function Start-PSUTimer { <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a timer that will alarm the user after it has expired. .DESCRIPTION Creates a timer that will alarm the user after it has expired. Provides both visual and sound warnings. Also provides a progress bar with a time remaining display. .PARAMETER Duration The time to wait. .PARAMETER Message What to wait for. .PARAMETER AlarmCount How often to give warning. .PARAMETER NoProgress Disables progress bar. .PARAMETER AlarmInterval In what time interval to write warnings and send sound. .PARAMETER MinFrequency The minimum frequency of the beeps. Must be at least one lower than MaxFrequency. Increase delta to play random frequency sounds on each beep. .PARAMETER MaxFrequency The maximum frequency of the beeps. Must be at least one higher than MaxFrequency. Increase delta to play random frequency sounds on each beep. .EXAMPLE PS C:\> timer 170 Tea After 170 Duration give warning that the tea is ready. #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")] [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)] [Alias('Seconds')] [PSFDateTime] $Duration, [Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)] $Message, [Parameter(Position = 2)] [int] $AlarmCount = 25, [switch] $NoProgress, [int] $AlarmInterval = 250, [int] $MinFrequency = 2999, [int] $MaxFrequency = 3000 ) begin { $start = Get-Date $end = $Duration.Value function Get-FriendlyTime { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [int] $Seconds ) $tempSeconds = $Seconds $strings = @() if ($tempSeconds -gt 3599) { [int]$count = [math]::Floor(($tempSeconds / 3600)) $strings += "{0}h" -f $count $tempSeconds = $tempSeconds - ($count * 3600) } if ($tempSeconds -gt 59) { [int]$count = [math]::Floor(($tempSeconds / 60)) $strings += "{0}m" -f $count $tempSeconds = $tempSeconds - ($count * 60) } $strings += "{0}s" -f $tempSeconds $strings -join " " } } process { if (-not $NoProgress) { Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for $Message" -Status "Starting" -PercentComplete 0 } while ($end -gt (Get-Date)) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 500 if (-not $NoProgress) { $friendlyTime = Get-FriendlyTime -Seconds ($end - (Get-Date)).TotalSeconds [int]$percent = ((Get-Date) - $start).TotalSeconds / ($end - $start).TotalSeconds * 100 Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for $Message" -Status "Time remaining: $($friendlyTime)" -PercentComplete ([System.Math]::Min($percent, 100)) } } if (-not $NoProgress) { Write-Progress -Activity "Waiting for $Message" -Completed } $countAlarm = 0 while ($countAlarm -lt $AlarmCount) { Write-PSFHostColor -String "(<c='sub'>$countAlarm</c>) ### <c='em'>$($Message)</c> ###" [System.Console]::Beep((Get-Random -Minimum $MinFrequency -Maximum $MaxFrequency), $AlarmInterval) Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $AlarmInterval $countAlarm++ } } } Import-PSUAlias -Name "timer" -Command "Start-PSUTimer" |