function Get-Monitor { <# .SYNOPSIS Retrieves a list of monitors from Uptime Robot .DESCRIPTION Implements the GetMonitors endpoint of the Uptime Robot V2 API. .PARAMETER ApiKey The account or monitor ApiKey for your Uptime Robot account. .PARAMETER ID The ids of one or more monitors to retrieve. .PARAMETER Type One or more types of monitors to retrieve. .PARAMETER Status Filter monitor list by one or more status values. .PARAMETER Logs Retrieves the logs associated with each monitor. .PARAMETER ResponseTimes Retrieves the response times associated with each monitor. .PARAMETER AlertContacts Retrieves the alert contacts asssociated with each monitor. .EXAMPLE Get-URMonitor -ApiKey '12345-12345' Gets all configured monitors .EXAMPLE Get-URMonitor -ID 98765,87654 -ApiKey '12345-12345' Gets the monitors with ids '98765' and '87654' .EXAMPLE Get-URMonitor -Type HTTP -ApiKey '12345-12345' Gets all monitors with the HTTP type. .NOTES General notes #> Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$ApiKey, [int[]]$ID, [ValidateSet("HTTP","Keyword","Ping","Port")] [string[]]$Type, [ValidateSet("Paused","NotCheckedYet","Up","SeemsDown","Down")] [string[]]$Status, [switch]$Logs, [switch]$ResponseTimes, [switch]$AlertContacts ) Begin { [uri]$uri = "$urBaseUri/getMonitors" $body = "api_key=$ApiKey&format=json" if ( $ID ) { $body += "&monitors={0}" -f ( $ID -join "-" ) } if ( $Type ) { $body += "&types={0}" -f ( $Type.ForEach({ ([UptimeRobotMonitorType]::"$_").value__ }) -join "-" ) } if ( $Status ) { $body += "&statuses={0}" -f ( $Status.ForEach({ ([UptimeRobotMonitorStatus]::"$_").value__ }) -join "-" ) } if ( $Logs ) { $body += "&logs={0}" -f [int]$Logs.ToBool() } if ( $ResponseTimes ) { $body += "&response_Times={0}" -f [int]$ResponseTimes.ToBool() } if ( $AlertContacts ) { $body += "&alert_contacts={0}" -f [int]$AlertContacts.ToBool() } } Process { $result = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -UseBasicParsing -Uri $uri.AbsoluteUri -Body $body -ContentType "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" } End { Write-Output $result } } |