#region object definitions #enumerations for a few of the class properties Enum Status { Raw Boiled Steamed Sauteed Fried Baked Roasted Grilled } Enum VegColor { green red white yellow orange purple brown } #a class to define a new type of object Class Vegetable { #properties [string]$Name [int]$Count = (Get-Random -minimum 1 -maximum 20) [int]$UPC [Status]$CookedState [boolean]$IsRoot [boolean]$IsPeeled [VegColor]$Color #methods [void]Peel() { $this.IsPeeled = $True } [void]Prepare([status]$State) { $this.CookedState = $State } #constructors Vegetable ([string]$Name, [boolean]$IsRoot, [vegcolor]$Color, [int]$UPC) { $ = $Name $this.IsRoot = $IsRoot $this.Color = $Color $this.upc = $UPC } #an empty constructor Vegetable () { } } #endregion #region some functions for working with vegetable objects Function Get-Vegetable { [cmdletbinding()] [OutputType("vegetable")] [alias("gveg")] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [string]$Name, [switch]$RootOnly ) Begin { Write-Verbose "[BEGIN ] Starting: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" } Process { if ($name -AND $RootOnly) { Write-Verbose "[PROCESS] Getting vegetable $name where it is a root vegetable" ($global:myvegetables).where( {($_.IsRoot) -And ($ -like $name)}) # $global:myvegetables | where {($_.IsRoot) -And ($ -like $name)} } elseif ($Name) { Write-Verbose "[PROCESS] Getting vegetable $name" $result = ($global:myvegetables).where( {$ -like $name}) if ($result) { $result } else { Throw "Can't find a vegetable with the name $Name" } } elseif ($RootOnly) { Write-Verbose "[PROCESS] Getting root vegetables only" ($global:myvegetables).where( {$_.IsRoot}) } else { Write-Verbose "[PROCESS] Getting all vegetables" $global:myvegetables } } End { Write-Verbose "[END ] Ending: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" } } Function Set-Vegetable { [cmdletbinding(SupportsShouldProcess, DefaultParameterSetName = "name")] [OutputType("None","Vegetable")] [Alias("sveg")] Param( [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ParameterSetName = "input")] [Vegetable[]]$InputObject, [Parameter(Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName,ParameterSetName = "name")] [string]$Name, [int]$Count, [status]$CookingState, [switch]$Passthru ) Begin { Write-Verbose "[BEGIN ] Starting: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" } #begin Process { if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'name') { $inputObject = Get-Vegetable -Name $Name Write-Verbose "[PROCESS] Modifying $name" } else { Write-Verbose "[PROCESS] Modifying $($" } foreach ($item in $InputObject) { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ { if ($CookingState) { $item.Prepare($CookingState) } if ($count ) { $item.count = $count } if ($Passthru) { $item } } } #foreach } End { Write-Verbose "[END ] Ending: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" } #end } Function New-Vegetable { [cmdletbinding()] [OutputType("none","Vegetable")] [alias("nveg")] Param( [Parameter( Position = 0, Mandatory, HelpMessage = "What is the vegetable name?", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [string]$Name, [Parameter( Position = 1, Mandatory, HelpMessage = "What is the vegetable color?", ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )] [ValidateNotNullorEmpty()] [vegcolor]$Color, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [ValidateRange(1, 20)] [int]$Count = 1, [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)] [switch]$Root, [switch]$Passthru ) Begin { Write-Verbose "[BEGIN ] Starting: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" } Process { #display PSBoundparameters formatted nicely for Verbose output [string]$pb = ($PSBoundParameters | Format-Table -AutoSize | Out-String).TrimEnd() Write-Verbose "[BEGIN ] PSBoundparameters: `n$($pb.split("`n").Foreach({"$("`t"*4)$_"}) | Out-String) `n" #get a new code $codes = (Get-Vegetable).UPC do { $upc = Get-Random -Minimum 4000 -Maximum 5000} until ($codes -notcontains $upc) $veggie = [vegetable]::new($name, $Root, $color, $UPC) if ($veggie) { $veggie.count = $Count $global:myvegetables += $veggie if ($passthru) { write-output $veggie } } else { Write-Warning "Oops. Something unexpected happened." } } #process End { Write-Verbose "[END ] Ending: $($MyInvocation.Mycommand)" } #end } #endregion #region create some vegetable objects and store them in a global array $global:myvegetables = @() New-Vegetable -name "corn" -color yellow -count (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 20) New-Vegetable -name "tomato" -color red -count (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 20) New-Vegetable -name "cucumber" -color green -count (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 20) New-Vegetable -name "carrot" -Root -color orange -count (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 20) New-Vegetable -name "radish" -root -color red -count (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 20) New-Vegetable -name "peas" -color green -count (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 20) New-Vegetable -name "turnip" -Root -color purple -count (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 20) New-Vegetable -name "potato" -root -color brown -count (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 20) New-Vegetable -name "broccoli" -color green -count (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 20) New-Vegetable -name "zucchini" -color green -count (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 20) New-Vegetable -name "spinach" -color green -count (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 20) New-Vegetable -name "cauliflower" -color white -count (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 20) New-Vegetable -name "pepper" -color green -count (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 20) New-Vegetable -name "pepper" -color red -count (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 20) New-Vegetable -name "pepper" -color yellow -count (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 20) New-Vegetable -name "eggplant" -color purple -count (Get-Random -Minimum 1 -Maximum 20) #modify the state of some of the vegetables to provide a variety of properties Set-Vegetable -name pepper -cookingstate sauteed Set-Vegetable -name potato -cookingstate fried Set-Vegetable -name broccoli -cookingstate steamed Set-Vegetable -name peas -cookingstate steamed Set-Vegetable -name corn -cookingstate roasted Set-Vegetable -name turnip -cookingstate boiled Set-Vegetable -name cauliflower -cookingstate steamed Set-Vegetable -name eggplant -cookingstate fried #endregion |