eq 'like') {} elseif ($Operator -eq 'gt') {} elseif ($Operator -eq 'lt') {} } elseif ($OverwriteObject.Count -eq 4) { if ($Operator -eq 'eq') { if ($HashTable[($OverwriteObject[0])] -eq $OverwriteObject[1]) { $HashTable[$PropertyName] = $OverwriteObject[2] } else { $HashTable[$PropertyName] = $OverwriteObject[3] } } elseif ($Operator -eq 'ne') {} elseif ($Operator -eq 'like') {} elseif ($Operator -eq 'gt') {} elseif ($Operator -eq 'lt') {} } elseif ($OverwriteObject.Couint -eq 1) { $HashTable[$PropertyName] = $HashTable[($OverwriteObject[0])] }
        if ($null -ne $EventsDefinition.OverwriteByField) {
            foreach ($Entry in $EventsDefinition.OverwriteByField.Keys) {
                [Array] $OverwriteObject = $EventsDefinition.OverwriteByField.$Entry
                $StrippedFilter = $Entry -replace '#[0-9]{1,2}', ''
                [Array] $Splitter = $StrippedFilter.Split('#')
                if ($Splitter.Count -gt 1) {
                    $PropertyName = $Splitter[0]
                    $Operator = $Splitter[1]
                } else {
                    $PropertyName = $StrippedFilter
                    $Operator = 'eq'
                if ($OverwriteObject.Count -eq 3) { if ($Operator -eq 'eq') { if ($HashTable[($OverwriteObject[0])] -eq $OverwriteObject[1]) { $HashTable[$PropertyName] = $HashTable[($OverwriteObject[2])] } } elseif ($Operator -eq 'ne') { if ($HashTable[($OverwriteObject[0])] -ne $OverwriteObject[1]) { $HashTable[$PropertyName] = $HashTable[($OverwriteObject[2])] } } elseif ($Operator -eq 'like') {} elseif ($Operator -eq 'gt') {} elseif ($Operator -eq 'lt') {} } elseif ($OverwriteObject.Count -eq 4) { if ($Operator -eq 'eq') { if ($HashTable[($OverwriteObject[0])] -eq $OverwriteObject[1]) { $HashTable[$PropertyName] = $HashTable[($OverwriteObject[2])] } else { $HashTable[$PropertyName] = $HashTable[($OverwriteObject[3])] } } elseif ($Operator -eq 'ne') {} elseif ($Operator -eq 'like') {} elseif ($Operator -eq 'gt') {} elseif ($Operator -eq 'lt') {} } elseif ($OverwriteObject.Count -eq 1) { $HashTable[$PropertyName] = $HashTable[($OverwriteObject[0])] }
    $MyValue = Find-EventsTo -Ignore -Events $MyValue -DataSet $EventsDefinition.IgnoreWords
    if ($null -eq $EventsDefinition.Fields) { return $MyValue | Sort-Object $EventsDefinition.SortBy } else { return $MyValue | Select-Object @($EventsDefinition.Fields.Values) | Sort-Object $EventsDefinition.SortBy }
function Export-ReportToCSV {
    param ([bool] $Report,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $ReportOptions,
        [string] $Extension,
        [string] $ReportName,
        [Array] $ReportTable)
    if ($Report) {
        $ReportFilePath = Set-ReportFileName -ReportOptions $ReportOptions -ReportExtension $Extension -ReportName $ReportName
        if ($ReportTable.Count -gt 0) { $ReportTable | Export-Csv -Encoding Unicode -Path $ReportFilePath }
        return $ReportFilePath
    } else { return '' }
function Export-ReportToHTML {
    param ($Report,
        [switch] $Special)
    if ($Report -eq $true) {
        if ($special) { return Set-EmailBodyPreparedTable -TableData $ReportTable -TableWelcomeMessage $ReportTableText }
        return Set-EmailBody -TableData $ReportTable -TableWelcomeMessage $ReportTableText
    } else { return '' }
function Export-ReportToSQL {
    param ([System.Collections.IDictionary] $Report,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $ReportOptions,
        [string] $ReportName,
        [Array] $ReportTable)
    if ($Report.Enabled) {
        if ($ReportOptions.Contains('AsSql') -and $ReportOptions.AsSql.Use) {
            if ($Report.Contains('EnabledSqlGlobal') -and $Report.EnabledSqlGlobal) {
                $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Sending $ReportName to SQL at Global level")
                $SqlQuery = Send-SqlInsert -Object $ReportTable -SqlSettings $ReportOptions.AsSql -Verbose:$ReportOptions.Debug.Verbose
                foreach ($Query in $SqlQuery) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("MS SQL Output: $Query") }
        if ($Report.Contains('ExportToSql') -and $Report.ExportToSql.Use) {
            $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Sending $ReportName to SQL at Local level")
            $SqlQuery = Send-SqlInsert -Object $ReportTable -SqlSettings $Report.ExportToSql -Verbose:$ReportOptions.Debug.Verbose
            foreach ($Query in $SqlQuery) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("MS SQL Output: $Query") }
function Export-ReportToXLSX {
    param([bool] $Report,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $ReportOptions,
        [string] $ReportFilePath,
        [string] $ReportName,
        [Array] $ReportTable)
    if (($Report -eq $true) -and ($($ReportTable | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0)) { $ReportTable | ConvertTo-Excel -Path $ReportFilePath -WorkSheetname $ReportName -AutoSize -FreezeTopRow -AutoFilter }
function Export-ToCSV {
    param ([bool] $Report,
        [string] $Path,
        [string] $FilePattern,
        [string] $DateFormat,
        [string] $ReportName,
        [Array] $ReportTable)
    if ($Report) {
        $ReportFileName = Set-ReportFile -Path $Path -FileNamePattern $FilePattern -DateFormat $DateFormat -ReportName $ReportName
        try {
            if ($ReportTable.Count -gt 0) { $ReportTable | Export-Csv -Encoding Unicode -LiteralPath $ReportFileName -ErrorAction Stop -Force }
            return $ReportFileName
        } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
            $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Error saving file $ReportFileName.")
            $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Error: $ErrorMessage")
            return ''
    } else { return '' }
function Export-ToSQL {
    param ([System.Collections.IDictionary] $Report,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $ReportOptions,
        [string] $ReportName,
        [Array] $ReportTable)
    if ($Report.Enabled) {
        if ($ReportOptions.Contains('AsSql') -and $ReportOptions.AsSql.Enabled -and $Report.Contains('SqlExport') -and $Report.SqlExport.EnabledGlobal) {
            $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Sending $ReportName to SQL at Global level")
            $SqlQuery = Send-SqlInsert -Object $ReportTable -SqlSettings $ReportOptions.AsSql -Verbose:$ReportOptions.Debug.Verbose
            foreach ($Query in $SqlQuery) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("MS SQL GLOBAL Output: $Query") }
        if ($Report.Contains('SqlExport') -and $Report.SqlExport.Enabled) {
            $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Sending $ReportName to SQL at Local level")
            $SqlQuery = Send-SqlInsert -Object $ReportTable -SqlSettings $Report.SqlExport -Verbose:$ReportOptions.Debug.Verbose
            foreach ($Query in $SqlQuery) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("MS SQL LOCAL Output: $Query") }
function Get-NotificationParameters {
    param([System.Collections.IDictionary] $Notifications,
        [string] $ActivityTitle,
        [string] $Priority,
        [string] $Type)
    $Object = @{Uri       = ''
        ActivityImageLink = ''
        Color             = ''
        AvatarImage       = ''
        AvatarName        = ''
    if ($null -ne $Notifications.$Priority) {
        $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Service $Type is using $Priority priority Event on $ActivityTitle")
        $Option = $Priority
    } else {
        $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Service $Type is using Default priority Event on $ActivityTitle")
        $Option = 'Default'
    $Object.Uri = $Notifications[$Option].Uri
    $Object.AvatarName = $Notifications[$Option].AvatarName
    $Object.AvatarImage = $Notifications[$Option].AvatarImage
    $Object.ActivityImageLink = $Notifications[$Option].ActivityLinks.Default.Link
    $Object.Color = $Notifications[$Option].ActivityLinks.Default.Color
    foreach ($Type in $Notifications[$option].ActivityLinks.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'Default' }) {
        if ($ActivityTitle -like "*$Type*") {
            $Object.ActivityImageLink = $Notifications[$Option].ActivityLinks.$Type.Link
            $Object.Color = $Notifications[$Option].ActivityLinks.$Type.Color
    return $Object
function Send-Notificaton {
    param([PSCustomObject] $Events,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][alias('ReportOptions')][System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [string] $Priority = 'Default')
    Begin {}
    Process {
        if ($Events -ne $null) {
            foreach ($Event in $Events) {
                [string] $MessageTitle = 'Active Directory Changes'
                [string] $ActivityTitle = $($Event.Action).Trim()
                $Teams = Get-NotificationParameters -Type 'Microsoft Teams' -Notifications $Options.Notifications.MicrosoftTeams -ActivityTitle $ActivityTitle -Priority $Priority
                $Slack = Get-NotificationParameters -Type 'Slack' -Notifications $Options.Notifications.Slack -ActivityTitle $ActivityTitle -Priority $Priority
                $Discord = Get-NotificationParameters -Type 'Discord' -Notifications $Options.Notifications.Discord -ActivityTitle $ActivityTitle -Priority $Priority
                if ($Options.Notifications.Slack.Enabled) {
                    $SlackChannel = $Options.Notifications.Slack.$Priority.Channel
                    $SlackColor = ConvertFrom-Color -Color $Slack.Color
                    $FactsSlack = foreach ($Property in $event.PSObject.Properties) { if ($null -ne $Property.Value -and $Property.Value -ne '') { if ($Property.Name -eq 'When') { @{title = $Property.Name; value = $Property.Value.DateTime; short = $true } } else { @{title = $Property.Name; value = $Property.Value; short = $true } } } }
                    $Data = New-SlackMessageAttachment -Color $SlackColor -Title "$MessageTitle - $ActivityTitle" -Fields $FactsSlack -Fallback $ActivityTitle |
                        New-SlackMessage -Channel $SlackChannel -IconEmoji :bomb: |
                            Send-SlackMessage -Uri $Slack.Uri -Verbose
                    Write-Color @script:WriteParameters -Text "[i] Slack output: ", $Data -Color White, Yellow
                if ($Options.Notifications.MicrosoftTeams.Enabled) {
                    $FactsTeams = foreach ($Property in $event.PSObject.Properties) { if ($null -ne $Property.Value -and $Property.Value -ne '') { if ($Property.Name -eq 'When') { New-TeamsFact -Name $Property.Name -Value $Property.Value.DateTime } else { New-TeamsFact -Name $Property.Name -Value $Property.Value } } }
                    $Section1 = New-TeamsSection -ActivityTitle $ActivityTitle -ActivityImageLink $Teams.ActivityImageLink -ActivityDetails $FactsTeams
                    $Data = Send-TeamsMessage -Uri $Teams.Uri -MessageTitle $MessageTitle -Color $Teams.Color -Sections $Section1 -Supress $false -MessageSummary $ActivityTitle
                    Write-Color @script:WriteParameters -Text "[i] Teams output: ", $Data -Color White, Yellow
                if ($Options.Notifications.Discord.Enabled) {
                    $Thumbnail = New-DiscordImage -Url $Discord.ActivityImageLink
                    $FactsDiscord = foreach ($Property in $event.PSObject.Properties) { if ($null -ne $Property.Value -and $Property.Value -ne '') { if ($Property.Name -eq 'When') { New-DiscordFact -Name $Property.Name -Value $Property.Value.DateTime -Inline $true } else { New-DiscordFact -Name $Property.Name -Value $Property.Value -Inline $true } } }
                    $Section1 = New-DiscordSection -Title $ActivityTitle -Facts $FactsDiscord -Thumbnail $Thumbnail -Color $Discord.Color -Verbose
                    $Data = Send-DiscordMessage -WebHookUrl $Discord.Uri -Sections $Section1 -AvatarName $Discord.AvatarName -AvatarUrl $Discord.AvatarUrl -OutputJSON
                    Write-Color @script:WriteParameters -Text "[i] Discord output: ", $Data -Color White, Yellow
                if ($Options.Notifications.MSSQL.Enabled) {
                    $SqlQuery = Send-SqlInsert -Object $Event -SqlSettings $Options.Notifications.MSSQL -Verbose:$Options.Debug.Verbose
                    foreach ($Query in $SqlQuery) { Write-Color @script:WriteParameters -Text '[i] ', 'MS SQL Output: ', $Query -Color White, White, Yellow }
                if ($Options.Notifications.Email.Enabled) {
                    if ($Options.Notifications.Email.AsHTML.Enabled) {
                        $Logger.AddInfoRecord('Prepare email head and body')
                        $HtmlHead = Set-EmailHead -FormattingOptions $Options.Notifications.Email.AsHTML.Formatting
                        $HtmlBody = Set-EmailReportBranding -FormattingParameters $Options.Notifications.Email.AsHTML.Formatting
                        $HtmlBody += Export-ReportToHTML -Report $true -ReportTable $Event -ReportTableText "Quick notification event"
                        $HtmlBody = Set-EmailFormatting -Template $HtmlBody -FormattingParameters $Options.Notifications.Email.AsHTML.Formatting -ConfigurationParameters $Options -Logger $Logger -SkipNewLines
                        $HTML = $HtmlHead + $HtmlBody
                        $EmailBody = $HTML
                        $ReportHTMLPath = Set-ReportFile -Path $Env:TEMP -FileNamePattern 'PSWinReporting.html' -DateFormat $null
                        try {
                            $HTML | Out-File -Encoding Unicode -FilePath $ReportHTMLPath -ErrorAction Stop
                            $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Saving report to file: $ReportHTMLPath")
                            if ($Options.SendMail.Attach.HTML) {
                                $AttachHTML += $ReportHTMLPath
                                $AttachedReports += $ReportHTMLPath
                        } catch {
                            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
                            $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Error saving file $ReportHTMLPath.")
