function Get-DocumentPath { [CmdletBinding()] param ([System.Object] $Document, [string] $FinalDocumentLocation) if ($Document.Configuration.Prettify.UseBuiltinTemplate) {$WordDocument = Get-WordDocument -FilePath "$($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.ModuleBase)\Templates\WordTemplate.docx"} else {if ($Document.Configuration.Prettify.CustomTemplatePath) {if ($(Test-File -File $Document.Configuration.Prettify.CustomTemplatePath -FileName 'CustomTemplatePath') -eq 0) {$WordDocument = Get-WordDocument -FilePath $Document.Configuration.Prettify.CustomTemplatePath} else {$WordDocument = New-WordDocument -FilePath $FinalDocumentLocation}} else {$WordDocument = New-WordDocument -FilePath $FinalDocumentLocation}} if ($WordDocument -eq $null) {Write-Verbose ' Null'} return $WordDocument } function Get-TypesRequired { [CmdletBinding()] param ([hashtable[]] $Sections) $TypesRequired = New-ArrayList $Types = 'TableData', 'ListData', 'ChartData', 'SqlData', 'ExcelData', 'TextBasedData' foreach ($Section in $Sections) { $Keys = Get-ObjectKeys -Object $Section foreach ($Key in $Keys) {if ($Section.$Key.Use -eq $True) {foreach ($Type in $Types) {Add-ToArrayAdvanced -List $TypesRequired -Element $Section.$Key.$Type -SkipNull -RequireUnique -FullComparison}}} } Write-Verbose "Get-TypesRequired - FinalList: $($TypesRequired -join ', ')" return $TypesRequired } function Get-WinDataFromFile { [cmdletbinding()] param([string] $FilePath, [string] $Type, [string] $FileType = 'XML') try { if (Test-Path $FilePath) { if ($FileType -eq 'XML') {$Data = Import-Clixml -Path $FilePath -ErrorAction Stop} else { $File = Get-Content -Raw -Path $FilePath $Data = ConvertFrom-Json -InputObject $File } } else {Write-Warning "Couldn't load $FileType file from $FilePath for $Type data. File doesn't exists."} } catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " Write-Warning "Couldn't load $FileType file from $FilePath for $Type data. Error occured: $ErrorMessage" } return $Data } function Get-WinDataFromFileInChunks { [CmdletBinding()] param ([string] $FolderPath, [string] $FileType = 'XML', [Object] $Type) $DataInformation = @{} if (Test-Path $FolderPath) { $Files = @(Get-ChildItem -Path "$FolderPath\*.$FileType" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Recurse) foreach ($File in $Files) { $FilePath = $File.FullName $FieldName = $File.BaseName Write-Verbose -Message "Importing $FilePath as $FieldName" try {$DataInformation.$FieldName = Import-CliXML -Path $FilePath -ErrorAction Stop} catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " Write-Warning "Couldn't load $FileType file from $FilePath for $Type data to match into $FieldName. Error occured: $ErrorMessage" } } } else {Write-Warning -Message "Couldn't load files ($FileType) from folder $FolderPath as it doesn't exists."} return $DataInformation } function Get-WinDocumentationData { param ([alias("Data")][Object] $DataToGet, [alias("Forest")][Object] $Object, [string] $Domain) if ($DataToGet -ne $null) { $Type = Get-ObjectType -Object $DataToGet -ObjectName 'Get-WinDocumentationData' if ($Type.ObjectTypeName -eq 'ActiveDirectory') {if ("$DataToGet" -like 'Forest*') {return $Object."$DataToGet"} elseif ($DataToGet.ToString() -like 'Domain*') {return $Object.FoundDomains.$Domain."$DataToGet"}} else {return $Object."$DataToGet"} } return } function Get-WinDocumentationText { param ([string[]] $Text, [hashtable] $Forest, [string] $Domain) $Array = @() foreach ($T in $Text) { $T = $T.Replace('<CompanyName>', $Document.Configuration.Prettify.CompanyName) $T = $T.Replace('<ForestName>', $Forest.ForestName) $T = $T.Replace('<ForestNameDN>', $Forest.RootDSE.defaultNamingContext) $T = $T.Replace('<Domain>', $Domain) $T = $T.Replace('<DomainNetBios>', $Forest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainInformation.NetBIOSName) $T = $T.Replace('<DomainDN>', $Forest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainInformation.DistinguishedName) $T = $T.Replace('<DomainPasswordWeakPasswordList>', $Forest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordDataPasswords.DomainPasswordWeakPasswordList) $Array += $T } return $Array } function Get-WinServiceData { [CmdletBinding()] param ([Object] $Credentials, [Object] $Service, [string] $Type, [Object] $TypesRequired) $CommandOutput = Connect-WinService -Type $Type -Credentials $Credentials -Service $Service -Verbose if ($Service.Use) { if ($Service.OnlineMode) { switch ($Type) { 'ActiveDirectory' { if ($Service.PasswordTests.Use) {$PasswordClearText = $Service.PasswordTests.PasswordFilePathClearText} else {$PasswordClearText = ''} if ($Service.PasswordTests.UseHashDB) {$PasswordHashes = $Service.PasswordTests.PasswordFilePathHash} else {$PasswordHashes = ''} $DataInformation = Get-WinADForestInformation -TypesRequired $TypesRequired -PathToPasswords $PasswordClearText -PathToPasswordsHashes $PasswordHashes -Verbose } 'AWS' {$DataInformation = Get-WinAWSInformation -TypesRequired $TypesRequired -AWSAccessKey $Credentials.AccessKey -AWSSecretKey $Credentials.SecretKey -AWSRegion $Credentials.Region} 'Azure' {$DataInformation = Get-WinO365Azure -TypesRequired $TypesRequired} 'AzureAD' {} 'Exchange' {$DataInformation = Get-WinExchangeInformation -TypesRequired $TypesRequired -Prefix $Service.Prefix} 'ExchangeOnline' {$DataInformation = Get-WinO365Exchange -TypesRequired $TypesRequired -Prefix $Service.Prefix} 'Teams' {} 'SharePointOnline' {} 