
Function Connect-Splunk
        Script to establish a connection to Splunk
        Script to establish a connection to Splunk
    .PARAMETER Server
        Name of the Splunk server
        Port number used by the Splunk server, default is 8089
    .PARAMETER Credential
        Username and password needed to authenticate
        Connect-Splunk -Server
        Connect-Splunk -Server -Port 9999
        Author: Martin Pugh
        Twitter: @martin9700
        Spiceworks: Martin9700

            02/27/21 Initial Release

    Param (

        [int]$Port = 8089,


    If ((-not (Get-Variable SplunkConnect -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) -or $Script:SplunkConnect.Expires -lt (Get-Date))
        $AuthSplat = @{
            Uri             = "https://$($server):$port/services/auth/login"
            UseBasicParsing = $true
            Body            = "username=$($Credential.UserName);password=$($Credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password)"
            Method          = "Post"
            ContentType     = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
            ErrorAction     = "Stop"

        Try {
            $Return = Invoke-RestMethod @AuthSplat
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Unable to authenticate to Splunk ($server), error: $_"

        $Header = @{
            Authorization = "Splunk $($Return.response.sessionKey)"

        $Script:SplunkConnect = [PSCustomObject]@{
            BaseUri     = "https://$($server):$port"
            Header      = $Header
            Expires     = (Get-Date).AddHours(6)
        Write-Verbose "Already have a valid connection to Splunk"
Function Disconnect-Splunk
        Script to delete the connection variable to Splunk
        Script to delete the connection variable to Splunk
        Author: Martin Pugh
        Twitter: @martin9700
        Spiceworks: Martin9700

            02/27/21 Initial Release

    Param ()

    Process {
        Remove-Variable -Name SplunkConnect -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Function Get-SplunkSearchJob
        Script to retrieve detailed information about a submitted search job
        This script will retrieve detailed information about a search job you (or someone) has submitted.
        It does not retrieve any gathered results of the job.
    .PARAMETER sid
        This is the sid of the job. You can use Get-SplunkSearchJobList to locate your job and get the
        sid. The sid is also given when you run Start-SplunkSearch.
        Get-SplunkSearchJobList -Filter "*4740*" | Select-Object -First 1 | Get-SplunkSearchJob

        This example will use Get-SplunkSearchJobList to find any jobs with the text 4740 (user locked out)
        in the name field--name field is always the text of the full search. If there are multiple returns it
        will filter to only the first one, then retrieve the detailed information from that job.
        Get-SplunkSearchJob -sid 123456789.12345

        This will retrieve the job information for the above sid.
        Author: Martin Pugh
        Twitter: @martin9700
        Spiceworks: Martin9700

            02/27/21 Initial Release

    Param (

    Begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Starting Get-SplunkSearchJob"

    Process {
        $Splat = @{
            Uri = "/services/search/jobs/$sid"
        $Result = Invoke-SplunkMethod @Splat
        $Data = $Result |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty entry |
            Select-Object Id,Updated,Published,Author,Name
        $Content = $Result.entry.content

        $Properties = $Content | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
        ForEach ($Property in $Properties)
            $Data | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $Property -Value $Content.$Property

        Write-Output $Data
Function Get-SplunkSearchJobList
        This will list all of the jobs currently stored on the Splunk server (whether they are running or
        Retrieve a list of jobs. Output is limited to just enough to identify the job from the search
        criteria. Results can be piped into Get-SplunkSearchJob to get more detailed information about the
    .PARAMETER Filter
        Use this parameter to filter the results as needed. Supports wildcards.
        Get-SplunkSearchJobList -Filter "*4740*"

        This example will use Get-SplunkSearchJobList to find any jobs with the text 4740 (user locked out)
        in the name field--name field is always the text of the full search.
        Author: Martin Pugh
        Twitter: @martin9700
        Spiceworks: Martin9700

            02/27/21 Initial Release

    Param (

    Begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Starting Get-SplunkSearchJobList"

    Process {
        $Splat = @{
            Uri         = "/services/search/jobs"
            ErrorAction = "Stop"
        $Data = Invoke-SplunkMethod @Splat |
            Select-Object -ExpandProperty entry |
            Select-Object @{Name = "sid";Expression={ $_.content.sid}},
                @{Name = "Published";Expression={ Get-Date $_.published }},
                @{Name = "Name"; Expression={ $}}

        If ($Filter)
            $Data = $Data | Where-Object Name -like $Filter

        Write-Output $Data
Function Invoke-SplunkMethod
        This makes the API calls to Splunk
        Used by most of the functions within this module as a common way to make API calls to Splunk. This
        has been made available to the user in case you need to do some functions not currently covered by
        the module.
        The Connect-Splunk function saves the server name and port of the Splunk server, so this would be
        the full path after that.

