$moduleName = "PSToggl" #$env:ModuleName $PSVersion = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major $repository = Resolve-Path "$PSScriptRoot\.." $moduleRoot = "$repository\$moduleName" $scripts = Get-ChildItem $repository -Filter "*.ps1" -Recurse | Where-Object {$ -NotMatch "Tests.ps1"} $modules = Get-ChildItem $repository -Filter "*.psm1" -Recurse $rules = Get-ScriptAnalyzerRule $appveyorFile = "$repository\appveyor.yml" Describe "General code style compliance" { foreach ($module in $modules) { Context "Module '$($module.FullName)'" { foreach ($rule in $rules) { It "passes the PSScriptAnalyzer Rule $rule" { if (-not ($module.BaseName -match "AppVeyor") -and -not ($rule.Rulename -in @("PSReviewUnusedParameter")) ) { (Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $module.FullName -IncludeRule $rule.RuleName ).Count | Should Be 0 } } } } } foreach ($Script in $scripts) { Context "Script '$($script.FullName)'" { foreach ($rule in $rules) { It "passes the PSScriptAnalyzer Rule $rule" { if (-not ($module.BaseName -match "AppVeyor") -and -not ($rule.Rulename -in @("PSAvoidUsingWriteHost", "PSReviewUnusedParameter")) ) { $result = Invoke-ScriptAnalyzer -Path $script.FullName -IncludeRule $rule.RuleName $result.Message | ? {$_} | % { Write-Host $_ } $result.Count | Should Be 0 } } } } } } Describe "$moduleName on PowerShell $PSVersion" { Context "Module manifest" { #Stolen from Dave Wyatt $script:manifest = $null It "Passes Test-ModuleManifest" { { $script:manifest = Test-ModuleManifest -Path "$moduleRoot\$moduleName.psd1" -ErrorAction Stop -WarningAction SilentlyContinue } | Should Not Throw } It "Includes the correct root module" { $script:manifest.RootModule | Should Be "$moduleName.psm1" } It "Includes the correct GUID" { $true#$script:manifest.Guid | Should Be "" } It "Includes a valid version" { $script:manifest.Version -as [version] | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } } Context "appveyor configuration" { It "Is present in the directory root" { $appveyorFile | Should Exist } foreach ($line in (Get-Content $appveyorFile)) { if ($line -match "^\D*(?<Version>(\d+\.){1,3}\d+).\{build\}") { $appveyorVersion = $matches.Version break } } It "Includes the module version" { $appveyorVersion | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty $appveyorVersion -as [Version] | Should Not BeNullOrEmpty } It "Matches manifest version" { $appveyorVersion -as [Version] | Should Be ($script:manifest.Version -as [Version]) } } Context "Testing Environment" { # Public tests Get-ChildItem -Path "$moduleRoot\Public" -Filter "*.ps1" -Recurse | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -notlike "*.Tests.ps1"} | ForEach-Object { It "Includes a test for $($_.Name)" { $_.FullName -replace ".ps1", ".Tests.ps1" -replace "PSToggl\\Public", "Tests\PSToggl\Public" | Should Exist } } # Private tests Get-ChildItem -Path "$moduleRoot\Private" -Filter "*.ps1" -Recurse | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.Name -notlike "*.Tests.ps1"} | ForEach-Object { It "Includes a test for $($_.Name)" { $_.FullName -replace ".ps1", ".Tests.ps1" -replace "PSToggl\\Private", "Tests\PSToggl\Private" | Should Exist } } } } |