<# .SYNOPSIS Starts a bandwidth test over the internet or on the local private network. .DESCRIPTION Starts a bandwidth test with iPerf3 over the internet against a public iPerf3 server, or on the local private network against a previously-configured iPerf3 server. .PARAMETER Internet Forces the bandwitdth test to run over the internet against a public iPerf3 server. If a default public iPerf3 server is not specified in the configuration file, the user will be prompted to run Set-SpeedTestConfig. .PARAMETER Local Forces the bandwidth test to run over the local network against a locally-accessible iPerf3 server. If a default server is not specified in the configuration file, the user will be prompted to run Set-SpeedTestConfig. .PARAMETER Server The hostname or IP address of a server that is running iPerf3 as a listening service. .PARAMETER Port The port on the iPerf3 server that iPerf3 is listening on. This will run the local iPerf3 client on the same port as they must match on the client and the server. If Server is specified and Port is not, the default port '5201' will be used. .PARAMETER PassThru Returns a PSCustomObject with the send/receive speeds as properties. .PARAMETER Force Skips any confirmations of installation of the ChocolateyGet PackageProvider and iPerf3 package. .EXAMPLE Invoke-SpeedTest -Internet Runs a bandwidth test against default public iPerf3 server that is stored in the configuration. If there is no stored default, you will be prompted to set one. .EXAMPLE Invoke-SpeedTest -Local Runs a bandwidth test against default local iPerf3 server that is stored in the configuration. If there is no stored default, you will be prompted to set one. .EXAMPLE Invoke-SpeedTest -Server Runs a bandwidth test against iPerf3 server '' on default port '5201'. .EXAMPLE Invoke-SpeedTest -Server -Port 7777 Runs a bandwidth test against iPerf3 server '' on port '7777'. .EXAMPLE Invoke-SpeedTest -Server -Port 7777 Runs a bandwidth test against iPerf3 server '' on port '7777'. Returns the send/receive speeds as a PSCustomObject with properties. #> function Invoke-SpeedTest { [CmdletBinding()] Param ( [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Internet")] [Switch] $Internet, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Local")] [Switch] $Local, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, ParameterSetName="Specified")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $Server, [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Specified")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String] $Port, [Switch] $PassThru, [Switch] $Force ) Write-Verbose -Message "Starting speed test." Install-ChocolateyGetProvider -Force:$Force Install-iPerf3 -Force:$Force $config = Get-SpeedTestConfig -PassThru $command = "iperf3.exe " $usedServer = "" $usedPort = "" if ($Internet) { Write-Verbose -Message "Defaulting to stored Internet speed test server settings." if (!($config.defaultInternetServer.defaultServer)) { throw "No default Internet server configured - run Set-SpeedTestConfig." } else { $usedServer = $config.defaultInternetServer.defaultServer $command = $command + "-c $usedServer " if ($config.defaultInternetServer.defaultPort) { $usedPort = $config.defaultInternetServer.defaultPort $command = $command + "-p $usedPort " } else { $usedPort = $config.defaultPort $command = $command + "-p $usedPort " } } } elseif ($Local) { Write-Verbose -Message "Defaulting to stored Local speed test server settings." if (!($config.defaultLocalServer.defaultServer)) { throw "No default Local server configured - run Set-SpeedTestConfig." } else { $usedServer = $config.defaultLocalServer.defaultServer $command = $command + "-c $usedServer " if ($config.defaultLocalServer.defaultPort) { $usedPort = $config.defaultLocalServer.defaultPort $command = $command + "-p $usedPort " } else { $usedPort = $config.defaultPort $command = $command + "-p $usedPort " } } } elseif ($Server) { Write-Verbose -Message "Server: $Server and port: $Port specified manually." $usedServer = $Server $command = $command + "-c $usedServer " if ($Port) { $usedPort = $Port $command = $command + "-p $usedPort " } else { $usedPort = $config.defaultPort $command = $command + "-p $usedPort " } } $command = $command + "-f m -J" Write-Verbose -Message "Executing command: $command" $resultsJSON = Invoke-Expression -Command $command $resultsPS = $resultsJSON | ConvertFrom-Json if ($resultsPS.error) { if ($resultsPS.error -match 'unable to connect to server'){ throw "Catastrophic error occurred: $($resultsPS.error)" } else { Write-Warning -Message "Problem occurred: $($resultsPS.error)" $megabitsPerSecSent = 0 $megabitsPerSecReceived = 0 } } else { Write-Verbose -Message "Speed test successful; calculating mbps and returning PSCustomObject." $megabitsPerSecSent = (($resultsPS.end.sum_sent.bits_per_second) / 1000000.0).ToInt32($null) $megabitsPerSecReceived = (($resultsPS.end.sum_received.bits_per_second) / 1000000.0).ToInt32($null) } if ($PassThru) { $returnObj = New-Object -TypeName 'PSCustomObject' @{ megabitsPerSecSent = $megabitsPerSecSent; megabitsPerSecReceived = $megabitsPerSecReceived; } return $returnObj } else { Write-Host "Results of speed test against server '$usedServer' on port '$usedPort':" Write-Host " Send speed: $megabitsPerSecSent mbps" Write-Host " Receive speed: $megabitsPerSecReceived mbps" } } |