
$ESC = [char]0x1b

enum OutputRendering {

enum ProgressView {

class ForegroundColor {
    [string]$Black         = "${ESC}[30m"
    [string]$BrightBlack   = "${ESC}[90m"
    [string]$White         = "${ESC}[37m"
    [string]$BrightWhite   = "${ESC}[97m"
    [string]$Red           = "${ESC}[31m"
    [string]$BrightRed     = "${ESC}[91m"
    [string]$Magenta       = "${ESC}[35m"
    [string]$BrightMagenta = "${ESC}[95m"
    [string]$Blue          = "${ESC}[34m"
    [string]$BrightBlue    = "${ESC}[94m"
    [string]$Cyan          = "${ESC}[36m"
    [string]$BrightCyan    = "${ESC}[96m"
    [string]$Green         = "${ESC}[32m"
    [string]$BrightGreen   = "${ESC}[92m"
    [string]$Yellow        = "${ESC}[33m"
    [string]$BrightYellow  = "${ESC}[93m"

    [string]FromRGB ([byte]$r, [byte]$g, [byte]$b) {
        $ESC = [char]0x1b
        return "${ESC}[38;2;${r};${g};${b}m"

    [string]FromRGB ([uint32]$rgb) {
        $ESC = [char]0x1b
        [byte]$r = ($rgb -band 0x00ff0000) -shr 16
        [byte]$g = ($rgb -band 0x0000ff00) -shr 8
        [byte]$b = ($rgb -band 0x000000ff)
        return "${ESC}[38;2;${r};${g};${b}m"

class BackgroundColor {
    [string]$Black         = "${ESC}[40m"
    [string]$BrightBlack   = "${ESC}[100m"
    [string]$White         = "${ESC}[47m"
    [string]$BrightWhite   = "${ESC}[107m"
    [string]$Red           = "${ESC}[41m"
    [string]$BrightRed     = "${ESC}[101m"
    [string]$Magenta       = "${ESC}[45m"
    [string]$BrightMagenta = "${ESC}[105m"
    [string]$Blue          = "${ESC}[44m"
    [string]$BrightBlue    = "${ESC}[104m"
    [string]$Cyan          = "${ESC}[46m"
    [string]$BrightCyan    = "${ESC}[106m"
    [string]$Green         = "${ESC}[42m"
    [string]$BrightGreen   = "${ESC}[102m"
    [string]$Yellow        = "${ESC}[43m"
    [string]$BrightYellow  = "${ESC}[103m"

    [string]FromRGB ([byte]$r, [byte]$g, [byte]$b) {
        $ESC = [char]0x1b
        return "${ESC}[48;2;${r};${g};${b}m"

    [string]FromRGB ([uint32]$rgb) {
        $ESC = [char]0x1b
        [byte]$r = ($rgb -band 0x00ff0000) -shr 16
        [byte]$g = ($rgb -band 0x0000ff00) -shr 8
        [byte]$b = ($rgb -band 0x000000ff)
        return "${ESC}[48;2;${r};${g};${b}m"

class FormattingData {
    [string]$FormatAccent           = "${ESC}[32;1m"
    [string]$ErrorAccent            = "${ESC}[36;1m"
    [string]$Error                  = "${ESC}[31;1m"
    [string]$Warning                = "${ESC}[33;1m"
    [string]$Verbose                = "${ESC}[33;1m"
    [string]$Debug                  = "${ESC}[33;1m"
    [string]$TableHeader            = "${ESC}[32;1m"
    [string]$CustomTableHeaderLabel = "${ESC}[32;1;3m"
    [string]$FeedbackProvider       = "${ESC}[33m"
    [string]$FeedbackText           = "${ESC}[96m"

class ProgressConfiguration {
    [string]$Style         = "${ESC}[33;1m"
    [int]$MaxWidth         = 120
    [ProgressView ]$View   = [ProgressView]::Minimal
    [bool]$UseOSCIndicator = $false

class FileInfoFormatting {
    [string]$Directory       = "${ESC}[44;1m"
    [string]$SymbolicLink    = "${ESC}[36;1m"
    [string]$Executable      = "${ESC}[32;1m"
    [hashtable[]]$Extension  = @(
        @{'.zip'    = "${ESC}[31;1m"},
        @{'.tgz'    = "${ESC}[31;1m"},
        @{'.gz'     = "${ESC}[31;1m"},
        @{'.tar'    = "${ESC}[31;1m"},
        @{'.nupkg'  = "${ESC}[31;1m"},
        @{'.cab'    = "${ESC}[31;1m"},
        @{'.7z'     = "${ESC}[31;1m"},
        @{'.ps1'    = "${ESC}[33;1m"},
        @{'.psd1'   = "${ESC}[33;1m"},
        @{'.psm1'   = "${ESC}[33;1m"},
        @{'.ps1xml' = "${ESC}[33;1m"}