'SkypeOnline' {} } if ($Service.Export.Use) { $Time = Start-TimeLog if ($Service.Export.To -eq 'File' -or $Service.Export.To -eq 'Both') { Save-WinDataToFile -Export $Service.Export.Use -FilePath $Service.Export.FilePath -Data $DataInformation -Type $Type -IsOffline:$false -FileType 'XML' $TimeSummary = Stop-TimeLog -Time $Time -Option OneLiner Write-Verbose "Saving data for $Type to file $($Service.Export.FilePath) took: $TimeSummary" } if ($Service.Export.To -eq 'Folder' -or $Service.Export.To -eq 'Both') { $Time = Start-TimeLog Save-WinDataToFileInChunks -Export $Service.Export.Use -FolderPath $Service.Export.FolderPath -Data $DataInformation -Type $Type -IsOffline:$false -FileType 'XML' $TimeSummary = Stop-TimeLog -Time $Time -Option OneLiner Write-Verbose "Saving data for $Type to folder $($Service.Export.FolderPath) took: $TimeSummary" } } return $DataInformation } else { if ($Service.Import.Use) { $Time = Start-TimeLog if ($Service.Import.From -eq 'File') { Write-Verbose "Loading data for $Type in offline mode from XML File $($Service.Import.Path). Hang on..." $DataInformation = Get-WinDataFromFile -FilePath $Service.Import.Path -Type $Type -FileType 'XML' } elseif ($Service.Import.From -eq 'Folder') { Write-Verbose "Loading data for $Type in offline mode from XML File $($Service.Import.Path). Hang on..." $DataInformation = Get-WinDataFromFileInChunks -FolderPath $Service.Import.Path -Type $Type -FileType 'XML' } else {Write-Warning "Wrong option for Import.Use. Only Folder/File is supported."} $TimeSummary = Stop-TimeLog -Time $Time -Option OneLiner Write-Verbose "Loading data for $Type in offline mode from file took $TimeSummary" return $DataInformation } } } } function New-DataBlock { param([Xceed.Words.NET.Container]$WordDocument, [Object] $Section, [alias('Object')][Object] $Forest, [string] $Domain, [OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage] $Excel, [string] $SectionName, [nullable[bool]] $Sql) if ($Section.Use) { if ($Domain) {$SectionDetails = "$Domain - $SectionName"} else {$SectionDetails = $SectionName} $TableData = Get-WinDocumentationData -DataToGet $Section.TableData -Object $Forest -Domain $Domain $ExcelData = Get-WinDocumentationData -DataToGet $Section.ExcelData -Object $Forest -Domain $Domain $ListData = Get-WinDocumentationData -DataToGet $Section.ListData -Object $Forest -Domain $Domain $SqlData = Get-WinDocumentationData -DataToGet $Section.SqlData -Object $Forest -Domain $Domain $TextBasedData = Get-WindocumentationData -DataToGet $Section.TextBasedData -Object $Forest -Domain $Domain $ChartData = (Get-WinDocumentationData -DataToGet $Section.ChartData -Object $Forest -Domain $Domain) if ($ChartData) { if ($Section.ChartKeys -is [string]) { if ($Section.ChartKeys -eq 'Keys' -and $Section.ChartValues -eq 'Values') { $ChartKeys = (Convert-KeyToKeyValue $ChartData).Keys $ChartValues = (Convert-KeyToKeyValue $ChartData).Values } else { $ChartKeys = (Convert-KeyToKeyValue $ChartData)."$($Section.ChartKeys)" $ChartValues = (Convert-KeyToKeyValue $ChartData)."$($Section.ChartValues)" } } elseif ($Section.ChartKeys -is [Array]) { $ChartKeys = (Convert-TwoArraysIntoOne -Object $ChartData.($Section.ChartKeys[0]) -ObjectToAdd $ChartData.($Section.ChartKeys[1])) $ChartValues = ($ChartData.($Section.ChartValues)) } else {} } $TocText = (Get-WinDocumentationText -Text $Section.TocText -Forest $Forest -Domain $Domain) $TableTitleText = (Get-WinDocumentationText -Text $Section.TableTitleText -Forest $Forest -Domain $Domain) $Text = (Get-WinDocumentationText -Text $Section.Text -Forest $Forest -Domain $Domain) $ChartTitle = (Get-WinDocumentationText -Text $Section.ChartTitle -Forest $Forest -Domain $Domain) $ListBuilderContent = (Get-WinDocumentationText -Text $Section.ListBuilderContent -Forest $Forest -Domain $Domain) $TextNoData = (Get-WinDocumentationText -Text $Section.TextNoData -Forest $Forest -Domain $Domain) if ($WordDocument -and (($null -eq $Section.WordExport -and $Section.Use -eq $true) -or ($Section.WordExport -eq $true))) { Write-Verbose "Generating WORD Section for [$SectionDetails]" New-WordBlock -WordDocument $WordDocument -TocGlobalDefinition $Section.TocGlobalDefinition-TocGlobalTitle $Section.TocGlobalTitle -TocGlobalSwitches $Section.TocGlobalSwitches -TocGlobalRightTabPos $Section.TocGlobalRightTabPos -TocEnable $Section.TocEnable -TocText $TocText -TocListLevel $Section.TocListLevel -TocListItemType $Section.TocListItemType -TocHeadingType $Section.TocHeadingType -TableData $TableData -TableDesign $Section.TableDesign -TableTitleMerge $Section.TableTitleMerge -TableTitleText $TableTitleText -TableMaximumColumns $Section.TableMaximumColumns -TableColumnWidths $Section.TableColumnWidths -Text $Text -TextNoData $TextNoData -EmptyParagraphsBefore $Section.EmptyParagraphsBefore -EmptyParagraphsAfter $Section.EmptyParagraphsAfter -PageBreaksBefore $Section.PageBreaksBefore -PageBreaksAfter $Section.PageBreaksAfter -TextAlignment $Section.TextAlignment -ListData $ListData -ListType $Section.ListType -ListTextEmpty $Section.ListTextEmpty -ChartEnable $Section.ChartEnable -ChartTitle $ChartTitle -ChartKeys $ChartKeys -ChartValues $ChartValues -ListBuilderContent $ListBuilderContent -ListBuilderType $Section.ListBuilderType -ListBuilderLevel $Section.ListBuilderLevel -TextBasedData $TextBasedData -TextBasedDataAlignment $Section.TextSpecialAlignment } if ($Excel -and $Section.ExcelExport) { if ($Section.ExcelWorkSheet -eq '') {$WorkSheetName = $SectionDetails} else {$WorkSheetName = (Get-WinDocumentationText -Text $Section.ExcelWorkSheet -Forest $Forest -Domain $Domain)} if ($ExcelData) { Write-Verbose "Generating EXCEL Section for [$SectionDetails]" $ExcelWorksheet = Add-ExcelWorksheetData -ExcelDocument $Excel -ExcelWorksheetName $WorkSheetName -DataTable $ExcelData -AutoFit -AutoFilter -PreScanHeaders } } if ($Sql -and $Section.SQLExport -and $SqlData) { Write-Verbose "Sending [$SectionDetails] to SQL Server" $SqlQuery = Send-SqlInsert -Object $SqlData -SqlSettings $Section -Verbose foreach ($Query in $SqlQuery) {Write-Color @script:WriteParameters -Text '[i] ', 'MS SQL Output: ', $Query -Color White, White, Yellow} } } if ($WordDocument) {return $WordDocument} else {return} } function Save-WinDataToFile { [cmdletbinding()] param([nullable[bool]] $Export, [string] $Type, [Object] $Data, [string] $FilePath, [switch] $IsOffline, [string] $FileType = 'XML') if ($IsOffline) { Write-Verbose "Save-WinDataToFile - Exporting $Type data to $FileType to path $FilePath skipped. Running in offline mode." return } if ($Export) { if ($FilePath) { $Split = Split-Path -Path $FilePath if (-not (Test-Path -Path $Split)) {New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $Split > $null} Write-Verbose "Save-WinDataToFile - Exporting $Type data to $FileType to path $FilePath" if ($FileType -eq 'XML') { try {$Data | Export-Clixml -Path $FilePath -ErrorAction Stop -Encoding UTF8} catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " Write-Warning "Couldn't save $FileType file to $FilePath for $Type data. Error occured: $ErrorMessage" } } else { try {$Data | ConvertTo-Json -ErrorAction Stop | Add-Content -Path $FilePath -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction Stop} catch { $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message -replace "`n", " " -replace "`r", " " Write-Warning "Couldn't save $FileType file to $FilePath for $Type data. Error occured: $ErrorMessage" } } } } } function Save-WinDataToFileInChunks { param([nullable[bool]] $Export, [string] $Type, [Object] $Data, [string] $FolderPath, [switch] $IsOffline, [string] $FileType = 'XML') foreach ($Key in $Data.Keys) { $FilePath = [IO.Path]::Combine($FolderPath, "$Key.xml") Save-WinDataToFile -Export $Export -Type $Type -IsOffline:$IsOffline -Data $Data.$Key -FilePath $FilePath -FileType $FileType } } $Script:DataBehaviorActiveDirectory = [ordered] @{ForestInformation = @{OnlineRequired = $true} ForestFSMO = @{OnlineRequired = $true} ForestGlobalCatalogs = @{OnlineRequired = $true} ForestOptionalFeatures = @{OnlineRequired = $true} ForestUPNSuffixes = @{OnlineRequired = $true} ForestSPNSuffixes = @{OnlineRequired = $true} ForestSites = @{OnlineRequired = $true} ForestSites1 = @{OnlineRequired = $false} ForestSites2 = @{OnlineRequired = $false} ForestSubnets = @{OnlineRequired = $true} ForestSubnets1 = @{OnlineRequired = $true} ForestSubnets2 = @{OnlineRequired = $true} ForestSiteLinks = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainRootDSE = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainRIDs = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainAuthenticationPolicies = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainAuthenticationPolicySilos = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainCentralAccessPolicies = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainCentralAccessRules = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainClaimTransformPolicies = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainClaimTypes = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainFineGrainedPolicies = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainFineGrainedPoliciesUsers = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainFineGrainedPoliciesUsersExtended = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainGUIDS = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainDNSSRV = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainDNSA = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainInformation = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainControllers = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainFSMO = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainDefaultPasswordPolicy = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainGroupPolicies = @{OnlineRequired = $true} 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@{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainPasswordPreAuthNotRequired = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainPasswordDESEncryptionOnly = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainPasswordDelegatableAdmins = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainPasswordDuplicatePasswordGroups = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainPasswordHashesWeakPassword = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainPasswordHashesWeakPasswordEnabled = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainPasswordHashesWeakPasswordDisabled = @{OnlineRequired = $true} DomainPasswordStats = @{OnlineRequired = $true} } $Script:Document = [ordered]@{Configuration = [ordered] @{Prettify = @{CompanyName = 'Evotec' UseBuiltinTemplate = $true CustomTemplatePath = '' Language = 'en-US' } Options = @{OpenDocument = $false OpenExcel = $false } DisplayConsole = @{ShowTime = $false LogFile = "$ENV:TEMP\PSWinDocumentationTesting.log" TimeFormat = 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss' } Debug = @{Verbose = $false} } DocumentAD = [ordered] @{Enable = $true ExportWord = $true ExportExcel = $true FilePathWord = 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This document utilizes knowledge from" + " AD General Concept document that should be delivered with this document. Having all the information" + " described in attached document one can start designing Active Directory with those principles in mind." + " It's important to know while best practices that were described are important in decision making they" + " should not be treated as final and only solution. Most important aspect is to make sure company has full" + " usability of Active Directory and is happy with how it works. Making things harder just for the sake of" + " implementation of best practices isn't always the best way to go." TextAlignment = [Alignment]::Both PageBreaksAfter = 1 } SectionForestSummary = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Forest Summary' TocListLevel = 0 TocListItemType = [ListItemType]::Numbered TocHeadingType = [HeadingType]::Heading1 TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestInformation TableDesign = [TableDesign]::ColorfulGridAccent5 TableTitleMerge = $true TableTitleText = "Forest Summary" Text = "Active Directory at <CompanyName> has a forest name <ForestName>." + " Following table contains forest summary with important information:" ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = 'Forest Summary' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestInformation } SectionForestFSMO = [ordered] @{Use = $true TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestFSMO TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' TableTitleMerge = $true TableTitleText = 'FSMO Roles' Text = 'Following table contains FSMO servers' EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1 ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = 'Forest FSMO' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestFSMO } SectionForestOptionalFeatures = [ordered] @{Use = $true TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestOptionalFeatures TableDesign = [TableDesign]::ColorfulGridAccent5 TableTitleMerge = $true TableTitleText = 'Optional Features' Text = 'Following table contains optional forest features' TextNoData = "Following section should have table containing forest features. However no data was provided." EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1 ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = 'Forest Optional Features' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestOptionalFeatures } SectionForestUPNSuffixes = [ordered] @{Use = $true Text = "Following UPN suffixes were created in this forest:" TextNoData = "No UPN suffixes were created in this forest." ListType = 'Bulleted' ListData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestUPNSuffixes EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1 ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = 'Forest UPN Suffixes' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestUPNSuffixes } SectionForesSPNSuffixes = [ordered] @{Use = $true Text = "Following SPN suffixes were created in this forest:" TextNoData = "No SPN suffixes were created in this forest." ListType = 'Bulleted' ListData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSPNSuffixes EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1 ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = 'Forest SPN Suffixes' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSPNSuffixes } SectionForestSites1 = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Sites' TocListLevel = 1 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading1' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSites1 TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' Text = "Forest Sites list can be found below" ExcelExport = $false ExcelWorkSheet = 'Forest Sites 1' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSites1 } SectionForestSites2 = [ordered] @{Use = $true TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSites2 TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' Text = "Forest Sites list can be found below" EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1 ExcelExport = $false ExcelWorkSheet = 'Forest Sites 2' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSites2 } SectionForestSites = [ordered] @{Use = $true ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = 'Forest Sites' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSites } SectionForestSubnets1 = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Subnets' TocListLevel = 1 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading1' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSubnets1 TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' Text = "Table below contains information regarding relation between Subnets and sites" EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1 ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = 'Forest Subnets 1' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSubnets1 } SectionForestSubnets2 = [ordered] @{Use = $true TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSubnets2 TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' Text = "Table below contains information regarding relation between Subnets and