Import-Module "$PSScriptRoot\..\PSTemplate" -Force -DisableNameChecking #region----------TEST DATA $MultilineStringTemplate = @" line 1: {{Token1}} line 2: {{Token2}} "@ $MultilineStringWithBlanksTemplate = @" line 1: {{Token1}} line 2: {{Token2}} "@ $HashTableWithAllKeys = @{ Token1 = "Value1" Token2 = "Value2" } $MultilineStringFullyFilled = @" line 1: Value1 line 2: Value2 "@ $MultilineStringWithBlanksFullyFilled = @" line 1: Value1 line 2: Value2 "@ $HashTableWithLessKeys = @{ Token1 = "Value1" } $MultilineStringLessFilled = @" line 1: Value1 line 2: {{Token2}} "@ $SingleLineStringTemplate = "Token 1: {{Token1}}; Token 2: {{Token2}}" $SingleLineStringFullyFilled = "Token 1: Value1; Token 2: Value2" $SingleLineStringLessFilled = "Token 1: Value1; Token 2: {{Token2}}" $MultiLineTextFileTemplate = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\MultilineTextFile.template" $MultiLineTextFileFullyFilled = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\MultilineTextFile.FullyFilled" $MultiLineTextFileWithBlanksTemplate = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\MultilineTextFileWithBlanks.template" $MultiLineTextFileWithBlanksFullyFilled = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\MultilineTextFileWithBlanks.FullyFilled" $MultiLineTextFileLessFilled = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\MultilineTextFile.LessFilled" #endregion------- #region----------TESTS Describe "Invoke-PSTemplate" { Context "Multi-line string" { It "replaces all {{<>}} tokens in a single multi-line string with values in a hash table that contains all tokens as keys" { Invoke-PSTemplate -Template $MultilineStringTemplate -Variables $HashTableWithAllKeys | Should Be $MultilineStringFullyFilled } It "replaces all {{<>}} tokens in a single multi-line string, including blank lines, with values in a hash table that contains all tokens as keys" { Invoke-PSTemplate -Template $MultilineStringWithBlanksTemplate -Variables $HashTableWithAllKeys | Should Be $MultilineStringWithBlanksFullyFilled {Invoke-PSTemplate -Template $MultilineStringWithBlanksTemplate -Variables $HashTableWithAllKeys} | Should Not Throw } It "replaces some {{<>}} tokens in a single multi-line string with values in a hash table that contains some tokens as keys" { Invoke-PSTemplate -Template $MultilineStringTemplate -Variables $HashTableWithLessKeys | Should Be $MultilineStringLessFilled } It "returns an array of the same size as the input" { (Invoke-PSTemplate -Template $MultilineStringTemplate -Variables $HashTableWithAllKeys).Count | Should Be $MultilineStringTemplate.Count } } Context "Single-line string"{ It "replaces all {{<>}} tokens in a single single-line string with values in a hash table that contains all tokens as keys" { Invoke-PSTemplate -Template $SingleLineStringTemplate -Variables $HashTableWithAllKeys | Should Be $SingleLineStringFullyFilled } It "replaces some {{<>}} tokens in a single single-line string with values in a hash table that contains some tokens as keys" { Invoke-PSTemplate -Template $SingleLineStringTemplate -Variables $HashTableWithLessKeys | Should Be $SingleLineStringLessFilled } It "returns an array of the same size as the input" { (Invoke-PSTemplate -Template $SingleLineStringTemplate -Variables $HashTableWithAllKeys).Count | Should Be $SingleLineStringFullyFilled.Count } } Context "Multi-line text file" { It "replaces all {{<>}} tokens in a single multi-line text file with values in a hash table that contains all tokens as keys" { Invoke-PSTemplate -Template $MultiLineTextFileTemplate -Variables $HashTableWithAllKeys | Should Be $MultiLineTextFileFullyFilled } It "replaces all {{<>}} tokens in a single multi-line text file, including blank lines, with values in a hash table that contains all tokens as keys" { # pester 3 is funky with arrays, blank entries and pipes. As we're explictly testing blank lines in an array here, we need to deal with it # instead of comparing the arrays, join the arrays in the same way. They should then be the same if the original arrays were the same $Filled = Invoke-PSTemplate -Template $MultiLineTextFileWithBlanksTemplate -Variables $HashTableWithAllKeys $FilledJoined = $Filled -join "`n" $TargetJoined = $MultiLineTextFileWithBlanksFullyFilled -join "`n" $FilledJoined | Should Be $TargetJoined $Filled.Count | Should Be $MultiLineTextFileWithBlanksFullyFilled.Count {Invoke-PSTemplate -Template $MultiLineTextFileWithBlanksTemplate -Variables $HashTableWithAllKeys} | Should Not Throw } It "replaces some {{<>}} tokens in a single multi-line text file with values in a hash table that contains some tokens as keys" { Invoke-PSTemplate -Template $MultiLineTextFileTemplate -Variables $HashTableWithLessKeys | Should Be $MultiLineTextFileLessFilled } It "returns an array of the same size as the input" { (Invoke-PSTemplate -Template $MultiLineTextFileTemplate -Variables $HashTableWithAllKeys).Count | Should Be $MultiLineTextFileTemplate.Count } } } Describe "Fill-Template" { It "is an alias of Invoke-PSTemplate" { (get-alias -Name "Fill-Template").ReferencedCommand.Name | Should Be "Invoke-PSTemplate" } It "has the same functionality as Invoke-PSTemplate (replaces all {{<>}} tokens in a single multi-line string with values in a hash table that contains all tokens as keys)" { Fill-Template -Template $MultilineStringTemplate -Variables $HashTableWithAllKeys | Should Be $MultilineStringFullyFilled } } #endregion------- |