#Region '.\Private\Get-ConfigurationPath.ps1' 0 function Get-ConfigurationPath { <# TODO update help .SYNOPSIS returns hashtable object with the BaseURL, SepCloudCreds, SepCloudToken full path .DESCRIPTION .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS Hashtable #> @{ BaseUrl = "" $ServerAddress = Read-Host -Prompt "Value" SepCloudCreds = "$env:TEMP\SepCloudOAuthCredentials.xml" CachedTokenPath = "$env:TEMP\SepCloudCachedToken.xml" } } #EndRegion '.\Private\Get-ConfigurationPath.ps1' 20 #Region '.\Private\Get-RestError.ps1' 0 function Get-RestError($Err) { #Allows backwards compatibility with older versions of Powershell if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { if ($Err.Exception.Response) { $Reader = New-Object System.IO.StreamReader($Err.Exception.Response.GetResponseStream()) $Reader.BaseStream.Position = 0 $Reader.DiscardBufferedData() $ResponseBody = $Reader.ReadToEnd() if ($ResponseBody.StartsWith('{')) { $ResponseBody = $ResponseBody | ConvertFrom-Json } return $ResponseBody } else { return $Err.ErrorDetails.Message } } } #EndRegion '.\Private\Get-RestError.ps1' 18 #Region '.\Private\Get-RestErrorDetails.ps1' 0 Function Get-RestErrorDetails { <# .SYNOPSIS Provides basic Rest Error Information from the API call in the event that the REST API call could not be performed successfully. .EXAMPLE try{ Invoke-RestMethod -Method GET -URI $URI -headers $headers }catch{ Get-RestErrorDetails } #> "An error was found with this command. Please review the resultant error for details." "Error Code:" + $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.Value__ + " " + $_.Exception.Response.ReasonPhrase "Error Message: " + $_ } #EndRegion '.\Private\Get-RestErrorDetails.ps1' 17 #Region '.\Private\Import-SepmConfiguration.ps1' 0 function Import-SepmConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Loads in the default configuration values, and then updates the individual properties with values that may exist in a file. .DESCRIPTION Loads in the default configuration values, and then updates the individual properties with values that may exist in a file. The Git repo for this module can be found here: .PARAMETER Path The file that may or may not exist with a serialized version of the configuration values for this module. .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject .NOTES Internal helper method. No side-effects. .EXAMPLE Import-SepmConfiguration -Path 'c:\foo\config.json' Creates a new default config object and updates its values with any that are found within a deserialized object from the content in $Path. The configuration object is then returned. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $Path ) # Create a configuration object with all the default values. We can then update the values # with any that we find on disk. $config = [PSCustomObject]@{ 'ServerAddress' = '' 'port' = '8446' 'domain' = '' } $jsonObject = Read-SepmConfiguration -Path $Path Get-Member -InputObject $config -MemberType NoteProperty | ForEach-Object { $name = $_.Name $type = $config.$name.GetType().Name $config.$name = Resolve-PropertyValue -InputObject $jsonObject -Name $name -Type $type -DefaultValue $config.$name } return $config } #EndRegion '.\Private\Import-SepmConfiguration.ps1' 55 #Region '.\Private\Read-SepmConfiguration.ps1' 0 function Read-SepmConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Loads in the default configuration values and returns the deserialized object. .DESCRIPTION Loads in the default configuration values and returns the deserialized object. The Git repo for this module can be found here: .PARAMETER Path The file that may or may not exist with a serialized version of the configuration values for this module. .OUTPUTS PSCustomObject .NOTES Internal helper method. No side-effects. .EXAMPLE Read-SepmConfiguration -Path 'c:\foo\config.json' Returns back an object with the deserialized object contained in the specified file, if it exists and is valid. #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [string] $Path ) $content = Get-Content -Path $Path -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction Ignore if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($content)) { try { return ($content | ConvertFrom-Json) } catch { $message = 'The configuration file for this module is in an invalid state. Use Reset-SepmConfiguration to recover.' Write-Warning -Message $message } } return [PSCustomObject]@{} } #EndRegion '.\Private\Read-SepmConfiguration.ps1' 45 #Region '.\Private\Resolve-PropertyValue.ps1' 0 function Resolve-PropertyValue { <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the requested property from the provided object, if it exists and is a valid value. Otherwise, returns the default value. .DESCRIPTION Returns the requested property from the provided object, if it exists and is a valid value. Otherwise, returns the default value. The Git repo for this module can be found here: .PARAMETER InputObject The object to check the value of the requested property. .PARAMETER Name The name of the property on InputObject whose value is desired. .PARAMETER Type The type of the value stored in the Name property on InputObject. Used to validate that the property has a valid value. .PARAMETER DefaultValue The value to return if Name doesn't exist on InputObject or is of an invalid type. .EXAMPLE Resolve-PropertyValue -InputObject $config -Name defaultOwnerName -Type String -DefaultValue $null Checks $config to see if it has a property named "defaultOwnerName". If it does, and it's a string, returns that value, otherwise, returns $null (the DefaultValue). #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [PSCustomObject] $InputObject, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('String', 'Boolean', 'Int32', 'Int64')] [String] $Type, $DefaultValue ) if ($null -eq $InputObject) { return $DefaultValue } $typeType = [String] if ($Type -eq 'Boolean') { $typeType = [Boolean] } if ($Type -eq 'Int32') { $typeType = [Int32] } if ($Type -eq 'Int64') { $typeType = [Int64] } $numberEquivalents = @('Int32', 'Int64', 'long', 'int') if (Test-PropertyExists -InputObject $InputObject -Name $Name) { if (($InputObject.$Name -is $typeType) -or (($Type -in $numberEquivalents) -and ($InputObject.$Name.GetType().Name -in $numberEquivalents))) { return $InputObject.$Name } else { return $DefaultValue } } else { return $DefaultValue } } #EndRegion '.\Private\Resolve-PropertyValue.ps1' 67 #Region '.\Private\Save-SepmConfiguration.ps1' 0 function Save-SepmConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Serializes the provided settings object to disk as a JSON file. .DESCRIPTION Serializes the provided settings object to disk as a JSON file. The Git repo for this module can be found here: .PARAMETER Configuration The configuration object to persist to disk. .PARAMETER Path The path to the file on disk that Configuration should be persisted to. .NOTES Internal helper method. .EXAMPLE Save-SepmConfiguration -Configuration $config -Path 'c:\foo\config.json' Serializes $config as a JSON object to 'c:\foo\config.json' #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [PSCustomObject] $Configuration, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string] $Path ) if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Sepm Configuration', 'Save')) { return } $null = New-Item -Path $Path -Force ConvertTo-Json -InputObject $Configuration | Set-Content -Path $Path -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ev if (($null -ne $ev) -and ($ev.Count -gt 0)) { $message = "Failed to persist these updated settings to disk. They will remain for this PowerShell session only." Write-Warning -Message $message } } #EndRegion '.\Private\Save-SepmConfiguration.ps1' 47 #Region '.