function Set-SpeedTestConfig { <# .SYNOPSIS Set the default server configurations for Internet and Local speed test servers. .DESCRIPTION Set the default server configurations for Internet and Local speed test servers. Convert parameter values to appropriate PSCustomObject and write to the JSON configuration file. .PARAMETER InternetServer The server that will be utilized when running "Invoke-SpeedTest -Internet". .PARAMETER InternetPort The port that will be utilized when running "Invoke-SpeedTest -Internet". .PARAMETER LocalServer The server that will be utilized when running "Invoke-SpeedTest -Local". .PARAMETER LocalPort The port that will be utilized when running "Invoke-SpeedTest -Local". .EXAMPLE Set-SpeedTestConfig -InternetServer "" -InternetPort "5201" Sets the default Internet speed test server to "" on port "5201". .EXAMPLE Set-SpeedTestConfig -InternetServer "" Sets the default Internet speed test server to "". When running a speed test, the last saved Internet port will be utilized, or the default port "5201". .EXAMPLE Set-SpeedTestConfig -InternetPort "5201" Sets the default Internet speed test port to "5201". Requires a previously-saved Internet speed test server. .EXAMPLE Set-SpeedTestConfig -LocalServer "" -LocalPort "5201" Sets the default Local speed test server to "" on port "5201". .EXAMPLE Set-SpeedTestConfig -LocalServer "" Sets the default Local speed test server to "". When running a speed test, the last saved Local port will be utilized, or the default port "5201". .EXAMPLE Set-SpeedTestConfig -Local "5201" Sets the default Local speed test port to "5201". Requires a previously-saved Local speed test server. #> [CmdletBinding()] Param( [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $InternetServer, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $InternetPort, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $LocalServer, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $LocalPort ) try { Write-Verbose -Message "Trying Get-SpeedTestConfig before Set-SpeedTestConfig." $config = Get-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot\config.json" -ErrorAction "Stop" | ConvertFrom-Json Write-Verbose -Message "Stored config.json found." } catch { Write-Verbose -Message "No configuration found - starting with empty configuration." $jsonString = @" { "defaultLocalServer" : { "defaultServer" : "", "defaultPort" : "" }, "defaultInternetServer" : { "defaultServer" : "", "defaultPort" : "" } } "@ $config = $jsonString | ConvertFrom-Json } # Detailed parameter validation against current configuration if ($InternetPort -and (!($InternetServer)) -and (!($config.defaultInternetServer.defaultServer))) { throw "Cannot set an Internet port with an empty InternetServer setting." } if ($LocalPort -and (!($LocalServer)) -and (!($config.defaultLocalServer.defaultServer))) { throw "Cannot set a Local port with an empty LocalServer setting." } if ($InternetServer) {$config.defaultInternetServer.defaultServer = $InternetServer} if ($InternetPort) {$config.defaultInternetServer.defaultPort = $InternetPort} if ($LocalServer) {$config.defaultLocalServer.defaultServer = $LocalServer} if ($LocalPort) {$config.defaultLocalServer.defaultPort = $LocalPort} Write-Verbose -Message "Setting config.json." $config | ConvertTo-Json | Set-Content -Path "$PSScriptRoot\config.json" } |