                            $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Error: $ErrorMessage")
                        $TemporarySubject = $Options.Notifications.Email.$Priority.Parameters.Subject
                        $Logger.AddInfoRecord('Sending email with reports')
                        if ($Options.Notifications.Email.AsHTML.Formatting.CompanyBranding.Inline) { $SendMail = Send-Email -EmailParameters $Options.Notifications.Email.$Priority.Parameters -Body $EmailBody -Attachment $AttachedReports -Subject $TemporarySubject -InlineAttachments @{logo = $Options.Notifications.Email.AsHTML.Formatting.CompanyBranding.Logo } -Logger $Logger } else { $SendMail = Send-Email -EmailParameters $Options.Notifications.Email.$Priority.Parameters -Body $EmailBody -Attachment $AttachedReports -Subject $TemporarySubject -Logger $Logger }
                        if ($SendMail.Status) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord('Email successfully sent') } else { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Error sending message: $($SendMail.Error)") }
                        Remove-ReportsFiles -KeepReports $false -ReportFiles $ReportHTMLPath
    End {}
function Start-ReportSpecial {
    param ([System.Collections.IDictionary] $Dates,
        [alias('ReportOptions')][System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [alias('ReportDefinitions')][System.Collections.IDictionary] $Definitions,
        [alias('Servers', 'Computers')][System.Collections.IDictionary] $Target)
    $Verbose = ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters['Verbose'] -eq $true)
    $Time = Start-TimeLog
    $AttachedReports = @()
    $AttachXLSX = @()
    $AttachHTML = @()
    $AttachDynamicHTML = @()
    $AttachCSV = @()
    [Array] $ExtendedInput = Get-ServersList -Definitions $Definitions -Target $Target -Dates $Dates
    foreach ($Entry in $ExtendedInput) { if ($Entry.Type -eq 'Computer') { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Computer $($Entry.Server) added to scan $($Entry.LogName) log for events: $($Entry.EventID -join ', ')") } else { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("File $($Entry.Server) added to scan $($Entry.LogName) log for events: $($Entry.EventID -join ', ')") } }
    [Array] $AllEvents = Get-Events -ExtendedInput $ExtendedInput -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable AllErrors -Verbose:$Verbose
    $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Found $($AllEvents.Count) events.")
    foreach ($Errors in $AllErrors) { $Logger.AddErrorRecord($Errors) }
    if ($Options.RemoveDuplicates.Enabled) {
        $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Removing Duplicates from all events. Current list contains $($AllEvents.Count) events")
        $AllEvents = Remove-DuplicateObjects -Object $AllEvents -Property $Options.RemoveDuplicates.Properties
        $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Removed Duplicates - following $($AllEvents.Count) events will be analyzed further")
    $Results = Get-EventsOutput -Definitions $Definitions -AllEvents $AllEvents
    if ($Options.AsHTML.Enabled) {
        $Logger.AddInfoRecord('Prepare email head and body')
        $HtmlHead = Set-EmailHead -FormattingOptions $Options.AsHTML.Formatting
        $HtmlBody = Set-EmailReportBranding -FormattingParameters $Options.AsHTML.Formatting
        $HtmlBody += Set-EmailReportDetails -FormattingParameters $Options.AsHTML.Formatting -Dates $Dates -Warnings $Warnings
        foreach ($ReportName in $Definitions.Keys) {
            $ReportNameTitle = Format-AddSpaceToSentence -Text $ReportName -ToLowerCase
            $HtmlBody += Export-ReportToHTML -Report $Definitions.$ReportName.Enabled -ReportTable $Results.$ReportName -ReportTableText "Following $ReportNameTitle happened"
        $HtmlBody = Set-EmailWordReplacements -Body $HtmlBody -Replace '**TimeToGenerateDays**' -ReplaceWith $time.Elapsed.Days
        $HtmlBody = Set-EmailWordReplacements -Body $HtmlBody -Replace '**TimeToGenerateHours**' -ReplaceWith $time.Elapsed.Hours
        $HtmlBody = Set-EmailWordReplacements -Body $HtmlBody -Replace '**TimeToGenerateMinutes**' -ReplaceWith $time.Elapsed.Minutes
        $HtmlBody = Set-EmailWordReplacements -Body $HtmlBody -Replace '**TimeToGenerateSeconds**' -ReplaceWith $time.Elapsed.Seconds
        $HtmlBody = Set-EmailWordReplacements -Body $HtmlBody -Replace '**TimeToGenerateMilliseconds**' -ReplaceWith $time.Elapsed.Milliseconds
        $HtmlBody = Set-EmailFormatting -Template $HtmlBody -FormattingParameters $Options.AsHTML.Formatting -ConfigurationParameters $Options -Logger $Logger -SkipNewLines
        $HTML = $HtmlHead + $HtmlBody
        $ReportHTMLPath = Set-ReportFile -Path $Options.AsHTML.Path -FileNamePattern $Options.AsHTML.FilePattern -DateFormat $Options.AsHTML.DateFormat
        try {
            $HTML | Out-File -Encoding Unicode -FilePath $ReportHTMLPath -ErrorAction Stop
            $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Saving report to file: $ReportHTMLPath")
            if ($Options.SendMail.Attach.HTML) {
                $AttachHTML += $ReportHTMLPath
                $AttachedReports += $ReportHTMLPath
        } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
            $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Error saving file $ReportHTMLPath.")
            $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Error: $ErrorMessage")
    if ($Options.AsDynamicHTML.Enabled) {
        $DynamicHTMLPath = Set-ReportFile -Path $Options.AsDynamicHTML.Path -FileNamePattern $Options.AsDynamicHTML.FilePattern -DateFormat $Options.AsDynamicHTML.DateFormat
        $null = New-HTML -TitleText $Options.AsDynamicHTML.Title -UseCssLinks:$Options.AsDynamicHTML.EmbedCSS -UseJavaScriptLinks:$Options.AsDynamicHTML.EmbedJS { foreach ($ReportName in $Definitions.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notcontains 'Enabled', 'SqlExport' }) {
                $ReportNameTitle = Format-AddSpaceToSentence -Text $ReportName
                if ($Definitions.$ReportName.Enabled) { New-HTMLSection -HeaderText $ReportNameTitle -CanCollapse { New-HTMLPanel { if ($null -ne $Results.$ReportName) { New-HTMLTable -DataTable $Results.$ReportName -HideFooter } } } }
            } } -FilePath $DynamicHTMLPath
        try {
            if ($Options.SendMail.Attach.DynamicHTML) {
                $AttachDynamicHTML += $DynamicHTMLPath
                $AttachedReports += $DynamicHTMLPath
        } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
            $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Error saving file $ReportHTMLPath.")
            $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Error: $ErrorMessage")
    if ($Options.AsExcel.Enabled) {
        $Logger.AddInfoRecord('Prepare Microsoft Excel (.XLSX) file with Events')
        $ReportFilePathXLSX = Set-ReportFile -Path $Options.AsExcel.Path -FileNamePattern $Options.AsExcel.FilePattern -DateFormat $Options.AsExcel.DateFormat
        foreach ($ReportName in $Definitions.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notcontains 'Enabled', 'SqlExport' }) {
            $ReportNameTitle = Format-AddSpaceToSentence -Text $ReportName
            Export-ReportToXLSX -Report $Definitions.$ReportName.Enabled -ReportOptions $Options -ReportFilePath $ReportFilePathXLSX -ReportName $ReportNameTitle -ReportTable $Results.$ReportName
        if ($Options.SendMail.Attach.XLSX) {
            $AttachXLSX += $ReportFilePathXLSX
            $AttachedReports += $ReportFilePathXLSX
    if ($Options.AsCSV.Enabled) {
        $ReportFilePathCSV = @()
        $Logger.AddInfoRecord('Prepare CSV files with Events')
        foreach ($ReportName in $Definitions.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notcontains 'Enabled', 'SqlExport' }) { $ReportFilePathCSV += Export-ToCSV -Report $Definitions.$ReportName.Enabled -ReportName $ReportName -ReportTable $Results.$ReportName -Path $Options.AsCSV.Path -FilePattern $Options.AsCSV.FilePattern -DateFormat $Options.AsCSV.DateFormat }
        if ($Options.SendMail.Attach.CSV) {
            $AttachCSV += $ReportFilePathCSV
            $AttachedReports += $ReportFilePathCSV
    if ($Options.AsHTML.Enabled -and $Options.AsHTML.OpenAsFile) {
        try { if ($ReportHTMLPath -ne '' -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $ReportHTMLPath)) { Invoke-Item -LiteralPath $ReportHTMLPath } } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
            $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Error opening file $ReportHTMLPath.")
    if ($Options.AsDynamicHTML.Enabled -and $Options.AsDynamicHTML.OpenAsFile) {
        try { if ($DynamicHTMLPath -ne '' -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $DynamicHTMLPath)) { Invoke-Item -LiteralPath $DynamicHTMLPath } } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
            $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Error opening file $DynamicHTMLPath.")
    if ($Options.AsExcel.Enabled -and $Options.AsExcel.OpenAsFile) {
        try { if ($ReportFilePathXLSX -ne '' -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $ReportFilePathXLSX)) { Invoke-Item -LiteralPath $ReportFilePathXLSX } } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
            $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Error opening file $ReportFilePathXLSX.")
    if ($Options.AsCSV.Enabled -and $Options.AsCSV.OpenAsFile) {
        foreach ($CSV in $AttachCSV) {
            try { if ($CSV -ne '' -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $CSV)) { Invoke-Item -LiteralPath $CSV } } catch {
                $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
                $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Error opening file $CSV.")
