#Requires -RunAsAdministrator Function Remove-UserProfile{ <# .SYNOPSIS Removes specified user profile from a local or remote machine using Invoke-Command .PARAMETER Profile The profile you wish to remove from the workstation .PARAMETER Computername The remote computer(s) you wish to remove profiles from .EXAMPLE Remove-UserProfile -Profile demouser1 .EXAMPLE Remove-UserProfile -Profile demouser1,demouser2 .EXAMPLE Remove-UserProfile -Computername wrkstn01 -Profile demouser1 .EXAMPLE Remove-UserProfile -Computername wrkstn01,wrkstn02 -Profile demouser1 #> [cmdletBinding()] Param( [parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [Alias('Username','SAMAccountName')] [string] $Profile, [parameter(Mandatory=$false,Position=1)] [array] $Computername ) Begin {} Process { #Work with a remote machine. If($Computername) { Foreach($computer in $Computername) { Try { Foreach($p in $Profile) { Get-CimInstance -Computername $Computer win32_userprofile | Select-Object SID,LocalPath | Where-Object { $_.localpath -match "$p" } -ErrorAction Stop | Remove-CimInstance -ErrorAction Stop }#end foreach }#end try Catch { return $_.Exception.Message }#end catch }#end foreach }#end if #Working with the local machine. Else { foreach($p in $Profile){ Try{ Get-CimInstance win32_userprofile | Select-Object SID,LocalPath | Where-Object { $_.localpath -match "$p" } | Remove-CimInstance } Catch{ return $_.Exception.Message } } } } End {} } |