sites" EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1 ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = 'Forest Subnets 2' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSubnets2 } SectionForestSiteLinks = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Site Links' TocListLevel = 1 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading1' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSiteLinks TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' Text = "Forest Site Links information is available in table below" ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = 'Forest Site Links' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::ForestSiteLinks } } SectionDomain = [ordered] @{SectionPageBreak = [ordered] @{Use = $True PageBreaksBefore = 1 } SectionDomainStarter = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Domain <Domain>' TocListLevel = 0 TocListItemType = [ListItemType]::Numbered TocHeadingType = [HeadingType]::Heading1 } SectionDomainIntroduction = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Domain Summary' TocListLevel = 1 TocListItemType = [ListItemType]::Numbered TocHeadingType = [HeadingType]::Heading1 Text = "Following domain exists within forest <ForestName>:" ListBuilderContent = "Domain <DomainDN>", 'Name for fully qualified domain name (FQDN): <Domain>', 'Name for NetBIOS: <DomainNetBios>' ListBuilderLevel = 0, 1, 1 ListBuilderType = [ListItemType]::Bulleted, [ListItemType]::Bulleted, [ListItemType]::Bulleted EmptyParagraphsBefore = 0 } SectionDomainControllers = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Domain Controllers' TocListLevel = 1 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading2' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainControllers TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' TableMaximumColumns = 8 Text = 'Following table contains domain controllers' TextNoData = '' ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - DCs' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainControllers } SectionDomainFSMO = [ordered] @{Use = $true TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainFSMO TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' TableTitleMerge = $true TableTitleText = "FSMO Roles for <Domain>" Text = "Following table contains FSMO servers with roles for domain <Domain>" EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1 ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - FSMO' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainFSMO } SectionDomainDefaultPasswordPolicy = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Password Policies' TocListLevel = 1 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading2' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainDefaultPasswordPolicy TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' TableTitleMerge = $True TableTitleText = "Default Password Policy for <Domain>" Text = 'Following table contains password policies for all users within <Domain>' ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - DefaultPasswordPolicy' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainDefaultPasswordPolicy } SectionDomainFineGrainedPolicies = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Fine Grained Password Policies' TocListLevel = 1 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading2' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainFineGrainedPolicies TableDesign = [TableDesign]::ColorfulGridAccent5 TableMaximumColumns = 8 TableTitleMerge = $false TableTitleText = "Fine Grained Password Policy for <Domain>" Text = 'Following table contains fine grained password policies' TextNoData = "Following section should cover fine grained password policies. " + "There were no fine grained password polices defined in <Domain>. There was no formal requirement to have " + "them set up." ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Password Policy (Grained)' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainFineGrainedPolicies } SectionDomainGroupPolicies = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Group Policies' TocListLevel = 1 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading2' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupPolicies TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' Text = "Following table contains group policies for <Domain>" ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - GroupPolicies' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupPolicies } SectionDomainGroupPoliciesDetails = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Group Policies Details' TocListLevel = 1 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading2' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupPoliciesDetails TableMaximumColumns = 6 TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' Text = "Following table contains group policies for <Domain>" ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - GroupPolicies Details' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupPoliciesDetails } SectionDomainGroupPoliciesACL = [ordered] @{Use = $true ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - GroupPoliciesACL' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupPoliciesACL } SectionDomainDNSSrv = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - DNS A/SRV Records' TocListLevel = 1 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading2' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainDNSSRV TableMaximumColumns = 10 TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' Text = "Following table contains SRV records for Kerberos and LDAP" EmptyParagraphsAfter = 1 ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - DNSSRV' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainDNSSRV } SectionDomainDNSA = [ordered] @{Use = $true TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainDNSA TableMaximumColumns = 10 TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' Text = "Following table contains A records for Kerberos and LDAP" ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - DNSA' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainDNSA } SectionDomainTrusts = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Trusts' TocListLevel = 1 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading2' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainTrusts TableMaximumColumns = 6 TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' Text = "Following table contains trusts established with domains..." ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - DomainTrusts' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainTrusts } SectionDomainOrganizationalUnits = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Organizational Units' TocListLevel = 1 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading2' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainOrganizationalUnits TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' TableMaximumColumns = 4 Text = "Following table contains all OU's created in <Domain>" ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - OrganizationalUnits' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainOrganizationalUnits } SectionDomainPriviligedGroup = [ordered] @{Use = $False TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Priviliged Groups' TocListLevel = 1 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading2' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsPriviliged TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' Text = 'Following table contains list of priviliged groups and count of the members in it.' ChartEnable = $True ChartTitle = 'Priviliged Group Members' ChartData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsPriviliged ChartKeys = 'Group Name', 'Members Count' ChartValues = 'Members Count' ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - PriviligedGroupMembers' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsPriviliged } SectionDomainUsers = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Domain Users in <Domain>' TocListLevel = 1 TocListItemType = [ListItemType]::Numbered TocHeadingType = [HeadingType]::Heading1 PageBreaksBefore = 1 Text = 'Following section covers users information for domain <Domain>. ' } SectionDomainUsersCount = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Users Count' TocListLevel = 2 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading2' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainUsersCount TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' TableTitleMerge = $true TableTitleText = 'Users Count' Text = "Following table and chart shows number of users in its categories" ChartEnable = $True ChartTitle = 'Users Count' ChartData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainUsersCount ChartKeys = 'Keys' ChartValues = 'Values' ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - UsersCount' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainUsersCount } SectionDomainAdministrators = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Domain Administrators' TocListLevel = 2 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading2' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainAdministratorsRecursive TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' Text = 'Following users have highest priviliges and are able to control a lot of Windows resources.' ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - DomainAdministrators' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainAdministratorsRecursive } SectionEnterpriseAdministrators = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Enterprise Administrators' TocListLevel = 2 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading2' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainEnterpriseAdministratorsRecursive TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' Text = 'Following users have highest priviliges across Forest and are able to control a lot of Windows resources.' TextNoData = 'No Enterprise Administrators users were defined for this domain.' ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - EnterpriseAdministrators' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainEnterpriseAdministratorsRecursive } SectionDomainComputers = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Computer Objects in <Domain>' TocListLevel = 1 TocListItemType = [ListItemType]::Numbered TocHeadingType = [HeadingType]::Heading1 PageBreaksBefore = 1 Text = 'Following section covers computers information for domain <Domain>. ' } DomainComputers = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Computers' TocListLevel = 2 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading2' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputers TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' Text = 'Following client computers are created in <Domain>.' ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - DomainComputers' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputers } DomainComputersCount = [ordered] @{Use = $true TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputersCount TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' TableTitleMerge = $true TableTitleText = 'Computers Count' Text = "Following table and chart shows number of computers and their versions" ChartEnable = $True ChartTitle = 'Computers Count' ChartData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputersCount ChartKeys = 'System Name', 'System Count' ChartValues = 'System Count' ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - DomainComputersCount' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputersCount EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1 } DomainServers = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Servers' TocListLevel = 2 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading2' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainServers TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' Text = 'Following client computers are created in <Domain>.' ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - DomainComputers' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainServers } DomainServersCount = [ordered] @{Use = $true TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainServersCount TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' TableTitleMerge = $true TableTitleText = 'Servers Count' Text = "Following table and chart shows number of servers and their versions" ChartEnable = $True ChartTitle = 'Servers Count' ChartData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainServersCount ChartKeys = 'System Name', 'System Count' ChartValues = 'System Count' ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - DomainServersCount' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainServersCount EmptyParagraphsBefore = 1 } DomainComputersUnknown = [ordered] @{Use = $true TocEnable = $True TocText = 'General Information - Unknown Computer Objects' TocListLevel = 2 TocListItemType = 'Numbered' TocHeadingType = 'Heading2' TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputersUnknown TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' Text = 'Following client computers are not asisgned to clients or computers in <Domain>.' ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - ComputersUnknown' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputersUnknown } DomainComputersUnknownCount = [ordered] @{Use = $true TableData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputersUnknownCount TableDesign = 'ColorfulGridAccent5' TableTitleMerge = $true TableTitleText = 'Unknown Computers Count' Text = "Following table and chart shows number of unknown object computers in domain." 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Expired excl Disabled' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainUsersExpiredExclDisabled } SectionExcelDomainUsersFullList = [ordered] @{Use = $true ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Users List Full' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainUsersFullList } SectionExcelDomainComputersFullList = [ordered] @{Use = $true ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Computers List' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainComputersFullList } SectionExcelDomainGroupsFullList = [ordered] @{Use = $true ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Groups List' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsFullList } SectionExcelDomainGroupsRest = [ordered] @{Use = $true ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Groups' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroups } SectionExcelDomainGroupsSpecial = [ordered] @{Use = $true ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Groups Special' 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Rec' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsMembersRecursive } SectionExcelDomainGroupMembersSpecialRecursive = [ordered] @{Use = $true ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Members RecSpecial' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsSpecialMembersRecursive } SectionExcelDomainGroupMembersPriviligedRecursive = [ordered] @{Use = $true ExcelExport = $true ExcelWorkSheet = '<Domain> - Members RecPriv' ExcelData = [PSWinDocumentation.ActiveDirectory]::DomainGroupsPriviligedMembersRecursive } } } } } $Script:O365SKU = @{"O365_BUSINESS_ESSENTIALS" = "Office 365 Business Essentials" "O365_BUSINESS_PREMIUM" = "Office 365 Business Premium" "DESKLESSPACK" = "Office 365 (Plan K1)" "DESKLESSWOFFPACK" = "Office 365 (Plan K2)" "LITEPACK" = "Office 365 (Plan P1)" "EXCHANGESTANDARD" = "Office 365 Exchange Online Only" "STANDARDPACK" = "Enterprise Plan E1" "STANDARDWOFFPACK" = "Office 365 (Plan E2)" "ENTERPRISEPACK" = "Enterprise Plan E3" 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-OpenWorkBook:$Document.Configuration.Options.OpenExcel} } else {Write-Warning "There was no data to process AWS documentation. Check configuration."