if ($myinvocation.line -match "-verbose") { $saved = $VerbosePreference $VerbosePreference = "continue" } #dot source teaching commands and tools Write-Verbose "loading vegatables.ps1" . $PSScriptRoot\code\Vegetables.ps1 #create a global variable with PLU data Write-Verbose "Creating `$vegetableplu" $pluPath = Join-Path "$PSScriptRoot\Code" -ChildPath plu.csv if (Test-Path -path $pluPath ) { $global:vegetableplu = Import-Csv -path $pluPath } else { Write-Warning "PSTeachingTools: Failed to find $pluPath" } #region create some vegetable objects and store them in a global list Write-Verbose "Defining `$myvegetables" $global:myvegetables = [System.Collections.Generic.list[PSTeachingTools.PSVegetable]]::new() $rawPath = Join-Path -path "$PSScriptRoot\Code" -ChildPath rawveggies.json if (Test-Path -path $rawPath) { Write-Verbose "Converting vegetable data from $Rawpath" $raw = Get-Content -Path $rawpath | ConvertFrom-Json $raw | New-Vegetable Write-Verbose "Updating vegetables" foreach ($item in $global:myvegetables) { $raw.where({$_.upc -eq $item.upc}) | Set-Vegetable } } else { Write-Warning "Failed to find $rawpath" } #endregion Write-Verbose "loading Start-TypedDemo.ps1" . $PSScriptRoot\Code\Start-TypedDemo.ps1 #reset verbose preference $VerbosePreference = $saved |