
# ===========================================================================
# Repair-Python.ps1 ---------------------------------------------------
# ===========================================================================

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function Repair-Python {

        Install or upgrade required packages for full functionality of module
        Install or upgrade required packages for full functionality of module. The installation include the packages 'pip', 'setuptools and ''virtualenv'. It can be performed online or offline.



    Param (
        [Parameter(HelpMessage="If switch 'silent' is true no output will written to host.")]
        [Switch] $Silent

    Process {

        if (-not [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable($PSVirtualEnv.ProjectOffline)) {

            Install-VirtualEnv -Name "python" -Upgrade -Package "pip", "setuptools",  "virtualenv" -Silent:$Silent

            # if (-not $( $(. $python_exe -m pip list) -match "virtualenv")){
            # Write-FormattedWarning -Message "The python distribution does not provide the required package 'virtualenv'. Package will be installed automatically for full functionality." -Module $PSVirtualEnv.Name -Space
            # }
        else {
            Install-VirtualEnv -Name "python" -Offline "\offline-pip" -Silent:$Silent