    $AttachedReports = $AttachedReports | Sort-Object -Unique
    if ($Options.SendMail.Enabled) {
        foreach ($Report in $AttachedReports) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Following files will be attached to email $Report") }
        if ($Options.SendMail.InlineHTML) { $EmailBody = $HTML } else { $EmailBody = '' }
        $TemporarySubject = $Options.SendMail.Parameters.Subject -replace "<<DateFrom>>", "$($Dates.DateFrom)" -replace "<<DateTo>>", "$($Dates.DateTo)"
        $Logger.AddInfoRecord('Sending email with reports')
        if ($Options.AsHTML.Formatting.CompanyBranding.Inline) { $SendMail = Send-Email -EmailParameters $Options.SendMail.Parameters -Body $EmailBody -Attachment $AttachedReports -Subject $TemporarySubject -InlineAttachments @{logo = $Options.AsHTML.Formatting.CompanyBranding.Logo } -Logger $Logger } else { $SendMail = Send-Email -EmailParameters $Options.SendMail.Parameters -Body $EmailBody -Attachment $AttachedReports -Subject $TemporarySubject -Logger $Logger }
        if ($SendMail.Status) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord('Email successfully sent') } else { $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Error sending message: $($SendMail.Error)") }
        Remove-ReportsFiles -KeepReports $Options.SendMail.KeepReports.XLSX -ReportFiles $AttachXLSX
        Remove-ReportsFiles -KeepReports $Options.SendMail.KeepReports.CSV -ReportFiles $AttachCSV
        Remove-ReportsFiles -KeepReports $Options.SendMail.KeepReports.HTML -ReportFiles $AttachHTML
        Remove-ReportsFiles -KeepReports $Options.SendMail.KeepReports.DynamicHTML -ReportFiles $AttachDynamicHTML
    foreach ($ReportName in $Definitions.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notcontains 'Enabled', 'SqlExport' }) {
        $ReportNameTitle = Format-AddSpaceToSentence -Text $ReportName
        Export-ToSql -Report $Definitions.$ReportName -ReportOptions $Options -ReportName $ReportNameTitle -ReportTable $Results.$ReportName
    $ElapsedTime = Stop-TimeLog -Time $Time
    $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Time to finish $ElapsedTime")
function Get-ChoosenDates {
    param([System.Collections.IDictionary] $ReportTimes)
    $Dates = @(if ($ReportTimes.Contains('PastHour') -and $ReportTimes.PastHour.Enabled) {
            $DatesPastHour = Find-DatesPastHour
            if ($DatesPastHour) { $DatesPastHour }
        if ($ReportTimes.Contains('CurrentHour') -and $ReportTimes.CurrentHour.Enabled) {
            $DatesCurrentHour = Find-DatesCurrentHour
            if ($DatesCurrentHour) { $DatesCurrentHour }
        if ($ReportTimes.Contains('PastDay') -and $ReportTimes.PastDay.Enabled) {
            $DatesDayPrevious = Find-DatesDayPrevious
            if ($DatesDayPrevious) { $DatesDayPrevious }
        if ($ReportTimes.Contains('CurrentDay') -and $ReportTimes.CurrentDay.Enabled) {
            $DatesDayToday = Find-DatesDayToday
            if ($DatesDayToday) { $DatesDayToday }
        if ($ReportTimes.Contains('OnDay') -and $ReportTimes.OnDay.Enabled) {
            foreach ($Day in $ReportTimes.OnDay.Days) {
                $DatesReportOnDay = Find-DatesPastWeek $Day
                if ($DatesReportOnDay) { $DatesReportOnDay }
        if ($ReportTimes.Contains('PastMonth') -and $ReportTimes.PastMonth.Enabled) {
            $DatesMonthPrevious = Find-DatesMonthPast -Force $ReportTimes.PastMonth.Force
            if ($DatesMonthPrevious) { $DatesMonthPrevious }
        if ($ReportTimes.Contains('CurrentMonth') -and $ReportTimes.CurrentMonth.Enabled) {
            $DatesMonthCurrent = Find-DatesMonthCurrent
            if ($DatesMonthCurrent) { $DatesMonthCurrent }
        if ($ReportTimes.Contains('PastQuarter') -and $ReportTimes.PastQuarter.Enabled) {
            $DatesQuarterLast = Find-DatesQuarterLast -Force $ReportTimes.PastQuarter.Force
            if ($DatesQuarterLast) { $DatesQuarterLast }
        if ($ReportTimes.Contains('CurrentQuarter') -and $ReportTimes.CurrentQuarter.Enabled) {
            $DatesQuarterCurrent = Find-DatesQuarterCurrent
            if ($DatesQuarterCurrent) { $DatesQuarterCurrent }
        if ($ReportTimes.Contains('CurrentDayMinusDayX') -and $ReportTimes.CurrentDayMinusDayX.Enabled) {
            $DatesCurrentDayMinusDayX = Find-DatesCurrentDayMinusDayX $ReportTimes.CurrentDayMinusDayX.Days
            if ($DatesCurrentDayMinusDayX) { $DatesCurrentDayMinusDayX }
        if ($ReportTimes.Contains('CurrentDayMinuxDaysX') -and $ReportTimes.CurrentDayMinuxDaysX.Enabled) {
            $DatesCurrentDayMinusDaysX = Find-DatesCurrentDayMinuxDaysX $ReportTimes.CurrentDayMinuxDaysX.Days
            if ($DatesCurrentDayMinusDaysX) { $DatesCurrentDayMinusDaysX }
        if ($ReportTimes.Contains('CustomDate') -and $ReportTimes.CustomDate.Enabled) {
            $DatesCustom = @{DateFrom = $ReportTimes.CustomDate.DateFrom
                DateTo                = $ReportTimes.CustomDate.DateTo
            if ($DatesCustom) { $DatesCustom }
        if ($ReportTimes.Contains('Everything') -and $ReportTimes.Everything.Enabled) {
            $DatesEverything = @{DateFrom = Get-Date -Year 1600 -Month 1 -Day 1
                DateTo                    = Get-Date -Year 2300 -Month 1 -Day 1
        if ($ReportTimes.Contains('Last3days') -and $ReportTimes.Last3days.Enabled) {
            $DatesCurrentDayMinusDaysX = Find-DatesCurrentDayMinuxDaysX -days 3
            if ($DatesCurrentDayMinusDaysX) { $DatesCurrentDayMinusDaysX }
        if ($ReportTimes.Contains('Last7days') -and $ReportTimes.Last7days.Enabled) {
            $DatesCurrentDayMinusDaysX = Find-DatesCurrentDayMinuxDaysX -days 7
            if ($DatesCurrentDayMinusDaysX) { $DatesCurrentDayMinusDaysX }
        if ($ReportTimes.Contains('Last14days') -and $ReportTimes.Last14days.Enabled) {
            $DatesCurrentDayMinusDaysX = Find-DatesCurrentDayMinuxDaysX -days 14
            if ($DatesCurrentDayMinusDaysX) { $DatesCurrentDayMinusDaysX }
    return $Dates
function Get-DatesDefinitions {
    param([string[]] $Skip)
    $Times = foreach ($Key in $Script:ReportTimes.Keys) { if ($SkipTime -notcontains $Key) { $Key } }
function Get-EventLogFileList {
    param([System.Collections.IDictionary] $Sections)
    $EventFiles = @(if ($Sections.Contains("Directories")) {
            foreach ($Folder in $Sections.Directories.Keys) {
                $Files = Get-FilesInFolder -Folder $Sections.Directories.$Folder -Extension '*.evtx'
                foreach ($File in $Files) { $File }
        if ($Sections.Contains("Files")) {
            foreach ($FileName in $Sections.Files.Keys) {
                $File = $($Sections.Files.$FileName)
                if ($File -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $File)) { $File } else { if (-not $Quiet) { $Logger.AddErrorRecord("File $File doesn't exists. Skipping for scan.") } }
    return $EventFiles | Sort-Object -Unique
function Get-EventsDefinitions {
    param([System.Collections.IDictionary] $Definitions)
    [string] $ConfigurationPath = "$Env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\Evotec\PSWinReporting\Definitions"
    try { $Files = Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $ConfigurationPath -Filter '*.xml' -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $Files = $null }
    $AllDefinitions = $Script:ReportDefinitions
    if ($null -ne $Files) {
        try {
            foreach ($File in $Files) { $AllDefinitions += Import-Clixml -LiteralPath $File.FullName }
            if ($Definitions) { $AllDefinitions += $Definitions }
        } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
            if ($ErrorMessage -like '*Item has already been added. Key in dictionary*') { Write-Warning "Get-EventsDefinitions - Duplicate key in definition. Please make sure names in Hashtables are unique." } else { Write-Warning "Get-EventsDefinitions - Error: $ErrorMessage" }
            $AllDefinitions = $null
    return $AllDefinitions
function Get-ServersList {
    param([System.Collections.IDictionary] $Definitions,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Target,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Dates,
        [switch] $Quiet,
        [string] $Who,
        [string] $Whom,
        [string] $NotWho,
        [string] $NotWhom)
    $ServersList = @(if ($Target.Servers.Enabled) {
            if (-not $Quiet) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Preparing servers list - defined list") }
            [Array] $Servers = foreach ($Server in $Target.Servers.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'Enabled' }) {
                if ($Target.Servers.$Server -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
                    [ordered] @{ComputerName = $Target.Servers.$Server.ComputerName
                        LogName              = $Target.Servers.$Server.LogName
                } elseif ($Target.Servers.$Server -is [Array] -or $Target.Servers.$Server -is [string]) { $Target.Servers.$Server }
        if ($Target.DomainControllers.Enabled) {
            if (-not $Quiet) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Preparing servers list - domain controllers autodetection") }
            [Array] $Servers = (Get-WinADDomainControllers -SkipEmpty).HostName
    if ($Target.LocalFiles.Enabled) {
        if (-not $Quiet) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Preparing file list - defined event log files") }
        $Files = Get-EventLogFileList -Sections $Target.LocalFiles
    [Array] $LogNames = foreach ($Report in $Definitions.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notcontains 'Enabled', 'SqlExport' }) { if ($Definitions.$Report.Enabled) { foreach ($SubReport in $Definitions.$Report.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notcontains 'Enabled' }) { if ($Definitions.$Report.$SubReport.Enabled) { $Definitions.$Report.$SubReport.LogName } } } }
    if ($LogNames.Count -eq 0) {
        $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Definitions provided don't contain any enabled report or subevents within report. Please check your definitions and try again.")
