function Get-TwitterOauth_Authorize { <# .SYNOPSIS Authentication .DESCRIPTION GET oauth/authorize Allows a Consumer application to use an OAuth Request Token to request user authorization. This method fulfills Section 6.2 of the OAuth 1.0 authentication flow. Desktop applications must use this method (and cannot use GET oauth / authenticate). Usage Note: An oauth_callback is never sent to this method, provide it to POST oauth / request_token instead. .PARAMETER force_login Forces the user to enter their credentials to ensure the correct users account is authorized. .PARAMETER screen_name Prefills the username input box of the OAuth login screen with the given value. .NOTES This helper function was generated by the information provided here: #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [string]$force_login, [string]$screen_name ) Begin { [hashtable]$Parameters = $PSBoundParameters $CmdletBindingParameters | ForEach-Object { $Parameters.Remove($_) } [string]$Method = 'GET' [string]$Resource = '/oauth/authorize' [string]$ResourceUrl = '' } Process { If (-Not $OAuthSettings) { $OAuthSettings = Get-TwitterOAuthSettings -Resource $Resource } Invoke-TwitterAPI -Method $Method -ResourceUrl $ResourceUrl -Resource $Resource -Parameters $Parameters -OAuthSettings $OAuthSettings } End { } } |