function Expand-TemplateFileContent { [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] #The base directory to start searching in [string[]]$SearchDirectory, #If set, then template files are not deleted after the template file is expanded and written to a new file [switch]$DoNotDeleteTemplateFiles, #The file extension of files to treat as templates [string[]]$Extension = '.pstemplate', [string[]]$ExtensionsToStrip = '.pstemplate', #File patterns to exclude from template expansion operations [string[]]$ExcludeFiles, [scriptblock]$Transform = (Get-Item Function:\Expand-Template).ScriptBlock, [ref]$TotalExpansions ) $totalExpansionCount = 0 $dirsToRename = @{} Get-ChildItem -Path $SearchDirectory -Include ($Extension|% {"*$($_)"}) -Recurse | Where-Object { (Text-NotLikePatterns -Text $_.FullName -Patterns $ExcludeFiles)} | Foreach-Object { #By default files will be overwritten $destination = $_.Fullname #If the current file should have its extension stripped, strip it if($ExtensionsToStrip -contains ([io.path]::GetExtension($_.FullName))) { $destination = Join-Path (Split-Path $_.FullName -Parent) ([io.path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_.FullName)) } $sourceDir = (Split-Path $destination -Parent) #Perform any replacements on the filename itself $pathExpansions = 0 $destination = $destination | & $Transform -TotalExpansions ([ref]$pathExpansions) if($pathExpansions) { Write-Host "`tExpanded tokens in file path ($pathExpansions total expansions) $($_.FullName) to $destination" } #Check if the destination directory has changed due to template replacements $destDir = (Split-Path $destination -Parent) if(-not (Test-Path $destDir)) { mkdir $destDir -force $dirsToRename[$sourceDir] = $destDir } $contentExpansions = 0 if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($_.FullName, "Expand template to $destination")) { & $Transform -Path $_.FullName -Destination $destination -TotalExpansions ([ref]$contentExpansions) if(-not $contentExpansions) { Write-Host "`tNo template expansions found in $($_.FullName)" } else { Write-Host "`tExpanded template ($contentExpansions total expansions) $($_.FullName) to $destination" } } if(-not $DoNotDeleteTemplateFiles -and $_.FullName -notlike $destination -and (Test-Path -LiteralPath $_.FullName) -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($_.FullName, 'Delete template file')) { $null = Remove-ItemToTrash $_.FullName Write-Host "`tDeleted template file $($_.FullName)" } if($TotalExpansions) { $TotalExpansions.Value += $contentExpansions + $pathExpansions } } #Remove dirs that have had name changes foreach($sourceDest in $dirsToRename.GetEnumerator()) { #Move all files $result = robocopy $sourceDest.Name $sourceDest.Value /MOV if($LASTEXITCODE -gt 7) { throw ("Failed to robo copy {0} to {1}`n " -f $sourceDest.Name ,$sourceDest.Value,$result) } $null = Remove-ItemToTrash $sourceDest.Name } } function Text-NotLikePatterns { param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true)] [string]$Text, [string[]]$Patterns ) $val = $true $Patterns | Where-Object { $Text -like $_} | % { $val = $false; } $val } |