function Test-User { <# .SYNOPSIS Test user .DESCRIPTION Check if a user exists in a specified realm of a JBoss instance .PARAMETER JBossHome The optional JBoss home parameter corresponds to the path to the JBoss home directory. .PARAMETER UserName The user-name parameter corresponds to the name of the user to check. .PARAMETER Realm The realm parameter corresponds to the name of the realm in which the user exists. .PARAMETER Domain The domain switch specifies if the JBoss instance is configured in domain mode. .INPUTS System.String. You can pipe the user name to Test-User. .OUTPUTS Boolean. Test-User returns the a boolean depending if the user exists. .NOTES File name: Test-User.ps1 Author: Florian Carrier Creation date: 09/01/2020 Last modified: 09/01/2020 .LINK Add-User .LINK Test-User #> [CmdletBinding ( SupportsShouldProcess = $true )] Param ( [Parameter ( Position = 1, Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Path to the JBoss home directory" )] [ValidateNotNUllOrEmpty ()] [String] $JBossHome, [Parameter ( Position = 2, Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Name of the user to check", ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [ValidateNotNUllOrEmpty ()] [String] $UserName, [Parameter ( Position = 3, Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = "Realm of the user" )] [ValidateSet ( "ApplicationRealm", "ManagementRealm" )] [String] $Realm, [Parameter ( HelpMessage = "Switch to configure an instance configured in domain mode" )] [Switch] $Domain ) Begin { # Get global preference variables Get-CallerPreference -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet -SessionState $ExecutionContext.SessionState # User configuration file switch ($Realm) { "ApplicationRealm" { $ConfigurationFileName = "" } "ManagementRealm" { $ConfigurationFileName = "" } } # Define configuration file path if ($Domain) { # Domain instance configuration $ConfigurationFile = Join-Path -Path $JBossHome -ChildPath "domain\configuration\$ConfigurationFileName" } else { # Standalone instance configuration $ConfigurationFile = Join-Path -Path $JBossHome -ChildPath "standalone\configuration\$ConfigurationFileName" } } Process { # Check that user configuration file exists if (Test-Path -Path $ConfigurationFile) { # Load user configuration $Configuration = Get-Content -Path $ConfigurationFile -Raw # Check if user exists if (Select-String -InputObject $Configuration -Pattern "$Username=" -Quiet) { # If user is found return $true } else { # If user is not found return $false } } else { # If user configuration file is not found Write-Log -Type "DEBUG" -Object "Path not found $ConfigurationFile" return $false } } } |