function Get-WarrantyAutotask { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Pscredential]$AutotaskCredentials, [String]$AutotaskAPIKey, [boolean]$SyncWithSource, [boolean]$OverwriteWarranty ) If (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name "AutoTaskAPI") { Import-module "AutotaskAPI" } Else { install-module "AutotaskAPI" -Force } Import-Module AutotaskAPI Add-AutotaskAPIAuth -ApiIntegrationcode $AutotaskAPIKey -credentials $AutotaskCredentials write-host "Logging into Autotask. Grabbing all client information." -ForegroundColor "Green" $AllClients = Get-AutotaskAPIResource -resource Companies -SimpleSearch 'isactive eq true' write-host "Client information found. Grabbing all devices" -ForegroundColor "Green" $AllDevices = Get-AutotaskAPIResource -resource ConfigurationItems -SimpleSearch 'isactive eq true' write-host "Collecting information. This can take a long time." -ForegroundColor "Green" $i = 0 $warrantyObject = foreach ($Device in $AllDevices) { $i++ Write-Progress -Activity "Grabbing Warranty information" -status "Processing $($device.serialnumber). Device $i of $($Alldevices.Count)" -percentComplete ($i / $Alldevices.Count * 100) $Client = ($AllClients | Where-Object { $ -eq $device.companyID }).CompanyName #We use a guess-smart method for serialnumbers. #Dell is always 7, Lenovo is always 8, 10 is HP, 12 is Surface. #This is because we cannot safely find the manafacture in the AT info. switch ($device.SerialNumber.Length) { 7 { $WarState = get-DellWarranty -SourceDevice $device.SerialNumber -client $Client } 8 { $WarState = get-LenovoWarranty -SourceDevice $device.SerialNumber -client $Client } 10 { $WarState = get-HPWarranty -SourceDevice $device.SerialNumber -client $Client } 12 { $WarState = Get-MSWarranty -SourceDevice $device.SerialNumber -client $Client } default { [PSCustomObject]@{ 'Serial' = $device.serialnumber 'Warranty Product name' = 'Could not get warranty information.' 'StartDate' = $null 'EndDate' = $null 'Warranty Status' = 'Could not get warranty information' 'Client' = $Client } } } if ($SyncWithSource -eq $true) { switch ($OverwriteWarranty) { $true { if ($null -ne $warstate.EndDate) { $device | ForEach-Object { $_.warrantyExpirationDate = $warstate.EndDate; $_ } | Set-AutotaskAPIResource -Resource ConfigurationItems "$((get-date).ToUniversalTime().ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) Autotask: $Client / $($device.SerialNumber) with AT ID $($ warranty has been overwritten to $($warstate.EndDate)" | out-file $script:LogPath -Append -Force } } $false { if ($null -eq $device.WarrantyExpirationDate -and $null -ne $warstate.EndDate) { $device | ForEach-Object { $_.warrantyExpirationDate = $warstate.EndDate; $_ } | Set-AutotaskAPIResource -Resource ConfigurationItems "$((get-date).ToUniversalTime().ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss')) Autotask: $Client / $($device.SerialNumber) with AT ID $($ warranty has been set to $($warstate.EndDate)" | out-file $script:LogPath -Append -Force } } } } $WarState } return $warrantyObject } |