\Private\Skip-Cert.ps1' 0 function Skip-Cert { <# .SYNOPSIS This function allows skipping the SSL/TLS Secure channel check in the event that there is not a valid certificate available .DESCRIPTION This function allows skipping the SSL/TLS Secure channel check in the event that there is not a valid certificate available .PARAMETER None .EXAMPLE Skip-Cert .OUTPUTS None #> if (-not ([System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName]'ServerCertificateValidationCallback').Type) { $certCallback = @" using System; using System.Net; using System.Net.Security; using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates; public class ServerCertificateValidationCallback { public static void Ignore() { if(ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback ==null) { ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += delegate ( Object obj, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors ) { return true; }; } } } "@ Add-Type $certCallback } [ServerCertificateValidationCallback]::Ignore() } #EndRegion '.\Private\Skip-Cert.ps1' 45 #Region '.\Private\Test-PropertyExists.ps1' 0 function Test-PropertyExists { <# .SYNOPSIS Determines if an object contains a property with a specified name. .DESCRIPTION Determines if an object contains a property with a specified name. This is essentially using Get-Member to verify that a property exists, but additionally adds a check to ensure that InputObject isn't null. .PARAMETER InputObject The object to check to see if it has a property named Name. .PARAMETER Name The name of the property on InputObject that is being tested for. .EXAMPLE Test-PropertyExists -InputObject $listing -Name 'title' Returns $true if $listing is non-null and has a property named 'title'. Returns $false otherwise. .NOTES Internal-only helper method. #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([bool])] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseSingularNouns", "", Justification = "Exists isn't a noun and isn't violating the intention of this rule.")] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [AllowNull()] $InputObject, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String] $Name ) return (($null -ne $InputObject) -and ($null -ne (Get-Member -InputObject $InputObject -Name $Name -MemberType Properties))) } #EndRegion '.\Private\Test-PropertyExists.ps1' 42 #Region '.\Private\Test-SEPMAccessToken.ps1' 0 function Test-SEPMAccessToken { <# .SYNOPSIS Test if the access token is still valid .DESCRIPTION Test if the access token is still valid. If no token is passed, will test the cached token. Returns $true if the token is still valid, $false otherwise .PARAMETER TokenInfo The token to test .OUTPUTS System.Boolean .NOTE Internal helper method. This function is used internally by the module and should not be called directly. #> param ( [Alias('AccessToken', 'Token')] [PSCustomObject]$TokenInfo ) # If no paramater is passed, test the cached token if ($null -eq $TokenInfo) { # if token in memory if (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($script:accessToken.token) ) { # if token still valid if ($script:accessToken.tokenExpiration -gt (Get-Date)) { return $true } } } # Check if the access token has expired if ($TokenInfo.tokenExpiration -gt (Get-Date)) { return $true } # If we get here, no valid token was found return $false } #EndRegion '.\Private\Test-SEPMAccessToken.ps1' 44 #Region '.\Public\Clear-SepmAuthentication.ps1' 0 function Clear-SepmAuthentication { <# .SYNOPSIS Clears out any API token from memory, as well as from local file storage. .DESCRIPTION Clears out any API token from memory, as well as from local file storage. .EXAMPLE Clear-SepmAuthentication Clears out any API token from memory, as well as from local file storage. .NOTES This command will not clear your configuration settings. Please use Reset-SepmConfiguration to accomplish that. #> $script:Credential = $null $script:accessToken = $null if (-not $SessionOnly) { Remove-Item -Path $script:credentialsFilePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ev Remove-Item -Path $script:accessTokenFilePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ev if (($null -ne $ev) -and ($ev.Count -gt 0) -and ($ev[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId -notlike 'PathNotFound*')) { $message = "Experienced a problem trying to remove the file that persists the Access Token [$script:credentialsFilePath]." Write-Warning -Message $message } } $message = "This has not cleared your configuration settings. Call Reset-SepmConfiguration to accomplish that." Write-Verbose -Message $message } #EndRegion '.\Public\Clear-SepmAuthentication.ps1' 38 #Region '.\Public\Get-SEPAdmins.ps1' 0 Function Get-SEPAdmins { <# .SYNOPSIS Displays a list of admins in the Symantec Database .DESCRIPTION Gets the list of administrators for a particular domain. The Git repo for this module can be found here: .PARAMETER AdminName Displays only a specific user from the Admin List .EXAMPLE Get-SEPAdmins -AdminName admin .EXAMPLE Get-SEPAdmins #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( # AdminName [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true )] [String] [Alias("Admin", "AdminName")] $AdminName ) begin { # initialize the configuration $test_token = Test-SEPMAccessToken if ($test_token -eq $false) { Get-SEPMAccessToken | Out-Null } $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/admin-users" $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $script:accessToken.token "Content" = 'application/json' } } process { # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{ domain = $script:configuration.domain } # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. switch ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) { { $_ -ge 6 } { try { $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } default { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } } # Process the response if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($AdminName)) { return $resp } else { $resp = $resp | Where-Object { $_.loginName -eq $AdminName } return $resp } } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SEPAdmins.ps1' 104 #Region '.\Public\Get-SEPClientDefVersions.ps1' 0 function Get-SEPClientDefVersions { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list of clients for a group by content version. .DESCRIPTION Gets a list of clients for a group by content version. .EXAMPLE Get-SEPClientDefVersions Gets a list of clients for a group by content version. #> begin { # initialize the configuration $test_token = Test-SEPMAccessToken if ($test_token -eq $false) { Get-SEPMAccessToken | Out-Null } $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/stats/client/content" $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $script:accessToken.token "Content" = 'application/json' } } process { # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{} # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. switch ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) { { $_ -ge 6 } { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } default { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } } # return the response return $resp } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SEPClientDefVersions.ps1' 78 #Region '.\Public\Get-SEPClientStatus.ps1' 0 function Get-SEPClientStatus { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list and count of the online and offline clients. .DESCRIPTION Gets a list and count of the online and offline clients. .EXAMPLE Get-SEPClientStatus Gets a list and count of the online and offline clients. #> begin { # initialize the configuration $test_token = Test-SEPMAccessToken if ($test_token -eq $false) { Get-SEPMAccessToken | Out-Null } $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/stats/client/onlinestatus" $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $script:accessToken.token "Content" = 'application/json' } } process { # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{} # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. switch ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) { { $_ -ge 6 } { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } default { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } } # return the response return $resp } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SEPClientStatus.ps1' 78 #Region '.