using module .\PSTerraformParser-Classes.psm1 function Get-ModuleNames { param( [parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)] [string] $string ) process { $output = @() $sendIt = $false foreach ($element in $string.split(".")) { if ($true -eq $sendIt) { $output += $element } $sendIt = $element -eq "module" } Write-Output ($output -join '.') } } function Read-TerraformPlan { param( # Specifies a path to one or more locations. [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [Alias("PSPath")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $Path ) begin { $noChangesStr = 'No changes. Infrastructure is up-to-date.' $contentStartStr = 'Terraform will perform the following actions:' $contentEndStr = 'Plan:' $changesSeperator = ' => ' $newResourceForced = ' (forces new resource)' $actionMapping = @{ '+' = [action]::create '-' = [action]::destroy '-/+' = [action]::replace '~' = [action]::update '<=' = [action]::read } } process { $Data = Get-Content $Path $result = [terraformplan]::new() # error out if no start is found if (($data -match "^$contentStartStr").count -eq 0) { $result.errors += [error]@{ code = "UNABLE_TO_FIND_STARTING_POSITION_WITHIN_FILE" message = "Did not find magic starting string: $contentStartStr" } return $result } # error out if no end is found if (($data -match "^$contentEndStr").count -eq 0) { $result.errors += [error]@{ code = "UNABLE_TO_FIND_ENDING_POSITION_WITHIN_FILE" message = "Did not find magic ending string: $contentEndStr" } return $result } # return empty result because no changes were found if ($data -match $noChangesStr) { return $result } $startDetected = $false $newResource = $true foreach ($line in $data) { # start processing since we've found the start if ($false -eq $startDetected -and $line -match "^$contentStartStr") { $startDetected = $true continue } # stop if at the end if ($startDetected -and $line -match "^$contentEndStr") { break; } if ($true -eq $startDetected) { # ignore blanks lines and start new resources if ([string]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($line)) { if ($null -ne $changedResource) { if ($changedResource.action -eq [action]::read) { $result.changedDataSources += $changedResource } else { $result.changedResources += $changedResource } $changedResource = $null } $newResource = $true continue } # process new resources if ($true -eq $newResource) { $newResource = $false $changedResource = [change]::new() if ($line -match '^ *(?<action>[\+\-\/~<=]+) (?<resource>\S+)(( \(((?<tainted>tainted)|(?<newresource>new resource required))\))*)?') { $changedResource.action = $actionMapping[$matches.action] $changedResource.path = $matches.resource $resourceComponents = $matches.resource.Split(".") $ = $resourceComponents[-1] $changedResource.type = $resourceComponents[-2] $changedResource.tainted = (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($matches.tainted)) $changedResource.newResourceRequired = (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($matches.newresource)) $changedResource.module = $changedResource.path | Get-ModuleNames } else { $result.errors += [error]@{ code = "UNABLE_TO_PARSE_CHANGE_LINE" message = "Unable to parse '$line' (ignoring)" } } } # add properties to new resource if ($null -ne $changedResource -and $line -match '^ +(?<attribute>\S+): *(?<value>.+)') { $attributechanges = [changedattribute]::new() $old, $new = $matches.Value.split("=>").trim() $attributechanges.old = [attributevalue]::new($old) if ($null -ne $new) { $ = [attributevalue]::new($new) } $attributechanges.forcesNewResource = $value -match ' \(forces new resource\) *$' $attribute = @{$matches.attribute = $attributechanges } $changedResource.changedAttributes += $attribute } } } return $result } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Read-TerraformPlan |