    [Array] $ExtendedInput = foreach ($Log in $LogNames | Sort-Object -Unique) {
        $EventIDs = foreach ($Report in $Definitions.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notcontains 'Enabled', 'SqlExport' }) { if ($Definitions.$Report.Enabled) { foreach ($SubReport in $Definitions.$Report.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notcontains 'Enabled' }) { if ($Definitions.$Report.$SubReport.Enabled) { if ($Definitions.$Report.$SubReport.LogName -eq $Log) { $Definitions.$Report.$SubReport.Events } } } } }
        $NamedDataFilter = @{}
        if ($Who -ne '') { $NamedDataFilter.SubjectUserName = $Who }
        if ($Whom -ne '') { $NamedDataFilter.TargetUserName = $Whom }
        $NamedDataExcludeFilter = @{}
        if ($NotWho -ne '') { $NamedDataExcludeFilter.SubjectUserName = $NotWho }
        if ($NotWhom -ne '') { $NamedDataExcludeFilter.TargetUserName = $NotWhom }
        $OutputServers = foreach ($Server in $ServersList) {
            if ($Server -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
                [PSCustomObject]@{Server   = $Server.ComputerName
                    LogName                = $Server.LogName
                    EventID                = $EventIDs | Sort-Object -Unique
                    Type                   = 'Computer'
                    DateFrom               = $Dates.DateFrom
                    DateTo                 = $Dates.DateTo
                    NamedDataFilter        = if ($NamedDataFilter.Count -ne 0) { $NamedDataFilter } else {}
                    NamedDataExcludeFilter = if ($NamedDataExcludeFilter.Count -ne 0) { $NamedDataExcludeFilter } else {}
            } elseif ($Server -is [Array] -or $Server -is [string]) {
                foreach ($S in $Server) {
                    [PSCustomObject]@{Server   = $S
                        LogName                = $Log
                        EventID                = $EventIDs | Sort-Object -Unique
                        Type                   = 'Computer'
                        DateFrom               = $Dates.DateFrom
                        DateTo                 = $Dates.DateTo
                        NamedDataFilter        = if ($NamedDataFilter.Count -ne 0) { $NamedDataFilter } else {}
                        NamedDataExcludeFilter = if ($NamedDataExcludeFilter.Count -ne 0) { $NamedDataExcludeFilter } else {}
        $OutputFiles = foreach ($File in $FIles) {
            [PSCustomObject]@{Server   = $File
                LogName                = $Log
                EventID                = $EventIDs | Sort-Object -Unique
                Type                   = 'File'
                DateFrom               = $Dates.DateFrom
                DateTo                 = $Dates.DateTo
                NamedDataFilter        = if ($NamedDataFilter.Count -ne 0) { $NamedDataFilter } else {}
                NamedDataExcludeFilter = if ($NamedDataExcludeFilter.Count -ne 0) { $NamedDataExcludeFilter } else {}
    if ($ExtendedInput.Count -gt 1) { $ExtendedInput } else { , $ExtendedInput }
function Get-ServersListLimited {
    param([System.Collections.IDictionary] $Target,
        [int64] $RecordID,
        [switch] $Quiet,
        [string] $Who,
        [string] $Whom,
        [string] $NotWho,
        [string] $NotWhom)
    if ($Target.Servers.Enabled) {
        if (-not $Quiet) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Preparing servers list - defined list") }
        [Array] $Servers = foreach ($Server in $Target.Servers.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -ne 'Enabled' }) {
            if ($Target.Servers.$Server -is [System.Collections.IDictionary]) {
                [ordered] @{ComputerName = $Target.Servers.$Server.ComputerName
                    LogName              = $Target.Servers.$Server.LogName
            } elseif ($Target.Servers.$Server -is [Array] -or $Target.Servers.$Server -is [string]) { $Target.Servers.$Server }
    [Array] $ExtendedInput = foreach ($Server in $Servers) {
        [PSCustomObject] @{Server  = $Server.ComputerName
            LogName                = $Server.LogName
            RecordID               = $RecordID
            NamedDataFilter        = if ($NamedDataFilter.Count -ne 0) { $NamedDataFilter } else {}
            NamedDataExcludeFilter = if ($NamedDataExcludeFilter.Count -ne 0) { $NamedDataExcludeFilter } else {}
    if ($ExtendedInput.Count -gt 1) { $ExtendedInput } else { , $ExtendedInput }
function Move-ArchivedLogs {
    param ([string] $ServerName,
        [string] $SourcePath,
        [string] $DestinationPath)
    $NewSourcePath = "\\$ServerName\$($SourcePath.Replace(':\','$\'))"
    $PathExists = Test-Path -LiteralPath $NewSourcePath
    if ($PathExists) {
        Write-Color @script:WriteParameters '[i] Moving log file from ', $NewSourcePath, ' to ', $DestinationPath -Color White, Yellow, White, Yellow
        Move-Item -Path $NewSourcePath -Destination $DestinationPath
        if (!$?) { Write-Color @script:WriteParameters '[i] File ', $NewSourcePath, ' couldn not be moved.' -Color White, Yellow, White }
    } else { Write-Color @script:WriteParameters '[i] Event Log Move ', $NewSourcePath, ' was skipped. No file exists on drive.' -Color White, Yellow, White, Yellow }
function New-TargetServers {
    param([string[]] $Servers,
        [switch] $UseDC)
    $Target = [ordered]@{Servers = [ordered] @{Enabled = if ($Servers -and ($UseDC -eq $false)) { $true } else { $false }
            Servers                                    = $Servers
        DomainControllers        = [ordered] @{Enabled = $UseDC }
        LocalFiles               = [ordered] @{Enabled = $false
            Directories                                = [ordered] @{}
            Files                                      = [ordered] @{}
    return $Target
function Protect-ArchivedLogs {
    param ($TableEventLogClearedLogs,
        [string] $DestinationPath)
    foreach ($BackupEvent in $TableEventLogClearedLogs) {
        if ($BackupEvent.'Event ID' -eq 1105) {
            $SourcePath = $BackupEvent.'Backup Path'
            $ServerName = $BackupEvent.'Domain Controller'
            if ($SourcePath -and $ServerName -and $DestinationPath) {
                Write-Color @script:WriteParameters '[i] Found Event Log file ', $SourcePath, ' on ', $ServerName, '. Will try moving to: ', $DestinationPath -Color White, Yellow, White, Yellow
                Move-ArchivedLogs -ServerName $ServerName -SourcePath $SourcePath -DestinationPath $DestinationPath
function Remove-ReportsFiles {
    param([bool] $KeepReports,
        [Array] $ReportFiles)
    if (-not $KeepReports) {
        foreach ($Report in $ReportFiles) {
            if ($Report -ne '' -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $Report)) {
                $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Removing file $Report")
                try { Remove-Item -LiteralPath $Report -ErrorAction Stop } catch { $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Error removing file: $($_.Exception.Message)") }
function Remove-Subscription {
    param([switch] $All,
        [switch] $Own,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $LoggerParameters)
    $Subscriptions = Start-MyProgram -Program $Script:ProgramWecutil -CmdArgList 'es'
    foreach ($Subscription in $Subscriptions) {
        if ($Own -eq $true -and $Subscription -like '*PSWinReporting*') {
            $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Deleting own providers - $Subscription")
            Start-MyProgram -Program $Script:ProgramWecutil -CmdArgList 'ds', $Subscription -LoggerParameters $LoggerParameters
        if ($All -eq $true -and $Subscription -notlike '*PSWinReporting*') {
            $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Deleting own providers - $Subscription")
            Start-MyProgram -Program $Script:ProgramWecutil -CmdArgList 'ds', $Subscription -LoggerParameters $LoggerParameters
function Set-EmailReportDetails($FormattingParameters, $Dates, $Warnings) {
    $DateReport = Get-Date
    $Report = "<p style=`"background-color:white;font-family:$($FormattingParameters.FontFamily);font-size:$($FormattingParameters.FontSize)`">" +
    "<strong>Report Time:</strong> $DateReport <br>" +
    "<strong>Report Period:</strong> $($Dates.DateFrom) to $($Dates.DateTo) <br>" +
    "<strong>Account Executing Report :</strong> $env:userdomain\$($env:username.toupper()) on $($env:ComputerName.toUpper()) <br>" +
    "<strong>Time to generate:</strong> **TimeToGenerateDays** days, **TimeToGenerateHours** hours, **TimeToGenerateMinutes** minutes, **TimeToGenerateSeconds** seconds, **TimeToGenerateMilliseconds** milliseconds"
    if ($($Warnings | Measure-Object).Count -gt 0) {
        $Report += "<br><br><strong>Warnings:</strong>"
        foreach ($warning in $Warnings) { $Report += "<br> $warning" }
    $Report += "</p>"
    return $Report
function Set-ReportFile {
    param([string] $Path,
        [alias('FilePattern')][string] $FileNamePattern,
        [string] $DateFormat,
        [string] $Extension,
        [string] $ReportName)
    $FileNamePattern = $FileNamePattern.Replace('<currentdate>', $(Get-Date -f $DateFormat))
    $FileNamePattern = $FileNamePattern.Replace('<extension>', $Extension)
    $FileNamePattern = $FileNamePattern.Replace('<reportname>', $ReportName)
    return "$Path\$FileNamePattern"
function Set-ReportFileName {
    param([System.Collections.IDictionary] $ReportOptions,
        [string] $ReportExtension,
        [string] $ReportName = "")
    if ($ReportOptions.KeepReportsPath -ne "") { $Path = $ReportOptions.KeepReportsPath } else { $Path = $env:TEMP }
    $ReportPath = $Path + "\" + $ReportOptions.FilePattern
    $ReportPath = $ReportPath -replace "<currentdate>", $(Get-Date -f $ReportOptions.FilePatternDateFormat)
    if ($ReportName -ne "") { $ReportPath = $ReportPath.Replace(".<extension>", "-$ReportName.$ReportExtension") } else { $ReportPath = $ReportPath.Replace(".<extension>", ".$ReportExtension") }
    return $ReportPath
$Script:LoggerParameters = @{ShowTime = $false
    TimeFormat                        = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss'
$Script:ProgramWecutil = "wecutil.exe"
$Script:ProgramWevtutil = 'wevtutil.exe'
$Script:ReportDefinitions = [ordered] @{ADUserChanges = @{Enabled = $false
        SqlExport                                                 = @{EnabledGlobal = $false
            Enabled                                                                 = $false
            SqlServer                                                               = 'EVO1'
            SqlDatabase                                                             = 'SSAE18'
            SqlTable                                                                = 'dbo.[EventsNewSpecial]'
            SqlTableCreate                                                          = $true
            SqlTableAlterIfNeeded                                                   = $false
            SqlCheckBeforeInsert                                                    = 'EventRecordID', 'DomainController'
            SqlTableMapping                                                         = [ordered] @{'Event ID' = 'EventID,[int]'
                'Who'                                        = 'EventWho'
                'When'                                       = 'EventWhen,[datetime]'
                'Record ID'                                  = 'EventRecordID,[bigint]'
                'Domain Controller'                          = 'DomainController'
                'Action'                                     = 'Action'
                'Group Name'                                 = 'GroupName'
                'User Affected'                              = 'UserAffected'
                'Member Name'                                = 'MemberName'
                'Computer Lockout On'                        = 'ComputerLockoutOn'
                'Reported By'                                = 'ReportedBy'
                'SamAccountName'                             = 'SamAccountName'
                'Display Name'                               = 'DisplayName'
                'UserPrincipalName'                          = 'UserPrincipalName'
                'Home Directory'                             = 'HomeDirectory'
                'Home Path'                                  = 'HomePath'
                'Script Path'                                = 'ScriptPath'
                'Profile Path'                               = 'ProfilePath'
                'User Workstation'                           = 'UserWorkstation'
                'Password Last Set'                          = 'PasswordLastSet'
                'Account Expires'                            = 'AccountExpires'
                'Primary Group Id'                           = 'PrimaryGroupId'
                'Allowed To Delegate To'                     = 'AllowedToDelegateTo'
                'Old Uac Value'                              = 'OldUacValue'
                'New Uac Value'                              = 'NewUacValue'
                'User Account Control'                       = 'UserAccountControl'
                'User Parameters'                            = 'UserParameters'
                'Sid History'                                = 'SidHistory'
                'Logon Hours'                                = 'LogonHours'
                'OperationType'                              = 'OperationType'
                'Message'                                    = 'Message'
                'Backup Path'                                = 'BackupPath'
                'Log Type'                                   = 'LogType'
                'AddedWhen'                                  = 'EventAdded,[datetime],null'
                'AddedWho'                                   = 'EventAddedWho'
                'Gathered From'                              = 'GatheredFrom'
                'Gathered LogName'                           = 'GatheredLogName'
        Events                                                    = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                                            = 4720, 4738
            LogName                                                           = 'Security'
            Fields                                                            = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                            = 'Action'
                'ObjectAffected'                    = 'User Affected'
                'SamAccountName'                    = 'SamAccountName'
                'DisplayName'                       = 'DisplayName'
                'UserPrincipalName'                 = 'UserPrincipalName'
                'HomeDirectory'                     = 'Home Directory'
                'HomePath'                          = 'Home Path'
                'ScriptPath'                        = 'Script Path'
                'ProfilePath'                       = 'Profile Path'
                'UserWorkstations'                  = 'User Workstations'
                'PasswordLastSet'                   = 'Password Last Set'
                'AccountExpires'                    = 'Account Expires'
                'PrimaryGroupId'                    = 'Primary Group Id'
                'AllowedToDelegateTo'               = 'Allowed To Delegate To'
                'OldUacValue'                       = 'Old Uac Value'
                'NewUacValue'                       = 'New Uac Value'
                'UserAccountControl'                = 'User Account Control'
                'UserParameters'                    = 'User Parameters'
                'SidHistory'                        = 'Sid History'
                'Who'                               = 'Who'
                'Date'                              = 'When'
                'ID'                                = 'Event ID'
                'RecordID'                          = 'Record ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                      = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                   = 'Gathered LogName'
            Ignore                                                            = @{SubjectUserName = "ANONYMOUS LOGON" }
            Functions                                                         = @{'ProfilePath' = 'Convert-UAC'
                'OldUacValue'                = 'Remove-WhiteSpace', 'Convert-UAC'
                'NewUacValue'                = 'Remove-WhiteSpace', 'Convert-UAC'
                'UserAccountControl'         = 'Remove-WhiteSpace', 'Split-OnSpace', 'Convert-UAC'
            IgnoreWords                                                       = @{}
            SortBy                                                            = 'When'
    ADUserChangesDetailed                             = [ordered] @{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                              = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                          = 5136, 5137, 5139, 5141
            LogName                                         = 'Security'
            Filter                                          = [ordered] @{'ObjectClass' = 'user' }
            Functions                                       = @{'OperationType' = 'ConvertFrom-OperationType' }
            Fields                                          = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                              = 'Action'
                'OperationType'                       = 'Action Detail'
                'Who'                                 = 'Who'
                'Date'                                = 'When'
                'ObjectDN'                            = 'User Object'
                'AttributeLDAPDisplayName'            = 'Field Changed'
                'AttributeValue'                      = 'Field Value'
                'RecordID'                            = 'Record ID'
                'ID'                                  = 'Event ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                        = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                     = 'Gathered LogName'
            OverwriteByField                                = [ordered] @{'User Object' = 'Action', 'A directory service object was moved.', 'OldObjectDN'
                'Field Value'                            = 'Action', 'A directory service object was moved.', 'NewObjectDN'
            SortBy                                          = 'Record ID'
            Descending                                      = $false
            IgnoreWords                                     = @{}
    ADComputerChangesDetailed                         = [ordered] @{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                              = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                              = 5136, 5137, 5139, 5141
            LogName                                             = 'Security'
            Filter                                              = @{'ObjectClass' = 'computer' }
            Functions                                           = @{'OperationType' = 'ConvertFrom-OperationType' }
            Fields                                              = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                              = 'Action'
                'OperationType'                       = 'Action Detail'
                'Who'                                 = 'Who'
