<# .Synopsis Short description .DESCRIPTION Long description .EXAMPLE Example of how to use this cmdlet .EXAMPLE Another example of how to use this cmdlet .INPUTS Inputs to this cmdlet (if any) .OUTPUTS Output from this cmdlet (if any) .NOTES General notes .COMPONENT The component this cmdlet belongs to .ROLE The role this cmdlet belongs to .FUNCTIONALITY The functionality that best describes this cmdlet #> function Select-HyperLink { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateScript({if ($PSItem.TagName -eq 'a'){return $true} else{return $false}})] [OpenQA.Selenium.IWebElement] $Link ) if ($global:WebDriver -is [OpenQA.Selenium.IWebDriver]) { $Element.Click() } else { Write-Warning -Message 'WebDriver Does Not Appear To Be Running' } } |