function Get_ConfigFile { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Position=0)] [string]$Path, [Parameter(Position=1)] [bool]$AsFileInfo=$false, [Parameter(Position=2)] [bool]$AsText=$false, [Parameter(Position=3)] [bool]$Recurse=$false ) function Copy_WebConfig([string]$config) { if (-Not (Test-Path $config)) { Write-Warning "Could not find '$config'" return $null } # Copy the original file to temp for non-intrusive decryptions $tempFolder = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() $appGuid = [guid]::NewGuid().Guid $tempAppFolder = Join-Path $tempFolder $appGuid $tempAppConfig = Join-Path $tempAppFolder 'web.config' Write-Verbose "Creating $tempAppFolder" mkdir $tempAppFolder -Force | Out-Null Write-Verbose "Copying $c to $tempAppFolder" Copy-Item -Path $config -Destination $tempAppFolder return $tempAppConfig } function Detect_AspNetRegIIS { $paths = @( "$($env:SystemRoot)\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe" "$($env:SystemRoot)\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe" ) foreach ($path in $paths) { if (Test-Path -Path $path) { Write-Verbose "$paths is found" return $path } } Write-Warning "Cannot find aspnet_regiis.exe in any known folders" return $null } function IsAdministrator { $user = [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent(); (New-Object Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal $user).IsInRole([Security.Principal.WindowsBuiltinRole]::Administrator) } function Decypt_WebConfig { param( [string]$folder, [string]$aspnet_regiis = $(Detect_AspNetRegIIS) ) $webConfigFile = Join-Path $folder 'web.config' if (Test-Path $webConfigFile) { $xmlContent = [xml](Get-Content $webConfigFile) if (-Not $xmlContent) { Write-Error "'$webConfigFile' is not a valid XML file." return } $alreadyWarned=$false $sections = $xmlContent.configuration | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name foreach ($s in $sections) { $encryptedSection = ($xmlContent -and ($xmlContent.configuration.$s.EncryptedData)) if ($encryptedSection -and $aspnet_regiis) { if (-Not $alreadyWarned -And -Not (IsAdministrator)) { Write-Warning "You are not in an Administrator context. You may not be able to decrypt configuration sections." $alreadyWarned = $true } $cryptArgs = "-pdf $s $folder" Write-Verbose "Decrypting > $aspnet_regiis $cryptArgs" Start-Process -FilePath $aspnet_regiis -ArgumentList $cryptArgs -WindowStyle Hidden -Wait } else { Write-Verbose "Skipping decryption of '$s' section" } } } } # Expand and Test Path $Path = [Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($Path) if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Path) -or -Not (Test-Path $Path)) { Write-Verbose "Path '$Path' is not found." return } Write-Verbose "Looking for config files at '$Path'.." $configs = $() foreach ($f in @("web.config","*.exe.config")) { $found = $null $found = Get-ChildItem $Path -Filter $f -Recurse:$Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue if ($found) { $configs += @($found) } } $configs = $configs | Select-Object -Unique if ($AsFileInfo) { $configs } else { foreach ($c in ($configs | Select-Object -Unique)) { $content = $null Write-Verbose "File '$($c.FullName)'.." $isWebConfig = ($c.Name -eq 'web.config') if ($isWebConfig) { # Create a copy of web.config's and decrypt it $tempAppFolder = $null Write-Verbose "Cloning $($c.FullName) ..." $tempAppConfig = Copy_WebConfig -config $c.FullName $tempAppFolder = Split-Path $tempAppConfig -Parent if (Test-Path $tempAppConfig) { Decypt_WebConfig -folder $tempAppFolder Write-Verbose "Reading web.config content" $content = Get-Content $tempAppConfig | Out-String } Write-Verbose "Deleting $tempAppFolder" Remove-Item $tempAppFolder -Force -Recurse } else { # App.config Write-Verbose "Reading app config content" $content = Get-Content $c.FullName | Out-String } if (!$AsText) { $content = [xml]$content $content | Add-Member -NotePropertyName File -NotePropertyValue $c.FullName $content | Add-Member -NotePropertyName ComputerName -NotePropertyValue ([System.Net.Dns]::GetHostByName($env:COMPUTERNAME).HostName) $content } else { $content } } } } |