                'Date'                                = 'When'
                'ObjectDN'                            = 'Computer Object'
                'AttributeLDAPDisplayName'            = 'Field Changed'
                'AttributeValue'                      = 'Field Value'
                'RecordID'                            = 'Record ID'
                'ID'                                  = 'Event ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                        = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                     = 'Gathered LogName'
            OverwriteByField                                    = [ordered] @{'Computer Object' = 'Action', 'A directory service object was moved.', 'OldObjectDN'
                'Field Value'                                = 'Action', 'A directory service object was moved.', 'NewObjectDN'
            SortBy                                              = 'Record ID'
            Descending                                          = $false
            IgnoreWords                                         = @{}
    ADOrganizationalUnitChangesDetailed               = [ordered] @{Enabled = $false
        OUEventsModify                                                      = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                                        = 5136, 5137, 5139, 5141
            LogName                                                       = 'Security'
            Filter                                                        = [ordered] @{'ObjectClass' = 'organizationalUnit' }
            Functions                                                     = @{'OperationType' = 'ConvertFrom-OperationType' }
            Fields                                                        = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                                    = 'Action'
                'OperationType'                             = 'Action Detail'
                'Who'                                       = 'Who'
                'Date'                                      = 'When'
                'ObjectDN'                                  = 'Organizational Unit'
                'AttributeLDAPDisplayName'                  = 'Field Changed'
                'AttributeValue'                            = 'Field Value'
                'RecordID'                                  = 'Record ID'
                'ID'                                        = 'Event ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                              = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                           = 'Gathered LogName'
            Overwrite                                                     = [ordered] @{'Action Detail#1' = 'Action', 'A directory service object was created.', 'Organizational Unit Created'
                'Action Detail#2'                                  = 'Action', 'A directory service object was deleted.', 'Organizational Unit Deleted'
                'Action Detail#3'                                  = 'Action', 'A directory service object was moved.', 'Organizational Unit Moved'
            OverwriteByField                                              = [ordered] @{'Organizational Unit' = 'Action', 'A directory service object was moved.', 'OldObjectDN'
                'Field Value'                                          = 'Action', 'A directory service object was moved.', 'NewObjectDN'
            SortBy                                                        = 'Record ID'
            Descending                                                    = $false
            IgnoreWords                                                   = @{}
    ADUserStatus                                      = [ordered] @{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                              = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                 = 4722, 4725, 4767, 4723, 4724, 4726
            LogName                                = 'Security'
            IgnoreWords                            = @{}
            Fields                                 = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                            = 'Action'
                'Who'                               = 'Who'
                'Date'                              = 'When'
                'ObjectAffected'                    = 'User Affected'
                'ID'                                = 'Event ID'
                'RecordID'                          = 'Record ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                      = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                   = 'Gathered LogName'
            SortBy                                 = 'When'
    ADUserLockouts                                    = [ordered] @{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                              = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                   = 4740
            LogName                                  = 'Security'
            IgnoreWords                              = @{}
            Fields                                   = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                            = 'Action'
                'TargetDomainName'                  = 'Computer Lockout On'
                'ObjectAffected'                    = 'User Affected'
                'Who'                               = 'Reported By'
                'Date'                              = 'When'
                'ID'                                = 'Event ID'
                'RecordID'                          = 'Record ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                      = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                   = 'Gathered LogName'
            SortBy                                   = 'When'
    ADUserLogon                                       = [ordered]@{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                             = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                               = 4624
            LogName                              = 'Security'
            Fields                               = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Computer'
                'Action'                            = 'Action'
                'IpAddress'                         = 'IpAddress'
                'IpPort'                            = 'IpPort'
                'ObjectAffected'                    = 'User / Computer Affected'
                'Who'                               = 'Who'
                'Date'                              = 'When'
                'LogonProcessName'                  = 'LogonProcessName'
                'ImpersonationLevel'                = 'ImpersonationLevel'
                'VirtualAccount'                    = 'VirtualAccount'
                'ElevatedToken'                     = 'ElevatedToken'
                'LogonType'                         = 'LogonType'
                'ID'                                = 'Event ID'
                'RecordID'                          = 'Record ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                      = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                   = 'Gathered LogName'
            IgnoreWords                          = @{}
    ADUserUnlocked                                    = [ordered] @{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                              = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                   = 4767
            LogName                                  = 'Security'
            IgnoreWords                              = @{}
            Functions                                = @{}
            Fields                                   = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                            = 'Action'
                'TargetDomainName'                  = 'Computer Lockout On'
                'ObjectAffected'                    = 'User Affected'
                'Who'                               = 'Who'
                'Date'                              = 'When'
                'ID'                                = 'Event ID'
                'RecordID'                          = 'Record ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                      = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                   = 'Gathered LogName'
            SortBy                                   = 'When'
    ADComputerCreatedChanged                          = [ordered] @{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                              = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                             = 4741, 4742
            LogName                                            = 'Security'
            Ignore                                             = @{SubjectUserName = "ANONYMOUS LOGON" }
            Fields                                             = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                            = 'Action'
                'ObjectAffected'                    = 'Computer Affected'
                'SamAccountName'                    = 'SamAccountName'
                'DisplayName'                       = 'DisplayName'
                'UserPrincipalName'                 = 'UserPrincipalName'
                'HomeDirectory'                     = 'Home Directory'
                'HomePath'                          = 'Home Path'
                'ScriptPath'                        = 'Script Path'
                'ProfilePath'                       = 'Profile Path'
                'UserWorkstations'                  = 'User Workstations'
                'PasswordLastSet'                   = 'Password Last Set'
                'AccountExpires'                    = 'Account Expires'
                'PrimaryGroupId'                    = 'Primary Group Id'
                'AllowedToDelegateTo'               = 'Allowed To Delegate To'
                'OldUacValue'                       = 'Old Uac Value'
                'NewUacValue'                       = 'New Uac Value'
                'UserAccountControl'                = 'User Account Control'
                'UserParameters'                    = 'User Parameters'
                'SidHistory'                        = 'Sid History'
                'Who'                               = 'Who'
                'Date'                              = 'When'
                'ID'                                = 'Event ID'
                'RecordID'                          = 'Record ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                      = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                   = 'Gathered LogName'
            IgnoreWords                                        = @{}
    ADComputerDeleted                                 = [ordered]@{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                             = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                     = 4743
            LogName                                    = 'Security'
            IgnoreWords                                = @{}
            Fields                                     = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                            = 'Action'
                'ObjectAffected'                    = 'Computer Affected'
                'Who'                               = 'Who'
                'Date'                              = 'When'
                'ID'                                = 'Event ID'
                'RecordID'                          = 'Record ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                      = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                   = 'Gathered LogName'
            SortBy                                     = 'When'
    ADUserLogonKerberos                               = [ordered] @{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                              = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                        = 4768
            LogName                                       = 'Security'
            IgnoreWords                                   = @{}
            Functions                                     = [ordered] @{'IpAddress' = 'Clean-IpAddress' }
            Fields                                        = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                            = 'Action'
                'ObjectAffected'                    = 'Computer/User Affected'
                'IpAddress'                         = 'IpAddress'
                'IpPort'                            = 'Port'
                'TicketOptions'                     = 'TicketOptions'
                'Status'                            = 'Status'
                'TicketEncryptionType'              = 'TicketEncryptionType'
                'PreAuthType'                       = 'PreAuthType'
                'Date'                              = 'When'
                'ID'                                = 'Event ID'
                'RecordID'                          = 'Record ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                      = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                   = 'Gathered LogName'
            SortBy                                        = 'When'
    ADGroupMembershipChanges                          = [ordered]@{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                             = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                            = 4728, 4729, 4732, 4733, 4746, 4747, 4751, 4752, 4756, 4757, 4761, 4762, 4785, 4786, 4787, 4788
            LogName                                           = 'Security'
            IgnoreWords                                       = @{}
            Fields                                            = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                            = 'Action'
                'TargetUserName'                    = 'Group Name'
                'MemberNameWithoutCN'               = 'Member Name'
                'Who'                               = 'Who'
                'Date'                              = 'When'
                'ID'                                = 'Event ID'
                'RecordID'                          = 'Record ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                      = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                   = 'Gathered LogName'
            SortBy                                            = 'When'
    ADGroupEnumeration                                = [ordered] @{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                              = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                       = 4798, 4799
            LogName                                      = 'Security'
            IgnoreWords                                  = [ordered] @{}
            Fields                                       = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                            = 'Action'
                'TargetUserName'                    = 'Group Name'
                'Who'                               = 'Who'
                'Date'                              = 'When'
                'ID'                                = 'Event ID'
                'RecordID'                          = 'Record ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                      = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                   = 'Gathered LogName'
            SortBy                                       = 'When'
    ADGroupChanges                                    = [ordered]@{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                             = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                  = 4735, 4737, 4745, 4750, 4760, 4764, 4784, 4791
            LogName                                 = 'Security'
            IgnoreWords                             = @{'Who' = '*ANONYMOUS*' }
            Fields                                  = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                            = 'Action'
                'TargetUserName'                    = 'Group Name'
                'Who'                               = 'Who'
                'Date'                              = 'When'
                'GroupTypeChange'                   = 'Changed Group Type'
                'SamAccountName'                    = 'Changed SamAccountName'
                'SidHistory'                        = 'Changed SidHistory'
                'ID'                                = 'Event ID'
                'RecordID'                          = 'Record ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                      = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                   = 'Gathered LogName'
            SortBy                                  = 'When'
    ADGroupCreateDelete                               = [ordered]@{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                             = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                       = 4727, 4730, 4731, 4734, 4744, 4748, 4749, 4753, 4754, 4758, 4759, 4763
            LogName                                      = 'Security'
            IgnoreWords                                  = @{}
            Fields                                       = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                            = 'Action'
                'TargetUserName'                    = 'Group Name'
                'Who'                               = 'Who'
                'Date'                              = 'When'
                'ID'                                = 'Event ID'
                'RecordID'                          = 'Record ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                      = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                   = 'Gathered LogName'
            SortBy                                       = 'When'
    ADGroupChangesDetailed                            = [ordered] @{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                              = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                           = 5136, 5137, 5141
            LogName                                          = 'Security'
            Filter                                           = [ordered] @{'ObjectClass' = 'group' }
            Functions                                        = @{'OperationType' = 'ConvertFrom-OperationType' }
            Fields                                           = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                            = 'Action'
                'OperationType'                     = 'Action Detail'
                'Who'                               = 'Who'
                'Date'                              = 'When'
                'ObjectDN'                          = 'Computer Object'
                'ObjectClass'                       = 'ObjectClass'
                'AttributeLDAPDisplayName'          = 'Field Changed'
                'AttributeValue'                    = 'Field Value'
                'RecordID'                          = 'Record ID'
