[CmdletBinding()] param() $script:moduleRoot = Split-Path $PSScriptRoot -Parent Import-Module $script:moduleRoot -Force Connect-Spotify -ClientIdSecret (import-clixml .\Credential.xml) -KeepCredential | out-null Describe 'Spotify Following Feature' { $Playlist = Find-SpotifyPlaylist -Filter "justin Bieber" | select -first 1 $Tracks = Find-SpotifyTrack -Filter "Justin Bieber" -Limit 5 Context -Name 'Get specific Playlist' { { $P = Get-SpotifyPlaylist -Id $Playlist.id -UserId $Playlist.owner.id $P.owner.id -eq $Playlist.owner.id -and ` $P.id -eq $Playlist.id -and ` $P.Type -eq "Playlist" ` } | should be $true } Context -Name 'Get My Playlists' { { $P = Get-SpotifyPlaylist -My $P[0].type -eq "Playlist" } | should be $true } Context -Name 'New Playlist' { {New-SpotifyPlaylist -Name "Pester" -Description "MyPlaylist"} | should not throw { $P = Get-SpotifyPlaylist -My | ? { $_.Name -eq "Pester" } $P.Name -eq "Pester" -and ` $P.Description -eq "MyPlaylist" } | should be $true } Context -Name 'Add Tracks to Playlist' { {$P = Get-SpotifyPlaylist -My | ? { $_.Name -eq "Pester" }; $P | Add-SpotifyTracktoPlaylist -Tracks $Tracks.uri} | should not throw { $P = Get-SpotifyPlaylist -My | ? { $_.Name -eq "Pester" } (Compare-Object (Get-SpotifyTrack -PlaylistId $P.id -UserId $P.owner.id) $Tracks) -eq $null } | should be $true } Context -Name 'Set Track Position' { { $P = Get-SpotifyPlaylist -My | ? { $_.Name -eq "Pester" }; Set-SpotifyPlaylistTrackPosition -Id $P.id -UserId $P.owner.id -StartPosition 3 -NumberofTracks 2 -EndPosition 1 } | should not throw { $P = Get-SpotifyPlaylist -My | ? { $_.Name -eq "Pester" } $PTracks = Get-SpotifyTrack -PlaylistId $P.id -UserId $P.owner.id $PTracks[0] -eq $Tracks[3] -and $PTracks[1] -eq $Tracks[4] } | should be $true } Context -Name 'Randomise track order' { { $P = Get-SpotifyPlaylist -My | ? { $_.Name -eq "Pester" }; $oTracks = Get-SpotifyTrack -PlaylistId $P.id -UserId $P.owner.id; Randomize-SpotifyPlaylistTrackOrder -Id $P.id -UserId $P.owner.id } | should not throw { $RTracks = Get-SpotifyTrack -PlaylistId $P.id -UserId $P.owner.id $otracks | % { $_ -ne $RTracks[$otracks.indexof($_)] } } | should be $true } Context -Name 'Remove track from Playlist' { { $P = Get-SpotifyPlaylist -My | ? { $_.Name -eq "Pester" }; Remove-SpotifyTrackfromPlaylist -Id $P.id -UserId $P.owner.id -Tracks $Tracks[4].uri } | should not throw { $P = Get-SpotifyPlaylist -My | ? { $_.Name -eq "Pester" }; $PTracks = Get-SpotifyTrack -PlaylistId $P.id -UserId $P.owner.id; $PTracks.contains($Tracks[4]) -eq $false } | should be $true } } |