\Public\Get-SEPClientThreatStats.ps1' 0 function Get-SEPClientThreatStats { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets threat statistics .DESCRIPTION Gets threat statistics .EXAMPLE Get-SEPClientThreatStats Gets threat statistics #> begin { # initialize the configuration $test_token = Test-SEPMAccessToken if ($test_token -eq $false) { Get-SEPMAccessToken | Out-Null } $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/stats/threat" $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $script:accessToken.token "Content" = 'application/json' } } process { # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{} # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. switch ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) { { $_ -ge 6 } { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } default { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } } # return the response return $resp } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SEPClientThreatStats.ps1' 78 #Region '.\Public\Get-SEPClientVersion.ps1' 0 function Get-SEPClientVersion { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list and count of clients by client product version. .DESCRIPTION Gets a list and count of clients by client product version. .EXAMPLE PS C:\PSSymantecSEPM> $SEPversions = Get-SEPClientVersion PS C:\PSSymantecSEPM> $SEPversions.clientVersionList version clientsCount formattedVersion ------- ------------ ---------------- 11.0.6000.550 1 11.0.6 (11.0 MR6) build 550 12.1.2015.2015 1 12.1.2 (12.1 RU2) build 2015 12.1.6867.6400 1 12.1.6 (12.1 RU6 MP4) build 6867 12.1.7004.6500 3 12.1.6 (12.1 RU6 MP5) build 7004 12.1.7454.7000 177 12.1.7 (12.1 RU7) build 7454 14.0.3752.1000 36 14.0.3 (14.0 RU3 MP7) build 1000 14.2.1031.0100 21 14.2.1 (14.2 RU1) build 0100 14.2.3335.1000 3 14.2.3 (14.2 RU3 MP3) build 1000 14.3.510.0000 12 14.3 (14.3) build 0000 14.3.558.0000 5 14.3 (14.3) build 0000 Gets a list and count of clients by client product version. #> begin { # initialize the configuration $test_token = Test-SEPMAccessToken if ($test_token -eq $false) { Get-SEPMAccessToken | Out-Null } $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/stats/client/version" $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $script:accessToken.token "Content" = 'application/json' } } process { # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{} # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. switch ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) { { $_ -ge 6 } { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } default { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } } # return the response return $resp } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SEPClientVersion.ps1' 92 #Region '.\Public\Get-SEPComputers.ps1' 0 function Get-SEPComputers { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the information about the computers in a specified domain .DESCRIPTION Gets the information about the computers in a specified domain. either from computer names or group names .PARAMETER ComputerName Specifies the name of the computer for which you want to get the information. .PARAMETER GroupName Specifies the group full path name for which you want to get the information. .EXAMPLE Get-SEPComputers Gets computer details for all computers in the domain .EXAMPLE Get-SEPComputers -ComputerName "ComputerName" Gets computer details for the specified computer ComputerName .EXAMPLE "MyComputer1","MyComputer2" | Get-SEPComputers Gets computer details for the specified computer MyComputer .EXAMPLE Get-SEPComputers -GroupName "My Company\EMEA\Workstations" Gets computer details for all computers in the specified group MyGroup #> [CmdletBinding( DefaultParameterSetName = 'ComputerName' )] Param ( # ComputerName [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'ComputerName' )] [Alias("Hostname", "DeviceName", "Device", "Computer")] [String] $ComputerName, # group name [Parameter( ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, ParameterSetName = 'GroupName' )] [Alias("Group")] [String] $GroupName ) begin { # initialize the configuration $test_token = Test-SEPMAccessToken if ($test_token -eq $false) { Get-SEPMAccessToken | Out-Null } $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $script:accessToken.token "Content" = 'application/json' } } process { if ($ComputerName) { $allResults = @() $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/computers" # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{ sort = "COMPUTER_NAME" pageIndex = 1 pageSize = 100 computerName = $ComputerName } # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. do { try { # Invoke the request params $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } # Process the response $allResults += $resp.content # Increment the page index & update URI $QueryStrings.pageIndex++ $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } until ($resp.lastPage -eq $true) # return the response return $allResults } #Using computer name API call then filtering elseif ($GroupName) { $allResults = @() $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/computers" # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{ sort = "COMPUTER_NAME" pageIndex = 1 pageSize = 100 computerName = $ComputerName } # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. do { try { # Invoke the request params $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } # Process the response $allResults += $resp.content # Increment the page index & update URI $QueryStrings.pageIndex++ $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } until ($resp.lastPage -eq $true) # Filtering $allResults = $allResults | Where-Object { $ -eq $GroupName } # return the response return $allResults } # Using groupname API call elseif ($GroupName) { $allResults = @() # Get SEP Group ID from group name $GroupID = Get-SEPMGroups | Where-Object { $_.fullPathName -eq $GroupName } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/groups/$GroupID/computers" # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{ pageIndex = 1 sort = "COMPUTER_NAME" } # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. do { try { # Invoke the request params $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } # Process the response $allResults += $resp.content # Increment the page index & update URI $QueryStrings.pageIndex++ $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } until ($resp.lastPage -eq $true) # return the response return $allResults } else { $allResults = @() $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/computers" # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{ sort = "COMPUTER_NAME" pageIndex = 1 pageSize = 100 } # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. do { try { # Invoke the request params $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } # Process the response $allResults += $resp.content # Increment the page index & update URI $QueryStrings.pageIndex++ $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } until ($resp.lastPage -eq $true) # return the response return $allResults } } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SEPComputers.ps1' 326 #Region '.