
function Start-MonitorTemperature
        Continuously monitors all available temperature sensors. Requires Administrator privileges. Press CTRL+C to stop monitoring.
        Uses the OpenHardwareMonitor library to continuously read all temperature sensors. Command refreshes values per second and calculates average temperature across all sensors.
        Starts the temperature sensor monitoring. Press CTRL+C to stop monitoring.
        Start-MonitorTemperature -Interval 10 | Format-Table
        Starts the temperature sensor monitoring and refreshes every 10 seconds. Results are displayed as a table.
        Press CTRL+C to stop monitoring.
        Start-MonitorTemperature -Interval 5 | Out-GridView -Title 'Temperature Monitor'
        Starts the temperature sensor monitoring and refreshes every 5 seconds. Results are displayed in a separate GridView window.
        Press CTRL+C to stop monitoring.

        # Monitoring interval in seconds. Default is 1 second. When you specify 0, the results are returned, and no monitoring occurs.

Add-Type -Path "$PSScriptRoot\binaries\OpenHardwareMonitorLib.dll"

$isAdmin = ([Security.Principal.WindowsPrincipal] `
  [Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent() `

if (!$isAdmin)
    Write-Warning 'You need to run with Administrator privileges in order to read hardware details.'

    $HardwareMonitor = [OpenHardwareMonitor.Hardware.Computer]::new()
    $HardwareMonitor.CPUEnabled = $true
    $HardwareMonitor.HDDEnabled = $true

    Write-Warning "HardwareMonitor opened."
            $result = [Ordered]@{
                Time = Get-Date -Format HH:mm:ss
            $numberSensors = 0
            $sumTemperature = 0
            $HardwareMonitor.Hardware.Sensors | 
            Where-Object SensorType -eq Temperature |
            ForEach-Object {
                $sumTemperature+=$_.Value -as [int]
                $name = '{0} {1}' -f $_.Hardware.HardwareType, $_.Name.Replace($_.Hardware.HardwareType.ToString(),'').Trim()
                $result[$name] = $_.Value -as [int]
            $result['Average'] = ($sumTemperature/$numberSensors) -as [int]
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $Interval
        } while ($true -and ($interval -ne 0))
        Write-Warning "HardwareMonitor closed."