                'ID'                                = 'Event ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                      = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                   = 'Gathered LogName'
            SortBy                                           = 'Record ID'
            Descending                                       = $false
            IgnoreWords                                      = @{}
    ADGroupPolicyChanges                              = [ordered] @{Enabled = $false
        'Group Policy Name Changes'                                         = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                         = 5136, 5137, 5141
            LogName                                        = 'Security'
            Filter                                         = [ordered] @{'ObjectClass' = 'groupPolicyContainer'
                'AttributeLDAPDisplayName'                                  = $null, 'displayName'
            Functions                                      = @{'OperationType' = 'ConvertFrom-OperationType' }
            Fields                                         = [ordered] @{'RecordID' = 'Record ID'
                'Computer'                                               = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                                                 = 'Action'
                'Who'                                                    = 'Who'
                'Date'                                                   = 'When'
                'ObjectDN'                                               = 'ObjectDN'
                'ObjectGUID'                                             = 'ObjectGUID'
                'ObjectClass'                                            = 'ObjectClass'
                'AttributeLDAPDisplayName'                               = 'AttributeLDAPDisplayName'
                'AttributeValue'                                         = 'AttributeValue'
                'OperationType'                                          = 'OperationType'
                'OpCorrelationID'                                        = 'OperationCorelationID'
                'AppCorrelationID'                                       = 'OperationApplicationCorrelationID'
                'DSName'                                                 = 'DSName'
                'DSType'                                                 = 'DSType'
                'Task'                                                   = 'Task'
                'Version'                                                = 'Version'
                'ID'                                                     = 'Event ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                                           = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                                        = 'Gathered LogName'
            SortBy                                         = 'Record ID'
            Descending                                     = $false
            IgnoreWords                                    = @{}
        'Group Policy Edits'                                                = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                         = 5136, 5137, 5141
            LogName                                        = 'Security'
            Filter                                         = [ordered] @{'ObjectClass' = 'groupPolicyContainer'
                'AttributeLDAPDisplayName'                           = 'versionNumber'
            Functions                                      = @{'OperationType' = 'ConvertFrom-OperationType' }
            Fields                                         = [ordered] @{'RecordID' = 'Record ID'
                'Computer'                                        = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                                          = 'Action'
                'Who'                                             = 'Who'
                'Date'                                            = 'When'
                'ObjectDN'                                        = 'ObjectDN'
                'ObjectGUID'                                      = 'ObjectGUID'
                'ObjectClass'                                     = 'ObjectClass'
                'AttributeLDAPDisplayName'                        = 'AttributeLDAPDisplayName'
                'AttributeValue'                                  = 'AttributeValue'
                'OperationType'                                   = 'OperationType'
                'OpCorrelationID'                                 = 'OperationCorelationID'
                'AppCorrelationID'                                = 'OperationApplicationCorrelationID'
                'DSName'                                          = 'DSName'
                'DSType'                                          = 'DSType'
                'Task'                                            = 'Task'
                'Version'                                         = 'Version'
                'ID'                                              = 'Event ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                                    = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                                 = 'Gathered LogName'
            SortBy                                         = 'Record ID'
            Descending                                     = $false
            IgnoreWords                                    = @{}
        'Group Policy Links'                                                = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                         = 5136, 5137, 5141
            LogName                                        = 'Security'
            Filter                                         = @{'ObjectClass' = 'domainDNS' }
            Functions                                      = @{'OperationType' = 'ConvertFrom-OperationType' }
            Fields                                         = [ordered] @{'RecordID' = 'Record ID'
                'Computer'                                        = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                                          = 'Action'
                'Who'                                             = 'Who'
                'Date'                                            = 'When'
                'ObjectDN'                                        = 'ObjectDN'
                'ObjectGUID'                                      = 'ObjectGUID'
                'ObjectClass'                                     = 'ObjectClass'
                'AttributeLDAPDisplayName'                        = 'AttributeLDAPDisplayName'
                'AttributeValue'                                  = 'AttributeValue'
                'OperationType'                                   = 'OperationType'
                'OpCorrelationID'                                 = 'OperationCorelationID'
                'AppCorrelationID'                                = 'OperationApplicationCorrelationID'
                'DSName'                                          = 'DSName'
                'DSType'                                          = 'DSType'
                'Task'                                            = 'Task'
                'Version'                                         = 'Version'
                'ID'                                              = 'Event ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                                    = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                                 = 'Gathered LogName'
            SortBy                                         = 'Record ID'
            Descending                                     = $false
            IgnoreWords                                    = @{}
    ADLogsClearedSecurity                             = [ordered]@{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                             = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                         = 1102, 1105
            LogName                                        = 'Security'
            Fields                                         = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                            = 'Action'
                'BackupPath'                        = 'Backup Path'
                'Channel'                           = 'Log Type'
                'Who'                               = 'Who'
                'Date'                              = 'When'
                'ID'                                = 'Event ID'
                'RecordID'                          = 'Record ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                      = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'                   = 'Gathered LogName'
            SortBy                                         = 'When'
            IgnoreWords                                    = @{}
            Overwrite                                      = [ordered] @{'Backup Path' = 'Backup Path', '', 'N/A'
                'Who'                                  = 'Event ID', 1105, 'Automatic Backup'
    ADLogsClearedOther                                = [ordered]@{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                             = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                      = 104
            LogName                                     = 'System'
            IgnoreWords                                 = @{}
            Fields                                      = [ordered] @{'Computer' = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                            = 'Action'
                'BackupPath'                        = 'Backup Path'
                'Channel'                           = 'Log Type'
                'Who'                               = 'Who'
                'Date'                              = 'When'
                'ID'                                = 'Event ID'
                'RecordID'                          = 'Record ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                      = 'Gathered From'
            SortBy                                      = 'When'
            Overwrite                                   = @{'Backup Path' = 'Backup Path', '', 'N/A' }
    NetworkAccessAuthenticationPolicy                 = [ordered]@{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                             = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                                     = 6272, 6273
            LogName                                                    = 'Security'
            IgnoreWords                                                = @{}
            Fields                                                     = [ordered] @{'Action'       = 'Action'
                'SubjectUserSid'                = 'SecurityID'
                'Computer'                      = 'Compuer'
                'SubjectUserName'               = 'AccountName'
                'SubjectDomainName'             = 'Account Domain'
                'CalledStationID'               = 'CalledStationID'
                'CallingStationID'              = 'CallingStationID'
                'NASIPv4Address'                = 'NASIPv4Address'
                'NASIPv6Address'                = 'NASIPv6Address'
                'NASIdentifier'                 = 'NASIdentifier'
                'NASPortType'                   = 'NASPortType'
                'NASPort'                       = 'NASPort'
                'ClientName'                    = 'ClientFriendlyName'
                'ClientIPAddress'               = 'ClientFriendlyIPAddress'
                'ProxyPolicyName'               = 'ConnectionRequestPolicyName'
                'NetworkPolicyName'             = 'NetworkPolicyName'
                'AuthenticationProvider'        = 'AuthenticationProvider'
                'AuthenticationServer'          = 'AuthenticationServer'
                'AuthenticationType'            = 'AuthenticationType'
                'EAPType'                       = 'EAPType'
                'Reason'                        = 'Reason'
                'ReasonCode'                    = 'ReasonCode'
                'FullyQualifiedSubjectUserName' = 'Who'
                'Date'                          = 'When'
                'ID'                            = 'Event ID'
                'RecordID'                      = 'Record ID'
                'GatheredFrom'                  = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'               = 'Gathered LogName'
            SortBy                                                     = 'When'
    "OSCrash"                                         = [ordered]@{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                             = @{Enabled = $true
            Events                             = 6008
            LogName                            = 'System'
            IgnoreWords                        = @{}
            Fields                             = [ordered] @{"Computer" = "Computer"
                'Date'                              = 'When'
                "MachineName"                       = "ObjectAffected"
                "EventAction"                       = "Action"
                "Message"                           = "ActionDetails"
                "NoNameA1"                          = "ActionDetailsDate"
                "NoNameA0"                          = "ActionDetailsTime"
                "ID"                                = "Event ID"
                "RecordID"                          = "Record ID"
                "GatheredFrom"                      = "Gathered From"
                "GatheredLogName"                   = "Gathered LogName"
            Overwrite                          = @{"Action#1" = "Event ID" , 6008, "System Crash" }
    "OSStartupShutdownCrash"                          = [ordered]@{Enabled = $false
        Events                                                             = [ordered] @{Enabled = $true
            Events                                                      = 12, 13, 41, 4608, 4621, 6008
            LogName                                                     = 'System'
            IgnoreWords                                                 = @{}
            Filter                                                      = [ordered] @{'ProviderName' = 'Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-General', 'EventLog' }
            FilterOr                                                    = [ordered] @{}
            Fields                                                      = [ordered] @{"Computer" = "Computer"
                'Date'                                        = 'When'
                "MachineName"                                 = "ObjectAffected"
                "EventAction"                                 = "Action"
                "Message"                                     = "ActionDetails"
                "NoNameA1"                                    = "ActionDetailsDate"
                "NoNameA0"                                    = "ActionDetailsTime"
                "ActionDetailsDateTime"                       = "ActionDetailsDateTime"
                "ID"                                          = "Event ID"
                "RecordID"                                    = "Record ID"
                "GatheredFrom"                                = "Gathered From"
                "GatheredLogName"                             = "Gathered LogName"
            Overwrite                                                   = [ordered] @{"Action#1" = "Event ID", 12, "System Start"
                "Action#2"                                    = "Event ID", 13, "System Shutdown"
                "Action#3"                                    = "Event ID", 41, "System Dirty Reboot"
                "Action#4"                                    = "Event ID", 4608, "Windows is starting up"
                "Action#5"                                    = "Event ID", 4621, "Administrator recovered system from CrashOnAuditFail"
                "Action#6"                                    = "Event ID", 6008, "System Crash"
            OverwriteByField                                            = @{'ActionDetailsDateTime#1#ne' = 'StartTime', $null, 'StartTime'
                'ActionDetailsDateTime#2#ne'                          = '#text', $null, '#text'
    LdapBindingsDetails                               = $LdapBindingsDetails
    LdapBindingsSummary                               = $LdapBindingsSummary
$Script:ReportTimes = [ordered] @{PastHour = @{Enabled = $false }
    CurrentHour                            = @{Enabled = $false }
    PastDay                                = @{Enabled = $false }
    CurrentDay                             = @{Enabled = $false }
    OnDay                                  = @{Enabled = $false
        Days                                           = 'Monday'
    PastMonth                              = @{Enabled = $false
        Force                                          = $true
    CurrentMonth                           = @{Enabled = $false }
    PastQuarter                            = @{Enabled = $false
        Force                                          = $true
    CurrentQuarter                         = @{Enabled = $false }
    CurrentDayMinusDayX                    = @{Enabled = $false
        Days                                           = 7
    CurrentDayMinuxDaysX                   = @{Enabled = $false
        Days                                           = 3
    CustomDate                             = @{Enabled = $false
        DateFrom                                       = Get-Date -Year 2018 -Month 03 -Day 19
        DateTo                                         = Get-Date -Year 2018 -Month 03 -Day 23
    Last3days                              = @{Enabled = $false }
    Last7days                              = @{Enabled = $false }
    Last14days                             = @{Enabled = $false }
    Everything                             = @{Enabled = $false }
function Add-ServersToXML {
    param ([string] $FilePath,
        [string[]] $Servers)
    [xml]$xmlDocument = Get-Content -Path $FilePath -Encoding UTF8
    foreach ($Server in $Servers) {
        $node = $xmlDocument.CreateElement('EventSource', $xmlDocument.Subscription.NamespaceURI)
        $node.SetAttribute('Enabled', 'true')
        $nodeServer = $xmlDocument.CreateElement('Address', $xmlDocument.Subscription.NamespaceURI)
        [void] $xmlDocument.Subscription.Eventsources.AppendChild($node)
        [void] $xmlDocument.Subscription.Eventsources.EventSource.AppendChild($nodeServer)
    Save-XML -FilePath $FilePath -xml $xmlDocument
function Set-SubscriptionTemplates {
    param([System.Array] $ListTemplates,
        [switch] $DeleteOwn,
        [switch] $DeleteAllOther,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $LoggerParameters)
    if (-not $LoggerParameters) { $LoggerParameters = $Script:LoggerParameters }
    $Logger = Get-Logger @LoggerParameters
    if ($DeleteAll -or $DeleteOwn) { Remove-Subscription -All:$DeleteAllOther -Own:$DeleteOwn -LoggerParameters $LoggerParameters }
    foreach ($TemplatePath in $ListTemplates) {
        $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Adding provider $TemplatePath to Subscriptions.")
