# =========================================================================== # PSVirtualEnv.psm1 ------------------------------------------------------- # =========================================================================== # settings ---------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $default_config_string = " ; =========================================================================== ; config.ini -------------------------------------------------------------- ; =========================================================================== ; user settings ------------------------------------------------------------- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [user] ; default path where virtual environments are located venv-work-dir = ; default download path for python packages venv-local-dir = ; default path for the requirements venv-require-dir = ; default python distribution python = ; internal settings --------------------------------------------------------- ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [psvirtualenv] ; relative path of the virtual environement executable venv = Scripts\python.exe ; relative path of the virtual environement activation script venv-activation = Scripts\activate.ps1 ; command of deactivation virtual environment venv-deactivation = deactivate " # settings ---------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- $ModuleVar = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Name = "PSVirtualEnv" ModuleDir = Split-Path -Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path -Parent ConfigFile = $(Join-Path -Path $(Get-ConfigProjectDir -Name "PSVirtualEnv") -ChildPath "config.ini") } New-ProjectConfigDirs -Name $ModuleVar.Name.toLower() # search for the local configuration file if (-not $(Test-Path $ModuleVar.ConfigFile)) { $default_config_string | Out-File -FilePath $ModuleVar.ConfigFile -Force } @( @{ # manifest Name="Manifest" Value=Join-Path -Path $ModuleVar.ModuleDir -ChildPath ($ModuleVar.Name + ".psd1") } @{ # directory of functions Name="FunctionsDir" Value=Join-Path -Path $ModuleVar.ModuleDir -ChildPath "Functions" } @{ # directory of functions Name="TestsDir" Value=Join-Path -Path $ModuleVar.ModuleDir -ChildPath "Tests" } @{ # configuration file and content of configuration file Name="ConfigContent" Value=Get-IniContent -FilePath $ModuleVar.ConfigFile } ) | ForEach-Object { $ModuleVar | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value } # configuration ----------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # set the default path where the virtual environments are located and their subdirectories defined in the configuration file $PSVirtualEnv = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @{ Name = $ModuleVar.Name } $project_dir = Get-ProjectDir -Name $ModuleVar.Name @( @{ Name="venv-work-dir"; Section="user"; Field="WorkDir"; Default=$project_dir } @{ Name="venv-require-dir"; Section="user"; Field="RequireDir" Default=$(Join-Path -Path $project_dir -ChildPath ".require") } @{ Name="venv-local-dir"; Section="user"; Field="LocalDir" Default=$(Join-Path -Path $project_dir -ChildPath ".temp") } ) | ForEach-Object { $PSVirtualEnv | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_.Field -Value $ModuleVar.ConfigContent[$_.Section][$_.Name] if (-not $PSVirtualEnv.($_.Field) -or -not $(Test-Path $PSVirtualEnv.($_.Field))) { $path = $PSVirtualEnv.($_.Field) if (-not $PSVirtualEnv.($_.Field)) { $path = $_.Default $ModuleVar.ConfigContent | Set-IniContent -Sections $_.Section -NameValuePairs @{ $_.Name = $_.Default } } Write-FormattedWarning -Message "The path $($PSVirtualEnv.($_.Field)) defined in field $($_.Name) of the module configuration file can not be found. Default directory $($path) will be created." -Module $ModuleVar.Name If (-not $(Test-Path $path)) { New-Item -Path $path -ItemType Directory } } } [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("VENV_REQUIRE", $PSVirtualEnv.RequireDir, "process") $ModuleVar.ConfigContent | Out-IniFile -FilePath $ModuleVar.ConfigFile -Force # set the default python distribution, virtual environment executable and other settings defined in the configuration file @( @{Name="python"; Section="user"; Field="Python"} @{Name="venv"; Section="psvirtualenv"; Field="VirtualEnv"} @{Name="venv-activation"; Section="psvirtualenv"; Field="Activation"} @{Name="venv-deactivation"; Section="psvirtualenv"; Field="Deactivation"} ) | ForEach-Object { $PSVirtualEnv | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_.Field -Value $ModuleVar.ConfigContent[$_.Section][$_.Name] if (-not $PSVirtualEnv.($_.Field)) { Write-FormattedWarning -Message "Field $($_.Field) is not defined in configuration file and should be set for full module functionality." -Module $ModuleVar.Name } } # variables --------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- @( @{ # pythonhome environment variable Name="EnvPython" Value="PYTHONHOME" } @{ # backup of the pythonhome environment variable Name="EnvBackup" Value="VIRTUAL_ENV_PYTHONHOME" } @{ # python virtual environment variable Name="EnvVenv" Value="VIRTUAL_ENV" } ) | ForEach-Object { $PSVirtualEnv | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value } # functions --------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # load all sets of public and private functions into the module scope Get-ChildItem -Path $ModuleVar.FunctionsDir -Filter "*.ps1" | ForEach-Object { . $_.FullName } # aliases ----------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # define aliases for specific function @( @{ Name = "in-venv"; Value = "Install-VirtualEnv"} @{ Name = "cd-venv"; Value = "Set-VirtualEnvLocation"} @{ Name = "ls-venv"; Value = "Get-VirtualEnv"} @{ Name = "mk-venv"; Value = "New-VirtualEnv"} @{ Name = "rm-venv"; Value = "Remove-VirtualEnv"} @{ Name = "start-venv"; Value = "Start-VirtualEnv"} @{ Name = "stop-venv"; Value = "Stop-VirtualEnv"} ) | ForEach-Object { Set-Alias -Name $_.Name -Value $_.Value } # validation -------------------------------------------------------------- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # try to locate default python distribution $PSVirtualEnv.Python = Find-Python -Force -Verbose return 0 |