\Public\Get-SEPGUPList.ps1' 0 function Get-SEPGUPList { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list and count of clients by client product version. .DESCRIPTION Gets a list and count of clients by client product version. .EXAMPLE PS C:\PSSymantecSEPM> $SEPversions = Get-SEPGUPList PS C:\PSSymantecSEPM> $SEPversions.clientVersionList version clientsCount formattedVersion ------- ------------ ---------------- 11.0.6000.550 1 11.0.6 (11.0 MR6) build 550 12.1.2015.2015 1 12.1.2 (12.1 RU2) build 2015 12.1.6867.6400 1 12.1.6 (12.1 RU6 MP4) build 6867 12.1.7004.6500 3 12.1.6 (12.1 RU6 MP5) build 7004 12.1.7454.7000 177 12.1.7 (12.1 RU7) build 7454 14.0.3752.1000 36 14.0.3 (14.0 RU3 MP7) build 1000 14.2.1031.0100 21 14.2.1 (14.2 RU1) build 0100 14.2.3335.1000 3 14.2.3 (14.2 RU3 MP3) build 1000 14.3.510.0000 12 14.3 (14.3) build 0000 14.3.558.0000 5 14.3 (14.3) build 0000 Gets a list and count of clients by client product version. #> begin { # initialize the configuration $test_token = Test-SEPMAccessToken if ($test_token -eq $false) { Get-SEPMAccessToken | Out-Null } $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/gup/status" $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $script:accessToken.token "Content" = 'application/json' } } process { # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{} # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. switch ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) { { $_ -ge 6 } { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } default { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } } # return the response return $resp } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SEPGUPList.ps1' 92 #Region '.\Public\Get-SepmAccessToken.ps1' 0 function Get-SepmAccessToken { <# TODO update this to use the new Get-SEPToken function .SYNOPSIS Retrieves the API token for use in the rest of the module. .DESCRIPTION Retrieves the API token for use in the rest of the module. First will try to use the one that may have been provided as a parameter. If not provided, then will try to use the one already cached in memory. If still not found, will look to see if there is a file with the API token stored on disk Finally, if there is still no available token, query one from the SEPM server. .PARAMETER AccessToken If provided, this will be returned instead of using the cached/configured value .OUTPUTS System.String #> [CmdletBinding()] [OutputType([PSCustomObject])] param( [PSCustomObject] $AccessToken ) # First will try to use the one that may have been provided as a parameter. if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AccessToken.token)) { if (Test-SEPMAccessToken -Token $AccessToken) { $script:accessToken = $AccessToken return $AccessToken } } # If not provided, then will try to use the one already cached in memory. if (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($script:accessToken)) { if (Test-SEPMAccessToken -Token $script:accessToken) { return $script:accessToken } } # If still not found, will look to see if there is a file with the API token stored in the disk if (Test-Path $script:accessTokenFilePath) { $AccessToken = Import-Clixml -Path $script:accessTokenFilePath -ErrorAction Ignore if (Test-SEPMAccessToken -Token $AccessToken) { $script:accessToken = $AccessToken return $script:accessToken } } # Finally, if there is still no available token, query one from the SEPM server. # Then caches the token in memory and stores it in a file on disk as a SecureString if ($null -eq $script:configuration.ServerAddress) { $message = "SEPM Server name not found. Use Set-SepmConfiguration to update it and try again" Write-Warning -Message $message throw $message } if ($null -eq $script:Credential) { $script:Credential = Get-Credential } $body = @{ "username" = $script:Credential.UserName "password" = ([System.Net.NetworkCredential]::new("", $script:Credential.Password).Password) "appName" = "PSSymantecSEPM PowerShell Module" "domain" = $script:configuration.domain } $URI_Authenticate = $script:BaseURLv1 + '/identity/authenticate' try { Invoke-WebRequest $script:BaseURLv1 } catch { 'SSL Certificate test failed, skipping certificate validation. Please check your certificate settings and verify this is a legitimate source.' $Response = Read-Host -Prompt 'Please press enter to ignore this and continue without SSL/TLS secure channel' if ($Response -eq "") { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { Skip-Cert $script:SkipCert = $true } if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6) { $script:SkipCert = $true } } } try { $Params = @{ Method = 'POST' Uri = $URI_Authenticate ContentType = "application/json" Body = ($body | ConvertTo-Json) } if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Params } if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -ge 6) { if ($script:SkipCert -eq $true) { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Params -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @Params } } } catch { Get-RestErrorDetails } # Caches the token in memory and stores token information & expiration in a file on disk $CachedToken = [PSCustomObject]@{ token = $response.token tokenExpiration = (Get-Date).AddSeconds($Response.tokenExpiration) SkipCert = $script:SkipCert } $script:accessToken = $CachedToken if (-not (Test-Path ($Script:accessTokenFilePath | Split-Path))) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path ($Script:accessTokenFilePath | Split-Path) -Force | Out-Null } $script:accessToken | Export-Clixml -Path $script:accessTokenFilePath -Force return $script:accessToken } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SepmAccessToken.ps1' 121 #Region '.\Public\Get-SepmConfiguration.ps1' 0 function Get-SepmConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the currently configured value for the requested configuration setting. .DESCRIPTION Gets the currently configured value for the requested configuration setting. Always returns the value for this session, which may or may not be the persisted setting (that all depends on whether or not the setting was previously modified during this session using Set-SepmConfiguration -SessionOnly). The Git repo for this module can be found here: .PARAMETER Name The name of the configuration whose value is desired. .EXAMPLE Get-SepmConfiguration -Name WebRequestTimeoutSec Gets the currently configured value for WebRequestTimeoutSec for this PowerShell session (which may or may not be the same as the persisted configuration value, depending on whether this value was modified during this session with Set-SepmConfiguration -SessionOnly). #> [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet( 'ServerAddress', 'port', 'username', 'password', 'SessionOnly')] [string] $Name ) return $script:configuration.$Name } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SepmConfiguration.ps1' 39 #Region '.\Public\Get-SEPMDatabaseInfo.ps1' 0 function Get-SEPMDatabaseInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the database infromation of local site. .DESCRIPTION Gets the database infromation of local site : SQL or embedded database, DBUser, database... .INPUTS None .OUTPUTS System.Object .EXAMPLE Get-SEPMDatabaseInfo Gets detailed information on the database of the local site #> # initialize the configuration $test_token = Test-SEPMAccessToken if ($test_token -eq $false) { Get-SEPMAccessToken | Out-Null } $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/admin/database" $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $script:accessToken.token "Content" = 'application/json' } $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. switch ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) { { $_ -ge 6 } { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } default { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } } return $resp } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SEPMDatabaseInfo.ps1' 65 #Region '.