        Start-MyProgram -Program $Script:ProgramWecutil -CmdArgList 'cs', $TemplatePath -LoggerParameters $LoggerParameters
function Add-EventsDefinitions {
    param([parameter(Mandatory = $true)][System.Collections.IDictionary] $Definitions,
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true)][string] $Name,
        [switch] $Force)
    $AllDefinitions = Get-EventsDefinitions -Definitions $Definitions
    if ($null -ne $AllDefinitions) {
        [string] $ConfigurationPath = "$Env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\Evotec\PSWinReporting\Definitions"
        $null = New-Item -Type Directory -Path $ConfigurationPath -Force
        if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $ConfigurationPath) {
            $XMLPath = "$ConfigurationPath\$Name.xml"
            if ((Test-Path -LiteralPath $XMLPath) -and (-not $Force)) {
                Write-Warning -Message "Definition with name $Name already exists. Please choose another name or use -Force switch."
            $Definitions | Export-Clixml -LiteralPath $XMLPath -Depth 5
function Add-WinTaskScheduledForwarder {
    param([string] $TaskPath = '\Event Viewer Tasks\',
        [string] $TaskName = 'ForwardedEvents',
        [string] $Author = 'Evotec',
        [string] $URI = '\Event Viewer Tasks\ForwardedEvents',
        [string] $Command = 'powershell.exe',
        [Array] $Argument = @('-windowstyle hidden', 'C:\Support\GitHub\PSWinReporting\Examples\Trigger.ps1', "-EventID $(eventID) -eventRecordID '$(eventRecordID)' -eventChannel '$(eventChannel)' -eventSeverity $(eventSeverity)"),
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $LoggerParameters)
    if (-not $LoggerParameters) { $LoggerParameters = $Script:LoggerParameters }
    $Logger = Get-Logger @LoggerParameters
    $xmlTemplate = "$($($(Get-Module -ListAvailable PSWinReportingV2)[0]).ModuleBase)\Templates\Template-ScheduledTask.xml"
    if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $xmlTemplate) {
        $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Found Template $xmlTemplate")
        $ScheduledTaskXML = "$ENV:TEMP\PSWinReportingSchedluledTask.xml"
        Copy-Item -Path $xmlTemplate -Destination $ScheduledTaskXML
        $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Copied template $ScheduledTaskXML")
        Set-XML -FilePath $ScheduledTaskXML -Paths 'Task', 'RegistrationInfo' -Node 'Author' -Value $Author
        Set-XML -FilePath $ScheduledTaskXML -Paths 'Task', 'Actions', 'Exec' -Node 'Command' -Value $Command
        Set-XML -FilePath $ScheduledTaskXML -Paths 'Task', 'Actions', 'Exec' -Node 'Arguments' -Value ([string] $Argument)
        $xml = (Get-Content -LiteralPath $ScheduledTaskXML | Out-String)
        try { $Output = Register-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $TaskPath -TaskName $TaskName -Xml $xml -ErrorAction Stop } catch {
            $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
            switch ($ErrorMessage) { default { $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Tasks adding error occured: $ErrorMessage") } }
        $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Loaded template $ScheduledTaskXML")
    } else { $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Template not found $xmlTemplate") }
function Find-Events {
    [CmdLetBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Manual')]
    param([parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateManual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Manual", Mandatory = $true)][DateTime] $DateFrom,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateManual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Manual", Mandatory = $true)][DateTime] $DateTo,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Manual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateManual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateRange", Mandatory = $false)][alias('Server', 'ComputerName')][string[]] $Servers = $Env:COMPUTERNAME,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Manual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateManual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateRange", Mandatory = $false)][alias('RunAgainstDC')][switch] $DetectDC,
        [System.Management.Automation.Credential()]$Credential = [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Manual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateManual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateRange")][switch] $Quiet,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Manual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateManual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateRange")][System.Collections.IDictionary] $LoggerParameters,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Manual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateManual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateRange")][switch] $ExtentedOutput,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Manual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateManual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateRange")][string] $Who,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Manual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateManual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateRange")][string] $Whom,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Manual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateManual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateRange")][string] $NotWho,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Manual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateManual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateRange")][string] $NotWhom,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Extended", Mandatory = $true)][System.Collections.IDictionary] $Definitions,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Extended", Mandatory = $true)][System.Collections.IDictionary] $Times,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Extended", Mandatory = $true)][System.Collections.IDictionary] $Target,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Extended", Mandatory = $false)][int] $EventID,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Extended", Mandatory = $false)][int64] $EventRecordID,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "Manual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateManual")]
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateRange")]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -in (& $ReportScriptBlock) })][string[]] $Report,
        [parameter(ParameterSetName = "DateRange")]
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -in (& $DatesRangeScriptBlock) })][string] $DatesRange)
    Process {
        foreach ($R in $Script:ReportDefinitions.Keys) { $Script:ReportDefinitions[$R].Enabled = $false }
        foreach ($Time in $Script:ReportTimes.Keys) { $Script:ReportTimes[$Time].Enabled = $false }
        $ExecutionTime = Start-TimeLog
        if (-not $LoggerParameters) { $LoggerParameters = $Script:LoggerParameters }
        $Logger = Get-Logger @LoggerParameters
        if ($PSCmdlet.MyInvocation.BoundParameters["Verbose"].IsPresent) { $Verbose = $true } else { $Verbose = $false }
        if ($null -ne $Definitions -and $null -ne $Times -and $null -ne $Target) {
            $Dates = Get-ChoosenDates -ReportTimes $Times
            if (-not $Dates) {
                $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Not a single date was choosen for scan. Please fix Times and try again.")
            if ($Dates -is [Array]) {
                $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Currently only 1 date range is supported. Please fix Times and try again.")
            $Reports = foreach ($R in $Definitions.Keys) { if ($Definitions[$R].Enabled -eq $true) { $R } }
        } else {
            $Reports = $PSBoundParameters.Report
            if (-not $Quiet) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Preparing reports: $($Reports -join ',')") }
            $Definitions = $Script:ReportDefinitions
            $Times = $Script:ReportTimes
            if ($DatesRange) { $Times.$DatesRange.Enabled = $true } elseif ($DateFrom -and $DateTo) {
                $Times.CustomDate.Enabled = $true
                $Times.CustomDate.DateFrom = $DateFrom
                $Times.CustomDate.DateTo = $DateTo
            } else { return }
            $Dates = Get-ChoosenDates -ReportTimes $Times
            if (-not $Dates) {
                $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Not a single date was choosen for scan. Please fix Times and try again.")
            if ($Dates -is [Array]) {
                $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Currently only 1 date range is supported. Please fix Times and try again")
            foreach ($R in $Reports) { $Definitions[$R].Enabled = $true }
            $Target = New-TargetServers -Servers $Servers -UseDC:$DetectDC
        if ($EventRecordID -ne 0 -and $EventID -ne 0) { [Array] $ExtendedInput = Get-ServersListLimited -Target $Target -RecordID $EventRecordID -Quiet:$Quiet -Who $Who -Whom $Whom -NotWho $NotWho -NotWhom $NotWhom } else { [Array] $ExtendedInput = Get-ServersList -Definitions $Definitions -Target $Target -Dates $Dates -Quiet:$Quiet -Who $Who -Whom $Whom -NotWho $NotWho -NotWhom $NotWhom }
        if (-not $ExtendedInput) {
            $Logger.AddErrorRecord("There are no logs/servers to scan. Please fix Targets and try again.")
