
function Get-VCJobVariable



        foreach ($_job in $Job)
            # Refresh Job and get VCServer from JOB
            $_job = Get-VCJob -id $_job.Id
            $vCServer = $_job.GetVCServer()

            # Create list of PSCustomobjects with Property 'Name' and 'Value'
            # Value must be decrypted using the VCCServer .Decrypt Method
            $allJobVars = $_job.Variables | ForEach-Object -Process {

            if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "Name") { # Filter by Name
                $allJobVars = $allJobVars | ? {$Name -contains $_.Name}

            if($PSBoundParameters.Keys -contains "Value") { # Filter by Value
                $allJobVars = $allJobVars | ? {$Value -contains $_.Value}

            # Output JobVariables
            $allJobVars | Write-Output

function Set-VCJobVariable




        foreach ($_job in $Job)
            # Refresh Job and get VCServer from JOB
            $_job = Get-VCJob -Id $_job.Id
            $vCServer = $_job.GetVCServer()

            foreach ($_name in $Name) 
                # Set new Job Var
                $result = $vCServer.Jobs.JobVariables.AddUpdate($_job.Id,$_name,$Value)
                # Result = True = Successfully
                if($result) {
                    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 10 # Time needed till update takes effect
                    # if Passthrough is set, get new VCJobVariable and return
                    # otherwise return $result (True)
                    if($Passthrough) {
                        $_job | Get-VCJobVariable -Name $_name | Write-Output
                    } else {
                        $result | Write-Output
                } else {
                    # Result != True = Write Error
                    Write-Error "Error while setting VCJobVariable"

                    $result | Write-Output