            Full path:
            You would enter: /services/search/jobs
        Hashtable of parameters needed by the API endpoint. Make sure to follow the case set out in the
        Splunk API reference, Splunk is case sensitive.

                offset = 50
                count = 50
    .PARAMETER Method
        Web method for the API endpoint. Must be "GET","POST","PUT" or "DELETE". GET is the default.
        Invoke-SplunkMethod -Uri "/services/search/jobs"

        This would do a GET call to the "/services/search/jobs" endpoint.
        Author: Martin Pugh
        Twitter: @martin9700
        Spiceworks: Martin9700

            02/27/21 Initial Release

    Param (
        [string]$Method = "GET"

    Process {
        If ($Uri[0] -ne "/")
            $Uri = "/$Uri"

        $Uri = "$($Uri)?output_mode=json"

        $RestSplat = @{
            Uri             = "$($Script:SplunkConnect.BaseUri)$Uri"
            Header          = $Script:SplunkConnect.Header
            Method          = $Method
            Body            = $Body
            UseBasicParsing = $true
            Verbose         = $false
            ErrorAction     = "Stop"
        Try {
            $Response = Invoke-RestMethod @RestSplat
        Catch {
            Write-Error "Error retrieving query: $_"

        # paging
        Return $Response
Function Receive-SplunkSearch
        Use this to retrieve results from your completed Splunk search
        This function is used to retrieve the search results from the designated search you created.
    .PARAMETER sid
        This is the sid associated with your search job.
    .PARAMETER ReceiveCount
        Default is 250 items.

        With larger queries you can get hundreds, if not thousands of results. To not kill your Splunk
        server this function limits the number items that can be retrieved by any single API call. This
        is being done in the background and you will get all results as output of this function.
        Start-SplunkSearch -Query "EventCode=4740" | Wait-SplunkSearch | Receive-SplunkSearch

        Starts a search looking for event id 4740, waits for the job to complete and then retrieves the results
        Get-SplunkSearchJobList -Filter "*4740*" | Receive-SplunkSearch
        Receive-SplunkSearch -sid 123456789.12345
        Author: Martin Pugh
        Twitter: @martin9700
        Spiceworks: Martin9700

            02/27/21 Initial Release

    Param (

        [int]$ReceiveCount = 250

    Begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Starting Receive-SplunkSearch"

    Process {
        $GetJob = Get-SplunkSearchJob -sid $sid

        $Top = 0
        If ($GetJob.resultCount -gt $ReceiveCount)
            $Top = [math]::Ceiling($GetJob.resultCount / $ReceiveCount) - 1
        $OffsetCount = 0
        $Data = ForEach ($Offset in (0..$Top))
            If ($Offset -gt 0)
                $OffsetCount += $ReceiveCount
            $RetrieveSplat = @{
                Uri  = "/services/search/jobs/$sid/results"
                Body = @{
                    count  = $ReceiveCount
                    offset = $OffsetCount
            Invoke-SplunkMethod @RetrieveSplat | Select-Object -ExpandProperty results
        $Data | Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name "Date" -Value { Get-Date $this._time }
        Write-Output $Data
Function Remove-SplunkSearch
        Delete the search job
        When you've retrieved the search results needed, you can remote the search and it's results from the
        server using this function.
    .PARAMETER sid
        This is the sid associated with your search job.
        Remove-SplunkSearch -sid 123456789.12345

        Removes the specified search job.
        Get-SplunkSearchJobList -Filter "*4740*" | Remove-SplunkSearch
        Author: Martin Pugh
        Twitter: @martin9700
        Spiceworks: Martin9700

            02/27/21 Initial Release

    Param (


    Begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Starting Remove-SplunkSearch"