} $TimeDocuments.Stop() Write-Verbose "Time to gather data: $($TimeDataOnly.Elapsed)" Write-Verbose "Time to create documents: $($TimeDocuments.Elapsed)" } function Start-DocumentationExchange { [CmdletBinding()] param($Document) $DataSections = Get-ObjectKeys -Object $Document.DocumentExchange.Sections $TypesRequired = Get-TypesRequired -Sections $Document.DocumentExchange.Sections $TimeDataOnly = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() $DataInformation = Get-WinServiceData -Credentials $Document.DocumentExchange.Services.OnPremises.Credentials -Service $Document.DocumentExchange.Services.OnPremises.Exchange -TypesRequired $TypesRequired -Type 'Exchange' $TimeDataOnly.Stop() $TimeDocuments = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() if ($DataInformation.Count -gt 0) { if ($Document.DocumentExchange.ExportWord) {$WordDocument = Get-DocumentPath -Document $Document -FinalDocumentLocation $Document.DocumentExchange.FilePathWord} if ($Document.DocumentExchange.ExportExcel) {$ExcelDocument = New-ExcelDocument} foreach ($Section in $DataSections) {$WordDocument = New-DataBlock -WordDocument $WordDocument -Section $Document.DocumentExchange.Sections.$Section -Forest $DataInformation -Excel $ExcelDocument -SectionName $Section -Sql $Document.DocumentExchange.ExportSQL} if ($Document.DocumentExchange.ExportWord) {$FilePath = Save-WordDocument -WordDocument $WordDocument -Language $Document.Configuration.Prettify.Language -FilePath $Document.DocumentExchange.FilePathWord -Supress $True -OpenDocument:$Document.Configuration.Options.OpenDocument} if ($Document.DocumentExchange.ExportExcel) {$ExcelData = Save-ExcelDocument -ExcelDocument $ExcelDocument -FilePath $Document.DocumentExchange.FilePathExcel -OpenWorkBook:$Document.Configuration.Options.OpenExcel} } else {Write-Warning "There was no data to process Exchange documentation. Check configuration."} $TimeDocuments.Stop() Write-Verbose "Time to gather data: $($TimeDataOnly.Elapsed)" Write-Verbose "Time to create documents: $($TimeDocuments.Elapsed)" } function Start-DocumentationO365 { [CmdletBinding()] param([Object] $Document) $TypesRequired = Get-TypesRequired -Sections $Document.DocumentOffice365.Sections $DataSections = Get-ObjectKeys -Object $Document.DocumentOffice365.Sections $TimeDataOnly = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() $DataAzure = Get-WinServiceData -Credentials $Document.DocumentOffice365.Services.Office365.Credentials -Service $Document.DocumentOffice365.Services.Office365.Azure -TypesRequired $TypesRequired -Type 'Azure' $DataExchangeOnline = Get-WinServiceData -Credentials $Document.DocumentOffice365.Services.Office365.Credentials -Service $Document.DocumentOffice365.Services.Office365.ExchangeOnline -TypesRequired $TypesRequired -Type 'ExchangeOnline' $DataInformation = [ordered]@{} if ($null -ne $DataAzure -and $DataExchangeOnline.Count -gt 0) {$DataInformation += $DataAzure} if ($null -ne $DataExchangeOnline -and $DataExchangeOnline.Count -gt 0) {$DataInformation += $DataExchangeOnline} $TimeDataOnly.Stop() $TimeDocuments = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() if ($DataInformation.Count -gt 0) { if ($Document.DocumentOffice365.ExportWord) {$WordDocument = Get-DocumentPath -Document $Document -FinalDocumentLocation $Document.DocumentOffice365.FilePathWord} if ($Document.DocumentOffice365.ExportExcel) {$ExcelDocument = New-ExcelDocument} foreach ($Section in $DataSections) {$WordDocument = New-DataBlock -WordDocument $WordDocument -Section $Document.DocumentOffice365.Sections.$Section -Forest $DataInformation -Excel $ExcelDocument -SectionName $Section -Sql $Document.DocumentOffice365.ExportSQL} if ($Document.DocumentOffice365.ExportWord) {$FilePath = Save-WordDocument -WordDocument $WordDocument -Language $Document.Configuration.Prettify.Language -FilePath $Document.DocumentOffice365.FilePathWord -Supress $True -OpenDocument:$Document.Configuration.Options.OpenDocument} if ($Document.DocumentOffice365.ExportExcel) {$ExcelData = Save-ExcelDocument -ExcelDocument $ExcelDocument -FilePath $Document.DocumentOffice365.FilePathExcel -OpenWorkBook:$Document.Configuration.Options.OpenExcel} } else {Write-Warning "There was no data to process Office 365 documentation. Check configuration."} $TimeDocuments.Stop() Write-Verbose "Time to gather data: $($TimeDataOnly.Elapsed)" Write-Verbose "Time to create documents: $($TimeDocuments.Elapsed)" } function Test-Configuration { [CmdletBinding()] param ([System.Object] $Document) [int] $ErrorCount = 0 $Script:WriteParameters = $Document.Configuration.DisplayConsole $Keys = Get-ObjectKeys -Object $Document -Ignore 'Configuration' foreach ($Key in $Keys) { $ErrorCount += Test-File -File $Document.$Key.FilePathWord -FileName 'FilePathWord' -Skip:(-not $Document.$Key.ExportWord) $ErrorCount += Test-File -File $Document.$Key.FilePathExcel -FileName 'FilePathExcel' -Skip:(-not $Document.$Key.ExportExcel) } if ($ErrorCount -ne 0) {Exit} } function Test-File { [CmdletBinding()] param ([string] $File, [string] $FileName, [switch] $Require, [switch] $Skip) [int] $ErrorCount = 0 if ($Skip) {return $ErrorCount} if ($File -ne '') { if ($Require) { if (Test-Path $File) {return $ErrorCount} else { Write-Color @Script:WriteParameters '[e] ', $FileName, " doesn't exists (", $File, "). It's required if you want to use this feature." -Color Red, Yellow, Yellow, White $ErrorCount++ } } } else { $ErrorCount++ Write-Color @Script:WriteParameters '[e] ', $FileName, " was empty. It's required if you want to use this feature." -Color Red, Yellow, White } return $ErrorCount } Export-ModuleMember -Function @('Start-Documentation') -Alias @() |