
Function Get-UsersAndLogOffComputers {

    #requires -RunAsAdministrator
    #requires -Version 3.0

        This will check to see if a user is logged on to a server and if specified, log them off.
        For updated help and examples refer to -Online version.
        This will check to see if a user is logged on to a server and if specified, log them off.
        For updated help and examples refer to -Online version.
        Name: Get-UsersAndLogOffComputers
        Author: The Sysadmin Channel
        Version: 1.01
        DateCreated: 2017-Apr-01
        DateUpdated: 2017-Apr-09
    .LINK -
        For updated help and examples refer to -Online version.






        BEGIN {
            $ErrorLogFile = "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\Get-UsersAndLogOffComputers.txt"
            if (Test-Path $ErrorLogFile) {Remove-Item $ErrorLogFile}

        PROCESS {
                try {
                        $ExplorerProcess = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "Name = 'explorer.exe'" -ComputerName $Computer -ErrorAction Stop

                        $ExplorerProcess = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "Name = 'explorer.exe'"  -ErrorAction Stop

                    if ($ExplorerProcess) {
                        $ExplorerProcess = $ExplorerProcess.GetOwner().User
                        foreach ($Person in $ExplorerProcess) {
                            if ($Username -eq $Person) {
                                $Session = (query session $Username /Server:$Computer | Select-String -Pattern $Username -EA Stop).ToString().Trim()
                                $Session = $Session -replace '\s+', ' '
                                $Session = $Session -replace '>', ''

                                if ($Session.Split(' ')[2] -cne "Disc") {
                                    $Properties = @{Computer  = $Computer
                                            Username  = $Username.Replace('{}','')
                                            Session   = $Session.Split(' ')[0]
                                            SessionID = $Session.Split(' ')[2]
                                            State     = $Session.Split(' ')[3]
                                else {
                                    $Properties = @{Computer  = $Computer
                                        Username  = $Username.Replace('{}','')
                                        Session   = 'Idle'
                                        SessionID = $Session.Split(' ')[1]
                                        State     = 'Disconnected'

                                $Object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property $Properties | Select-Object Computer, Username, State, Session, SessionID

                catch {
                    $ErrorMessage = $Computer + " Error: " + $_.Exception.Message

                finally {
                    if ($ErrorMessage -and $LogErrors) {
                            Write-Output $ErrorMessage | Out-File $ErrorLogFile -Append
                            $ErrorMessage = $null

                    if ($Logoff -and $Object.SessionID) {
                        LogOff.exe /server:$Computer $Object.SessionID

            return $Object

        END {}
