. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot '../Import-LocalModule.ps1') $isVerbose=($VerbosePreference -eq 'Continue') Describe "Get_ConfigFile helper" { # Function to test . (Join-Path $script:FunctionPath 'PSWebConfig/Get_ConfigFile.ps1') $webConfigFile = Join-Path $script:FixturePath 'web.config' It "Should be able to find web.config files recursively" { $files = Get_ConfigFile -Path $script:FixturePath -AsFileInfo:$true -Recurse:$true -Verbose:$isVerbose $files | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $files.GetType().Name | Should Be 'FileInfo' } It "Should be able to return XML content" { $xml = Get_ConfigFile -Path $webConfigFile -Verbose:$isVerbose $xml | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $xml.configuration.GetType().Name | Should Be 'XmlElement' $xml.File | Should Be $webConfigFile $xml.ComputerName | Should Be ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($env:COMPUTERNAME).HostName) } It "Should be able to read the file content" { $content = Get_ConfigFile -Path $webConfigFile -AsText:$true -Verbose:$isVerbose $content | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $content.GetType().Name | Should Be 'String' } } |