function Send-FileToWildFire { <# .SYNOPSIS Send file to WildFire .DESCRIPTION .PARAMETER FilePath Provide FilePath to a file to check. .PARAMETER FileInformation Provide FileInformation to a file to check. .EXAMPLE .NOTES #> [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'FileInformation')] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'FileInformation', ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)] [System.IO.FileInfo] $FileInformation, [Parameter(Mandatory, ParameterSetName = 'FilePath', ValueFromPipeline, Position = 0)] [string] $FilePath, [Parameter()] [switch] $AsZip ) Begin { Test-WildfireConnection $listFiles = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() $results = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@() } Process { if ($FilePath) { Write-Verbose "Path received" Try { $FileInformation = Get-Item $FilePath } Catch { throw "Can't get file at $FilePath" } } if ($FileInformation) { Write-Verbose "File Information received $($FileInformation.GetType())" $listFiles.Add($FileInformation) | Out-Null } } End { if ($AsZip) { $archiveName = "$([guid]::NewGuid() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Guid).zip" Write-Verbose "Adding as $archiveName" $compressArguments = @{ LiteralPath = $listFiles | Select-Object -ExpandProperty FullName CompressionLevel = "NoCompression" DestinationPath = $(Join-Path $($env:temp) $archiveName) } $ProgressPreference = 'silentlycontinue' Compress-Archive @compressArguments $listFiles = Get-Item $compressArguments.DestinationPath } foreach ($file in $listFiles) { Write-Verbose "Sending file $($file.FullName)" Try { $FileHash = Get-FileHash -LiteralPath $file.FullName } Catch { throw "Can't access to specified file $($file.FullName)" } $Boundary = [Guid]::NewGuid().ToString() Try { $params = @{ Method = "POST" Uri = $_SubmitFileURL ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=`"$boundary`"" Headers = @{"Accept"="application/json"} Body = $(ConvertTo-WildfireBody -FileInformation $file -Boundary $Boundary) } if ($AsZip) { Write-Verbose "Remove item $($file.fullName)" Remove-Item $file | Out-Null } $WebResponse = Invoke-WebRequest @params Try { $response = $([xml]$WebResponse.Content).wildfire if ($response.'upload-file-info'.sha256 -eq $fileHash.Hash) { Write-Verbose "File successfully uploaded through hash $($response.'upload-file-info'.sha256)" $PSObject = New-Object PSObject $response.'upload-file-info'.ChildNodes | ForEach-Object { $PSObject | Add-Member NoteProperty $_.Name $_.'#text' } $results.Add($PSObject) | Out-Null } else { throw "Unknown problem during upload $($WebResponse.Content)" } } Catch { throw "Can't parse content $($WebResponse.Content)" } } Catch { $details = $_.Exception Switch ($details.Response.StatusCode) { 418 { #Unsupported file type throw $details.Response.StatusDescription } 419 { #Too many request throw $details.Response.StatusDescription } default { throw $details } } } } Write-Verbose "Return $($results.Count)" $results } } |