
    Exports a list of all VMs with their notes to a CSV file using ';' as a delimiter.
    This function retrieves all virtual machines from a connected VMware vSphere environment
    and exports details of these VMs, focusing on their notes, to a specified CSV file.
    The details exported include VM name, host, power state, and notes, formatted as a single string.
.Parameter OutputPath
    The file path where the CSV file will be saved. Default is 'C:\VMsNotes.csv'.
    Export-VMNotes -OutputPath "D:\Exports\VMsNotes.csv"
    This command exports the notes and basic details of all VMs to a CSV file located at 'D:\Exports\VMsNotes.csv', using ';' as the delimiter.
    Author: Benjamin Siegrist
    Version: 0.1.0
    Requires that you are connected to a vCenter server with appropriate permissions to retrieve VM information.

function Export-VMNotes {

    try {
        # Ensure the VMware PowerCLI module is loaded
        if (-not (Get-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI)) {
            Import-Module VMware.PowerCLI

        # Retrieve all VMs
        $vms = Get-VM

        # Check if VMs are retrieved successfully
        if (-not $vms) {
            throw "No VMs could be retrieved. Check your connection to vCenter."

        # Export the data to a CSV file with ';' as the delimiter
        $vms | ForEach-Object {
            # Ensure notes are a single string with no new lines or extra spaces
            $notes = ($_.Notes -join "; ").Trim()
                Name = $_.Name
                VMHost = $_.VMHost
                PowerState = $_.PowerState
                Notes = $notes
        } | Export-Csv -Path $OutputPath -NoTypeInformation -Delimiter ';'

        Write-Output "Export completed successfully. File saved at $OutputPath"
    } catch {
        Write-Error "An error occurred: $_"