<# .SYNOPSIS Tests any HTTP/HTTPS URIs from a remote or local machine. .DESCRIPTION The cmdlet takes a URI as an input object or as a direct parameter then it tries to connect to it with Invoke-WebRequest with -UseBasicParsing switch and returns the result as a test object. You can specify a regular-expression for accepting various HTTP status codes with -AllowedStatusCodeRegexp parameter. Use -DisableSSLValidation switch to allow any HTTPs certificactes accepted for the tests. If a Session Property is passed via InputObject or directly with -Session parameter, the URI test will be executed against that. If -ReplaceRules hashtable is specified it will replace hash-keys with it's values in the URI to be tested. This could be useful, when you need to override the test Uri with dynamic values. .PARAMETER InputObject Mandatory - Pipeline input of PSUri .PARAMETER Uri Mandatory - Parameter to pass a URI as a string .PARAMETER AllowedStatusCodeRegexp Optional - Regxep string to set which HTTP Response Code should be accepted. .PARAMETER TimeOutSeconds Optional - TimeOut Seconds to be used for Invoke-WebRequest .PARAMETER DisableSSLValidation Optional - Switch to accept any SSL certificate for HTTPS URI tests. .PARAMETER ReplaceRules Optional - Hashtable that replaces hash-keys with it's values in the URI to be tested. .PARAMETER Session Optional - PSSession to execute the test-against it. .EXAMPLE Test-PSUri -Uri '' .EXAMPLE Get-WebSite mysite | Get-PSWebConfig | Get-PSUri | Test-PSUri #> function Test-PSUri { [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName='ByInputObject')] param( [Parameter(ParameterSetName="ByInputObject",ValueFromPipeLine=$true)] [psobject[]]$InputObject, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="ByUri",ValueFromPipeLine=$true)] [Parameter(Position=0)] [Alias('Address','Url')] [string[]]$Uri, [string]$AllowedStatusCodeRegexp = '^20[0-9]|^401|^403|^50[0-9]', [ValidateRange(0,3600)] [Int32]$TimeOutSeconds=5, [switch]$DisableSSLValidation, [hashtable]$ReplaceRules, [System.Management.Automation.Runspaces.PSSession[]]$Session ) process { if ($Uri) { $InputObject = $Uri | Foreach-Object { New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property @{ Uri = $_ Session = $Session } } } foreach ($entry in $InputObject) { if ($entry | Get-Member -Name Uri) { $EntrySession = $entry.Session if ($Session) { $EntrySession = $Session } $argumentList = $entry.Uri,$DisableSSLValidation,$AllowedStatusCodeRegexp,$TimeOutSeconds,$ReplaceRules if ($EntrySession) { Invoke-Command ` -Session $EntrySession ` -ArgumentList $argumentList ` -ScriptBlock $Function:Test_Uri | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Session -NotePropertyValue $EntrySession -Force -PassThru | Set_Type -TypeName 'PSWebConfig.TestResult' } else { Invoke-Command ` -ArgumentList $argumentList ` -ScriptBlock $Function:Test_Uri | Set_Type -TypeName 'PSWebConfig.TestResult' } } else { Write-Verbose "InputObject doesn't contain Uri property" } } } } |