Given 'the OAuth module is imported' { import-module $PSScriptRoot\..\PSSpotify.psd1 -Force -DisableNameChecking -Global } Given 'the OAuth API is available' { param($InputData) $global:Data = ConvertFrom-StringData $InputData $global:Cred = (import-clixml $Data["CredPath"]) $global:TokenEndpoint = $Data["TokenEndpoint"] $global:AuthorizationEndpoint = $Data["AuthorizationEndpoint"] $global:RedirectUri = $Data["RedirectUri"] $global:RefreshToken = $Data["RefreshToken"] $global:Perms = $Data["Perms"] } Given 'the OAuth API is mocked' { $global:Cred = New-Object PSCredential -ArgumentList 'user', (ConvertTo-SecureString 'password' -AsPlainText -Force) $global:TokenEndpoint = "https://localhost/MockApi/token" $global:AuthorizationEndpoint = "https://localhost/authorize" $global:RedirectUri = "http://localhost:8001" $global:RefreshToken = "123" $global:AccessToken = "456" $global:AuthCode = "789" $global:Perms = "Scope1", "Scope2" mock -CommandName Invoke-RestMethod -ParameterFilter {$Uri -eq $global:TokenEndpoint} -MockWith { [pscustomobject]@{ access_token = $global:AccessToken refresh_token = $global:RefreshToken token_type = "Bearer" expires_in = 3600 scope = ($global:Perms -join ' ') } } mock -CommandName New-OAuthConfirmationWindow -MockWith { $global:AuthCode } } And 'an OAuth RefreshToken is specified' { $AccessTokenParams = @{ TokenEndpoint = $global:TokenEndpoint ClientidSecret = $global:Cred RefreshToken = $global:RefreshToken } } But "an OAuth RefreshToken isn't specified" { $AuthCodeParams = @{ AuthorizationEndpoint = $global:AuthorizationEndpoint RedirectUri = $global:RedirectUri ClientidSecret = $global:Cred Permissions = $global:Perms } $AccessTokenParams = @{ TokenEndpoint = $global:TokenEndpoint ClientidSecret = $global:Cred AuthorizationCode = $global:AuthCode RedirectUri = $global:RedirectUri } } When 'I request an access token from the API' { $session = Get-AccessToken @AccessTokenParams } When 'I request an auth code from the API' { $AccessTokenParams["AuthorizationCode"] = Get-AuthorizationCode @AuthCodeParams } Then 'an OAuth Session object should be returned' { $Session | Should -Not -BeNullOrEmpty } And 'an OAuth Session object should be valid' { $Session.access_token | should -BeOfType string $Session.expires_in | should -BeOfType int $Session.token_Type | should -Be "Bearer" $Session.Scope | should -BeOfType string } And 'an OAuth Session object permissions should match' { param($Perm) $Session.Scope | should -BeLike "*$Perm*" } |