[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String]$Path, [Switch]$Recurse ) # Valid font extensions $ValidExts = @('.fon', '.otf', '.ttc', '.ttf') try { $FontPath = Get-Item -Path $Path } catch { throw ('Provided path is invalid: {0}' -f $Path) } $Fonts = @() if ($FontPath -is [IO.DirectoryInfo]) { $Fonts += Get-ChildItem -Path $FontPath -Recurse:$Recurse | Where-Object -Property Extension -in $ValidExts if (!$Fonts) { throw ('Unable to locate any fonts in provided directory: {0}' -f $FontPath.FullName) } } elseif ($FontPath -is [IO.FileInfo]) { if ($FontPath.Extension -notin $ValidExts) { throw ('Provided file does not appear to be a valid font: {0}' -f $FontPath.FullName) } $Fonts += $FontPath } else { throw ('Expected directory or file but received: {0}' -f $FontPath.GetType().Name) } # ShellSpecialFolderConstants enumeration # $ssfFONTS = 20 # _SHFILEOPSTRUCTA structure # $FOF_SILENT = 4 $FOF_NOCONFIRMATION = 16 $FOF_NOERRORUI = 1024 $FOF_NOCOPYSECURITYATTRIBS = 2048 $ShellApp = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application $FontsFolder = $ShellApp.NameSpace($ssfFONTS) $CopyOptions = $FOF_SILENT + $FOF_NOCONFIRMATION + $FOF_NOERRORUI + $FOF_NOCOPYSECURITYATTRIBS foreach ($Font in $Fonts) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Font.BaseName, 'Install font')) { $FontsFolder.CopyHere($Font.FullName, $CopyOptions) } } |