Function Install-Font { <# .Synopsis Installs one or more fonts. .Parameter FontPath The path to the font to be installed or a directory containing fonts to install. .Parameter Recurse Searches for fonts to install recursively when a path to a directory is provided. .Notes There's no checking if a given font is already installed. This is problematic as an existing installation will trigger a GUI dialogue requesting confirmation to overwrite the installed font, breaking unattended and CLI-only scenarios. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String]$FontPath, [Switch]$Recurse ) $ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop' $ShellAppFontNamespace = 0x14 if (Test-Path -Path $FontPath) { $FontItem = Get-Item -Path $FontPath if ($FontItem -is [IO.DirectoryInfo]) { if ($Recurse) { $Fonts = Get-ChildItem -Path $FontItem -Include ('*.fon','*.otf','*.ttc','*.ttf') -Recurse } else { $Fonts = Get-ChildItem -Path "$FontItem\*" -Include ('*.fon','*.otf','*.ttc','*.ttf') } if (!$Fonts) { throw ('Unable to locate any fonts in provided directory: {0}' -f $FontItem.FullName) } } elseif ($FontItem -is [IO.FileInfo]) { if ($FontItem.Extension -notin ('.fon','.otf','.ttc','.ttf')) { throw ('Provided file does not appear to be a valid font: {0}' -f $FontItem.FullName) } $Fonts = $FontItem } else { throw ('Expected directory or file but received: {0}' -f $FontItem.GetType().Name) } } else { throw ('Provided font path does not appear to be valid: {0}' -f $FontPath) } $ShellApp = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application $FontsFolder = $ShellApp.NameSpace($ShellAppFontNamespace) foreach ($Font in $Fonts) { Write-Verbose -Message ('Installing font: {0}' -f $Font.BaseName) $FontsFolder.CopyHere($Font.FullName) } } |