
# ===========================================================================
# New-VirtualEnv.ps1 ------------------------------------------------------
# ===========================================================================

# function ----------------------------------------------------------------
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
function New-VirtualEnv {

        Creates a virtual environment.
        Creates a virtual environment in the predefined virtual environment directory and install via a requirements file project related packages. All available requirement files can be accessed by autocompletion.
    .PARAMETER Requirement
        PS C:\> New-VirtualEnv -Name venv
        [PSVirtualEnv]::PROCESS: Creating new virtual environment 'venv'.
        New python executable in C:\Users\User\PSVirtualEnv\venv\Scripts\python.exe
        Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...
        [PSVirtualEnv]::SUCCESS: Virtual environment 'C:\Users\User\PSVirtualEnv\venv' was created.
        Creates the specified virtual environment 'venv' in the predefined directory with the default python distribution.
        PS C:\> mk-venv venv
        [PSVirtualEnv]::SUCCESS: Virtual environment 'C:\Users\User\PSVirtualEnv\venv' was created
        Creates the specified virtual environment 'venv' with predefined alias of command
        PS C:\> New-VirtualEnv -Name venv -Path C:\Python35\python.exe
        [PSVirtualEnv]::SUCCESS: Virtual environment 'C:\Users\User\PSVirtualEnv\venv' was created.
        Creates the specified virtual environment 'venv' in the predefined directory with the defined python distribution.
        PS C:\> New-VirtualEnv -Name venv -Requirement \requirements.txt
        [PSVirtualEnv]::PROCESS: Creating new virtual environment 'venv'.
        New python executable in C:\Users\User\PSVirtualEnv\venv\Scripts\python.exe
        Installing setuptools, pip, wheel...
        [PSVirtualEnv]::SUCCESS: Virtual environment 'C:\Users\User\PSVirtualEnv\venv' was created.
        [PSVirtualEnv]::PROCESS: Try to install missing packages from requirement file 'C:\Users\User\PSVirtualEnv\.require\requirements.txt'.
        [PSVirtualEnv]::SUCCESS: Packages from requirement file 'C:\Users\User\PSVirtualEnv\.require\requirements.txt' were installed.
        Name Version Latest
        ---- ------- ------
        package version
        pip 19.2.3
        setuptools 41.2.0
        wheel 0.33.6
        Creates the specified virtual environment 'venv' and install packages which are defined in 'requirements.txt'. Before execution, the requirements file has to be created in the requirements folder, specified in configuration file. All available requirement files can be accessed by autocompletion.
        System.String. Name of virtual environment, which should be created.



        [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True, HelpMessage="Name of the virtual environment to be created.")]
        [System.String] $Name,

        [Parameter(Position=2, HelpMessage="Relative path to a folder or executable of a python distribution.")]
        [System.String] $Path,

        [Parameter(HelpMessage="Path to a requirement file, or name of a virtual environment.")]
        [System.String] $Requirement

        # [Parameter(HelpMessage="If switch 'Offline' is true, the virtual environment will be created without download packages.")]
        # [Switch] $Offline

        # check whether the specified virtual environment exists
        if (Test-VirtualEnv -Name $Name){
            Write-FormattedError -Message "The virtual environment '$Name' already exists." -Module $PSVirtualEnv.Name -Space

        # deactivation of a running virtual environment

        # get existing requirement file
        if ($Requirement) {   
            $requirement_file = Join-Path -Path $PSVirtualEnv.RequireDir -ChildPath $Requirement

        # generate the full path of the specified virtual environment, which shall be located in the predefined system path
        $virtualEnvDir = Get-VirtualEnvPath -Name $Name
        # # set the offline flag, which will prevent the virtual environment to download packages to be installed
        # if ($Offline) {
        # $offlineCreation = "--never-download"
        # }

        # create the specified virtual environment
        Write-FormattedProcess "Creating new virtual environment '$Name'." -Module $PSVirtualEnv.Name

        $verbose_cmd = ""
        if ($VerbosePreference){
            $verbose_cmd = "--verbose"
        Set-VirtualEnv -Name "python"
        virtualenv  $virtualEnvDir $verbose_cmd

        # check whether the virtual environment could be created
        if (Test-VirtualEnv -Name $Name) {
            Write-FormattedSuccess -Message "Virtual environment '$virtualEnvDir' was created." -Module $PSVirtualEnv.Name -Space
        else {
            Write-FormattedError -Message "Virtual environment '$virtualEnvDir' could not be created." -Module $PSVirtualEnv.Name -Space
            return $Null

        # install packages from the requirement file
        if ($Requirement) {
            Install-VirtualEnvPackage -Name $Name -Requirement $requirement_file
            Get-VirtualEnvPackage -Name $Name

        # if ($Offline) {
        # Set-Location -Path $hostPath
        # }