\Public\Get-SEPMDomain.ps1' 0 function Get-SEPMDomain { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets a list of all accessible domains .DESCRIPTION Gets a list of all accessible domains .EXAMPLE Get-SEPMDomain Gets a list of all accessible domains #> begin { # initialize the configuration $test_token = Test-SEPMAccessToken if ($test_token -eq $false) { Get-SEPMAccessToken | Out-Null } $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/domains" $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $script:accessToken.token "Content" = 'application/json' } } process { # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{} # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. switch ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) { { $_ -ge 6 } { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } default { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } } # return the response return $resp } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SEPMDomain.ps1' 78 #Region '.\Public\Get-SEPMEventInfo.ps1' 0 function Get-SEPMEventInfo { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets the information about the computers in a specified domain .DESCRIPTION Gets the information about the computers in a specified domain. A system administrator account is required for this REST API. .EXAMPLE Get-SEPMEventInfo Gets computer details for all computers in the domain .EXAMPLE Get-SEPMEventInfo -ComputerName "ComputerName" Gets computer details for the specified computer ComputerName .EXAMPLE "MyComputer" | Get-SEPMEventInfo Gets computer details for the specified computer MyComputer #> begin { # initialize the configuration $test_token = Test-SEPMAccessToken if ($test_token -eq $false) { Get-SEPMAccessToken | Out-Null } $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/events/critical" $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $script:accessToken.token "Content" = 'application/json' } } process { $allResults = @() if (-not $ComputerName) { $ComputerName = "" } # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{ pageIndex = 1 pageSize = 100 } # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. ############################################################################################################ # As per documentation # # Pagination is not yet implemented for this API. The response will contain all the events in the system. # # Commenting pagination code for now. # ############################################################################################################ # do { # try { # # Invoke the request params # $params = @{ # Method = 'GET' # Uri = $URI # headers = $headers # } # if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { # if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { # Skip-Cert # $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params # } else { # $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck # } # } else { # $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params # } # # Process the response # $allResults += $resp.content # # Increment the page index & update URI # $QueryStrings.pageIndex++ # $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) # foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { # $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value # } # $builder.Query = $query.ToString() # $URI = $builder.ToString() # } catch { # Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" # } # } until ($resp.lastPage -eq $true) ################################### # Code without pagination for now # ################################### try { # Invoke the request params $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } # Process the response $allResults += $resp } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } # return the response return $allResults } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SEPMEventInfo.ps1' 133 #Region '.\Public\Get-SEPMExceptionPolicy.ps1' 0 function Get-SEPMExceptionPolicy { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Firewall Policy .DESCRIPTION Get Firewall Policy details .EXAMPLE PS C:\PSSymantecSEPM> Get-SEPMExceptionPolicy -PolicyName "Standard Servers - Firewall policy" sources : configuration : @{enforced_rules=System.Object[]; baseline_rules=System.Object[]; ignore_parent_rules=; smart_dhcp=False; smart_dns=False; smart_wins=False; token_ring_traffic=False; netbios_protection=False; reverse_dns=False; port_scan=False; dos=False; antimac_spoofing=False; autoblock=False; autoblock_duration=600; stealth_web=False; antiIP_spoofing=False; hide_os=False; windows_firewall=NO_ACTION; windows_firewall_notification=False; endpoint_notification=; p2p_auth=; mac=} enabled : True desc : Standard Server Firewall Policy - This policy is for standard servers. It is a strict policy that blocks all traffic except for the services that are explicitly allowed. name : Standard Servers - Firewall policy lastmodifiedtime : 1692253688318 Shows an example of getting the firewall policy details for the policy named "Standard Servers - Firewall policy" #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( # PolicyName [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true )] [Alias("Policy_Name")] [String] $PolicyName ) begin { # initialize the configuration $test_token = Test-SEPMAccessToken if ($test_token -eq $false) { Get-SEPMAccessToken | Out-Null } # BaseURL V2 $URI = $script:BaseURLv2 + "/policies/exceptions" $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $script:accessToken.token "Content" = 'application/json' } # Stores the policy summary for all policies only once $policies = Get-SEPMPoliciesSummary } process { # Get Policy ID from policy name $policyID = $policies | Where-Object { $ -eq $PolicyName } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id $policy_type = $policies | Where-Object { $ -eq $PolicyName } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty policytype if ($policy_type -ne "exceptions") { $message = "policy type is not of type EXCEPTIONS or does not exist - Please verify the policy name" Write-Error -Message $message throw $message } # Updating URI with policy ID $URI = $URI + "/" + $policyID # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{} # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers UseBasicParsing = $true } # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. switch ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) { { $_ -ge 6 } { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } default { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } } # JSON response to convert to PSObject $resp = $resp | ConvertFrom-Json -AsHashtable -Depth 100 # return the response return $resp } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SEPMExceptionPolicy.ps1' 120 #Region '.\Public\Get-SEPMFirewallPolicy.ps1' 0 function Get-SEPMFirewallPolicy { <# .SYNOPSIS Get Firewall Policy .DESCRIPTION Get Firewall Policy details .EXAMPLE PS C:\PSSymantecSEPM> Get-SEPMFirewallPolicy -PolicyName "Standard Servers - Firewall policy" sources : configuration : @{enforced_rules=System.Object[]; baseline_rules=System.Object[]; ignore_parent_rules=; smart_dhcp=False; smart_dns=False; smart_wins=False; token_ring_traffic=False; netbios_protection=False; reverse_dns=False; port_scan=False; dos=False; antimac_spoofing=False; autoblock=False; autoblock_duration=600; stealth_web=False; antiIP_spoofing=False; hide_os=False; windows_firewall=NO_ACTION; windows_firewall_notification=False; endpoint_notification=; p2p_auth=; mac=} enabled : True desc : Standard Server Firewall Policy - This policy is for standard servers. It is a strict policy that blocks all traffic except for the services that are explicitly allowed. name : Standard Servers - Firewall policy lastmodifiedtime : 1692253688318 Shows an example of getting the firewall policy details for the policy named "Standard Servers - Firewall policy" #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( # PolicyName [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true )] [Alias("Policy_Name")] [String] $PolicyName ) begin { # initialize the configuration $test_token = Test-SEPMAccessToken if ($test_token -eq $false) { Get-SEPMAccessToken | Out-Null } $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/policies/firewall" $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $script:accessToken.token "Content" = 'application/json' } # Stores the policy summary for all policies only once $policies = Get-SEPMPoliciesSummary } process { # Get Policy ID from policy name $policyID = $policies | Where-Object { $ -eq $PolicyName } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id $policy_type = $policies | Where-Object { $ -eq $PolicyName } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty policytype if ($policy_type -ne "fw") { $message = "policy type is not of type FIREWALL or does not exist - Please verify the policy name" Write-Error -Message $message throw $message } # Updating URI with policy ID $URI = $URI + "/" + $policyID # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{} # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. switch ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) { { $_ -ge 6 } { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } default { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } } # return the response return $resp } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SEPMFirewallPolicy.ps1' 115 #Region '.