<# .SYNOPSIS Decrypts and saves inplace a web.config file .DESCRIPTION Takes a Path or a WebAdministration object as an input, creates a backup of the original file and overrides the configuration with its decrypted version. The cmdlet prompts for clarification on the override, unless -Confirm is set to false. .PARAMETER InputObject Mandatory - Parameter to pass the Application or WebSite from pipeline .PARAMETER Path Mandatory - Parameter to pass the path for the target application .PARAMETER Recurse Optional - Switch to look for multiple web.config files in sub-folders for web applications .PARAMETER Confirm Optional - Boolean to disable override confirmation (default -Confirm:$true) .PARAMETER Session Optional - PSSession to execute the action .EXAMPLE Unprotect-PSWebConfig -Path 'c:\intepub\wwwroot\testapp\' .EXAMPLE $server1 = New-PSSession 'server1.local.domain' Unprotect-PSWebConfig -Path 'c:\intepub\wwwroot\testapp\' -Session $server1 .EXAMPLE Get-WebSite | Unprotect-PSWebConfig #> function Unprotect-PSWebConfig { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName="FromPipeLine")] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromPipeLine",Position=0)] [Parameter(ValueFromPipeLine=$true)] [psobject[]]$InputObject, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="FromPath",Position=0,Mandatory=$true)] [Alias('physicalPath')] [string]$Path, [switch]$Recurse, [bool]$Confirm=$true, [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession]$Session ) process { Write-Verbose "Executing Unprotect-PSWebConfig" if ($Path) { Write-Verbose "Processing by Path" $InputObject = New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property @{ physicalPath = $Path Session = $Session } } if ($InputObject) { Write-Verbose "Processing by InputObject" foreach ($entry in $InputObject) { # Setting Remote Session $EntrySession = $entry.Session if ($Session) { Write-Verbose "Overriding session from -Session Parameter" $EntrySession = $Session } elseif ($entry | Get-Member -Name RunspaceId) { Write-Verbose "Getting Session from RunspaceId '$($entry.RunspaceId)'" $EntrySession = Get-PSSession -InstanceId $entry.RunspaceId } Write-Verbose "Getting config files..." $configs = $entry | Get-PSWebConfig -AsFileInfo -Recurse:$Recurse -Session:$EntrySession foreach ($config in $configs) { $configFile = $config.FullName $backupFile = [string]::Join('.',@($configFile,((Get-Date -Format s) -replace ':','-'),'config')) $decryptedConfig = Get-PSWebConfig -AsText -Path $configFile -Session:$EntrySession $BackupAndOverride = { param( [string]$configFile, [string]$backupFile, [string]$decryptedConfig, [bool]$Confirm ) Write-Verbose "Creating backup to '$backupFile'.." Copy-Item -Path $configFile -Destination $backupFile -Force Write-Verbose "Overriding '$configFile' with decrypted content ..." Set-Content -Path $configFile -Value $decryptedConfig -Confirm:$Confirm } Invoke-SessionCommand -Session:$EntrySession -ArgumentList $configFile,$backupFile,$decryptedConfig,$Confirm -ScriptBlock $BackupAndOverride } } } } } |