BeforeAll { Set-StrictMode -Version latest # Make sure MetaFixers.psm1 is loaded - it contains Get-TextFilesList Import-Module -Name (Join-Path -Path $PSScriptRoot -ChildPath 'MetaFixers.psm1') -Verbose:$false -Force $projectRoot = $ENV:BHProjectPath if (-not $projectRoot) { $projectRoot = $PSScriptRoot } $allTextFiles = Get-TextFilesList $projectRoot $unicodeFilesCount = 0 $totalTabsCount = 0 foreach ($textFile in $allTextFiles) { if (Test-FileUnicode $textFile) { $unicodeFilesCount++ Write-Warning ( "File $($textFile.FullName) contains 0x00 bytes." + " It probably uses Unicode/UTF-16 and needs to be converted to UTF-8." + " Use Fixer 'Get-UnicodeFilesList `$pwd | ConvertTo-UTF8'." ) } $unicodeFilesCount | Should -Be 0 $fileName = $textFile.FullName (Get-Content $fileName -Raw) | Select-String "`t" | Foreach-Object { Write-Warning ( "There are tabs in $fileName." + " Use Fixer 'Get-TextFilesList `$pwd | ConvertTo-SpaceIndentation'." ) $totalTabsCount++ } } } Describe 'Text files formatting' { Context 'File encoding' { It "No text file uses Unicode/UTF-16 encoding" { $unicodeFilesCount | Should -Be 0 } } Context 'Indentations' { It "No text file use tabs for indentations" { $totalTabsCount | Should -Be 0 } } } |