
Function Set-VagrantCloudBox {
Updates a Vagrant Box on the Vagrant Cloud with new information.
This requires a Vagrant Cloud API Token to use.
This is a PowerShell Core wrapper for the Vagrant API.
This will update Vagrant Box details on the Vagrant Cloud.
This does not update box versions. Use Set-VagrantCloudBoxVersion instead.
.PARAMETER VagrantCloudUsername
Your Vagrant Cloud Username
Alias: username
Your Vagrant Box Name
Alias: name
.PARAMETER VagrantCloudBoxProvider
The provider used by the Vagrant box
Alias: provider
.PARAMETER VagrantCloudBoxDescription
A short description of the Vagrant Box, i.e, 'Windows Server 2019'
Alias: short_description
Optional. Determines whether the box is a public or private box. Accepts boolean values.
DEFAULT IS PRIVATE. A Vagrant Cloud subscription is required to use private boxes.
Alias: is_private
Set-VagrantCloudBox -VagrantCloudUsername "vagrantadmin" -BoxName "ubuntu-bionic" -VagrantCloudBoxProvider "virtualbox" -VagrantCloudBoxDescription "Updated Ubuntu Description" -VagrantCloudToken "a5db113927404aeb84a8aa2fc5ec4d71" -BoxIsPrivate:$false
Sets details on the Vagrant Cloud Box and updates values.
Get-VagrantCloudBox -VagrantCloudUsername vagrantadmin -BoxName win2012core -VagrantCloudToken "a5db113927404aeb84a8aa2fc5ec4d71" | Set-VagrantCloudBox.ps1 -VagrantCloudToken "a5db113927404aeb84a8aa2fc5ec4d71" -VagrantCloudBoxDescription "Pipelines!""
An example using PowerShell Pipeline mapping.
Author: Steven Jennings <>

            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

            Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true

    $TokenName = "VAGRANT_CLOUD_TOKEN"
    try {
        $GrabToken = Get-Item "Env:\$TokenName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        Write-Verbose "API Token already exists."
        $VagrantCloudToken = $GrabToken.value
    catch {
        Write-Host "We need to create a Vagrant Cloud Token..."
        $GrabToken = Get-Item "Env:\$TokenName" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        $VagrantCloudToken = $GrabToken.value

    $VagrantAPIURI = "$VagrantCloudUsername/$BoxName"
    $VagrantAPIMethod = "PUT"

    $VagrantCloudHeaders = @{
        Authorization = "Bearer $VagrantCloudToken"

    # Update Box Data Set
    $VagrantBoxData = [ordered]@{
        username          = $VagrantCloudUsername
        name              = $BoxName
        short_description = $VagrantCloudBoxDescription
    if ($BoxIsPrivate) {
        $VagrantBoxData.Add("is_private", $true)
    else {
        $VagrantBoxData.Add("is_private", $false)

    # Create Nested Box Data for JSON
    $CreateBoxHashTable = @{
        box = $VagrantBoxData
    # Create JSON necessary for submission
    $UpdateBoxJson = $CreateBoxHashTable | ConvertTo-Json -Compress

    try {
        Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $VagrantAPIURI -Headers $VagrantCloudHeaders -Body $UpdateBoxJson -Method $VagrantAPIMethod -ContentType "application/json"
    catch {
        $Exception = $_
        Write-Error $Exception