        foreach ($Entry in $ExtendedInput) { if ($Entry.Type -eq 'Computer') { if (-not $Quiet) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Computer $($Entry.Server) added to scan $($Entry.LogName) log for events: $($Entry.EventID -join ', ')") } } else { if (-not $Quiet) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("File $($Entry.Server) added to scan $($Entry.LogName) log for events: $($Entry.EventID -join ', ')") } } }
        if (-not $Quiet) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Getting events for dates $($Dates.DateFrom) to $($Dates.DateTo)") }
        $SplatEvents = @{Verbose = $Verbose
            ExtendedInput        = $ExtendedInput
            ErrorVariable        = 'AllErrors'
            ErrorAction          = 'SilentlyContinue'
        if ($EventRecordID -ne 0 -and $EventId -ne 0) {
            $SplatEvents.RecordID = $EventRecordID
            $SplatEvents.ID = $EventID
        if ($Credential -ne [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]::Empty) { $SplatEvents.Credential = $Credential }
        [Array] $AllEvents = Get-Events @SplatEvents
        foreach ($MyError in $AllErrors) { if (-not $Quiet) { $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Server $MyError") } }
        $Elapsed = Stop-TimeLog -Time $ExecutionTime -Option OneLiner
        if (-not $Quiet) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Events scanned found $($AllEvents.Count) - Time elapsed: $Elapsed") }
        $Results = Get-EventsOutput -Definitions $Definitions -AllEvents $AllEvents -Quiet:$Quiet
        if ($Results.Count -eq 1) { $Results[$Reports] } else { $Results }
        foreach ($R in $Script:ReportDefinitions.Keys) { $Script:ReportDefinitions[$R].Enabled = $false }
        foreach ($Time in $Script:ReportTimes.Keys) { $Script:ReportTimes[$Time].Enabled = $false }
$ReportScriptBlock = { (Get-EventsDefinitions).Keys }
$DatesRangeScriptBlock = { (Get-DatesDefinitions -Skip 'CustomDate', 'CurrentDayMinuxDaysX', 'CurrentDayMinusDayX', 'OnDay') }
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Find-Events -ParameterName Report -ScriptBlock $ReportScriptBlock
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName Find-Events -ParameterName DatesRange -ScriptBlock $DatesRangeScriptBlock
function New-WinSubscriptionTemplates {
    param ([string[]] $Servers,
        [alias('ForestName')][string] $Forest,
        [string[]] $ExcludeDomains,
        [string[]] $ExcludeDomainControllers,
        [alias('Domain', 'Domains')][string[]] $IncludeDomains,
        [alias('DomainControllers')][string[]] $IncludeDomainControllers,
        [switch] $SkipRODC,
        [ValidateScript({ $_ -in (& $SourcesAutoCompleter) })][string[]] $Reports,
        [switch] $AddTemplates,
        [alias('ReportDefinitions')][System.Collections.IDictionary] $Definitions,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Target,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $LoggerParameters)
    Begin {
        if (-not $LoggerParameters) { $LoggerParameters = $Script:LoggerParameters }
        $Logger = Get-Logger @LoggerParameters
        if (-not $Reports) { $Reports = (Get-EventsDefinitions).Keys }
        if (-not $Definitions) { $Definitions = $Script:ReportDefinitions }
        foreach ($Report in $Reports) { $Definitions[$Report].Enabled = $true }
        if (-not $Target) {
            $ForestInformation = Get-WinADForestDetails -Forest $Forest -IncludeDomains $IncludeDomains -ExcludeDomains $ExcludeDomains -ExcludeDomainControllers $ExcludeDomainControllers -IncludeDomainControllers $IncludeDomainControllers -SkipRODC:$SkipRODC
            $Target = [ordered]@{Servers = [ordered] @{Enabled = $true
                    ServerDCs                                  = $ForestInformation.ForestDomainControllers.HostName
                    ServerOther                                = $Servers
    Process {
        [Array] $ExtendedInput = Get-ServersList -Definitions $Definitions -Target $Target
        foreach ($Entry in $ExtendedInput) { if ($Entry.Type -eq 'Computer') { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Computer $($Entry.Server) added to scan $($Entry.LogName) log for events: $($Entry.EventID -join ', ')") } else { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("File $($Entry.Server) added to scan $($Entry.LogName) log for events: $($Entry.EventID -join ', ')") } }
        $xmlTemplate = "$($($(Get-Module -ListAvailable PSWinReportingV2)[0]).ModuleBase)\Templates\Template-Collector.xml"
        if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $xmlTemplate) {
            $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Found Template $xmlTemplate")
            $SubscriptionCount = 0
            $InputServers = ($ExtendedInput | Group-Object -Property LogName)
            $ListTemplates = foreach ($InputData in $InputServers) {
                $Servers = $InputData.Group.Server
                $EventID = $InputData.Group.EventID | Select-Object -Unique
                $LogName = $InputData.Name
                $SplitArrayID = Split-Array -inArray $EventID -size 22
                $Array = foreach ($ID in $SplitArrayID) { Get-EventsFilter -ID $ID -LogName $LogName }
                foreach ($Events in $Array) {
                    $SubscriptionTemplate = "$ENV:TEMP\PSWinReportingSubscription$SubscriptionCount.xml"
                    Copy-Item -Path $xmlTemplate -Destination $SubscriptionTemplate
                    $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Copied template $SubscriptionTemplate")
                    Add-ServersToXML -FilePath $SubscriptionTemplate -Servers $Servers
                    Set-XML -FilePath $SubscriptionTemplate -Path 'Subscription' -Node 'SubscriptionId' -Value "PSWinReporting Subscription Events - $SubscriptionCount"
                    Set-XML -FilePath $SubscriptionTemplate -Path 'Subscription' -Node 'ContentFormat' -Value 'Events'
                    Set-XML -FilePath $SubscriptionTemplate -Path 'Subscription' -Node 'ConfigurationMode' -Value 'Custom'
                    Set-XML -FilePath $SubscriptionTemplate -Path 'Subscription' -Node 'Query' -Value $Events
        } else { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Template not found $xmlTemplate") }
        if ($AddTemplates) { Set-SubscriptionTemplates -ListTemplates $ListTemplates -DeleteOwn -LoggerParameters $LoggerParameters }
    End { foreach ($Report in $Script:ReportDefinitions.Keys) { $Script:ReportDefinitions[$Report].Enabled = $false } }
[scriptblock] $SourcesAutoCompleter = { param($commandName, $parameterName, $wordToComplete, $commandAst, $fakeBoundParameters)
    $Reports = (Get-EventsDefinitions).Keys
    $Reports | Sort-Object }
Register-ArgumentCompleter -CommandName New-WinSubscriptionTemplates -ParameterName Reports -ScriptBlock $SourcesAutoCompleter
function Remove-WinTaskScheduledForwarder {
    param([string] $TaskPath = '\Event Viewer Tasks\',
        [string] $TaskName = 'ForwardedEvents',
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $LoggerParameters)
    if (-not $LoggerParameters) { $LoggerParameters = $Script:LoggerParameters }
    $Logger = Get-Logger @LoggerParameters
    try { Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskPath $TaskPath -TaskName $TaskName -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction Stop } catch {
        $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " "
        switch ($ErrorMessage) {
            { $_ -match 'No matching MSFT_ScheduledTask objects found by CIM query for instances of the' } { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("No tasks exists. Nothing to remove") }
            default { $Logger.AddErrorRecord("Tasks removal error: $ErrorMessage") }
function Start-WinNotifications {
    param([System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Definitions,
        [System.Collections.IDictionary] $Target,
        [int] $EventID,
        [int64] $EventRecordID,
        [string] $EventChannel)
    if ($Options.Logging) { $LoggerParameters = $Options.Logging } else { $LoggerParameters = $Script:LoggerParameters }
    $Logger = Get-Logger @LoggerParameters
    $Results = @{}
    $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Executed Trigger for ID: $eventid and RecordID: $eventRecordID")
    $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Using Microsoft Teams: $($Options.Notifications.MicrosoftTeams.Enabled)")
    if ($Options.Notifications.MicrosoftTeams.Enabled) {
        foreach ($Priority in $Options.Notifications.MicrosoftTeams.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notcontains 'Enabled' }) {
            [string] $URI = Format-FirstXChars -Text $Options.Notifications.MicrosoftTeams.$Priority.Uri -NumberChars 50
            $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Priority: $Priority, TeamsID: $URI...")
    $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Using Slack: $($Options.Notifications.Slack.Enabled)")
    if ($Options.Notifications.Slack.Enabled) {
        foreach ($Priority in $Options.Notifications.Slack.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notcontains 'Enabled' }) {
            [string] $URI = Format-FirstXChars -Text $Options.Notifications.Slack.$Priority.URI -NumberChars 25
            $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Priority: $Priority, Slack URI: $URI...")
            $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Priority: $Priority, Slack Channel: $($($Options.Notifications.Slack.$Priority.Channel))...")
    $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Using Discord: $($Options.Notifications.Discord.Enabled)")
    if ($Options.Notifications.Discord.Enabled) {
        foreach ($Priority in $Options.Notifications.Discord.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notcontains 'Enabled' }) {
            [string] $URI = Format-FirstXChars -Text $Options.Notifications.Discord.$Priority.URI -NumberChars 25
            $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Priority: $Priority, Discord URI: $URI...")
    $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Using MSSQL: $($Options.Notifications.MSSQL.Enabled)")
    if ($Options.Notifications.MSSQL.Enabled) {
        foreach ($Priority in $Options.Notifications.MSSQL.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notcontains 'Enabled' }) {
            $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Priority: $Priority, Server\Instance: $($Options.Notifications.MSSQL.$Priority.SqlServer)")
            $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Priority: $Priority, Database: $($Options.Notifications.MSSQL.$Priority.SqlDatabase)")
    $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Using Email: $($Options.Notifications.Email.Enabled)")
    if ($Options.Notifications.Email.Enabled) { foreach ($Priority in $Options.Notifications.Email.Keys | Where-Object { 'Enabled', 'Formatting' -notcontains $_ }) { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Priority: $Priority, Email TO: $($Options.Notifications.Email.$Priority.Parameters.To), Email CC: $($Options.Notifications.Email.$Priority.Parameters.CC)") } }
    if (-not $Options.Notifications.Slack.Enabled -and
        -not $Options.Notifications.MicrosoftTeams.Enabled -and
        -not $Options.Notifications.MSSQL.Enabled -and
        -not $Options.Notifications.Discord.Enabled -and
        -not $Options.Notifications.Email.Enabled) { return }
    [Array] $ExtendedInput = Get-ServersListLimited -Target $Target -RecordID $EventRecordID
    foreach ($Entry in $ExtendedInput) { if ($Entry.Type -eq 'Computer') { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Computer $($Entry.Server) added to scan $($Entry.LogName) log for events: $($Entry.EventID -join ', ')") } else { $Logger.AddInfoRecord("File $($Entry.Server) added to scan $($Entry.LogName) log for events: $($Entry.EventID -join ', ')") } }
    $AllEvents = Get-Events -ExtendedInput $ExtendedInput -EventID $eventid -RecordID $eventRecordID -Verbose:$Options.Debug.Verbose
    foreach ($Report in $Definitions.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notcontains 'Enabled' }) {
        if ($Definitions.$Report.Enabled) {
            $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Running $Report")
            $TimeExecution = Start-TimeLog
            foreach ($SubReport in $Definitions.$Report.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notcontains 'Enabled', 'SqlExport' }) {
                if ($Definitions.$Report.$SubReport.Enabled) {
                    $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Running $Report with subsection $SubReport")
                    [string] $EventsType = $Definitions.$Report.$SubReport.LogName
                    [Array] $EventsNeeded = $Definitions.$Report.$SubReport.Events
                    [Array] $EventsFound = Get-EventsTranslation -Events $AllEvents -EventsDefinition $Definitions.$Report.$SubReport -EventIDs $EventsNeeded -EventsType $EventsType
                    $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Ending $Report with subsection $SubReport events found $($EventsFound.Count)")
                    $Results.$Report = $EventsFound
            $ElapsedTimeReport = Stop-TimeLog -Time $TimeExecution -Option OneLiner
            $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Ending $Report - Time to run $ElapsedTimeReport")
    [bool] $FoundPriorityEvent = $false
    foreach ($ReportName in $Definitions.Keys | Where-Object { $_ -notcontains 'Enabled', 'SqlExport', 'Priority' }) {
        if ($Results.$ReportName) {
            if ($null -ne $Definitions.$ReportName.Priority) {
                foreach ($Priority in $Definitions.$ReportName.Priority.Keys) {
                    [Array] $MyValue = Find-EventsTo -Prioritize -Events $Results.$ReportName -DataSet $Definitions.$ReportName.Priority.$Priority
                    if ($MyValue.Count) {
                        $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Sending event with $Priority priority.")
                        Send-Notificaton -Events $MyValue -Options $Options -Priority $Priority
                        $FoundPriorityEvent = $true
            if (-not $FoundPriorityEvent) {
                $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Sending event with default priority.")
                Send-Notificaton -Events $Results.$ReportName -Options $Options -Priority 'Default'
    if ($Options.Backup.Enabled) { Protect-ArchivedLogs -TableEventLogClearedLogs $TableEventLogClearedLogs -DestinationPath $Options.Backup.DestinationPath -Verbose:$Options.Debug.Verbose }
function Start-WinReporting {
    param ([Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][System.Collections.IDictionary]$Times,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][alias('ReportOptions')][System.Collections.IDictionary] $Options,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][alias('ReportDefinitions')][System.Collections.IDictionary] $Definitions,
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)][alias('Servers', 'Computers')][System.Collections.IDictionary] $Target)
    if ($Options.Logging) { $LoggerParameters = $Options.Logging } else { $LoggerParameters = $Script:LoggerParameters }
    $Logger = Get-Logger @LoggerParameters
    $Dates = Get-ChoosenDates -ReportTimes $Times
    foreach ($Date in $Dates) {
        $Logger.AddInfoRecord("Starting to build a report for dates $($Date.DateFrom) to $($Date.DateTo)")
        Start-ReportSpecial -Dates $Date -Options $Options -Definitions $Definitions -Target $Target
function Start-WinSubscriptionService {
    param([System.Collections.IDictionary] $LoggerParameters)
    if (-not $LoggerParameters) { $LoggerParameters = $Script:LoggerParameters }
    $Logger = Get-Logger @LoggerParameters
    $Logger.AddInfoRecord('Starting Windows Event Collector service.')
    $Output = Start-MyProgram -Program $Script:ProgramWecutil -CmdArgList 'qc', '/q:true'
Export-ModuleMember -Function @('Add-EventsDefinitions', 'Add-WinTaskScheduledForwarder', 'Find-Events', 'New-WinSubscriptionTemplates', 'Remove-WinTaskScheduledForwarder', 'Start-WinNotifications', 'Start-WinReporting', 'Start-WinSubscriptionService') -Alias @()
# SIG # Begin signature block
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# 1Y4=
# SIG # End signature block