.SYNOPSIS Remove common unwanted alternate data streams from files .DESCRIPTION Alternate data streams can contain important (meta)data which shouldn't be removed, however, they can also be a nuisance. This is particularly true of certain common alternate data streams used to perform additional prompting of the user for "untrusted" files. This cmdlet provides options to remove common alternate data streams which may be unwanted while preserving any other present alternate data streams. .PARAMETER Path Directory from which to remove specified alternate data streams from files. .PARAMETER ZoneIdentifier Remove the Zone Identifier alternate data stream. This stream indicates the origin of a downloaded file and is typically used to trigger additional prompts or protections on opening "untrusted" files. .PARAMETER Dropbox Remove alternate data streams added by Dropbox. These data streams are not publicly documented but appear to at least contain a unique machine identifier for tracking purposes. .PARAMETER Recurse Recurse into subdirectories. .EXAMPLE Remove-AlternateDataStreams -Path D:\Library -ZoneIdentifier -Recurse Removes all Zone.Identifier alternate data streams recursively from files in D:\Library. .NOTES For bulk removal of all alternate data streams consider using Sysinternals Streams. .LINK #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$Path, [Switch]$ZoneIdentifier, [Switch]$Dropbox, [Switch]$Recurse ) try { $AdsPath = Get-Item -Path $Path } catch { throw ('Provided path is invalid: {0}' -f $Path) } if ($AdsPath -isnot [IO.DirectoryInfo]) { throw ('Expected directory but received: {0}' -f $AdsPath.GetType().Name) } $Streams = @() if ($ZoneIdentifier) { $Streams += 'Zone.Identifier' } if ($Dropbox) { $Streams += 'com.dropbox.attrs' $Streams += 'com.dropbox.attributes' } if (!$Streams) { throw 'No alternate data streams to remove were specified.' } Get-ChildItem -Path $AdsPath -Recurse:$Recurse -File | Remove-Item -Stream $Streams |