New-Alias SPK Speak $User = $env:USERPROFILE $Desktop = $User + "\desktop" <#.Synopsis The Speak function allows you to use PowerShell to speak. .DESCRIPTION -Text: Allows you to type the text to speak -Volume: Use it to select a specific volume 'from 0 to 100) -Speed: Use it to select a specific speed 'from -10 to 10) -Voice: Use it to choose which language to use -Generate: Use it to generate a script on your desktop that will use your configuration -Resume: Use to add a short resume about selected options Speak cmdlet using with all parameters speak -Text "Let us play with PowerShell" -volume 60 -speed 3 -voice -generate -resume You can also use a pipeline with the speak cmdlet as below: "Let us play with PowerShell" | speak OR "Let us play with PowerShell" | spk .EXAMPLE PS Root\> speak -Text "Let us play with PowerShell" The command above will tell the following text: "Let us play with PowerShell" It will use the default volume and speed values (40 and 0) It will use the default selected language .EXAMPLE PS Root\> speak -Text "Let us play with PowerShell" -volume 60 -speed 3 The command above will tell the following text: "Let us play with PowerShell" It will use following volume and speed values (60 and 3) It will use the default selected language .EXAMPLE PS Root\> speak -Text "Let us play with PowerShell" -volume 60 -speed 3 -voice The command above will tell the following text: "Let us play with PowerShell" It will use following volume and speed values (60 and 3) It will display available voices on your computer and let you choose which language to use .EXAMPLE PS Root\> speak -Text "Let us play with PowerShell" -volume 60 -speed 3 -voice -generate The command above will tell the following text: "Let us play with PowerShell" It will use following volume and speed values (60 and 3) It will display available voices on your computer and let you choose which language to use It will generate a script on your desktop, My_Speech_Script.ps1, using your choices .NOTES Author: Damien VAN ROBAEYS - @syst_and_deploy - #> Function Speak { [CmdletBinding()] Param( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true,ValueFromPipeline=$true, position=1)] [string] $Text, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,Position=1)] [int] $Speed, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,Position=1)] [int] $Volume, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,Position=1)] [switch] $Voice, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,Position=1)] [switch] $Generate, [Parameter(Mandatory=$False,Position=1)] [switch] $Resume ) Begin { Try { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.speech $Global:Talk = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer If ($Voice) { $List_Languages = $Talk.GetInstalledVoices().VoiceInfo $lang_Count = $List_Languages.count write-host "" write-host "***********************************************************************" write-host " VOICE SELECTION" -foregroundcolor "Green" write-host "***********************************************************************" write-host "" $Lang_Choice = @{} for ($i=1;$i -le $List_Languages.count; $i++) { Write-Host "$i. $($List_Languages[$i-1].name)" - "$($List_Languages[$i-1].Culture)" - "$($List_Languages[$i-1].Gender)" -foregroundcolor "Cyan" $Lang_Choice.Add($i,($List_Languages[$i-1].name)) } [int]$MyLang = Read-Host "Please select which language to select to speak your text" write-host "" $Lang = $Lang_Choice.Item($MyLang) } } Catch { write-host "" write-host "" write-host "***********************************************" write-host "Can not load the System Speech assembly" -foregroundcolor "Yellow" write-host "***********************************************" write-host "" exit } } Process { Add-Type -AssemblyName System.speech $Global:Talk = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer If (-not $Speed) { $Talk.Rate = "0" } Else { $Speed = "0" $Talk.Rate = $Speed } If (-not $Volume) { $Volume = "40" $Talk.Volume = "40" } Else { $Talk.Volume = $Volume } If (-not $Voice) { $Lang = ($Talk.voice).name } $Talk.SelectVoice($Lang) $Talk.Speak($Text) } end { If ($Generate) { $Generate_ps1 = "True" $Script_File = "$Desktop\My_Speech_Script.ps1" New-Item $Script_File -type file Add-Content $Script_File "#Load assembly" Add-Content $Script_File 'Add-Type -AssemblyName System.speech' Add-Content $Script_File '$Talk = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer' Add-Content $Script_File "" Add-Content $Script_File "# Set the selectd voice" Add-Content $Script_File ('$Talk.SelectVoice' + "('" + "$Lang" + "')") Add-Content $Script_File "" Add-Content $Script_File "# Set the speed value" Add-Content $Script_File ('$Talk.Rate = ' + '"' + "$Speed" + '"') Add-Content $Script_File "" Add-Content $Script_File "# Set the volume value" Add-Content $Script_File ('$Talk.Volume = ' + '"' + "$Volume" + '"') Add-Content $Script_File "" Add-Content $Script_File "# Set the text to speak" Add-Content $Script_File ('$Talk.Speak(' + '"' + "$Text" + '")') } Else { $Generate_ps1 = "False" } If ($Resume) { write-host "" write-host "***********************************************************************" write-host " VOICE RESUME SELECTION" -foregroundcolor "Green" write-host "***********************************************************************" write-host "" write-host "Volume: $Volume" -foregroundcolor "Cyan" write-host "Speed: $Speed" -foregroundcolor "Cyan" write-host "Voice: $Lang" -foregroundcolor "Cyan" write-host "Text: $Text" -foregroundcolor "Cyan" write-host "Generate script: $Generate_ps1" -foregroundcolor "Cyan" } } } |