\Public\Get-SEPMGroups.ps1' 0 function Get-SEPMGroups { <# .SYNOPSIS Gets threat statistics .DESCRIPTION Gets threat statistics .EXAMPLE Get-SEPMGroups Gets threat statistics #> begin { # initialize the configuration $test_token = Test-SEPMAccessToken if ($test_token -eq $false) { Get-SEPMAccessToken | Out-Null } $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/groups" $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $script:accessToken.token "Content" = 'application/json' } } process { # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{} # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. do { try { # Invoke the request params $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } # Process the response $allResults += $resp.content # Increment the page index & update URI $QueryStrings.pageIndex++ $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } until ($resp.lastPage -eq $true) # return the response return $allResults } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SEPMGroups.ps1' 87 #Region '.\Public\Get-SEPMIpsPolicy.ps1' 0 function Get-SEPMIpsPolicy { # TODO : returned object has empty configuration fields. Could be a bug ? # Example # PS C:\PSSymantecSEPM> $IPS_example | ConvertTo-Json # { # "sources": null, # "configuration": {}, # "enabled": true, # "desc": "Summary : added IP as excluded host to avoid ServiceNow discovery service conflicts", # "name": "Intrusion Prevention policy PRODUCTION", # "lastmodifiedtime": 1693559858824 # } <# TODO update help .SYNOPSIS Get Firewall Policy .DESCRIPTION Get Firewall Policy details .EXAMPLE PS C:\PSSymantecSEPM> Get-SEPMIpsPolicy -PolicyName "Standard Servers - Firewall policy" sources : configuration : @{enforced_rules=System.Object[]; baseline_rules=System.Object[]; ignore_parent_rules=; smart_dhcp=False; smart_dns=False; smart_wins=False; token_ring_traffic=False; netbios_protection=False; reverse_dns=False; port_scan=False; dos=False; antimac_spoofing=False; autoblock=False; autoblock_duration=600; stealth_web=False; antiIP_spoofing=False; hide_os=False; windows_firewall=NO_ACTION; windows_firewall_notification=False; endpoint_notification=; p2p_auth=; mac=} enabled : True desc : Standard Server Firewall Policy - This policy is for standard servers. It is a strict policy that blocks all traffic except for the services that are explicitly allowed. name : Standard Servers - Firewall policy lastmodifiedtime : 1692253688318 Shows an example of getting the firewall policy details for the policy named "Standard Servers - Firewall policy" #> [CmdletBinding()] Param ( # PolicyName [Parameter( ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Mandatory = $true )] [Alias("Policy_Name")] [String] $PolicyName ) begin { # initialize the configuration $test_token = Test-SEPMAccessToken if ($test_token -eq $false) { Get-SEPMAccessToken | Out-Null } $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/policies/ips" $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $script:accessToken.token "Content" = 'application/json' } # Stores the policy summary for all policies only once $policies = Get-SEPMPoliciesSummary } process { # Get Policy ID from policy name $policyID = $policies | Where-Object { $ -eq $PolicyName } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty id $policy_type = $policies | Where-Object { $ -eq $PolicyName } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty policytype if ($policy_type -ne "ips") { $message = "policy type is not of type IPS or does not exist - Please verify the policy name" Write-Error -Message $message throw $message } # Updating URI with policy ID $URI = $URI + "/" + $policyID # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{} # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers UseBasicParsing = $true } # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. switch ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) { { $_ -ge 6 } { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } default { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } } # return the response return $resp } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SEPMIpsPolicy.ps1' 128 #Region '.\Public\Get-SEPMLatestDefinition.ps1' 0 function Get-SEPMLatestDefinition { <# .SYNOPSIS Get AV Def Latest Info .DESCRIPTION Gets the latest revision information for antivirus definitions from Symantec Security Response. .EXAMPLE Get-SEPMLatestDefinition Gets the latest revision information for antivirus definitions from Symantec Security Response. #> begin { # initialize the configuration $test_token = Test-SEPMAccessToken if ($test_token -eq $false) { Get-SEPMAccessToken | Out-Null } $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/content/avdef/latest" $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $script:accessToken.token "Content" = 'application/json' } } process { # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{} # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. switch ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) { { $_ -ge 6 } { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } default { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } } # return the response return $resp } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SEPMLatestDefinition.ps1' 78 #Region '.\Public\Get-SEPMPoliciesSummary.ps1' 0 function Get-SEPMPoliciesSummary { <# .SYNOPSIS Get summary of all or feature specific policies .DESCRIPTION Get the policy summary for specified policy type. Also gets the list of groups to which the policies are assigned. .PARAMETER PolicyType The policy type for which the summary is to be retrieved. The valid values are hid, exceptions, mem, ntr, av, fw, ips, lucontent, lu, hi, adc, msl, upgrade. .EXAMPLE PS C:\PSSymantecSEPM> Get-SEPMPoliciesSummary content : {@{sources=System.Object[]; enabled=True; desc=Created automatically during product ...