    Process {
        $Job = Get-SplunkSearchJob -sid $sid -ErrorAction Stop

        $DeleteSplat = @{
            Uri         = "/services/search/jobs/$sid"
            Method      = "DELETE"
            ErrorAction = "Stop"

        If ($Force -or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove this Splunk job?", $Job.Name))
            Invoke-SplunkMethod @DeleteSplat
Function Start-SplunkSearch
        Start a search job on your Splunk server
        This will start a search job on your Splunk server, returning just the sid number of that job.
        Use Wait-SplunkSearch to watch the job until it finishes, and then Receive-SplunkSearch to
        retrieve the results.
    .PARAMETER Query
        This is the query (using Splunk's query language) for your search
    .PARAMETER Start
        Start time of your search. To keep you from overwhelming your server this defaults to 1 day
        End time of your search. By default this will be now.
    .PARAMETER Index
        Specify the index you wish to search. This is an optional parameter and you could include the
        index in your Query if you wanted to.
        Remove-SplunkSearch -sid 123456789.12345

        Removes the specified search job.
        Get-SplunkSearchJobList -Filter "*4740*" | Remove-SplunkSearch
        Author: Martin Pugh
        Twitter: @martin9700
        Spiceworks: Martin9700

            02/27/21 Initial Release

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    Param (

        [datetime]$Start = ((Get-Date).AddDays(-1)),

        [datetime]$End = (Get-Date),


    Begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Starting Start-SplunkSearch"

    Process {
        $Search = $Query

        If ($Index -and $Search -notmatch "index ?= ?")
            $Search += " index=$Index"

        $Body = @{
            search        = "search $Search"
            earliest_time = Get-Date $Start.ToUniversalTime() -Format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"
            latest_time   = Get-Date $End.ToUniversalTime() -Format "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"

        $SearchSplat = @{
            Uri    = "/services/search/jobs"
            Body   = $Body
            Method = "POST"
        $Data = Invoke-SplunkMethod @SearchSplat

            sid           = $Data.sid
            Search        = $Body.Search
            Earliest_Time = $Body.earliest_time
            Latest_Time   = $Body.latest_time

Function ValidateSplunk
        Helper script to make sure a connection variable has been created

    Param ()

    If (-not (Get-Variable SplunkConnect -Scope Script -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue))
        Write-Error "You have not connected to Splunk, please run Connect-Splunk" -ErrorAction Stop
    ElseIf ($Script:SplunkConnect.Expires -lt (Get-Date))
        Write-Error "Your Splunk connection has expired, please run Connect-Splunk again" -ErrorAction Stop
Function Wait-SplunkSearch
        Wait for a search result job to finish
        You can use this function to watch a running search job until it finishes.
    .PARAMETER sid
        This is the sid associated with your search job.
        Start-SplunkSearch -Query "EventCode=4740" Index="domain_controllers" -Start "2/20/21" -End "2/22/21" | Wait-SplunkSearch

        Begins a search and waits for it to complete.
        Get-SplunkSearchJobList -Filter "*4740*" | Wait-SplunkSearch

        If this filter returns multiple results, it will wait for the first one before moving on to the second and so on.
        Author: Martin Pugh
        Twitter: @martin9700
        Spiceworks: Martin9700

            02/27/21 Initial Release

    Param (

    Begin {
        Write-Verbose -Message "Starting Wait-SplunkSearch"

    Process {
        $SearchSplat = @{
            Uri         = "/services/search/jobs/$sid"
            Method      = "GET"
            ErrorAction = "Stop"

        $Wait = 0
        Do {
            Start-Sleep -Seconds $Wait
            $GetJob = Invoke-SplunkMethod @SearchSplat
            If (-not $Wait)
                $Start = Get-Date $GetJob.entry.content.request.earliest_time -Format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"
                $End   = Get-Date $GetJob.entry.content.request.latest_time -Format "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"
                Write-Verbose "Title: $($ Start: $Start End: $End"
                $Wait = 8
            Write-Verbose "Job ($sid) status is $($GetJob.entry.content.dispatchState) ($($GetJob.entry.content.runDuration))"
        } Until ($GetJob.entry.content.isDone)

            sid           = $sid
            Name          = $
            Earliest_Time = $Start
            Latest_Time   = $End
            RunDuration   = $GetJob.entry.content.runDuration
            Status        = $GetJob.entry.content.dispatchState