Get-Module WebDriver | Remove-Module Import-Module WebDriver -RequiredVersion InModuleScope 'WebDriver' { Describe "Start-WebDriver" { Mock -CommandName Update-EnvPath -MockWith { Test-Path -Path $PSBoundParameters['Path'] } It "The Command Exists" { $( Get-Command -Name 'Start-WebDriver' -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue ).Name | Should Be 'Start-WebDriver' } It "Chrome is a Valid Parameter Argument" { $( Get-Command Start-WebDriver ).Parameters['Browser'].Attributes.ValidValues.Contains('Chrome') | Should Be $true } It "IE is a Valid Parameter Argument" { $( Get-Command Start-WebDriver ).Parameters['Browser'].Attributes.ValidValues.Contains('IE') | Should Be $true } It "FireFox is a Valid Parameter Argument" { $( Get-Command Start-WebDriver ).Parameters['Browser'].Attributes.ValidValues.Contains('Firefox') | Should Be $true } It "Safari is an invalid Parameter Argument" { { Start-WebDriver -Browser Safari } | Should Throw } It "Updates The Eviroment Path Variable" { Start-WebDriver -Browser Chrome Assert-MockCalled -CommandName Update-EnvPath } } } |