}} size : 136 number : 0 sort : numberOfElements : 136 totalElements : 136 totalPages : 1 lastPage : True firstPage : True Get policy statistics for all policies and its assigned groups .EXAMPLE PS C:\PSSymantecSEPM> Get-SEPMPoliciesSummary -PolicyType fw Get policy statistics for firewall policies and its assigned groups #> [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter()] [ValidateSet( 'hid', 'exceptions', 'mem', 'ntr', 'av', 'fw', 'ips', 'lucontent', 'lu', 'hi', 'adc', 'msl', 'upgrade' )] [string] $PolicyType ) begin { # initialize the configuration $test_token = Test-SEPMAccessToken if ($test_token -eq $false) { Get-SEPMAccessToken | Out-Null } $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/policies/summary" $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $script:accessToken.token "Content" = 'application/json' } # Get the list of groups and IDs to inject into the response $groups = Get-SEPMGroups } process { if (-not $PolicyType) { $allResults = @() # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{} # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. do { try { # Invoke the request params $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } # Add group FullPath to the response from their Group ID for ease of use # Parsing every response object foreach ($policy in $resp.content) { # Parsing every location this policy is applied to foreach ($location in $policy.assignedtolocations) { # Getting the group name from the group ID, and adding it to the response object $group = $groups | Where-Object { $ -match $location.groupid } | Get-Unique $location | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "groupNameFullPath" -NotePropertyValue $group.fullPathName } } # Process the response $allResults += $resp.content # Increment the page index & update URI $QueryStrings.pageIndex++ $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } until ($resp.lastPage -eq $true) # return the response return $allResults } if ($PolicyType) { $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/policies/summary" + "/" + $PolicyType $allResults = @() # URI query strings $QueryStrings = @{} # Construct the URI $builder = New-Object System.UriBuilder($URI) $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. do { try { # Invoke the request params $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers } if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 6) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } # Add group FullPath to the response from their Group ID for ease of use # Parsing every response object foreach ($policy in $resp.content) { # Parsing every location this policy is applied to foreach ($location in $policy.assignedtolocations) { # Getting the group name from the group ID, and adding it to the response object $group = $groups | Where-Object { $ -match $location.groupid } | Get-Unique $location | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "groupNameFullPath" -NotePropertyValue $group.fullPathName } } # Process the response $allResults += $resp.content # Increment the page index & update URI $QueryStrings.pageIndex++ $query = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString($builder.Query) foreach ($param in $QueryStrings.GetEnumerator()) { $query[$param.Key] = $param.Value } $builder.Query = $query.ToString() $URI = $builder.ToString() } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } until ($resp.lastPage -eq $true) # return the response return $allResults } } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SEPMPoliciesSummary.ps1' 221 #Region '.\Public\Get-SEPMVersion.ps1' 0 Function Get-SEPMVersion { <# TODO update help .SYNOPSIS Gets the current version of Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager. .DESCRIPTION Gets the current version of Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager. This function dot not require authentication. .EXAMPLE Get-SEPMVersion Gets the current version of Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager. #> # initialize the configuration $test_token = Test-SEPMAccessToken if ($test_token -eq $false) { Get-SEPMAccessToken | Out-Null } $URI = $script:BaseURLv1 + "/version" $headers = @{ "Authorization" = "Bearer " + $script:accessToken.token "Content" = 'application/json' } $body = @{ } $params = @{ Method = 'GET' Uri = $URI headers = $headers Body = ($body | ConvertTo-Json) } # Invoke the request # If the version of PowerShell is 6 or greater, then we can use the -SkipCertificateCheck parameter # else we need to use the Skip-Cert function if self-signed certs are being used. switch ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) { { $_ -ge 6 } { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params -SkipCertificateCheck } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } default { try { if ($script:accessToken.skipCert -eq $true) { Skip-Cert $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } else { $resp = Invoke-RestMethod @params } } catch { Write-Warning -Message "Error: $_" } } } return $resp } #EndRegion '.\Public\Get-SEPMVersion.ps1' 65 #Region '.\Public\Reset-SepmConfiguration.ps1' 0 function Reset-SepmConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Clears out the user's configuration file and configures this session with all default configuration values. .DESCRIPTION Clears out the user's configuration file and configures this session with all default configuration values. This would be the functional equivalent of using this on a completely different computer. The Git repo for this module can be found here: .PARAMETER SessionOnly By default, this will delete the location configuration file so that all defaults are used again. If this is specified, then only the configuration values that were made during this session will be discarded. .EXAMPLE Reset-SepmConfiguration Deletes the local configuration file and loads in all default configuration values. .NOTES This command will not clear your authentication token. Please use Clear-SepmAuthentication to accomplish that. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [switch] $SessionOnly ) if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Sepm Configuration', 'Reset')) { return } if (-not $SessionOnly) { $null = Remove-Item -Path $script:configurationFilePath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable ev if (($null -ne $ev) -and ($ev.Count -gt 0) -and ($ev[0].FullyQualifiedErrorId -notlike 'PathNotFound*')) { $message = "Reset was unsuccessful. Experienced a problem trying to remove the file [$script:configurationFilePath]." Write-Warning -Message $message } } Initialize-SepmConfiguration $message = "This has not cleared your authentication token. Call Clear-SepmAuthentication to accomplish that." Write-Verbose -Message $message } #EndRegion '.\Public\Reset-SepmConfiguration.ps1' 52 #Region '.\Public\Set-SepmAuthentication.ps1' 0 function Set-SepmAuthentication { <# .SYNOPSIS Allows the user to configure the API token that should be used for authentication with the GitHub API. .DESCRIPTION Allows the user to configure the API token that should be used for authentication with the GitHub API. The token will be stored on the machine as a SecureString and will automatically be read on future PowerShell sessions with this module. If the user ever wishes to remove their authentication from the system, they simply need to call Clear-SepmAuthentication. The Git repo for this module can be found here: .PARAMETER Credential If provided, instead of prompting the user for their API Token, it will be extracted from the password field of this credential object. .PARAMETER SessionOnly By default, this method will store the provided API Token as a SecureString in a local file so that it can be restored automatically in future PowerShell sessions. If this switch is provided, the file will not be created/updated and the authentication information will only remain in memory for the duration of this PowerShell session. .EXAMPLE Set-SepmAuthentication Prompts the user for their GitHub API Token and stores it in a file on the machine as a SecureString for use in future PowerShell sessions. .EXAMPLE $secureString = ("<Your Access Token>" | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force) $cred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential "username is ignored", $secureString Set-SepmAuthentication -Credential $cred $secureString = $null # clear this out now that it's no longer needed $cred = $null # clear this out now that it's no longer needed Allows you to specify your access token as a plain-text string ("<Your Access Token>") which will be securely stored on the machine for use in all future PowerShell sessions. .EXAMPLE Get-Credential | Set-SepmAuthentication Prompts the user for username and password and pipes the resulting credential object .EXAMPLE Set-SepmAuthentication -Credential $cred -SessionOnly Uses the API token stored in the password field of the provided credential object for authentication, but keeps it in memory only for the duration of this PowerShell session.. .EXAMPLE Set-SepmAuthentication -Port 8888 Changes the API communication port to 8888. Default is 8446. #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUsePSCredentialType", "", Justification = "The System.Management.Automation.Credential() attribute does not appear to work in PowerShell v4 which we need to support.")] param( [string] $ServerAddress, [int] $Port = 8446, [PSCredential] $Creds, [switch] $SessionOnly ) if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('Sepm Authentication', 'Set')) { return } if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('Creds')) { $message = 'Please provide your Username and Password.' if (-not $SessionOnly) { $message = $message + ' ***The token is being cached across PowerShell sessions. To clear caching, call Clear-SepmAuthentication.