class PSStyle {
    [string]$Reset                    = "${ESC}[0m"
    [string]$BlinkOff                 = "${ESC}[25m"
    [string]$Blink                    = "${ESC}[5m"
    [string]$BoldOff                  = "${ESC}[22m"
    [string]$Bold                     = "${ESC}[1m"
    [string]$DimOff                   = "${ESC}[22m"
    [string]$Dim                      = "${ESC}[2m"
    [string]$Hidden                   = "${ESC}[8m"
    [string]$HiddenOff                = "${ESC}[28m"
    [string]$Reverse                  = "${ESC}[7m"
    [string]$ReverseOff               = "${ESC}[27m"
    [string]$ItalicOff                = "${ESC}[23m"
    [string]$Italic                   = "${ESC}[3m"
    [string]$UnderlineOff             = "${ESC}[24m"
    [string]$Underline                = "${ESC}[4m"
    [string]$StrikethroughOff         = "${ESC}[29m"
    [string]$Strikethrough            = "${ESC}[9m"
    [OutputRendering]$OutputRendering = [OutputRendering]::Host
    [FormattingData]$Formatting       = [FormattingData]::new()
    [ProgressConfiguration]$Progress  = [ProgressConfiguration]::new()
    [FileInfoFormatting]$FileInfo     = [FileInfoFormatting]::new()
    [ForegroundColor]$Foreground      = [ForegroundColor]::new()
    [BackgroundColor]$Background      = [BackgroundColor]::new()

    [string]FormatHyperlink([string]$text, [Uri]$link) {
        $ESC = [char]0x1b
        return "${ESC}]8;;${link}${ESC}\${text}${ESC}]8;;${ESC}\"

    hidden static [string[]]$BackgroundColorMap = @(
        "${ESC}[40m",  # Black
        "${ESC}[44m",  # DarkBlue
        "${ESC}[42m",  # DarkGreen
        "${ESC}[46m",  # DarkCyan
        "${ESC}[41m",  # DarkRed
        "${ESC}[45m",  # DarkMagenta
        "${ESC}[43m",  # DarkYellow
        "${ESC}[47m",  # Gray
        "${ESC}[100m", # DarkGray
        "${ESC}[104m", # Blue
        "${ESC}[102m", # Green
        "${ESC}[106m", # Cyan
        "${ESC}[101m", # Red
        "${ESC}[105m", # Magenta
        "${ESC}[103m", # Yellow
        "${ESC}[107m"  # White

    hidden static [string[]]$ForegroundColorMap = @(
        "${ESC}[30m", # Black
        "${ESC}[34m", # DarkBlue
        "${ESC}[32m", # DarkGreen
        "${ESC}[36m", # DarkCyan
        "${ESC}[31m", # DarkRed
        "${ESC}[35m", # DarkMagenta
        "${ESC}[33m", # DarkYellow
        "${ESC}[37m", # Gray
        "${ESC}[90m", # DarkGray
        "${ESC}[94m", # Blue
        "${ESC}[92m", # Green
        "${ESC}[96m", # Cyan
        "${ESC}[91m", # Red
        "${ESC}[95m", # Magenta
        "${ESC}[93m", # Yellow
        "${ESC}[97m"  # White

    hidden static [string] MapColorToEscapeSequence ([ConsoleColor]$color, [bool]$isBackground) {
        $index = [int]$color
        if ($index -lt 0 -or $index -ge [PSStyle]::ForegroundColorMap.Length) {
            throw "Error: Color ($color) out of range."
        if ($isBackground) {
            return [PSStyle]::BackgroundColorMap[$index]
        } else {
            return [PSStyle]::ForegroundColorMap[$index]

    static [string] MapForegroundColorToEscapeSequence([ConsoleColor]$foregroundColor) {
        return [PSStyle]::MapColorToEscapeSequence($foregroundColor, $false)

    static [string] MapBackgroundColorToEscapeSequence([ConsoleColor]$backgroundColor) {
        return [PSStyle]::MapColorToEscapeSequence($backgroundColor, $false)

    static [string] MapColorPairToEscapeSequence(
        [ConsoleColor]$foregroundColor, [ConsoleColor]$backgroundColor) {
            $foreIndex = [int]$foregroundColor
            $backIndex = [int]$backgroundColor

            if ($foreIndex -lt 0 -or $foreIndex -ge [PSStyle]::ForegroundColorMap.Length)
                throw "Error: ForegroundColor ($foregroundColor) out of range."

            if ($backIndex -lt 0 -or $backIndex -ge [PSStyle]::ForegroundColorMap.Length)
                throw "Error: BackgroundColor ($backgroundColor) out of range."

            $fgColor = [PSStyle]::ForegroundColorMap[$foreIndex];
            $bgColor = [PSStyle]::BackgroundColorMap[$backIndex];

            return "${fgColor};${bgColor}"