function Start-DocumentationAD { [CmdletBinding()] param( $Document ) $ADConfiguration = $Document.DocumentAD.Configuration if ($ADConfiguration.PasswordTests.Use) { $PasswordClearText = $ADConfiguration.PasswordTests.PasswordFilePathClearText } else { $PasswordClearText = '' } if ($ADConfiguration.PasswordTests.UseHashDB) { $PasswordHashes = $ADConfiguration.PasswordTests.PasswordFilePathHash if ($PasswordClearText -eq '') { # creates temporary file to provide required data that is based on existance of this file $TemporaryFile = New-TemporaryFile 'Passw0rd' | Out-File -FilePath $TemporaryFile.FullName $PasswordClearText = $TemporaryFile.FullName } } else { $PasswordHashes = '' } $TimeDataOnly = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() # Timer Start if ($Document.DocumentAD.Configuration.OfflineMode.Use) { # Offline mode if ($Document.DocumentAD.ExportXML) { Write-Warning "You can't run AD Documentation in 'offline mode' with 'ExportXML' set to true. Please turn off one of the options." return } else { $DataInformationAD = Get-WinDataFromXML -FilePath $Document.DocumentAD.Configuration.OfflineMode.XMLPath -Type [ActiveDirectory] } } else { # Online mode $CheckAvailabilityCommandsAD = Test-AvailabilityCommands -Commands 'Get-ADForest', 'Get-ADDomain', 'Get-ADRootDSE', 'Get-ADGroup', 'Get-ADUser', 'Get-ADComputer' if ($CheckAvailabilityCommandsAD -notcontains $false) { Test-ForestConnectivity $TypesRequired = Get-TypesRequired -Sections $Document.DocumentAD.Sections.SectionForest, $Document.DocumentAD.Sections.SectionDomain $DataInformationAD = Get-WinADForestInformation -TypesRequired $TypesRequired -PathToPasswords $PasswordClearText -PathToPasswordsHashes $PasswordHashes } else { Write-Warning "Active Directory documentation can't be started as commands are unavailable. Check if you have Active Directory module available (part of RSAT) and try again." return } } $TimeDataOnly.Stop() $TimeDocuments = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() # Timer Start # Saves data to XML is required - skipped when Offline mode is on Save-WinDataToXML -Export $Document.DocumentAD.ExportXML -FilePath $Document.DocumentAD.FilePathXML -Data $DataInformationAD -Type [ActiveDirectory] -IsOffline:$Document.DocumentAD.Configuration.OfflineMode.Use if ($Document.DocumentAD.ExportExcel -or $Document.DocumentAD.ExportWord -or $Document.DocumentAD.ExportSQL) { ### Starting WORD if ($Document.DocumentAD.ExportWord) { $WordDocument = Get-DocumentPath -Document $Document -FinalDocumentLocation $Document.DocumentAD.FilePathWord } if ($Document.DocumentAD.ExportExcel) { $ExcelDocument = New-ExcelDocument } $ADSectionsForest = Get-ObjectKeys -Object $Document.DocumentAD.Sections.SectionForest $ADSectionsDomain = Get-ObjectKeys -Object $Document.DocumentAD.Sections.SectionDomain ### Start Sections foreach ($DataInformation in $DataInformationAD) { foreach ($Section in $ADSectionsForest) { $WordDocument = New-DataBlock ` -WordDocument $WordDocument ` -Section $Document.DocumentAD.Sections.SectionForest.$Section ` -Object $DataInformationAD ` -Excel $ExcelDocument ` -SectionName $Section ` -Sql $Document.DocumentAD.ExportSQL } foreach ($Domain in $DataInformationAD.Domains) { foreach ($Section in $ADSectionsDomain) { $WordDocument = New-DataBlock ` -WordDocument $WordDocument ` -Section $Document.DocumentAD.Sections.SectionDomain.$Section ` -Object $DataInformationAD ` -Domain $Domain ` -Excel $ExcelDocument ` -SectionName $Section ` -Sql $Document.DocumentAD.ExportSQL } } } ### End Sections ### Ending WORD if ($Document.DocumentAD.ExportWord) { $FilePath = Save-WordDocument -WordDocument $WordDocument ` -Language $Document.Configuration.Prettify.Language ` -FilePath $Document.DocumentAD.FilePathWord ` -Supress $True ` -OpenDocument:$Document.Configuration.Options.OpenDocument } ### Ending EXCEL if ($Document.DocumentAD.ExportExcel) { $ExcelData = Save-ExcelDocument -ExcelDocument $ExcelDocument -FilePath $Document.DocumentAD.FilePathExcel -OpenWorkBook:$Document.Configuration.Options.OpenExcel } } $TimeDocuments.Stop() $TimeTotal.Stop() Write-Verbose "Time to gather data: $($TimeDataOnly.Elapsed)" Write-Verbose "Time to create documents: $($TimeDocuments.Elapsed)" Write-Verbose "Time total: $($TimeTotal.Elapsed)" } |