***' } $Creds = Get-Credential -Message $message } if ([String]::IsNullOrWhiteSpace($Creds.GetNetworkCredential().Password)) { $message = "Password not provided. Nothing to do." Write-Error -Message $message throw $message } # Setting script scope variables so that they can be used in other functions $script:Credential = $Creds if (-not $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('ServerAddress')) { $message = 'Please provide your ServerAddress.' if (-not $SessionOnly) { $message = $message + ' ***The token is being cached across PowerShell sessions. To clear caching, call Clear-SepmAuthentication.***' } $ServerAddress = Read-Host -Prompt "SEPM Server address" } # verify if the the $port is not the default one if ($Port -ne 8446) { $message = 'Please provide SEPM API Service port (Default 8446).' if (-not $SessionOnly) { $message = $message + ' ***The token is being cached across PowerShell sessions. To clear caching, call Clear-SepmAuthentication.***' } $Port = Read-Host -Prompt "SEPM API Service port" } if (-not $SessionOnly) { Set-SepmConfiguration -ServerAddress $ServerAddress Set-SepmConfiguration -Port $Port $Creds | Export-Clixml -Path $script:credentialsFilePath -Force } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Set-SepmAuthentication.ps1' 120 #Region '.\Public\Set-SepmConfiguration.ps1' 0 function Set-SepmConfiguration { <# TODO update help .SYNOPSIS Change the value of a configuration property for the PowerShellForGitHub module, for the session only, or globally for this user. .DESCRIPTION Change the value of a configuration property for the PowerShellForGitHub module, for the session only, or globally for this user. A single call to this method can set any number or combination of properties. To change any of the boolean/switch properties to false, specify the switch, immediately followed by ":$false" with no space. The Git repo for this module can be found here: .PARAMETER ServerAddress The hostname of the SEPM instance to communicate with. .PARAMETER SessionOnly By default, this method will store the configuration values in a local file so that changes persist across PowerShell sessions. If this switch is provided, the file will not be created/updated and the specified configuration changes will only remain in memory/effect for the duration of this PowerShell session. .EXAMPLE Set-SepmConfiguration -WebRequestTimeoutSec 120 -SuppressNoTokenWarning Changes the timeout permitted for a web request to two minutes, and additionally tells the module to never warn about no Access Token being configured. These settings will be persisted across future PowerShell sessions. .EXAMPLE Set-SepmConfiguration ServerAddress "MySEPMServer" Set the SEPM server address to "MySEPMServer" for the duration of this PowerShell session. #> [CmdletBinding( PositionalBinding = $false, SupportsShouldProcess)] param( [string] $ServerAddress, [int] $Port, [string] $Username, [switch] $SessionOnly ) $persistedConfig = $null if (-not $SessionOnly) { $persistedConfig = Read-SepmConfiguration -Path $script:configurationFilePath } if (-not $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('SepmConfiguration', 'Set')) { return } $properties = Get-Member -InputObject $script:configuration -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name foreach ($name in $properties) { if ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey($name)) { $value = $PSBoundParameters.$name if ($value -is [switch]) { $value = $value.ToBool() } $script:configuration.$name = $value if (-not $SessionOnly) { Add-Member -InputObject $persistedConfig -Name $name -Value $value -MemberType NoteProperty -Force } } } if (-not $SessionOnly) { Save-SepmConfiguration -Configuration $persistedConfig -Path $script:configurationFilePath } } #EndRegion '.\Public\Set-SepmConfiguration.ps1' 79 #Region '.\Public\zz_Initialize-SepmConfiguration.ps1' 0 #################################### # Init script for the whole module # #################################### ## This is the initialization script for the module. It is invoked at the end of the module's ## prefix file as "zz_" to load this module at last. This is done to ensure that all other functions are first loaded ## This function should be private but will stay Public for the moment as it needs to be the last function to be loaded in the module ## TODO make this function private # The credentials used to authenticate to the SEPM server. [PSCredential] $script:Credential = $null [PSCustomObject] $script:accessToken = $null # SEPM Server configuration [string] $script:ServerAddress = $null [string] $script:BaseURLv1 = $null [bool] $script:SkipCert = $false # Needed for self-signed certificates # The location of the file that we'll store any settings that can/should roam with the user. [string] $script:configurationFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine( [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('ApplicationData'), 'PSSymantecSEPM', 'config.json') # The location of the file that we'll store credentials [string] $script:credentialsFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine( [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('ApplicationData'), 'PSSymantecSEPM', 'creds.xml') # The location of the file that we'll store the Access Token SecureString # which cannot/should not roam with the user. [string] $script:accessTokenFilePath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine( [System.Environment]::GetFolderPath('LocalApplicationData'), 'PSSymantecSEPM', 'accessToken.xml') # The session-cached copy of the module's configuration properties [PSCustomObject] $script:configuration = $null function Initialize-SepmConfiguration { <# .SYNOPSIS Populates the configuration of the module for this session, loading in any values that may have been saved to disk. .DESCRIPTION Populates the configuration of the module for this session, loading in any values that may have been saved to disk. .NOTES Internal helper method. This is actually invoked at the END of this file. #> [CmdletBinding()] param() $script:configuration = Import-SepmConfiguration -Path $script:configurationFilePath if ($script:configuration) { if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($script:configuration.ServerAddress)) { Set-SepmAuthentication } $script:BaseURLv1 = "https://" + $script:configuration.ServerAddress + ":" + $script:configuration.port + "/sepm/api/v1" $script:BaseURLv2 = "https://" + $script:configuration.ServerAddress + ":" + $script:configuration.port + "/sepm/api/v2" } if (Test-Path $script:credentialsFilePath) { $script:Credential = Import-Clixml -Path $script:credentialsFilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if (Test-Path $script:accessTokenFilePath) { $script:accessToken = Import-Clixml -Path $script:accessTokenFilePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } } # Invoke the initialization method to populate the configuration Initialize-SepmConfiguration #EndRegion '.\Public\zz_Initialize-SepmConfiguration.ps1' 76 |