And 'create playlist (?<name>.+) which ispublic:(?<IsPublic>.+) and Collaborative:(?<Collaborative>.+)' { param($name, $ispublic, $Collaborative) $Params = @{Name = $name} if ([boolean]::Parse("$ispublic")) { $Params.add("IsPublic", $true) } if ([boolean]::Parse("$Collaborative")) { $Params.add("IsCollaborative", $true) } $global:mockedapiplaylist = [PSCustomObject]@{ id = "123" Name = $Name description = "" collaborative = [boolean]::Parse($Collaborative) public = [boolean]::Parse($IsPublic) Owner = @{ Id = "456" } } mock Invoke-RestMethod -ParameterFilter { $uri -match "users/.+/playlists" -and $method -eq "post" } -MockWith { $global:mockedapiplaylist } mock Invoke-RestMethod -ParameterFilter { $uri -match "users/456/playlists/123" -and $method -eq "get" } -MockWith { $global:mockedapiplaylist } mock Get-SpotifyProfile -ParameterFilter {$id -eq "456"} -MockWith { param($id) [PSSpotify.UserProfile]@{ Id = $id } } $Playlist = New-SpotifyPlaylist @params } Then 'playlist (?<name>.+) should exist and be ispublic:(?<IsPublic>.+) and Collaborative:(?<Collaborative>.+)' { param($name, $ispublic, $Collaborative) $Playlist = Get-SpotifyPlaylist -Id $Playlist.id -UserId $Playlist.Owner.Id $Playlist | should -BeOfType PSSpotify.Playlist $Playlist.Name | Should -Be $name $Playlist.Public.tostring() | Should -Be $ispublic $Playlist.Collaborative.tostring() | Should -Be $Collaborative } And 'when I set playlist (?<name>.+) description to (?<description>.+)' { param ($name, $description) mock Invoke-RestMethod -ParameterFilter { $uri -match "users/.+/playlists/$($global:mockedapiplaylist.id)" -and $method -eq "Put" } -MockWith { param ($Body) $data = $body | ConvertFrom-Json $global:mockedapiplaylist.description = $data.description } $Playlist = $Playlist | Set-SpotifyPlaylist -Description $description -PassThru } Then 'playlist (?<name>.+) should have (?<description>.+) as description' { param($name, $description) $Playlist = Get-SpotifyPlaylist -Id $Playlist.id -UserId $Playlist.Owner.Id $Playlist | should -BeOfType PSSpotify.Playlist $Playlist.description | Should -Be $description } |